The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, July 06, 1916, Image 4

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    The Ontario Argus
M. E. MAIN, Publisher.
Babteriptlea $1.00 a yoar
Always in advance
ruhlislied Kvery Thursday.
Entered in the Post Office at Ontario,
Oregon, for transmission through
the malts bb second class mall matter.
Consider this Mexico Into which
we apparently are about to be pro
jected with u more ser nua military
purpose than that of capturing ban
dlts! It Is a territorial area of more
than TVttMi siinun- ii,,;. ... bsl
seven and eight times the sUe of
Oregon Mid ..bout OM fifth thO area
of the rmtcl States. The Mexican
coast line Is 54h.'l miles In extent
There are twelve large rivers In the
republic an I too lakes of considerable
iiri.i. 1 1 1 tad nlong which are rich
alluvial valleys and a wealth of for
. iy Ml.l to he unexcelled anywhere
In tin world long Its extent of const
line Is a littoral of great and varied
productiveness of a temperate, a
semi-tropical an. I a tropical dime
Thl- lilt. 1.1I has an approximate av
nt of thirty miles la width, rich
lowland for the most part int. i
cried I y llllUfltl and the rivers
they make to the sea, anil broken
here ami there by projecting ridges
of the Cordlulleras,
fj Some of the Mexican valleys, ion
sldcrlng ar a and potential pnnluc-'
II tness, are inning the most won
derful In the world The Valley of
Mexico, with Its twin volcanic sent'-
nets at the mat- standing as giant
KUiinllaiiM to the capital. Is lfl miles
In extent, and Is In Itself n veritable,
euip're apahl of Hiistalnlng a
entire country Hardly anywhere on
this continent are there to le foiin-l
such stretches of rich mesu land as '
one encounters In traversing Mexico
finni const to coast along, let us say,
the twenty-sixth parallel or there
about Ami In the mountain ranges
that would be crossed In such a Jour
ney are Inexhaustible stores of min
i.rnl truiiynm m Ml orehollse from
whir ready half the silver of the
world has been taken and more
money I. mi h'dden in it than
the world has now In use The pen
Insula that Hat Immediately to the
hi lit h of our -i. lie of California Is
studded with mountains of well
nll'ii -olid on and great quarries of
the most beautiful building stone
known to the use of man The pop
ulation of Mexico is 15.000,000. The
tot-try Is eusily capable of sustain
lug 130,000. til In topography, In
miiI. in Mural wealth, limber, clliuafc
in every natural OOOdltlOt condu
clve to the creation or wealth and the
nialiiteiiauce of a large and prosper
ous population. Mex co Is endowed In
endless variety and Inexhaustible I
There lii the purely material view
of the Mexican situation Is the
templing melon to he plucked ami
cut. There Is the treasure the glll
let ink jewel as desirable as any
I ill has ever appealed to human cu
pidity It was the prize that lured
the Spaniard into that country, and
III the Inter years of Mexican nation
a 1 1 m It has been the temptation for
Other conquests, (-(inducted la other
fashion than that of the Spaniard.
but with like disastrous results i.
we 'o K" into Mi uu tor thai" If
Hi. i were to he our mission il would
DOt be worth the blood Of one nu-r
'can bOJ Such an errand would he
to our shame tad I denial of tlii
iii,. ils of American deoioortci
During tin- ten months of the n
cul year !9!."l. under the republican est in a naval base al the mouth of
1 1 olivine i, .nil there was lmporled tat tolumhia, perhaps ure a little un-
int i 'his country ineat and dairy pro noved that should have been
duct I to i In value of 1 1 l'.uoii iiimi presuinpt uouH enough to ask lor it
Tie ball Ol 'lii wiih foreign cheeses With every card In their bunds they
Si vt n of the ten months ended April either do not want to play them or
1914, were under the democratic they do uot know how to pluy them
turilf for less I hail revenue Ian. vvilli I ,o t i si supposition seems to he the
most of these products on the free true one for they seem perfectly able
list, and' for this ten months period to help I'oiudexter to play his curds
foreign coinpctunirs sent meat and A question is beginning to come lor
dairy products into the American ward for an answer Why should
market to the vulue of $2S,000,000. they he so willing to play l'oliule
the hulk of theiii IicIiik meats Nine tcr's gutue uud let their own game
of the ten months ended April 1915, go by the hoard? Is there some ae-
were under Kuropean war conditions ,re( deal or understanding between
Notwithstanding this, our imports of them uud Poliuti-xter' If there Is,
these products reached the astonish- upon what Is it based? Are the
lug figure of $:S.D00.000 uu increase whole community uud stute betrayed
of 1 7 per cent over the 19 1:1 period to get by with some other uppropriu-
Argentine meats and Canadian milk tion of greater i.uportunce to private
and cream accounted for the larger Individuals?
