The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, July 06, 1916, Image 7

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    Business Directory
Ontario, Oregon
Office in New Wilson Block.
Dr. Harriet Sean
Dr. Pauline Sean
Graduated American School of Oateo
pathy, Kirksville, Mo.
Wilson Block. Telephone 154 Blk
U ll Brooke, Attorney at Law
Wilson Bldg. Ontario Or
Will Practice in All Courts
Notary Public. Office Over Postoffirj
DR. W. O. HOWB s . asea
I 'liones. Office 117
Wllaon Bldf. R. 1172
1 -It D. C. BHKTT
OBlce IM door East of OnUrl i Phar
macy on Nevada Avenue, Soar
R. R. Depot.
Room 9, J'irst National Bank Bldg
Ontario, Oregon.
NOTICE OF NIIKRJKVH SALE. feet North to monument; thence
Notice Is herehy Riven that under North 81 deg. Went 889.5 feet
and hy virtue of an writ of execu- to a monument; thence South
lion In foreclosure duly and M deg. 40 mln. West 1079.1
regularly Issued hy the Clerk . fi-et to monument, which is lo
of the Circuit Court of the ' cated on the West boundary lino
State of Oregon for the County of of Ixit 126-A M. E. No. 40; thence
Malheur, dnted Mny 29, 1916. tn me South BOO feet along said West bonn-
directed In Mint certain suit In the
Circuit Court of the Stnto of Ore
gon for the County of Malheur
wherein F. L. Anderson Is plaintiff,
and Humboldt Consolidated QoM
Mine, a corporation, et al, are de
fendants and wherein set plaintiff re
covered Judgment and decree again
st the said defendant, Humboldt Con
dary to corner No. 6 of said Iot 126
A; thenco North 84 deg. 40 mln.
East 1079 1 feet along the South
boundary line of said Lot 1215-A to
rorner No. 7 of said Ixit 125-A,
which Is also corner No. 10 of said
Lot 126-B, thence South 81 deg. East
SH9.B feet along the South boundary
line of said lot 125-R to a point, the
solldated Oold Mines In the mini of place of beginning, save nnd except
Rooms 1-2-3 Flrat Natl Bank Bldg Twelve Thousand Six Hundred Twen- so much of said premises as may
Ontario, Oregon.
II. W. Swagler Attorney at Law.
Itooms 13-14-16 Wilson Bldg
Ontario uregun.
tj-jxt.-.i ----... . .
J. H. FARLEY Funeral dlrectov
and embalmer. Lady apslstant. Phone
182-W. Ontario, Oregon.
Rooms in Wllron Bldg.
Ontario, Oregon
Contending nations In Europe
have such sunshiny dispositions that
they report only their victories.
Another fascinating thing about
the politicians Is the extreme serious
ness with which they view themselves
ami their Interests.
Notice Is herehy given, that the
undersigned has been duly appoint
ed administrator of the estate of
James J. Coiart, deceased, hy order
of the county court of the stale of
Oregon for the county of Malheur.
All persons having claims against the
said estate are hereby notified to
present the same, duly verified aa
required by law, to the said admin
istrator at his office In the Ontario.
National Hank at Ontario, Oregon,
within six months from the date of
first publication of this notice.
Done and dated and first publish
ed this 6th day of July, A. I) .1916.
Administrator of the estate of
James J. Coxart, deceased.
Notice Is hereby g'.ven. that 19 Mi
ahares of the capital stock of the On-tarlo-Nyssa
Irrigation .-oiupany Issued
t fjarimi It Hou.-tlon. will be sold at
public auction to the highest bidder
for cash, on the 24th day of July.
1916, at the hour of two o'clock, p.
m. Said sale will be made at the of
fice of the secretary of the said coin
pany In Ontario, Oregon, and made
for the purpose of satisfying delin
quent assessments against aald stock
amounting to $208.97.
