The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, July 13, 1916, Image 6

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No coal , wood or ashes
to tug iiu vVutul CT
the fire to burn up. Bet
ter cooking because of
the steady, evenly-distributed
heat, under
perfect control. All heat
concentrated on the
cook ing undnot radiat ed
around the room. The
long, bluechimneyn
prevent all smoke and
Bakm, holla, roasts, toast.
Mors ffflcltnt than your
Of eotj atova and coata
laaa In nparala.
For Sale by
Ontario Hardware Co.
Down Town Office
$3.25 per hundred
Cash for Poultry
Ontario Produce Co.
I.I.I... I .in. I- i Co.
Ta Marks aM ( Nw lUlal
For Artesian or Natural
The Only Sanitary Ire
in I V n
Mmm I.'jT-K
every: body
When You Wear a
Tailor Made Suit
riiere la a pecullur distinction
in the fit and workmanship
mi nil puts il iii u cluss by it
self, uiiil the wearer iu a class
by himself, with other tailor
garbed iuimi
When wti make it your Mitt
Is made to fit you, and not a
wooden dummy. No two forms
are exactly alike. htMt M uit
patterned after a dummy will
give you M exact fit. Mgh
you not when ve take your la
dividual Hi' I m 'incuts.
$20.00 to $50.00
And anywhere between
Oppoaite I'osloflit . I'hone 105 VV
Like G
tot comTort
an3 convenience
For Best Remits
Use Pearl Oil
Better cooking
and a cleaner,
cooler kitchen.
Now serving
In 1. 2. 1 and 4-
or without nvrn.
Alao cahinat
m o d a I a with Cooking
l Twice a Long anil Thrice gg W lilr
M lulled Htate.
I iiia;raph leal Review)
At preaent the Russian empire
eucompaeaea 4 2 degrees of latitude
ami no less than If I decreet) of long
itude - that la to amy, It doubles the
extent of the I'nlled Slates In length
anil nearly tr.ples It ,n lireadtli Tin'
Kinpire slate of New York could he
easily set down In tag I.I I . .' II I
squsre mllen of the Itusslun empire's
area !.' times, while Itussla, west of
tin' I rati alone, Ik ten linn the slue
mi l'i .mi. ami :: .1 times the alie of
Kuglaiid and Wales Kuropean Itus
sla takes up over one-half of Kurope,
and s atle Itussla out inn- third of
all Asia. So we find Itussla nccupy
inx more than one-seventh of the
total land surface of the globe.
hi iIIscussIiik the various parts of
this Klxantlr whole, custom has fixed
a dividing line between east and west
In the I'ral niountalns This bound
ary, however, la, like the equatorial
line, mure fictitious than real Kuro
peuu Itussla and Western Siberia
are, generally speaking-, one vaat
plain, which slopes on the north to
lue A Hill ocean ami on the south to
the Black sea and the Caspian. Th's
Jail is h.irely broken hy the
I'rals, in their central par', win-re
the Trail .hiii. m railroad crosses
I ln-in , Ihe a.-iiiil kj H gradual that
one II not in I in- li ..-i -i I in .1
MeendlBg, until al a given momeiil
a sign post bj reached which points
in me .Iiu. thin "In Kurope," in the
other "to Asia " A slight change In
the character of the vegetation Is also
m .in eil Hut helm.- .ilnl hehlliil are
the great sweep Ol level ccnintry.
I'., Ihe Asiatic side of the I'rals
the tinners from Hie other end of
tin iila it have been flocking for
years, iu spite of the 111 repute that
accompanies a penal settlement
Thei Mini natural conditions very
little different from the Kuropean
iu,. hut lliiv 1 1 ii it a virgin soil, a
chain-, in -tart lite afresh Tln-i gfg
ii ni 1 1 prosperous and hapny and
less restricted by govern men! regu
latlons. These are the builders of
the new Itussla In them there Is all
the luing promise of the future.