part of these imports About this Surely there must be some uuswer
time the demunds of the belligerents The senutors may be able to give It,
for Argentine meats became heavier. If they will If not perhaps Charles
and her trade in I lies products veered Samuel Jasksou, of the Journal, who
towurd Kurope, us did much of that went forth so gully with a commls-
froin Canada. For the ten mouths ( sion from the people of Portland to
ended April 1916, our imports of get the naval buse uppropriatino, but
Argentine meats were Just 50 per; who uppears to huve stubbed his toe
cent of what they were during the'at some point In the road, might
1914 oeriod. and oar total Imports rise and do It for them. Aa matters
of meut und dulry products were
$21,000,000. The principal after- problem which Argentina will
have to Mat is how to get rid of her
vast surplus of farm products, the
pm.ln.tlon of which, during the past
iwo jpiirf. riHH npfn so wonuenuiiy
Increased. With a detiiocratlc free
trade law on the statute hooks, the
I'nltcd States Is the logical market
for these products and that spells
disaster to the American farmer
with I republican tariff law on the
statute Looks American farm prod-
uets will be protected. Moreover,
every cent of duty that Argentina
pays to enter these farm products In
our market will go ,nto the federal
treasury as revenue, and that means
niiig of the tNfdM Of Internal
taxation on the American farmer.
Ilou do you think he will vote
Disregarding the Interests of farm
er . Hie democrats tin. - " "'"
free list, with the result that millions
Of tottat of Chinese eggs were ship
ped to this country at prlc
American fanner could not meet
The 1 iregon legislature tried to pro
tect the Oregon farmer by enacting
I 1 1 requiring that bakeries, res
taurants, etc., using Imported eggs
il post a not lerlarlng that
fact. A test case In the courts has
resulted In a decision declaring the
law iinconslghitlnniil, tad CfclM I
eggs are again freely old in the West
According tO the iltCltat vice coo
sul at Nanking. China, eggs from that
country are consigned to America at
1 1; 1, hi per doxen. While this
competition does not affect the egg
pioducer In the Kast, It Illustrates
the application of the principle of a
protective tariff which kept these
eggs of cheap price and poor quality
out of our markets.
The demand of the armies of
Europe have furnished an opportun
n 1 or American packers and can
ners to market large quantities of
their goods," said Dr. E. E Pratt In
an article read before the Host on
Convention of Wholesalers. Hut Df
Pratt refuses to recognlxe canned
goods as munitions of war.
Come to think of It, Isn't this a
queer state of affairs. The Seattle
end of Washington has u republican
senator. Ills name is Polndexter
From a democratic senate he gets
everything he wants His approprl-
atlon for Hreinerton goes through as
though everybody was tickled to
death to do M for hllll. The ileum
cratlc secretary of the navy Is at his
heck and call All he ds to know
Is that It Is for Polndexter to n com
nun, I It and urge that It be given.
The senate committee, with a demo
cratic chairman at Its head. Is eiial
mii our own tauten
an- not far behindhand. The ways
are greased and I'olndexter's appro
priation bill goes through like a
graceful launching
Oregon is represented by two dem
ocratic senators Oregon helped WH
IM toward h's flrts nomination much
as It bellied Hughes toward his nom
ination II gave Wilson Its electoral
von- It sent to Washington a dem
ocratlc senator that gave the senate
its lone democratic majority One of
our senators Is chairman of the mill
larv committee, the most strategic,
except one, In the whole list With
all these seeming advantages in our
favor, the administration, house and
senate democratic Hid both our sen
ators democrats, all we seem aide to
do is to help I'oimlexter When we
need something for ourselves In the
MM line we arc Healed like a lot of
iruanl schoolboys, even hy I'o mlex
ter, who seems to rule the MMti "av
al committee us though they were a
lot of his pla.v fellows The trouble
seems to be thut our senutors are
I tly indilf.-rcnt to the result.