The purchaser of said stock will be
entitled to have 19 H shares of the
stock of the said Ontarlo-Nysaa Irri
gation company Issued to aald pur
chaser, and the water right which tin
same represents attached to and made
appurtenant to any lands designated
by said purchaser.
President Ontarlo-Nyssa Irrigation
Secretary Ontarlo-Nyssa Irrigation
Notice is hereby glveu that the
State Lund Hoard of the Stat'
Oregon will rectie healed bids until
10:00 o'clock a m , August 22, 1916,
for the followiug described lands:
T. 19 8. H, 39 ft, NVV u.r. NW qr..
S half N half and S hull Sec. 16 and
all Set. 36.
T. 19 8. It. 41 ft, all of Seo. 16.
T. 20 8. ft, 4 1 E , all of Sec. 16.
T. 21 8 ft 39 E., all Sec 16; N
I L - im .! mm u.rt i.f ,4 ii 1 1 maul
r ionic qi " u ""f r. 7
hfttUsa. -jut tko ft SAN-TOX Iik -
. I . J - - -- M,I.Afl mhLklhtflut lfl m I 1 1
I will follow. 'Th ration i ftll tb o"
tnuM it turtkUr mm
i'rk iuft mnajBoc.
fcvorUart Drug Co, Ontario
Bailed Hay
First Cutting
Teiepkoae 20 N t
ty-one and 16-100 ($12,621.16) Dol- not be situate within the exterior
lars, and in the further sum of Six j boundary of said Ixits 125-A and
Hundred Forty-three and 90-100 125-R. or any other Colt Rrothers
(964.190) Dollars Interest, and in Patented Ground; and also certain
tne turinei Mm ' JClftgtjr-ttoW "" ' water rights and privileges and oth-50-100
($93.50) Dollars for filing l er rights and privileges In conneo
llens, and In the further sum of One Hon with the said above described
Thousand Three Hundred Sixty-three' premises, and all situate In what la
($1363 00) Dollars ss atterney 'a fees known as the Mormon Basin In Mal
for the foreclosure of said liens, and heur County, Oregon Together with
for his costs and disbursements of J that certain quart mill and reduc
sald suit In the further sum of Ele-j Hon plant situate upon and used In
ven and 60-100 ($1160) Dollars, connection with the working, devel-
and wherein J. H. McDonough re- opment and operation of the ahove
covered Judgment and decree against described mining premises, and gen
the said defendant Humholdt Con- erally all water rights, buildings.
solldated Oold Mines, In the sum of structures, super-structures, mnchln-
1 Five Hundred Seventy-six and 68- ery, tools, appliances and appurten-
100 ($576 52) Dollars, and in the ances, water rights and privileges
further sum of Thirty-three and 5 and all rights and privileges
100 ($33 05) Dollars Interest, and located upon or used In connection
la the further sum of Five ($5.00) with the working, development and
Dollars for filing Hens, and In the operation of the said premises above
further sum of Sixty ($60.00) Dol- described, or any part thereof,
lars as attorneys' fees for the fore- i or so much thereof as may be
closure of said lleas. and for his nun tn nat'afv the said ludg-
T. 26 S. ft 40 E., N half and eaat co(t nd rtlwbursements of said suit n,,nt and decrees together with the
half 8E qr. and N half BV qr. Sec. n (n(, mm of Tn (,,0 00) nnrs, coMi wh,ch haYe or mliy ,ccru, Un-
and wherein J. T. Donnelly, trustee, jpf Hn, hy virtue of said writ of ex-
Judgment and decree rcutlon
Meets all tralna.
half, BE qr . I half 8W qr and SW
qr. SW qr. Sec. $6.
T. 22 8. R. 41 E., all of Sec. 16
and all of Sec. 86.
T. 24 S. R. 89 E.. all of Sec. 16
and al) of Sec. 36.