They have the backbone of the race;
they ure the purest Hus-slsn stock,
and. at ihe MaM time, as pioneers in
a ii, w country, their vision is broad
er, (hey lire untrammeled by rouveu
lion, they are as fresh and vigorous
as the untamed nature around them
IN TltrASt lt Of STATU
Salem. Or., July 6 According to
the iU.ulerl report of Stale Treas
urer Kay there was a balance of $1,
. i, . ii I.' nS in all funds on June IIU.
The receipts during the quarter to
taled ll.MMIJ.M, ''" disburse
merits $l,:irJ2.014 94. ami there was
a balance of $1,201,574 34 on April
I 1 In the general In nil there was a
I , , I ...... of IlillHSli; II on Anrll 1.
the receipts during the period aggre
gated $1,370,385.37, th e disburse
ments $834,088.35, leaving a balance
of $1,206, 13. 15.
Portland Material now being as
sembled to build five 880 ton Bteel
freight steamers
Itoseburg 4(1 men at work M lei
ephono line to Myrtle Point.
Oregon direct primary cost candi
dates $56,942: state niul counties
about $150,000.
Shelbiirn New mini to Siinllnm
river nnd ferry being built
Some towns tnke more Interest In
Sunday baseball than in a h W
lung COBtraOtOfg on imouii.I
and material ordered for in federal
Myrtle Creok New bridge across
t'mp't'ia opened tO traffic.
Siniii i i.ike Irrlgi tinn projt i . ol
joffoi ..ii county, bonds being sold
to Irrigate 12.000 ncres. Nuu-i Ui
1 1 tared Is nine sad latUos Lskos,
II miles from center of ploccl
Income latS I nllected In Oregon
for year just closed $1 is, 437, us
against $ 1 :'.:.. :in, i.,r year previous.
Marshflotd state win saaorrtso
expenditure nl good roads bonds Is
sue of Coos county of $362,000.
i o Huge drove O P. K. rail
road erecting gasoline storage ware-
lion e
The mulls are lloodeil with appeals
for publicity at public expense, writ
ten by officials drawing salaries,
printed at public expense, stumped
with postage paid for by the taxpay
ers, sent out from offices paid for by
the public to Increase public bur
dens Springwater --Klaetsrh sawmill In
operation employing 15 men.
Albany Herald -"At the present
lime the railroads, ns public service
Institutions, are largely controlled bv
commissions appointed hy the gov
eminent. Another long and Import
ant atep will be to give the same
commissions power to regulate rela
tions between public aervlce Institu
tions and employee."
Fanners of Polk and llenton
counties co-operating with state for
water grade highway from Salem to
Coos Hay bar aurvey shows depth
of channel 27 feel low tide 800 feet
wide v
Wlllamlna to have new M I:
American Soda Products Co., of
San l i. mi li n Installing plant north
east of Paisley to refine alkali.
Kcho O -W It a N l'ii., will
build 2100 feet passing track here.
Hood Itlver Apple confection fac
tory to he hull).
Coquille Hurtled creamery to be
Newport to build concrete aeawall
710 feet long.
linker Itich strikes reported In
Conner creek mines.
Cottage drove Standard Oil Co.,
pet nutted to Install station here.
drains Pass will have sugar beet
.1 In to f I I ,n cattle
Stay ton - lllack Kagle mines de
velop $200 per ton ore
M ii-hfleld Contract let for rad.u
Hums Crane la new terminus of
railroad Into Harney county.
Springfield to have new skating
rink built
to hard surface main
mi .in.
Ii"ii me .li 'posit located 14 tulles
irom Cottage QfOYS
Portland woolen mills bus bought
and is iiioi lug Kllenshurg woolen
mill here
A bill to do away will, p,.l I .. ,!
parties In Washington will in all
probability meet the same fate as
did a similar hill in California.
Railroad men say strike send, sal
is dead An industrial plant can
stop work at end of eight hours, but
trams hearing llveaiock, fruit, mer
chandise and yjher products of ranch,
orchard and farm must he kept mov
ing to final destination To atop
them at (be end of eight hours would
spell ruin to the railroad and public
Congressman Sinnott of Eastern
Oregon promoting jack-rabbit hat In
dustry. MonmouHi plans civic Improve
ments to build model school city.