They do not seem to have mi) inter
slund they ure all in an indefensible
position before the public whose con-
fldence they seem to have betrayed,
--Portland Telegram (Democratic.)
-,,,, , MOXKKV WHENt H
Into Cokm heels of Industry.
Early In the year the people of
California and their representatives
in MBgfMI nimlc a strong fight to
:-.ceure rdlef lor the oil producers
operating In good talth on the with
drawn lands at Maricopa and Mid
A remarkably strong case was
made In favor of the oil Industry
and the senate committee on public
lands conducted an elaborate hear
ing for two months. On this com
mittee were senators Myers of Mont
ana, Thomas of Colorado, Chamber
lulu of Oregon, Smoot of Utah, Clark
of Wyoming and Plttman of Nevada.
Working vvitn mem .-..
rtttltt and Works of California and "owpunchers of the Diamond A and
Secretary of the Interior Lane These ''-bar outfits todny sent a courier to
are all western men thoroughly fam- Hachlta with news that they bad lo
ilmr will the situation cated a hot trail and were following
After two months of the closest I Into Mexico
Investigation, the above committee The man who rends the papers
brought in a report recommending understands that these cowboys were
relief for the oil Industry. No one on a punitive expedition of their
questioned the report and the Call- own. and that the purpose of It was
fornla oil men were happy. 10 catch and punish the murderers
Now come a few eastern papers j
and politicians trying to gain votes
at the expense of the west and claim
this relief has been recommended as
a large land grab measure, etc . and
try to hold up the relief measure,
This Is entirely uncalled for and a
direct Insult to a large number of
the brainiest men In congress who
are ui favor of such a relief
The west has been made a fool of
long enough at the bands of such
polit'ral highwaymen and Is now
standing solidly behind her repre-
sentatlves who re fighting for this
The oil producers whether on
withdrawn or private lands, have de-
veloped their wells along lines of
honest endeavor and good faith, fol-
lowi-d in this country since the con-
slltiillnii was adopted. To protect ,
them In those rights should be the
first duty of the legislators and there
by preserve one of the principal basic
Industries of the coast. .
The same eastern politicians have
been trying to hold up the water
power development In the northwest,
It tln-v can succeed In blocking pow-
er development there and oil devel-
iipnint In California, they would have
certuinly put the biggest wrench po-
slide In the cogwheels of our Indus-
trial development.
One might almost say that It looks
like a selfish scheme on the part of
eastern Interests to hold back maun
factoring on the coast.
ns with hills to go before the
legislature or by Initiative before the
people, involving lurge expenditures,1
might us well save themselves trou
ble aa they will not be authorised.
I' traaes and their effect on
taxation are being thought over by
I the people as never before and not
many more steps In that dlriTii.ui
will be taken on this coast In the
near future.
The high cost of living and the
high tost of government are in lurge
part due to the development of a
trained army of experts, or
pests, called uplift hoards, comiui-.
or whatnot
The average per capita tax in Ore
ion i ui.irl.v us high today as in
war-ridden (ieruiauy uud from $J0
per capita to $liU per capita within
.i ilei.ule mi progressive h
In t..iilv years Oregon tuxution
.d me hundred per cent, and
tb tarotpitu In the three ouust
la about the same all hither
,U111 ,.w York The tax rate
should come down ''". per cent
Cheap capital, v i 1 1 high taxation,
will not employ high priced labor,
ami aatabUahaaal f new laSaati
will go on very Blowly until the aver-
i.. . luvutim, iiuu i,..ii reitiie-
. ,..,, ,,, ... ,.. .... .- ......
ed considerable
Cheap capital becomes dear i.ipi
lal when taxes umouiit to two and
u hulf to three per cent. Low rutes
of Interest ure impossible for ludus
t rial development or manufacturing
enterprises. '
It is only the interest-eating mort- (ce anything In the St. Louis plat
guge thut fun live when the cost of j lon ui,out single term for the presi
governiuenl is too high, and the high dent, canal toll, high cost of living
cost of living can not be reduced with
taxation applied in too tuuny forms
Nine days after the raid on Coluin
us the Ward Hue steamer Esperanxa
aimed in Vera Crux with 1,350,000
rounds of ammunition, all soft nosed I
or dumdum bullets, for the Curran
a government.