16 and all Sec. 36
All bids must be accompanied by recovered
a regularly executed application to against the said defendant. Humholdt
purchaae and check or draft for at Consolidated Oold Mines, In the sum
least one-fifth of the amount bid. 0f fluty Thousand ($60,000.00)
The board reservea the right to re Dollars with Intereat thereon from
Ject any and all hlda. February 1, 1914, at the rate of eev-
Appllcatlons and bids should be ad- Pr cent per annum, and In the Ry ROflB A HOWARD
dressed to 0. Q. Brown, clerk State rurther sum or Hi i nousana une J2 J7 iirputy
Land Board. Salem. Oregon, and. Hundred Seventy-seven and 50-100
marked "Application and bid to pur- ($6177.50) Dollars unpaid Interest, BlMMONS.
,i,mv,. -iuii, tun, i ' and in tne turtner sum or i nree i
D.ited at Vale, Oregon, this 1st
day of June, 1916.
Sheriff of Malheur County. Ore-
v al. ,'..', iiiiiri ,,i iiir nuir
.. ..' mi............ ItlAflA AAV tnll.. m mi- in III" 1 1 v ii i ... w.
Dated nt Salem, Oregon, June ii, '" (aw.vv, .-,.-. -.- n,. innniv ,,r Msllirur
...a torney's fees, and in the further sum ' Oregon for the ( ounty of HUNH
O. O. BROWN, of Five Hundred ($600 00) Dollar.! "rult (Irow.r.
Clerk Stat. Land Board. . M tru.tM-. ft., and for hi. cost. TZ' K ol A I
I iiuf III! I'Ht ilh All I. niHI ilinuuirriiirm . ""im " M v as
r.,P.h., ., f T.n mono! Dol- Cockrum. trustee, the First .-Nauonai
NOTICF Oft MALE OF REAL PRO. lar. which said Judgmenta and de- Hank of Ontario. Oregon, a "rPr-
PERTV HV ADMINISTRATOR creea In said suit were duly and reg- Hon, Walter O. Howe, I
Notice Is hereby given thst under ularly given and made on May 29. chant, Moss Mercantile company, a
and hy virtue of an order of sjle 19 1, nd in which said judgments oerporatlon. and the unknown heirs
duly made by the County Court of and decrees It Is further provided of Alexander Caldwell, deceased. De-
the 8tate- of Oregon, for Malheur that the said sums of money constl- fendants.
County, that the underalgned. the tute valid Hens against the herein- j,, llle E. Olson, Robert E. Ol
duly appointed and acting admluls- after dexcrihed property, and It is ,,,, u , Merclisnt, Moss M
trator of the astatg of David 8. Lam- further provided that said property te company, a corporation, ami the
me, deceased, will D0111 and after he sold to satisfy the aald Judgment", ). n heirs of Alexander Cald
the 14th day of July, 1916, at the attorneys' fees, trustee's fees, costs WB deceased, the above named de
hour of Id o'clock a. m. offer for ann- accruing costs. fendants:
sale all of the following described TherBfoPe. pursuant to said l the name of the State of Ore
real property, belonging to the es- , w, SBtunUyi it 8th g : Vou and each of you are here
atate of said deceased tow It : 1 he rf f ,,., ,OUr of t i,y required to appear and answer
vv. nair 01 n. r.. 111111111. mm . , ., , .. .. , ,. M .,, ..,-., ..HiUH. vu
U CIHIR III I II r Uliri II tf II II 111 siu a ilia ll uon-nnniisi.Mi ...... ,
at the front door of the Malheur in tlie above entitled suit by A. L.
Couuty Court House at Vale In Mai- Cockrum. trustee, and the First Ns
lieur County, Oregon, sell at public tlonal Hauk of Ontario, on or baftOre
auction to the highest bidder for the 6th day or July, 1916, the same
Mag In band the following descrlb being the last day of the time pre
eil premises situate in Malheur Coun- scribed by order of the court direct
ly, Oregon, and more particularly ing service of summons In said suit
described as follews: on said cross-complaint to be made
upon you by publication, and If you
fail so to answer, for waul thereof,
the said cross-complainants, A. I..