Railroads, .telephone and telegraph
companies are giving married men
full pay and single men half pay
while absent on service in Mexican
The Dalles I.lbby canning plant
lets contract for subway track under
The Shields bill would develop
cheap power for irrigation and make
the Snake River navigable.
Portland Strikers on O.-W'. N.
tunnel return to work.
Available for a naval base, mouth
of Columbia river channel will be 40
feet deep at low water and 700 feet
wide by August 1st.
Sampler Itibbon mine shipping
Mill much ore
Some men "know everything"
make a big noise, and get nowhere
Others know a few things, say little,
and get to the from. Take your
WAR Wot I. li si ni
IN I' I HI s RATIOS II1 Hound to Come Soon BOOSOOS
of Impending boaas to Helllger-
In the opinion of financiers money
rates nre certain to go higher In the
near future because of the Increas
ing demand in nil lines of industry
anil trade. aupplSBtOSUBg the abnor
mal demands of the countries nt war.
It Is regarded us a foregone conclu
sion that OrOSl Hritnln, Krunc nul
Itussla will soon seek additional
Inge loans 111 the I'lliteil Slalei I'll
nccoiint of the Imminent war of this
country will Mexico, the belief is
flOOl I large issue ol bonds lor war
purposes Naturally. It Is reasoned,
Ihe tremendous borrowing win an
v.iiice Interest rates all aroiiiul gad
the effect will he li'lt locally, result
ing in higher prices for prime se
curities. or great significance Hint I
Britain Is preparing to float Mother
huge loan Is the nctloti of that gov
ernment In levying an income tSJ id
in per cent OS American and oilier
foreign securities Tills Ml been
done In force the turning over to the
government of such securities as se
curity for a proposed new loan. Itrlt
ish holders of such securities who
turn their Investments over to the
rovcrnment on a loan basis are ex
empted from the heavy tax.
WINNING minis is
I.ieul. Slimn, of I on-lgn I .eg Ion.
Tells What Victory Means.
Those who met Lieutenant Charles
Sweeny. Jr.. American officer In the
French foreign legion, when be wa
In Portland In February are reading
the press reports of the present drive
by the allies with a new Interest.
"Winning a battle or being de
feated In battle Is not a matter of
losing men, nor even of losing or
winning a position." he told friends
In Portland during his visit. "No
matter how many men you've lost in
a battle, you have won that battle If
you have made the enemy believe
i he cannot stop you, that no mat
ter what your losses or what he does
you are coming right along In other
words, winning a battle Is a ques
tion of getting the other man's goat
And you've lost when you have the
feeling that no matter what efforts
you make you cannot be successful."
Lieutenant Sweeny Is (he only
American who Is an officer iu the
foreign legion He was awarded the
cross of the Legion of Honor not
long before coming lo Portland to
visit his father. Charles Sweeny, of
Spokane, who lias since died. He
was allowed until May I to recover
from a wound received In September.
He left Portland early iu April to
Insure his return to the Hue "some
where In France" where the foreign
legion is stutloned.
You, of course, have your opinion
ii rent affairs, and bellece that
you are right Your neighbor has
his and is equally firm In his belief
Respect the rights of each, and don't
lulled States
President Woodrow Wilson
Vict- 1'iesideut Thus. R. Marshal
Secretary of State, . . Robert lauiulug
Secretary of Titus, . . V U. Mc.Vdoo
Secretary oi War, . . L. M. Uarrlsos
Attorney-do. ieial, Thus. W. Gregory
Postiuaster-i neit.1. . . .A. Burleee
Secretary of Navy J. Daniels
Seu'y of Interioi ..Frank.Ua K.Laub
Sec'y of Agrio ilture,, D. F. Huustos
Hec'y of ComniMce, Win. C. Kedneld
Secretary of Lam i . . . .W. B. Wilson
Sec'yto the Free J. F. Tumulty
I. H. Supreme 4 0111 1
Chief Justice. ... Kdward i) SblK
Associate Justices,
Joseph McKenna
Oliver Wendell Holmes
William K. Da)
James C. McRe nolds
Char lee E. Hughes
.Willis VssDsvantsi
Joseph R. Ijimsr
Bfahkta Pitney
Vale V. H. Laad-tMUcera.