Ou April 1 the Ward line steamer
Monterey lauded at Vera Crux 1.360,
000 rounds of ammunition.
On May 13, a month after the Car
runcistu gurrUou ut I'arral had at
tempted to uiuush the advance guard
I of the American expeditionary troops
under MaJ. Tompkius, and had at-
tacked them, the Esperanr.a landed
at Vera Crux 300,000 rounds of am
munition. During these months ammunition
has been going over the border In
Hiiantltes, as well as other supplies
for the Carranta troops.
Our soldiers are now about to
meet a large enemy force, armed and
e, implied by their own countrymen,
with the permission of the govern
ment that Is now sending them Into
the field The American soldiers who
die In battle will he shot by Ameri
can bullets, propelled by American
powder, from guns held by soldiers
fed hy American food, supported by
a government established through the
Influence of the American govern
ment. Chicago Tribune.
We read In the news dispatches:
of William Pnrker and wife
their own sense of direct and expe
dlted Justice, th men know no
imrner one. io ineir minus a mur-
derer Is Just as guilty In Mexico as
lie Is In the 1'nlted States; and If
bt gets into Mexico, the thing to do
I to go after him anil bring him
to Justice.
If M could have been impressed
"' 'he Mexican mind from the very j
first that this cowboy philosophy of
administering Justice would govern
border relations, we would umlouht
edly have escaped much trouble and
might have avoided war.
From confidential sources It Is
learned that the administration con
templates a blockade of every Mexl-
can port on the Atlantic and Pacific
coasts within the next few days,
This step will he taken to prevent
arms, ammunition and other war
supplies from reaching Mexlcsn
forces In the event that Carranxa falls
to yield completely to the United i
states and continues making threats
and warlike demonstrations.
with the border closed tightly
against all ah'tiiuents of war niiiter-
i.,l Into MexVo and the ports block
aded, the de fncto government would
be completely shut off from every
source of supply, except through
iiuate Ii. and It Is not believed
that the government of that country
would furnish arms to Carranxa.
fier a year and a half of prohi
bition liussla may be said to have
successfully tbolltBOd the liquor truf
fle. The sale of Intoxicants since
Ktuperor Nicholas put his signature
to the ukase forbidding the traffic
at the outset of the war, has fallen
from nearly 1,000,000,000 rubles
I $500,000,000) yeurly to approxi
mately four per cent of thut sum
This four per cent largely consists
of the sale of liquors for medical
purposes, although In It Is Included
also a limited traffic in wines for
which there is a restricted permls-
slou in certain parts of the empire
Senator Ollie James evidently some
limes changes his mind A few
months tfa he was liuuliiiK Woodrow
Wilson as the greatest president sluce
Washington. Then he chuuged It to
tht Kieutest since Lincoln Hut he
voted for a democratic platform
which mer.-h Wilson the
greatest In his generation When the
campaign Is over and the election
has removed the necessity of extrav-
agance of expression, probably Sena-
tor James will agree that Wilson is
the greatest democratic president
-tOI Cleveland
Huston Transcript A democratic
oAprAturv nt Oia trAMsiirv can soiieee
nva , j w . w. . . j .. g
more gleeful gloats out of u 1160,-
, i deficit than any of bis re-
publican predecessors were ever able
io . vii.ui Horn a $50,000,000 sur-
u . i I'luins (Mo) Journal Not'
uud utfuirs in Mexico?
Neither did
Surgeons state men are slightly
more subject to appendicitis thuu
women Ontario people should know'
that a few doses of simple buckthorn
bark, glycerine, etc , as mixed tu I not only for his own family, but for
Adler-l-ka, often relieve or prevent others as well Keep everything
appendicitis This mixture removes ' clean and sanitary, .and fowls free
such surprising foul matter that one1 from disease, as poultry products
spoonful relieves almost any case of J form' an important menu in the home
constiputiou, sour stomach or gas of every family in this broad uni
The instant, easy action of Adler-i-! verse.
ka is surprising. The Everhart Drug If the rooster is not permitted to
Co. adv. ; associate with a flock of laying hens
"My Druggist"
"My Druggist" is what we want yon to call
ns ,nwl if yon givt its mi opportunity we will
live i'ijrM up to your expectation, in every re
Wo will sell you drugl of absolute purity and
freshness. prescriptions will be Oiled with faithful
attention to the minutest detail.