......i, ....... .....1 the t.frul National
Records of quurti locations of """. ' .,
ilHIIh 01 1 unai i","', " " i',"
t, the haiii (oiirt for the relief fa
maii'led In said cross-complaint, to-
fourth of 8 E. fourth, Sec. 12. and
E. fourth of N. E fourth of
Sec. 12, all In twp. 17 south, of
range 44 E. W. M. In Malheur Coun
ty, Oregon.
The terms of sale, is casli In hand,
and the sale will be private and to
the highest and best bidder, and
subject to the approval of the County
Court of the State of Oregon, for
Malheur County.
Dated this 9th day of June, 19(6.
The "lll'MHOLDT" Quarts Min
ing Cla'ui, the notice of location
thereof being of record In Hook "A'
For Judgment against Allle ft Ol
Min and Hubert I OlOCM for $144. 3N,
Administrator of estate of Dm Id Malheur Couuty. Oregon, at page
I 1. amine, deceased with will an- thereof; and the amended notice
exed 24-28. location thereof being of record in
" " .1 Hook "A" al page 17'-' Hi'
NOTICF Oft FINW. KETI-LEMEVr um, ,,, ulend.-.l notice of local.,,,
Notice la hereby given thai the .,,,..,. i.i.. ,,, ri...,,r,l in Hunk "D"
undersigned, administrator of the , i( M ,.,.,.,.,,., r Quaru ,,atinn avltli interest thereon ut the ,aie of
tate of 8. H. Adains. deceased, has 15U .ereo, ud ,i,e ,,., 1 ten per ceul per aiiniiiii troin jhiiii-
lile.l in the ouuly Court of the , culion thereof heini! ury 10th. 1916. until paid, and for
State of Oregon for the County of . ... . ,. ,7500 attorney's fees and for said
Malheur, his final account of his ad u., ,,nls uf ylmru .,.ati,,., ,,,,,. gft) . .,1 ,.Un, c.Mh and dls-
ministratlon upon said estate, and 66. (he .8(I'KI8K" guariz atlfl 1 iaMBia N HH, utl; ai for a
that the same has been duly set for ',K ' r ,.,,, tlll. ,.,. , inllllll ,l,,i.e of the court if tbat
hearing by said court on Saturday. thereof 1)e,'K of rell)1(1 hj aaid ' """ r,,al '""H" execuied l.y
the 16th day of July. 1916, at the A., pafe 17, Uwrt!ilt UIld t. An,e K. OkMM ti Itohert ft Olson
liour of eleven o'clock a. m. of said ,,, .,,. Ilf ,,,. ,i1Hre.,r to A L. Cockrum, trustee, on Janu-
day at the Court house ip Vale. Ore- . )f i((r(1 mU 11)(k ..,, a. ( ary 26, ,9l4i on loU 1, 2 and the
gon. Any ana all persons iiub.csi- ,i, ,i n,M .m,i..,i north hulf of lot 3 In block UN 01
ed In said estate are hereby notified Qf (nt ,,reof Jt.lnK , t)iu City of Ontario. Malheur county,
to appear at said time and file their 1)o()k ly, ,,.(i ()reKOIl UIlll w,u,, huil, mortgage Is
objections In writing, If any there there(f. (he ..BKUKK,,Kv yuar,. recorded In boo! U.' i-age 387, of
re, to saia mm tv.ouu.. Mmji(( rMm l(e noll(;e (f 1(K!llU()1 the Ut,CordH of Heal Mortgages lor
teat the same. thereof being of record In aald Hunk Malheur county, Oregon, and for all
none ami uaieu auu in.i f" ..... . . BO ,. . . . ,. ,.,i,P relief .leinaniied In said cross
n cat. JJaa9v war iih;i kjj 1 , mii'i t"
amended notice of location thereof complaint.
