The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, July 13, 1916, Image 2

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Full Appreciation of Ideals
of Democracy Held to
Be Necessity.
"My dream of America is Atner-
presented In public office by
Its bet iihmi, men working entirely I
for the Reed of the republic and ac
cord n to the taw and ordinances' Washington. July 1 2 -There will
established by the people for the gov- be no democrat" making any talka
eminent Of tli-ir conduct, and not for "bout 'wonoiny on IM stump inn
J their personal or political desires and ' fall. Judging from the way gossip la
laMUOMI America working her In-' K"lng In the democratic cloak room
1 stlt'utlona as they were Intended to be of both the house and senate. Since
, worked, with men whose sole. object It ha been discovered that the total
I shall be to secure the end for which appropriations for the present ses
'ther offices were designed. ! "Ion "III "mount to more than $1.-
Brldgehampton, N. Y , July B.
What America needs Just now ahove
all oilier things is an Intelligent com
prehension of the Ideals of democ
racy. Hid t'barles K. Hughes In the
.... I '-"" Af July speech
here yesterday. He asserted that the
nation needs more than thrills in Its
patriotism, and said his dream of
America was of a country officered
by Its best men actuated by no
thought of self. He devoutedly hop
ed, the nominee declared, for a new
birth of the sentiment of unity from
the country' present peril.
"We are not a rash people," he
said 'We are not filled with a spirit
of militarism. We are not anxious I
to get Into trouble, but If anybody t
thinks that the spirit of service and
sacrifice Is lost and that we have not
Rot the old sentiment of self-respei t.
he does not understand the I'nlted
"I have been long on silence and i
very short on talk: It Is an odd OX-
perlenre that I am going through,
picking up the threads of old rela
tions I think I have lived at least
five years In the last three weeks. ,
"If one will throw his personal for
tune to the winds; If he will perform
in each place, high or low. the mani
fest obligation of that place, we will
soon have those victories of democ
racy which will make the Fourth of
aOO.OOO.OOO, even the membera of
that party are appalled. It will be
recalled that only a few yeara back
the democrats were yelling their
heads off about a "republican bil
lion dollar congress." Here In the
of the 64th
and nobler un man il '....
in the fortunate years of the past.
Inlv in Its rnmln vears a far finer i first session of the 64th congress
v.--- I thev have broken all records for pub
lic expenditures and have appropri
ated in one year far more than was
i appropriated in two years by the re
republican administration they con
demned This is the way democracy
Washington. D. 0 July 7. 1916.
I A summary of the July crop report
for the state of Oregon and for the
j I'nlted 8tates, aa compiled by the
bureau of crop estimates (and trans
mitted through the weather bureau),
) U. 8. department of agriculture, la
as follew:
Winter Wheats-State: July I fore
ha "economised
The attempt of the democrats In
congress to criticise t harles B.
Ilnghes, republican candidate for
president. Is as ludicrous a It I
pitiful. The few men who attempt-
11,600,000 bushels; production , ed It In speeches on the floor of the
last year (final estimate), 1 6,200,000 house have made a most lamentable
bushel. spectacle of themselves. The recent
I'nlted State: July 'l forecast, effort of (ongreslinan "Tom" ll.f-
lll.ltt.M bushels: production last Hn of Alabama, an uncompromising
and the sight will not be an agree
able one for the country Most,
people have an old-faahfoned and
.wholesome notion that there Is a dig
nity attaching to the presidency and
that the chief magistrate should re
main In the white house and not go
round on the stump. The rough-and-tumble
debate between Taft and
Hoosevelt during the bitter primary
contest of four years ago was not
palatable to the people, and they will
not relish the thought of Wllaon on
the stump this year. Ah for the re
publicans, they should welcome the
news, from a political standpoint.
Wilson has never yet made a speech
In which he did not make some break
-and If he get out on the hustlings
he I sure to let hi fatal facility for
word get away with him; and we
.i,.n hve addition to "watchful
waiting," "too pround to fight," etc.
The United States government 1
to purchase 2,000 motor truck at a
cost of approximately $4,000,000 for
use In Mexico. Thla I a war order
prosperity for which the democratic
party can properly take credit be
cause their administration la respon
slble for the war with Mexico. Be
cause they lacked sand the country
gets war
Mifl I-tfwjie McDonald
Ontario, Oregon
iBatt.) fi.v-. "l .."'Hi
year (fin
Spring Wheat State: July 1 fore
'1,900,000 bushels; production
ar (final estimate). 3.S25.000
bushel 1 nlted State: July 1 fore
cast, 270,000,000 bushels; produc-
"One of the pleasanlest Incidents j(1M ,, t,mr (flmaj estimate), 35$,
nf my return Is to he sojourning with ifo.OM bushels.
you In the shadow of the American ()U( sute: juy ( forecast, i:l.-
flag. Wherever that flag floats ft . nlll,i,Hl,: production last year
democrat, was such a fixile that many
of the republican members of the
house are circulating his remarks as
a republican document and It is prov
ing effective A few more speeches
of the Heflln and norland type will
greatly help to make il lection of
the republican national ticket near
er unanimous next November.
