Great Profit-Sharing Prize Campaign FREE-Valuable Prizes-ENTER YOUR NAME ONTARIO pharmacy With Mck 60 rents purchase nnd this coupon you will be entitled to 2.000 VOTES. A ROOSEVELT W giaftaa-v- i i riUn I ill riLAILrU Hans to Offer Wilson 12,000 Men, Himself as General In Event of War. New York, June 28. Theodore Koosevelt Id preparing to offer a llvlHlon of approximately 12,000 men in tin- I'n teuV HtateH govern "ient, accompanied by hi applica tion for a commission hh major general, In the event of war with Mexico, r nil a call by the president fur volunteers, It waa learneil lire t on I k Ii t from authoritative sources. Kluhorate ' plunn have been maile iiletly to recruit the organ xutlon from picked men tl rnunhout the country, anil It In aald that Colonel Koosevelt bus worked out every de tail that would expedite the mohlli xallon of the lane fighting unit. Even the horse and mule necessary re aald to have been pledged. The dlvlalon will consist. It la re ported, of four brigade, Inatead of three, iih prescribed In the army reg Ulatlona. In the dlvlalon will bo cavalry, Infantry, field artillery, aero plane detachments, englneerK. m mil corpH and the moat modern field hos pital equipment. An ample number of machine gun will accompany the illvlHlon. It Ik understood Colonel Itooae velt and hla aide have onnaulted with IiIh frletulM In the regular army hold lug high rank, and the entire Ml bttN been received with approval. If It Is possible, the principal com i Hiding officer w III be druwn from the regular army lleern linn for the division ha been done to a large extent In the Went and Middle w pi-liiiipulH among men w hu had pre vloua experience and men who hue served In I lie branche or military MTVlOe. The main equipment for Uu d Hum. It I Hitld. will have lo be su'p pllcd by the war department. such aa rifle, ammiinltlon. clothing, etc. It la reported that auppllea of ma chine gun and ueroplane are be'ng miide by private concern for the il Islon Colonel ltooevelt'a frlenda say he hu been receiving at hi home In Oyster Hay many letters Mttll tng offer from head of military organUatons to upply lilm with men whould he contemplate raising a force for the front 11 f 1 1ST CHUMH NOTES. Topic for next Sunday morning The llellgiou llad-Aboul " We wish that every Christian could hear thlK address It will do yuu good The churches of the City MAN agreed to hold union aervlce through out the months of July and August tx-K in iiiiik with next Sunday evening uhicti service will be held at the BaptlNt church Phillip Dostiiner "r l-,,i i l.nnl will deliver llnj adln froiu the topic "Separating the Oct law from hi (!uu " Mr. 1 1h the cowboy from Texas who roped Yin mi the O'Conuer ranch of 127, 000 acre dowu near the M line Let everybody hear tllla ad- D.'E. HAKKR. Pastor. Mr. Hay Snath and family arrived in Hums Monday evening from Crane. Mr Smith is drilliug a deep well for the railroad company and says tie will go 1.000 feet If he bus to, to get artesian water He Just finished a well for the railroad coin ,it Venator and only had lo drill l6 feet to get enough water lo fill a big water tuuk, the I Venator and Crane are ten luch bore .Burn Tribune. Ollie James referred lo Mr iTTM as the nation's greatest democrat Hot gUmming Mr. Wilaon aa alightiy aristocratic, was he? From press report Mr. Bryan felt i a much at home In St Loul. a he did at Chicago. llltsT THUS IN V Mill It Will lu ii (.nl.i lu for Ml Ml the Sen Am ii in Mm 'kIIc . The information was brought to this office today that the first pus Henger tra,n to come Into the bor der of Harney valley will arrm .it Crane, on Tuesday. July 11, 1918. It Ih lo be made an occasion of, a grand celobrnllon nt the new town of Crane, and a general Invitation I extended to all In the county to participate, especially those living In Hum and vicinity. An elaborate program Is being arranged for Hie entertainment of the visitors. Governor Wlthyoombe and other atate dlgnltarle will apeak at the gathering The IlooHter band of llurn ha been engaged to furnish music for the occasion The basebnll team of Hum will play a game In a conteat with the railroad team on that