The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, July 13, 1916, Image 1

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    J (Mart r$m.
vol. an
Recently PurchaHod From The ny 8cou, th inn rpr
ii i mii weeks mention 'limy start
ed nut Tuesday morning under tin'
guidance of llev. Kocnlg hihI bonded
for the Iron.lde iiectlon and will take
up one of the gulches there anil fad
William Hartley.
Edward F. Swift, the Chicago
Maker, iiiR .on. Carttoo n. swift,
Potor Joaooa, dI Dooirloo. fab . u4
Prank Donnelly, of Chicago, wore
hero Tuesday on their way to t !
miriiK section, where Mr. Swiri mi. I
associates recently prohoood III,
000 acres of land, what wbm know as
the old French fllenn lOtOOOOII
William Craven has heeu Installed
a. mnnngcr of the much nnd the
present visit Is to lay out the gOTOl
optu.-nt of the vast holding far
Mocking purposes they have some
12,000 head of n.tlve cattle and are
shipping In some twenty thousand
The troops .if the lilnli.i Nut iniuil Pnr Tratfin With TJ
(iuiir,, Hr(. ,., NKaUw, Arl,om, rirartic With Trains n
Three Days a Week.
".here tllei me oil gUltrd llllt
I Ills place is a hunt :i,000 feet
t saa level and has u good all.
Hie hoys are all equipped with
weapons for hig gnme and the siulr-
reis will hiive a hard time to dodge
them. Many of the boy. have heen
i I'li.iriim for the paat alx month
for the outing
'I hey had two Wagon-, ami enough
xmli for a small regimen
Iiisimti Nitrafp DiMinwifw IVmIii. i
ai,CF, 1KllllUC There was ahi.ut one hundred dts-
. . . A '",t ep,,rt,, " ,I,P -- of aoaalatod pi.op,e in Ontario when it
and Irrigation I'mhliwiw . T T w7 Bn" ""'""" "" " i a
nu UlldUUIl rrUDItlllS. trip in.., have been vaccinated for , UnMt ,,.., rr ,.x,.lirH()I
i mi. n,i fixj nun mno pinggon in Keep .rui, .., ,,
typtiolil germs ilown so they feel Im
Governor W I thy com be was here
the first of the week. comltiR tn
hul the Sumlny eenltiR and on Mtinday Join-
hoys will no doubt need somethinR ",l Prty that went to the Interior
lo eat occasionally, or perhaps we of "' to.
would be safer In saying all the Tl' governor staled that he was
time. roIiik to Harney valley to look over
Among the boys who went were "in Possibilities of drainage and Ir-
It new railroad town Tn ta
il. i
The prnposii.on Wai to I. ike he
hllllll 1111(1 uliiilll .iti.. ' M- ' .. .1...
Tlr ""'"" ,r ."""-nd- l-l ..oostersn. , Z .he Mar"
inline from c-.orythlng ex, . it
i-iin.i Iri-iii IBOfl
bead of southern stuff, but are ro- i Mitchell Moore, Mill Ies, Hob ,ee, i rlgatlon and also to the Tumalo pro- Pbski-h they will not be able to do so
hieasurr ; -., . V(,,u on tniM faj
The III, :, i .... I.. ,..,.!. Ik ,.. ..
.. . vu,,, ,,,,. mm reuse oi t i , ... .. .
tares d-es not suit 1,1m for this IfJt- .- -IT. "o war ,,.,. ,,,, , , ,,, , Br
00 Tl,., year the state ha. a aur-' ' '" ' Pa' ' ,"1 T 7 Dy 11" l"eni
". -r I.'. -.0.001 and as a result the ' "Z??l 7' ", ""l'"" "" T ."-'l" f this road I. an
- ! low next year. Then ' '""" '"",", "," "" -"" ven. In many lives, an there are
Utey will have t , ,mck ... '.' '.. J .'""'. .' '"'" ". ""'" " that section who have nev
er seen a railroad und the Hiiiim
ly taking time to Ret fully prepared
and mipplie.l with American nmmun
Iiir to ro alow with It UMttl they find
i out how It comes out in thla climate
The Corhetta are st;ll Intereated.
but Mr llunli-y lots dlapnaed of all
his Interests
These lands are well watered by
the Hlitr.en and streams and
thousands of acrea art adapted to
Rraln crops
Naturally these people are Inter
eated In havhiR a railroad built to
their holdliiRs and will do what they
can to Induce Mr. Straborn and his
friends to construct a line to the
Oatlow valley, thus covering their
lands and mnklnR It possible to mar
ket any kind of crop they cbooae.