In one Oregon county the presence
of black alkali rendered a trert of
land practically worthless, and one
of the owners called upon the county
agent to suggest a method of treat
ment. Drainage was recommended
with the suggeatlon that the trial be
made on a small but representative
plot. Because of high freight rates
on small shipments of tile, four acres
were drained at a rather high total
labor and material cost of $138.00.
The owner gives the following figures
on the operatiens:
(roo 1914. four acres 20 bushel
barley, or five buhels per acre.
Crop 191 S. four acres 278 hush
els of wheat and barley, or ;!".
bushels per acre.
Placing a value of HO cent per
bushels on thl crop, the reult I
$211.40 flSS.50 or $8$. 90 net gain
this year from the above operation.
In our mind and from these results
we firmly believe that tile drainage
Is an unqualified success. There ar
few Investments that pay ao well on
alkali land. We Intend to drain 40
acre more a quickly aa possible.
This Is but one of many demon
stration as they are made by the
there I a shrine I don't care In
what part of this favored land I I
erclses In celebration of the annUei
aary of Independence are held, there
Is cause of rejoicing because of the
opport unities which only Institutions
like ours can f ford.
"It Is all very well to talk aliout
the declaration and the strong en
timents which It contains, but that
was hacked by men men who
couldn't have committed it to mem
ory, men who couldn't have repeated
It; but men In whose live was the
inrurnulUiu of Independence and
whose spirit was breathed Into that
Immortal document.
I final estimate), 16,060.000 bushels.
Iilted State: July 1 forecast. 1,320.
000,000 bushels; production last year
(filial ttlmatel, I tl.iico.lioiiinh tub
(final estimate.) 1,540,362.000 bus
hel. Ilarley State: July 1 forecaat. 4.
.'".o.iMMi bushels; production last
year (final estimate), 4,680.000
bushels. United State: July 1 fore
cast. 206,000,000 bushels; produc
tion last year (final estimate), 237,
009.000 bushels.
Potatoes- State: July 1 forecast,
6,140.00 bushels; production last
year t final estimate), 5.620.000
bushels. United States: July 1 fore
cast. 369,000.000 bushels; produc-
"It is because we had men who
were willing to suffer, to die. to veil ,,,,,, UMt y,.ar (final estimate I
lure and to sacr.flce thut we have the m;i,oO0 bushel.
country, and It Is only by thut spirit
that we ever will be able to keep a
country. I love to think of those
horde men ijui.i m.-u. not noisy
men, seusiblc men. not foolish nun.
straight men, holiest men. depend
aide nun, real non that (s what we
mean liy A inerican ism There Is a
vast umount of good Judg lit in
Ibis country, much more than the
headline, el our neuspuper seem to
itidicute There Is a usl amount of
ihouKlittiilness in litis country. We
are not a rash people We are mil
anxious to get Into trouble,
but if anybody thinks that the spirit
of service and sacrifice Is lost and
that we have not got the old seuti
list Slate: Jul 1 condition 7.
,,,mpai.-d with the eight year aver-
tili,. j lulled States July I
conditloii 93 4. compared with the
eight year average og ILL
I'aslure State: July 1 condition
'.il', compared with the ten year aver
.,. of 9f , I'nlted States: July 1
condition 97.7, compared with the
tei year ii.eritge of 85.7.
.ples Slate July 1 for. I I I
1. 1170. 000 bushels, production last
year (final estimate). 1.043.000 bar
rels. I'nlted States: July 1 fgd
72,500.000 barrels; production last
"There la on phase of the Mexi
can iiuestloii tlwt the American peo
ple will not overlook and which they
will never forget," said Representa
tive Kdward II Wason of New llsmp
shre. "It Is thla: When I'resldenl
Taft was grappling with this unfor
tunate situation, one of the great na
tional safeguards he rigidly enforced,
was an embargo on munitions to that
revolution ridden country. On the
other hand, when Woodrow Wilson
and the democratic party came into
power, one of the first acts was the
lift tig of this embargo and the al
lowing of the free and unlimited hip
ments of arms and munitions to the
warring bandits of Mexico. Villa and
Carranza, both of whom have proven
false and traitorous to the American
I pie Wilson, though warned mid
urged by men long familiar with the
Mex'can situation from both parties
at both ends of the capital, refused
to listen. The attitude of the presi
dent on the matter of allowing the
free entry of guns and munitions .