day. A dance will be given In the af ternoon and again In the evening There will aluo be many other form of entertainment for thla great celebration ih.idy help lo hurrah for the one occurance that all have hoped and waited for so long It will be an occlon not aoon to be forgotton. Further detail next Issue Ilurn i News ORCHARD NOTES Some of the most Important fact brough out by the orchard survey of n coiinn ure the follewing: There are approximately 17,000 acres of commercial orchard In this county, one-third of this acreage la in Jonathan apples. one-fifth in Koine Beauties, and one-fifth Wine- . apple In other word, 73 per cent of till entire acreage I act lo the three varieties of apple Seven per cent of the entire acreage I Italian prune Slightly over ten per cent of the orchard I bearing ult hough one-halt of the bearing ac iml 8 year.- old or the ninety per cent not yet bearing. over one-half wus four and five yeara old in tin slimmer of 1916 The great bulk of the orchard will begin to hear in l'.MS and 1919. Orchard pluming have practically stopped One fourth of the orchard acreage wa planted hy orchard com punies I lure ure 18 companies with a total acreage of 4.272. There are over 730 commercial fruit growers In the count., who are not In the orch ard companies These own un aver age of 17 acre of orchard each. Les than per cent of the orchard acre uge waa set with filler Alfalfa I a more popular MM crop than red clover, almost three limes as large an acreage of Ma orchard is being sown to ulfulfa as is sown to red clover. III HAL (itklUTN DIM ISSED F.v-dovernor WeM ami Professor MacPlierkou Are Hiseaker. In his address before Evening Star Orange Saturday Fx tlovernor Os wald West advocated that the state establish a bank puy 4 per cent in terest on deposits and loan the mon ey to farmers at 6 per cent for mak ing permanent improvements on their farms Professor MacPherson of the Ore gon Agricultural College explained the provision of the pending mea sure, for which petitions are now be ing circulated, and on which there will be a vote in the fall He fav ored the measure and urged that it will give farmers relief from the. heavy interest they are now paying. Mexico should be a little careful of the direction In which it points its ultimatums. The less veracity a man has of his own the more be admires it in un- other man. 8IATE OFFICIALS ARE TO RF HERE On An Inspection Trip of the Nitrate Beds and Other Deposits, The governor and some other of ficials are to he here on the morning of the Huh for a short time They are going to make an in spection of Hip nitrate deposit of this county and then go to Harney, Iih" mil other counties where they have deposits located. The following I the Itlnenary of this visit hy the state's efficials: I'srty should leave Portland not later than the 6:lli train Saturday evening, July 8th. Arrive In Caldwell, Idaho, 12 55 p. m. Sunday. Will v'alt the nitrate deposits on Succor creek In Malheur county Sun day afternoon, taking supper at the American Nitrate company camp and running Into Ontario Sunday evening Monday, the 1 0th. they will leave Ontario at 7 a. m Lunch at Ueulah on the middle fork of the Malheur river, arriving in Hums In early ev ening. Tuesday, 11th. a trip will be made through the Harney valley, visiting the Irrigable land. Pacific Live Stock company's holding. Malheur and Harney lake lunching at the Narrows, and returning to Burn in the evening. Wedneaday, 12th, early start from Horns, vlslCng mineral deposits at Stinking lake, near the OO-ranch., also those In Ituixard canyon south of Iron mountain, lunching at Plush on the Warner lake, continuing on down west side of Warner lake and marshes to Adel, thence to Lake view for the night Thursday 13ih, early start from Lakevtew, north via Chewaucan to Paisley, visit Summer lake, then back southeast to Valley Kails, then around Lake Albert through Alkali lake and north to the American Ni trate company camp at Wagontlre mountain. Friday, 1-ttli. enrly start from the Wagontlre cump, lo Chrlutma lake via the Alkali flats, then to Silver lake taking lunch at the town or Silver Lake, thence norlh via Pau line