Mr. Jansen la an old friend of
Harry Farmer's, living In the section
where Harry waa raised, and they
had a very pleaaant visit.
The party will go out through
Tlend to Cortland
(lien (Irames, Marlln Orames, Frank J0- where the state has aotne 4S0,-1 Altornrv General i.'rown
it Ih roIiir to hrtiiR- about will
liormati, Frank Van I'etten, Kalph ' 00 erta of land
Kinlmni. David I'dii-k, Tltel Ump. i ' "''' Sunday evening Attorney
kin, Bob Stover, Jim IPrrk. Hill "n""rl Hrowii, State Treasurer Kay,
HIrrs, Don, 1 1,1 Poorman. Hoscoe Con-' ""rotary of State Olcott. .Ralph
kiln, Wendall Holland, Buattr fi.-m '"'"". from the Portland Journal,
ent, Jim MrWrlRht, Harold Newton. wlln T vv "1"- 0 " "f the
Francla Zimmerman. Kldiu F'ortler, American Nitrate company, Harry
Hernard Radtr.
Wilson, vice president of the nitrate
company, Jaa. H. Hawley, of Bolae,
attorney for the nitrate company. C
H. McConnell, of Burns, Interested
that the rieaaure Introdine.l in the
Oregon Federation of Labor is the
most vlclona one he ever heard .
of The : ,w propose to tax all real :
atato what la a fa.r nntal value,;
about riftf.ii per cent and the money
thus secured lo be loaned to people .
who need It and want to make a
i ottle
Governor .Viihyeombe Is anxious'
to lave aettlets locate on the Tumalo I
ll inn u Ii i In f Iim ninKire.i lu ..f LM
Ihlnks ......, ,.,... -.."- " lonl"" ll"" "" "ny T
vausri va I irniwvil U liniMI
They will now be able to ship
many things nut that were prohibit
ed by the old freight means, and
inanv things will be shipped In that
were lormerly beyond reason.
fat thirty years' and more those
good people have been looking for
rail connection with the outalde
world. It la about that many yeara
alnce the flrat rails and tie were
During he quarter ending June 30. ,., , ,. .,.. n nrf
191 Ktate Knglneer John H. Lewis peopl w.r. ,ven , uml,ri,Und th.t
laaued 187 permit, for the approprlk- u w1( OIlIy , ,. ()f ,wo
Hon of water. Including fa for the ,.flr ,,,,y wou,d ,,.. ., ,,
construction of reaervolrs A..o,, , ... T1). d 0r..o nJ
Ing to these permits It I. proposed E,.rn . ra.cade wa, n.
county Jamea H Hawley aald that the' to ,rrl-" tl or" " 'd. lore ,,,r ,,rl),h, Mp, ,,t Ur,cti (ham
The arrival in Haltlm .re f Tl" '"rly WM mo,t rvor,blr m- "r,,e company waa developing their ' l,44 mcr ,Mt of w,l,r and d"v'P for several yeara. and the,, the
man under sea merchant. q pre8"ml w,,h t,, magnitude of the holdings just a. rapidly a. possible po"r at "umher ' m-ll Individ- cinveland times struck the country
d.v .ttr.ri..i .n,.r 7.V7.. "n .. 8uccor crk l"P0-l ' ' --.They have quite force of men at u"' po"r planU ,or P-'v" " and the ten million dollars in bonda
any other .IngleTvent of i h. Furo" "b"Uy nd W'"r W"r" '"d "re mmk'n v,t" 'n,, pre" T',e f0"0",, Prn,,t" W,re '"Ued required to build the line were .old
no. i. w,.r 1 . i . ' . '.. Governor Wlthycombe Joined the clpltatlng the salts, letter they will ln Milllll'ur ceunty: I fnr ,. hundred thousand dollar.
Mr. Janaen was a delegate to the .,., , . .i, . , Party here and they left In three " l.rge plant and will give em- w- ,-n or "ramie, aecur- inl the ,t,, ,,.