war to
and un American act that will never
receive the approval of the American
people It was the biggest and most
unfortunate blunder In the history of
American diplomacy "
The Hon. Henry LfMM Wilson, of
Indiana, former!) American ambass
ador to Mexico, was a recent visitor
The United States Geological sur
vey finds that the production of beau
xlte In 1915 was 41 per cent greater
ttian In 1914.' This Is one more evl-
,.,-Kc of prosperity due to the Kuro-J cuniy agricultural agents now em-
pean war. lleauxlte Is used In the ,,oy0( fourteen Oregon rouatles
it aniifacture M aluminum During n t, instance the
the calendar year 1914, our Imports f,,rnl,.r makes his own
report as to
of aluminum, rrude and scrap,
amounted to 14,000,000 In 1915.
it tell 1n I. sot). 000. The war was
i rvlng the purpost of a prm
tarllf Kor the calendar year 1914.
our exporta of aluminum amounted
to 1,546.000; In 1915. to $3,660,000
It waa a munition of war used In
making war balloons, etc. Ninety
.it of the bauxite used In this
.onntry last year was produced In
Arkanaaa, and of the 300.000 long
tons consumed in manufacture, but
on per cent was Imported. This Is
prospiilly of the democratic brand.
Do You Need
Come and see oura Very fine
dishes many popular designs
very modest In price.
In odd pieces or In any slxed
A 60 pieces set for only
Can you equal It anywhere
Variety Store
i T
Il Is snnounced Hist President
Wilson propose to conduct a "pas
re warfare" with Mexico. The
ni.Hiis thut the Mexlcsns will plug
our soldiers with I ullets "made In
America" while Woodrow hombnrls
Carraniu with Ulurary shrapnel and
machine-gun Int. tut. Now make
the American eagle fletcherlxe.
A German chemist Is reported to
have .. . overed a method for tonk
ins .tow edible. The recipe should
find its way here before November
M order to lie of benefit to the demo
t took ten thousand words for
Mexico, was a reprehensible ,,n(,H noie to (arranse It took
a few rifle shots for (arranxa's reply.
year I final estimate), 76,670.000 at the capltol. and he was most op-
i,rrl. liiiilstlc 111 regard to republican suc-
I'rins The first price given below ceM his state In the coming elec-
llient of self respect, he doesn't uudei
Htuud the liiilcd States
"I am not going to make a speech,
hut I do u.uit to say a word to oii
uIoiik ii I ligi H .uii patriot
ism and 1 don't thing we are going
to lose II i.n ...oil, although 1 do
devoutly hope that out ol the i
and dlffefMM of this time may
otio ;i io birth of the sentiment
of will i do bona, t sal In IM mid il
of all (lose troublesome condition..
we have u Iniler reali.atloii ol our
ii. in. .I.. i I rami h al"' "' ""' ""I"1"
of our democrat. c institutions. ,
"The hoy js koiiik to thrill at the
sight of ihe flag today Just us he did
..(! ol a hundred Near, M We .no
ull gjoiaf to thrill when we hear the
wolds ol our nallolial ll 111 II .ilol
when we thinl. ol the long years ol
elruggle and determination that him
brought us to this hour Hut M
want semciliiui: more than thrills in
our patriot -in. are vnl thought; vo
waul Intelligence
"We need no vast extent of ferri
tin , nor grWl population, not sim
ply .t i .o.i diiiury statistics of na
tional wealth, although tliey speak in
eloquent words of ciicik ami man
aging ability, hut what we n.-o.l more
thau anything else is an intelligent
comprehension of the Ideals of
demoemo those ideals are
every man shall have n fair ami equal
chance uccordliiK to Ills talent. It i
not an ideal of democracy that one
alone shall emerge because of con
spicuous ability, but that there shall
be a great advance of t lie plain pao
pie of the country upon whom the
prospent of the country depends
"We deplore every condition in
which we find man lower than he
should he under a free goverument
We want uioiies of deniocraev 'hat
I lie led of success shall be is'.csd.
tlons. Speaking of the situation io
u group of republicans he said:
"There hud not been much doiiln
about the outcome III Indiana for
some time, hut Ihe result of the (in
cago convention and the placing of
Hay, $11 lb and a" per ton Kggs, Kairbauks on the itcket slmpi) ennon
:'j and JO cents p r doen ed the .ton Not oiiIn will ti
I nlted Slales. Wheat : - ami pul, loans elect tneir state (ic. .
man ....i, is n..r bushel Corn, 7.i 4 ,wo republican I'uited
is the average on July 1 of this year,
and Ihe second, the average on July
I la i year.