marsh into Bend. Saturday, 15th, autos al disposal of party for Inspection of the Tu malo project. Crook county, state roads, etc., which will permit of the parly returning to Portland on Sat urday night train if desired THK. sK OU STOHV. i . . i ). . .,,,,: i,i,' g machine came around the cui. road near San Francisco al high rule of speed, lull to see lowered gale ut railroud crossing in time, eras. through the stillie and are struck b) limited train, three killed, fourth seriously injured and machine run: pletely demolished So goes the story nearly every day How long w II it be before ilnm will become aware of the fact that a railroad crossing la necessarily dan gerous at any lime and that a hgtll should always he made? An accident of this kind Is most I regretable, not only to the fmni" -of the gecei ed but for the engineer and fireman who are subjected Ul the MTT0 Ml"' ""1 l,e '' putitated lor ink as a result j through no fuuli on tlii-r part The piesideut of the Tobacco Mer- chant s association describes lobMCO as "a i luxury. Or as you might say a luxurious necessity. KttCftlliug Hen Franklin's famous remarks, the republicans and pro gressiws should reflect that If tbej do not haug together, they may bang separately If silence is goldeu Justice Hughes should make a first class sound mou-. ey caudidate. i NIHSA. 0 ( ( From the Journal) i: i Pratt came In from the Owy- .1.1, ff loorl of holts for shipment. Newt Thomason also brought In a load of fat porkers. The county's road drag, pulled by rilbson's" big oil pull Albert (llhson pilot, gave Nya street the once over Tuesday. The Improvement I noticeable and will be still more so when the rock are removed. July 20th the Oregon Short Mnc and the o -W It. t N. company will publish a rate on hog In double deck car effective from all point on lie Oregon Short line to North Port land based 150 per cent of the single deck rate. A party of government surveyors sre stopping at the Hotel Western whllo engaged In surveying the Is land In Snake river near Nyssa. This will enable the settlers who have iuatted on the islsnds lo get title to their property. Jack Lynch met with an accident recently which caused him to lose much lucrative employment. While hearing sheep In Montana he cut the hack of hla left hand severely and was compelled to return home, ar riving here Monday. He will be out of commission the bslance of the hearing season. I 41, McNee went to Uolse Tues day to offer his services to I'ncle Sam In the threatened scrap with the greasers Although "Chicago" ha long since graduuted from the iifuut da, he would still be worth a whole company of Mexicans, and, ii ammunition should run short, there would sill ibe a chance for vic tory a long as he could handle his "dukes." The work of drilling the big O. 8. L. well at till place I proceeding merrily, a depth of SCO feet being reported this morning. The drill has been working In water for sever al days but a sufficient force has not yet been struck to cause the wat er io flow out of the hole, although It rlaea to within a few feet of the top. Indicating that it Is slightly ar tesian The well has not been cased the entire depth and it Is the belief of those In charge that had this been done the water would run out ut Hie top. The drill went through shale at a depth of about 75 feel and Ml water probably escapes through I but , ,,., Drilling will be continued in the hope of striking a strong arte slan flow. WIM OY1 NgWOJTD TO CALL TO IIMm Nyssa, although not as large as sonic town . Ml ;'h much patriotism lo the square inch as any of tln-in ! recruits from here Joined I In National tluurd of Idaho and will probably M on their way lo the bor der next week llesldes Frank and Wall, in- Lynch, Miiui Cuilhttlll and Will Morey. several others an- re I)l)r.( t iave gone to llolse to M h , vVallace Lynch, the first Ny- fm ntttrlot t respond, passed the examination and is almost tctcruii His comrades In arm have dubbed I, un -Dud Lynch." Dave Caiibam left for Boise Thursday morning and is doubtless wearing the khukl by this time Dave is a husky young tl, !,-!. and will give a good gMH of himself. Frank Lynch was shearing sheep In Montana when the call to amiH was Issued but word has reached N ssa that he quickly enlisted, proba bly In the Montana regiineni It is earnestly hoped that war mny be averted, but, if there should hi- a dash, the Nyeaa boys will be found ready to do their share to BMP ,,l( tar spangled bann.