In drainage and Irrigation, fl M. Mo land. But the state board will have
('Unlock, chemist of the nitrate com- to do aome advertl.lng and let the
pany, and It W Heck, of Hiirns. ar- would be aeltlera know that these
rlved after having Inspected the nl- landa are ihore and that plenty of
n-ate beda on Succor creek In thla water la ready for them.
republican convention at Chicago1
under wat-
cr for four day. at a time if necea
i large autos for the Hums section, ex- ploymenl to many people. The ma- '", u P,'r,"l, "" 6" cre feol ol with a line over the hills. It la
s that Mr Hughe. I. sure of ,, ,t ,. t,,pble of ,nakln ovmr Ptlng lo bo at Hums Monday ev- terlal will have to be .hipped to tl,.- "" ' "f for bat t creek for the nw a problem to build up a system
fa ay. the hoaan. were 80on m,e(( W,lou cnUn- rr e. nlng. railroad and the method of doing Irrigation of 200 acre, of land. Mrs to cover all the Interior country and
orable to Mr. Hughes, but tra "i Tueeday they will be at Crane and ",,, I'" "" "" worked out. ' A McNulty of Watson, to .toreJMr Htrahorn ha. promised them
ithl not control the ronven-j Thl u ,e flrgt f f. .ucllalao Inspect the drainage of Malheur) RP'1 wal-on. of the Portland '" MOO r. -t of the water, o Junl- that for u consideration he will hulld
I a -! ft. I -. -... . I I ... i i ..... . hb .-,--a. . . - 1 I l il S f n i ... - aw ..
and says that Mr. Hughe. I. sure of
not favoral.
they con
Hon and the people', choice wa. nam- . ,,. , ,... .... ke and the atoraae no..!lilllil.. 'Journal, wn. ulong to write up the P"r creek for the Irrigation of f.t) them lines from Hurtix to the rmlriw
many and American porta carrying ' ,,ie 8,lv"'' ,u"r joountry for the Journal. Thla aec-cresof land O. A. Parker of Jor- valley; t,o, ii,,i t Crane Fro,,,
dve stuffs and other vaio.i.i.. ...r. W-t. . ... ,o .h .......i, ' t,on '" lractlng much attention oilman Valley, to store 880 acre feet ol ll.-n.l to the Klamath Fall, section
go, and returning with supplie. for und other -alt In the lower,1"6 ouUIle D6C,u'e of ih comple-tl.o water, of an unnamed atream la MO OVW ... View, and he ha.
the armv , , . -i,. , p'on of ""' f,r,t u,,lt of "' railroad .section 27 T 33 8. It 48 K, for Hie Ii'h .urveyor. In the field and .tumid
acro. the state and the opening of Irrigation of iSt acraa of land I. noon he Into Hums from Mend. Thla
Ihursday they look over the de- tms UrnBy vuMey ,, allM, for ,,, ,- Marter of Fangolluno, for Hut will show easy gradea and small coat
posits at Wagon lire mountain and ,..,.., ,,.. ,...,,.. ..-.- ... ' i,.i... ..... .i j. .. . r -., -, h
Ing worked out and the drainage ofjer from Willow springs. J W Smith .re not dlfflenlt, rrmn the engineer.'
the lunds under the old projects. Thla of Ontario for the Irrigation of 10 Mtunilpolnt,
ed. nnd tin- people will that be I.
the army
Another similar vessel la expected
lo land In South America thla week.
i he captain doe. not anticipate on to the Tumalo Irrigation project
0B trouble In dodging the enemy cr0ok county and on to the Dalles
snips, and will start hack nevi week
largest VuiiiImt of Km He
Made at l.aie Meeting
With all rla.Hi-s tilled tor II, trot
ting and pacing racea toebe held at
the Malheur rounty fair, Joseph
Wudilell. m-i-retary of the Inter
mountuln Fair and Racing associa
tion, bus announced the largest Hat
of entries ever n ade for a local meet
ing. Prize, offered for the event,
will aggregate 13.400.
The different claaae. and the unm
ber of entries lire a. follow.: 2:14
pace, 10; 2 17 trot, IB; 2:30 pace,
IT; 2:18 pace, 14; 2:10 pace,
1:24 trot, It; 2:25 pace. M 2:14
trot, aeven.