being of record in aald Book "D" at you are further notified that this
page 161 thereof, and the amended summons is served upon you by pub
notice of location thereof being of nation In pursuance of an order of
NOTICE TO CREDITORS. record in said Book "D" at page 29 the Hon Dalton Higgs, Judge of this
Notice Ib hereby ghen thai the thereof; and the "BERKELEY NO court, which said order was made
undersigned has been appointed by " QuarU Mining Claim, the notice un(1 eHtred In said cause on the 23d
the County Court of the State of of location thereof being of record dy of May, 1916, and directed that
Oregon for Malheur County, Aduilu- iu said Book "D" at page 168 there tl8 BUmuions be published once each
Istrator of the estate of Win. J. of. and the amended notice of Iota week for six consecutive weeka tn the
Mink deceased. All persons having Hon thereof being of record in said Ontario Argus, commencing with
claims against the estate of the said Book "D" at page 268 thereof; and th- UMUe of May 25th, 1916
deceased are hereby notified to prea- all under ground rlghta of every Tne f(r,t publication of this sum
em the same to me at the law office 1 name and nature whatsoever situate f moua , Mgy 25,ht m, nd the
of C. McOonaglll In Ontario, Oregon, within the boundaries of the follow- lol publication u ou July 6th. 1916.
duly verified within six months from Ing bounded premises to-wlt: Com- Mcd'I.I.OCH i WOOD,
the date of the first publication of mencing at a point located on the Attorneys for cross-complainant,
tbls notice. Date of first publica. South boundary line of Lot 125-11 A (0ckruui. trustee, and the First
tiou June 15th, 1916. M. E. No. 40. and from which aald
D. B. PURCELL. I point corner No. I of said Lot 125-
srfm.nt.lratnr of the estate of Win B bears South 81 deg East zoo reel
It Iftllfel yoU overt' day in flic year by OftXifig tot
your money, tlierelty invciitiii its being lost i'
Frittered away. It not only does this, but it pa I
you for the privilege of aoing so bj Dftying t'ivr
per cent interest on your time deposits.
It giref yon the free benefif of expert advice
on any ittbjed InrolTing the use or Dftndling of
It will loan yon money at any time .,11 ap
proved security, and aid yon in its Investment
and advise yon in its management, if yon so de
sire. It will aid yon in many other ways If you
will give it the opportunity.
We invite yon to open an ftOOOUIli and become
ii'imlnr oat mil. and pay your hills hy check.
It is the modern business way, and ii is Lite
safest way.
Union Pacific Syatci
l.ow rates to Denrer, Colorado
Hprlngs, I'ueblo, Omaha, Kansas
City, St. I-ouls, Memphis, Chicago,
Minneapolis, st I'sul and many
other points.
May 13 17, 20, 24, 17, 31; June 3,
7, 10, 14, 17, 81, 24, SI; July I,
It, 19, 2; August 3, I, 1, 23, 30;
September 6, IS.
October 31 1919.
lxw rate excursion ticket! ou sale
daily. May 1st to September 30th,
Inclusive to Spokane, Portland, Ta-
coms, Seattle, San Francisco, Los
Angeles and San Diego.
October 31. 1916.
Sea any t). S. L. agent for rates and
further details or write D. 8. Spencer,
general pasaenger agent, Salt Lake
We are here prepared to buy your
Hogs, Veal, Hides, Poultry, Eggs, Etc.
I am for Fruitland, Idaho
Telephone 37 I Fruitland Fruitland, Idaho
this 16th day of June, 1919
Administrator of the estate of 8
H. Adams, deceased. 24-28
National Bank of Ontario, Oregon.
Too much Carranxa!
Too much
J. Mink, deceased
24-28 and running thence North 900 Mexico! Down with them both!
The Mitchell 6
of '16
Is the Greatest Car Value
the World has ever Known
Standard, pure sisal, binding twine; quality,
length and strength positively guaranteed;
direct from Twine Mills to consumer; 11 l-2c
per pound spot cash. This offer is subject to
immediate acceptance.
Caldwell, Idaho