-r waving. I an .ilea that is :-ald to be Dew In regard to using oil on the roadway - Hy sprinkling the with oil It has recently been uined both sparrows and mosquitoes can be gottM rid of The sparrows carry the oil to their nests on their feet and oil the eggs, which n i hul(h iU,d th,- oil scums the water pools in Hie road and ditches and the mosquitoes cannot breed. DEMOCRATIC CENTRAL COMMITTEE MEETS i i., di-inocratlc central committee of Miilhi-ur county met at the chain -er of commerce rooms In Vain on Wednesday, June 28, 1918, and an organization perfected. J It Mluckuby wn elected chair man, Thos. .tones, vice-cbalrmnn for Vale, C. C Forbes, vice-chairman for Nysa. Itos A. Soward, secretary, mid 11 Ci lllrliardson was elected a member of the state central commit tee from Malheur county. An executive committee was ap pointed and committee were ap nolnted to anit the central com mittee In each precinct In the coun ty Precinct committeemen were nam ed a follows Arcadia, J M Duncan; Banln, F.d ward Woodcock; Ileulah, Wm Mur ray; Big, Bend. Jeee Johnston; BonlU, J. P. Reed: Brogan. J. T. Logan; Bully. R K Bush; Csiro, J. M. Butler; Cord. 8. F. Suti.n, Crowley, W W Dowell; Fair, Thos J. Broaqan; Orange, It II De Ar mond; Harper. M W. Smith; Iron side, Ernest Locey. Jameson. J. L Pope; Jones, A. F. Masteraon; Jor dan Valley. Harry l-ooney; Juntura. A. M. Byrd; Juniper. Tho J. Good year; Malheur, diss n Morfilt; Nyssa, C C Forbes; Ontario No. 1, McCoy. Ontario No. 2. C. McOon nglll. Ontario No. 3. J 11 Itlurkaby; Owyhee, John II Forbes; UUerslde, Frank Sliiiniwny; Itorkvllle. James Mulloy; Home, Frank" J navls; miase lllver, H J Benson; Vale, North, Thos. Jones; Vale, South, II 0 Hlr hardson; Westfall, Henry Hyde, Watson, It. J. Iver. Executive committee C Mciionu gill, Ontario; II. C Richardson, Vale; Ii II De Armond. Orange; 0 C. I priM. Nyssa and Boas A. Soward, Vale. JlNTlltV i Ci.iiii the Times) Slll Ills or sheep ban- been about the heaviest this week In the history of the town, full train loads going opt practically every day In the week. Fully one hundred cars been shipped during this per iod and many more orders are stand ng. This movement of the woolii-H should have a tendency to improve range condition and we understand that the range Is get ting almighty scarce alreudy County Judge McKulghl passed through to Riverside Monday niglil to Inspect the new bridge which Is uuurlng completion there The Judge stated that the county surveyoi would he up here ut an early dale to run out the- I ne of the prop,, t4 new road to Drewsey. The Times has been sold to A. M. Ilyrd, who will publish the next Is sue Kdltor lirow has no definite plans for the future lltONSllll (June 29) Born at Bouita to Mr und Mr Elmer Moudy an eight pound girl Mother and bub) are doing well Mr and Mrs James laickey and little daughter, Mary, of Ontario, mo tored up on Friday to the home of Mrs, Lackey's pai.nls. Mi and Mi C T Locey in-ar lionsiib- Mr Lack ey returned Satuiday lo Onturio. ;u i'oin(i,iuii-il by Ins daughter, Miss llaii Lackey, who has been visit ing friends and relatives hero for the past two Hy tin inn.- mo I M09l gOttM thai the pi were once insurgents and that Hob La Foil- III ir father Whither the MM ":l1 learn to bray liki- t In- donkey or trumpet like iin , Ii pliant hiiiIii in be seen. It i- Mexico's mission to in.., American preparedness issue MJ real indeed. False friends ure like our shadow the) are with you only in the un-ihlM When an employee Is discharged ces a relief from that hired leeiiug. Whatever happen this is going to he a respectable though superheated (iimpalgn. A child Is wiser In hi innocence than a philospher In his wisdom. are the Newer Bigger Better i productions Tlicy are Clean. pictures for every member of the family to enjoy TKey insure a real jfood time fee, v Ask your tiuatie for it