Now that the warm aeaaon ha. ar
rived it would be timely to have an
excursion up Hie Payette river, where
the trout fishing I. fine this year
At thla season the trout are firm
and at their beat. With the new
eclu.dule Inaugurated by the railroad
(or a single fair for Sunday, the only
.special arrangement would be to get
the necessary equipment. The train
could leave here at alx and reach
Smith's Ferry about ten. Return
ing leave the Ferry about .even and
arrive at Ontario at 11 p ui No
doubt the other towns along the line
would be glad to Join in on the train
Who will atart the matter? Why
not the band?
The twelfth anuual Ro. well-Parma
picnic will take place at Auder
neo'. grove, Thursday, July 20. Pre
paratlona are being made by the var
ious committees In charge of the plc
iin tor the entertainment of 4000
people if necessary, without crowd
ing or discomfort of any kind. There
will be, a. heretofore, plenty of good
things to eat and ph-ntt ol ihu.mi
sport event, a. well a. entertain
menta more Intellectual. The speak
er, of the day will be Governor Alex
ander and Kdward O. Sl.aou, coin
misaioner of Education.
The members of the state laud
board will have to pa., on many ol
the proposed development projects
of the .late and they want to know
the local conditions ao they may act
State Treusurer Kay was much Ln-
Ht-riion should receive a large Iniml- acres, diverting water from waste With rail connection Hie Hums
gratlon In the near future, when the ditch in Sec 3 T. 18 8., It 47 K. ! country should make a wonderful
people realize the wouderful oppor M Kelley of Jamleaon, for the ly- growth during the next few yeara.
tunltlea bar. rlgatlon of 30 acres, dlvertijiR wuter
lien Olcott wa. visiting with lii , rrt.m Matlock gulch. In Sec. 4 T 18
old friend Max Muller, who had
charge of the .late ehlckena a fsw
In aome of the propoaad yeara ago
Tuesday of thla week wa. the day
set by the townsite and railroad pen
pie for the official opening of the
ated In the gap, Just where Crane
0eek head, out of the valley, It I.
laid off :n accordance with the
new townsite of Crane, located at moat modem notions of town.ite.
All men hiiIm- mistakes in the eye.
of the Lord uiul other people. ' A
few never do tn their own e.tlmatiou.
A kind word is worth much, coat.
nothing, and leave, a green spot in
memory. Harsh one. are the cause
of blight, wither and decay. Which
do you use?
I the end of the Oregon Eastern rail- Iota are selling rapidly and a.
j road in Harney county, and Just rapidly being built upon
within the edge of the big fertile three lumber yard, doing a Iiuiuiiiihk
valley. ' business, restaurant., feed yard, and
A special train from Rlver.ide barn, going right along. A doctor
carried an immense crowd, which la on the ground, a newspaper will
were welcomed by a much larger be launched in the next ten day,., a
Judge O. L. King waa burning I crowd from the we.t. who came In bank La beiug organized, several mer
graaa Wedneaday afternoon when the : auto., wagon., bugglea, on horae back chant, from .urrounding town, have
pruug up and the fire got away .rt by Muci. 0ier convevanea a. lli.v ourchased Iota and or.leie.l lo,., .,..
He sounded the alarm .
. oappeiieu in nave, in oraer lo oiu a nouses pui up, me uepot I. limn,
fitting welcome to the flrat train to stock yards will be added at once,
j enter the big valley. The occasion and in aohrt, the new burg I. going
wa. a gala one ahead with all the ga. on and the
There waa fea.tlng, .peach uiak- cut out open.
Ing, eport. and dancing. Governor a careful estimate of the people
S . It 43 E M. D. Kelley, (I U
Taylor. A. A. Derrick and II E. dray
of Jamleaon. for the irrigation of 170 I
acrea, dlvertiug water from Phlpp.
creek In Sec 29 T 15 8 . It 4:t 1
Zand.tru of Crowley, for the Irrlga- '
Hon of 40 acrea. It E Houston of
Harper, for the IrrlgutU.n of IN ,l"'v Xl"l"""" ' -M WO
ucre,. iluerllnx al.-i from South -I "' 1'" H-l-OHf UtTO Stork
Fork Cottonwood crook, In Se, u I '""" "' " " S'anfi. hi ThOOO
II S. It 42 II K Long of Hat '" '"" rl"""rH an "' ln" "'"""
per, for Hie irrigation of 40 acres,
itVOTtlng water from Cold creek and
Spring creek In Sec 9 T. 21 H. It
40 I) II Talbott of Hlveroile.
for the Irrigation of 30 acrea, dm n
Ing waste from Meadow and Juniper
creek in Sec. 11 T. 26 8, R. 38 E.