The toilet articles you buy will be the best
money can obtain for the price, and the price will
always be low.
The rubber goods we sell are of the best make
.him will .; v 'ly siiitisfactorv to you.
We will jrivc ymi our best in everything, in
cluding service.
Everhart Drug Store
, .
Bargains Bargains
Never before were there
such bargains in hats as
you will find at the 0s
born Millinery, also a spec
ial discount on switches.
Successor to
In the state of Missouri a certain
day In June has been designated as
"swat the rooster" day, at which
time every poultryniun Is supposed
to break up breeding pens and either
kill the mule birds or place them
where they cannot have access to
n i- r mules
The prime purpose of adopting
this plan V1 produce Infertile
eggs; hut In addition to this, It may
have its value In other respects
,)ur(llg , ,0, HU,nnr llloll,,1K
muly (.H nrB tponeiX ,,y reon ,,r
beBf lnfertUei that j, to Myi fer.
,e if tt , contttct wllll
,f h temper,ture ,Ur, germ ,evelop-
m(m, (im, re(U,re but a abort
time to make them unfit for human
We believe, therefore thai this is
an er,-llent plan, and In our opin
ion, every person bundling poultry
should consider and put into pruc-
tlce this suggestion and help improve
a product that enjoys such a univer
sul deiniuid
Stule eggs are not relished by any
one. much less un egg thut has attrt-
ed to incubate.
Karmers are more likely to be-
come careless in nils matter man in
others, perhaps by reason of having
their attention directed along other
'"es- or "ot """'" futilities for
keeping the fowls separated. In
such cases, too, irreparuhle harm
c generally tie traceii, as the same
carelessness Is exercised In the
gathering of eggs, and the market
becomes stocked with un article un-
fit to be looked upon as human
This course leads to a decrease in
the number of eggs that would nor-
mully be consumed. Consequently,
uu unusual surplus follows; and the
cold storage becomes the benefi
ciary. We are not pretending to deliver
a sermon, or relate something that
is entirely new, but our purpose is
to help benefit alt mankind and aid
our community in becoming mm
i prosperous und haupv
Every iudl-
iduul should feel It Incumbent up
on himself to promote better living,
Grove & Riley
the summer months, there
will be no such thing as eggs with
chirks In them; and unless we all
Join In making this a common law
unto ourselves, do not be surprised
If the Iron hand of the law steps In
,, ,., all(H ul,,,.r penalty thut
you shall conduct your business In
compliance with Its dictates.
Frultlaud, July 5. Krultlund vot
ed bonds for a high school building
Saturday The first of June, at a
mass meeting held, a committee of
six was appointed to canvass the dis
trict and learn, if possible, the wish
of the voters as to the amount they
would be willing to vote bonds for
u high school building. After a
I borough canvuss X10.U00 seemed to
be the amount thought sufficient by
the majority of voters. The bount
then called for un election for July
1 for f 10,000 bonds to build and
lurnish a high school building The
voting was no' u, heivv H usual, on
ly 171 voting, und only 10 of thee
voting against the bonds.
After the election the school hoard
met und opened bids for the construe
tion or the building. Mr. McCee of
Frultland and Mr. Huff of I'uyette
were the lowest bidders.
Monday night the board met and
gave the building contract to Mr.
McOee of Frultland.
N I' Yockey drew the plans for
the building and will superintend the
same. The building will lie an addi
tion 60x70 feet to the north end of
the present building. The basement
will have room for the furnace, man
ual training and domestic science
classes The first floor will have
four class rooms. The second floor
will be 48x68, the assembly hall
Work will be begun at once so that
the building will be in readiness for
the opening of school In September.
Bonds of different amounts have
been voted on four times in this dis-
All were satisfied that more
was needed, but a maloritr
seemed to think the amount asked
for too large.
Attractive rates for excursion tick
ets good from Saturday (or Sunday)
to Monday on sale every week.
Still better rates for tickets good
Sunday only. Ask O. 8. L. agent
for details.