Reoiater Too. J.ue
Receiver M. N Fa,. Ig
State orncem.
Governor James W it by com
Sec' of State, Ben W Oloo
Treasurer 1 J. Kav
Attorney-General, . .Geo. i t:iown
Supt. of Public Iustruction
J. A. t'tiuiitiill
Dairy and Food Commissiosei
J. D. stickle
State Printer A. W. Lawrence
U. S. Senators,
Hary K. Lane y
G. L Chamberlain '
W. C. Hawley
N. J. Sinaot
C. N. McArthur eigJJM,j
As made to the comptroller of the currency at the close of
business, June 30, 1 9 I
Louis and Investment $381.410 5:.
Overdraft 7 1 2U
Siocl, In Unserve Hank I!. 000. 00
Realty and fixture
Cash Hest-r e
Cap.l.H ; 50.0C8 '"'
Mirplns and profits ....
Circulation Il.ll
tkeaoesta Ifl.TTMl
Thirty year ago the telephone waa a luxury. Today,
through personal Initiative and private enterprise. II baa become
a necessity within the reach of everybody. Where ones s busi
ness had but one telephone with s limited talking range, today
that business baa aervlce with a rangs three-quartera of a conti
nent broad, and every branch of every bsslness is linked to ev
ery other by sn Intercommunicating telephone system
The tetephoe baa earned Its rssponslbls place ana there are
oow 8,000.000 Belt telephones In this const ry, over wbtch go
26,000. 0O talks dally.
Every Bell Telephone is Ing Distance Station.
Malheur Home Telephone Co.
Overland 1913 model, newly
overhauled and nu'.nted. Run
less than 5000 miles. Nsw
1500 lb. truck overhauled and
Stoddard Dayton, guaranteed
tor one year.
And others.
iSequine's Garage
State su,ri-me Court
Chief Justice Frauk A. Moore
Associate Justices,
Thomas A. McUride
Henry J. lie. in
George H. Uurnelt
Robert Kakm '
Henry L. Benson
Lawrence T. Harris
Nlnll. Judicial District
District Judge Daltou Rlggljl
District Attorney W. H. llrooke
Soauktor atUli legislative Assembly
Joint Senator, -for Grant, Malheur,
and Harney Counties,
. . Loring V. Stewart
iiuui) Oateers
County Judge O. W. MeKnlght
County Clerk John P. Houston
Shsrif f Ben J. Brown
County commissioners,
John F. Weaver
Melville Kelley
County Treasurer, J. Ralph Weaver
Assessor .Lewis E. Hill
School Supt Fsy Clark
County Survayox. ....... U. F.Fsrmsr
County Corouor U. . Payne
Trusnt Officer A. R. Mcintosh
Justice of tbe Peace (Ontario Dis
trict O. L. King
i ii . uit rjourt
Circuit Court for Malheur county
meets In Vale, the county seat, on
the second Monday In January; on
the fourth Monday in April; and on
the first Tuesday In September for
regular session. Hon. Dalton Biggi,
Circuit Judge; W. H. Brooke, Dist
rict Attorney; John P. Houston,
County Court.
The County Court of Malheur
County meets In regular session at
Vale on the first Wednesday of Jan
uary, March, May, July, September
and November. County Judge, Geo.
W. McKnlght; M. D. Kelley and
John F. Weaver, Commissioners;
John P. Houston, Clerk,
The Palace
Meat Market
Opposite Dreamland
si.t MM
Sl s li. r
Better meat for tbe isms
Prices Never High Quality
Never Poor
Coexe In snd see the new
Telephone 1 1 1
Southern Idaho Headquarters for
Sections, Foundations, Supers,
Complete Hives and Pasta
made of selected soft WMte
Pine, by Western bee experts
who know local condxttou.
Better equipment tflsA will
bring you more sod better
Auythiug for the sea with
oua colony to, a tbsyusaad
Parcel post rates on email or
ders are InsigaiHcaat. Write
us what you, need.
The Wright isertjgr. U.
Caldwell, Idaho
Bailed Hav
First Cutting
Telephone 20 N I