and other purtn ular- The .,,,
pan) uuio.l M-w-rul thousand aires
of land. ineliidiiiK the old lliillei
field i.ituli neat Valletta, and tint
CrowtO) rami. Most of III,' other
lll'-l .. . -IUg. M. II liwlllll
and Chas Ami. , on old their I u ( i
..... ,,. .1.. ,,... !.. .,,. u ..u.. w
Newton of Payette. Idaho, for the . . ,
ago and llatr Anderson also sold
-ft..- iuii ui ti niir.t, uiverillia Wai
er from unuiiin d stremn In s.
T. 16 S. It 4 7 E Marv E Ver.u.i.
We found I of Westfall for the Irrigation of 41
part of his intere-,t at that iiif to
D'.N'elll 4. lOOS,
from him
and neighbor, came in and got It un
der control before the fire depart
ment arrived on the scene
acroa, diverting water from Lost
creek lu Sec. 19 T. 17 8 . It ;i7 E
II Foster and C. I.ooml. of Vale,
for Hie Irrigation of 85 acres, divert
ng water froin Cotton wood creek in
See T 17 . It 4 2 M U
Yoeinan of Hrogun, for the Irrigation
of 40 acre, diverting water from '
M. .- I I- 1. . .
iu.,..uu ea,o, creea ami springs in ,.,, Tm-Mlay of the finding of the
section 8 T. 14 8.. It. 42 E. Jerry , od oi l.oi, Mills. 38 years of age.
Ourley of Watson, for the Irrigation i rttI1,,, 7;, l M.uth of hen
of 33 acre., dlvertiug water from dry 1 Tuesda ihoiiiIiik The uian'b throat
creek, Juniper creek and springs, in ' .,. ,., ,,,,,. 1, ih m ,,,.
See II f L'i S, It 12 W ,,.,-, ,,.,! ,,.th.r he mu .lain or
Hubbell of Jordan Valley, for the Ir committed suicide.
Jordun Valla. Or., Word reach-
ratton or isu acrea, diverting water Mills was a iiiemhei of a proini
Wlthycombe and party were pre.eul present 011 Tuesday place, the uum- , fro"' (rooked creek In Sec 19 T. 31 uent Jordan alley lamlly lie wus
to lend official dignity to the open ber at about 1800. 8., It 41 K E A Ro.e of Rock J unman
ing, the governor making an address owing to the fact that Engineer v"le for H'e irrigation of 4n an. ,
in which he dwelt on the benefits Young, who ia in charge of the con- diverting water from Owyh.-e river ,
that would accrue to the people of atruction work is some sixty days 1 In Sec 3 T 26 S, 44 E
the Harney valley upon the long ahead of achecfule, the townsite poo
There wa. an auto truck escapade ,ookeu for "dveut of the Iron braa, le er. not us well prepared to en-
auu aiso biauug inai ouier iniport- tertain their visitors a. thev wished,
If ou
at Nyaaa un Friday. A man took a
truck and made a run to the country
,.. hui......,q u .... .j . .. anow uiei .,, no., wuu.u soon oui uiu re m a r K a n i, well umier me
I follow tn llie way of irrigation and clrcumttaiu- u , oredlct a areat
wti. it. When the officer, caught drainate thut would make Harney growth tor the ombrjroaiO city, which
liim bo claimed that he owned the .valley the greatest county in the will at once take Its place in the corn
truck and took this mean, to hurry j state of Oregon. merclal life and development of Ceu
up the paymeuta. The new town 1. beuutlfully bitu-tral Oregon.
liim a few things und
well you are a wier man
than the fellow who "knows It nil."
All 11.111 are created eiual, but
.oni'j ..alk on higher .tilt, than
I Otll-Jfa
Miuneapoli , Jul) 1 1 Dm Patch,
1 ..u . 1 . in. ,1 today
at lavotfo, Mnoaaol.