State U heat. V and S9 cents per
bUI loi Corn. I I and II Oftla
: und ti i'oialoes, X2 ami 191
and 1
(I S. I.
,,.,,, ,,.,!-. 4il , ami II .
Potato, III and II l cent,
HI in and $11 70 pa IM
not ti. v cents pel i
I -J a and S 6 cents pet pound
Slates . mi
tors, but 1 tiiorotigiity neuwvs uwn
will be a gala of six seats in the
lower hrancli of congress, giving Ha'
republicans eight members of that
body Instead of two
' IN M.W I'l V
IN I nliCl OS Al.l.
There Will '
for QM Mind")
elusion tups.
The lireil luisiiiess men and wois
men ami (Of that matter most eveiv
Mj else will greatly appreciate a
I heme the Oregon Short Line
hus decided to put into effect
'l have not lieurd of a single re
publican who is going to vote for
Wilsen: on the oilier hund, 1 hear
of many democrats who say the will
vote for Hughes," said un Indiana
members of congress to a gro up f
eollea. This shows how the
political wind Is blowing," M "
"My Druggist
"M Dnigflst" is what wi- want ymi 1 call
us .aiid it' you nivc us an nt unit W6 will
live tighl up to your expedition! fa ereifl Pi
We will tell you drugi f a&eolutc purity end
: lisllilfSS.
Your prescriptions will be tilled with faithful
attention to the minutest detail.
The toil, t articles you huy will be the lust
money enii iibtein tot the prioe, ami the price will
.ilways be low.
The rubber gOOdl we sell are ..!' the hesj make
.mil will prove eminently satlactoiy to
v will give vim our hest in everything, in-
(luding service.
Everhart Drug Store
Slip a few Prince Albert
smokes into vour system!
When the president spoke to the
advertising men at Philadelphia he
It has put into effect Sunday rules beBll wi,, u audience of ten thous-
at Just one half the regular rates and aul When lie finished be wub
u trifle higher lor tickets good from spaking to aliout liulf thut number.
Saturday until Monday. The experience is typical When he
Willi prices cut ill two it Is certain entered the piesidencv he could couut
Ihul a large number of people will ,8 supportrs und well-wishers in the
plan some little visit or trip over Sun terms ot millions. That number lias
day which thev otherwise could hard ,s suffered a large shrinkage -not
lv afford In this part of the state proportionate so large as that of
. ,.... forjhe next two months his Philadelphia audience, vet suffl-
u i.r number of ueoule at Payette dent In volume
Lakes. A change from the neai una
dust of the lower altitudes to the al
ways cool und char air of Payette
Lakes will afford I day of rest and
moil that will be highly apprec While ihe Shorl Line Is not
to .indicate clearly
No wonder the
what is In store
president finds himself "In a fighting
Kroni the democratic headquarters
conies the announcement that Mr
likely to loae money by this change, ' Wilson will himself take ihe stump
vi li is entitled to much credit for ; in aid of Ins campaign ror rceiemoii
its enterprise and e
nerve the public.
You've heard many an earful about the Prince Albert
natented process that curs our bite and parch and lets you
smoke your fill without a comeback! Stake your bank roll that
it proves out every hour of the day.
Prince Albert has always been sold
without coupons or premiums. We
prefer to give quality I
There's sport smoking a pipe or rolling
your own, but you know that you've got
to have the right tobacco! We tell you
Prince Albert will bang the doors wide
open for you to come in on a good time r ,e national joy smoke
tiring up every little so often, without a
regret! You'll feel like your smoke past
has been wasted and will be sorry you cannot
back up for a fresh start.
You swing on this say-so like it was a tip to a
thousand-dollar bill I It s worth that in happi
ness and contentment to you, to every man
who knows what can be
gotten out of a chummy
jimmy pipe or a makin's
cigarette with
Prince Albert for
THI Princ
Tale ii fa nt$im
Ida of iae uajr
Alben tiJ
tad tin, and in
fact, every Prince
Albert packaju. has
rial maaaaf a-to rou
onluravaraaaidc. You'll
raad: Prucaaa Patau tad
JulvJOth..)?." ThatBMnna
that the Unitad fttataa Govern
ment nee granted a patent oo the
roc mm br wbUh Prince Albert to
aandm Amd by which tongum, fete udj
thromtt oascA mt cut out! Every
where tobacco ta aold you Uflnd
rtinee Albert awaiting rou
to towr red bane, Se: tidy
red Una, 10c; h
pound and half jaound
tin humidor and m
that clever cryetel
ftlaee humidor, wtth
aponce - m-otetene
top, that baexte ine
tobaccu tn euch
Ane condition
al way 1 1
ildent desire to If so. he will tie the first president
who has ever followed such a course