The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, July 06, 1916, Image 1

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ONTARIO, lU.lllili colAI'V, OKRUOFf, TH1K8DAV, JULV , 1010.
That Was the Number of
Males Listed by Adju
tants General.
Washington In 1910, when UM
Inst HUH wan taken, there were -".
538, 141 mules of available military
age In the lulled State. This num
ber haii probably Increased to 26,
000,000 In the lust six years The
adjutants general In It 15 reported
to the mil. tin division that the num
ber available wan 17.049.06X Nil
sylvanla rank third In number avail
able for aervlce -villi 1,1 54, 607. New
York la first, with 1,616.609, and with 1.156,072.
In 19 1 6 the total strength of the
mate militia waa 129,398. Thin num
ber has Inereaaed and threatened war
Pennsylvania's mllltla atrength In
1915 waa 11,028; that of New York.
16.609; New Jersey, 4472 and Dele
war.i, 4 90
Tin- following ihwi by Mates the
number of male nvnllahle for mili
tary service aa reported In 1915 by
Hie adjutant general and the mini
bar of malea of military age, 18 to 45
yearn, Inclusive, according to the can
ua of 1910:
Malea Malea of
avallale for m'tary age
duty reported census
Alabama .
ArkanaaN .
Dm, of coi.
Florida . .
by adj. gan 1910
152.779 401,146
60.795 68,1
217.743 311.971
16. 18 665,611
113,766 203.882
15. 144 203.982
12.40 44.614
80.325 78.34
205.260 171.688
Georgia 500, 03S
Hawaii 14.966
Idaho 34.004
4,f :
lllliiola . .
Indiana .
1.2(4.071 1,330.664
, 544.70 580.657
Iowa 324.816
Kanaaa 186,135
Kentucky 461,497
l.oulslanu 346,186
Ma'ne 104.764
Maryland 131.073
Massachusetts . . 51.623
Mi. IiIkuii 521.911
Mlliueaola 238,607
Mlaalaaippl .... 401,106
Mlaanurl 604,09
Montuna 68,108
im in
171.3 7::
f 44,414
41.1 1:1
346 746
Nebranka ....
New Hampshire
New Jersey . , .
New Mexico . . .
14,41 1
New York 1,616,609 2,166,361
North Carolina . 317.020 393,12
North Dakota .. 75,732 146.611
Ohio 928.043 1.076.928
Oklahoma 321.094 357.933
Oregon 136.726 10.653
vlvauUt . . . 1,154.607 1.784,61 Island . . . 138.406 115. US
Souih Carolina . . 217.075 I
South Dukotu . . 81,042 144,411
Tennessee 376,746 441,441
Texas 601,236 804,980
I'Uli 40,58 84,440
.-11110111 50,803
Virginia 401,903 28,728
Washington .... 286.316
Virginia . . 226,724
nsiii 441,73 47.922
Wyoming 42.632 54.654
Totals 17,049,068 20.538,374
No organized militia.
Oakland. Cal.. June I'll The
Western Pacific railroad was sol.! to
the reorganization connniti.t- i Dm
road yesterday for S18.000.tl00 ut
public auction. The amount paid
for the Wi .tern Pacific was lix.d b
the federal court and paid in first
mortgage bonds turned into the re
organization committee by their
holders to forward reorganization.
tl.oae. who wear the flag
on their coat lapel and then there
are those who wear It on the heart.
Sometimes the girl who marries
for a home is paying too much rent.
California Delegate to Re
publican Convention
Likes Candidate.
"My Impression of lluglfn waa
that of a genial, gracious gentleman
who will win bin way Into Hie hearts
of the Anierlrnn people." hbI.I Mra
Abble V. Kreh. delegate at large to
the republican national convention
upon her return to her San Francla
co home from Chicago, New York
anil Washington. D. C. Mm Krehn
npoke enthusiastically of the senti
ment for the republican nominee in
the eaat. She met many aoclal and
hu.lne.s aaaoclatea In New York and
they were all strong in their feeling
that Hughe would win.
'He waa the beat governor the
atate of New York ever had.' was the
comment everywhere," nald Mm.
Kreba at the Palace hotel, "and I can
well understand bin atrength after
the meeting which I had with him In
New York where I went to pay my
reaped to the party'a candidate.
"There seem no doubt there as to
bis election. My aaoclatea war wall
aatlsfled and I heard many other -pres'.ons
of satisfaction In the
Among my friend In Washington,
not In the o-called official aet. I
found a marked opposition to Presi
dent Wilson.
"Any Idea that we might have had
of Hughea' auaterlty baa been elimi
nated. I been told that he waa
'Just Ice.' Let me aay that he la no
thing of the son Ho la a fine ,
American citizen, and lie baa not on
ly the qualities of a splendid Anierl-'
can type, but lie has a personality
which entirety allays any fear thai ,
we might have had of his Inability
to meet the people. Let no one con
tinue to curry the Impression that
Hughea cannot meet the American
"Not only can he do that but he
can do It In such a way as to win
them. I waa most agreeably sur
prised, and my experience will he
that of every citizen who shall be
'""unate enough to come Into con
in. I with him during the campaign."
If the reports are true, Hie news
papers of Idaho 'and printing plants
have furnished fur more men lo Hie
national guards, :ji proportion to
their total iiumbers, thau any other
claaa of citizens.
There are now a little over 1.000
men enlisted and It is said that nearly
one hundred of these have goue from
.per offices. The Leader ll.-i
aid has furnished Us sliure. Hum!. I
l..l- Taylor un.l Harold
.illusion hat lug eull.ted Xampu
A (-bromide ledge of from one to '
four feet wide has been discovered
on J lugeiilhron's farm near Hum
ingloli. Chi. mi uli- is worth S10U on
Hie market today, and is used mostly
to harden steel. A sample of the
ore sent to Chicago assayed 48 per
cent pure.
Jake says it looks now us if lie
will be able to find a girl to dully
urouud with Iiiin in Hie Ford NW1
Caldwell To the delight of p. -o.l.
living along the line and tributary
to It, motor car service was inaugur
ated Monday afternoon on the Ore
gon Short I. me branch between (aid
well and Wilder, a lease upon which
haa been procured by the Caldwell
Traction company .
The Fourth was observed by Hie
ilniano peopie, must . the,... "
to Payette, while others scattered
William l.axon took his family to
lllg Bend and reports a large crowd
and a splendid time. He is very
enthusiastic over that esctlon and the
fine park they have.
The Ontario hand went to Hunt
ington where Wm. Plughoff was the
marshal of the day and he made
them stand around some. The boys
say they had a fine time ware treat
ed good and the people seemed to en
joy their playing The solos hy
James Smith were particularly well
The ball players were Ft I'ayette
and II waa naeaaaarv to send an ex-1
tra train to carry tho crowd there.!
The town waa filled up and the peo-
pie well entertained while there.
The picnic on the Island at Welsar
also caught a few.
...a,. .... ,ii a.w.w, wuviv iiiviv.
waa a varied line of attractlona. Th,
nine hundred soldier boy. appeal ,
to many, especially those who are
from this aectlon. many relatives to-
ing up for a la.t f.r.w.ll
The race, at the fair grounda were
H.fH(.w .. n... ... II,... wt. !..&
aiieniien ny over zn.uuu people and
naturally they could not take care of
the crowd.
One of the big features of the af
ternoon was the race between At.
Iloshek In his aeroplane and Mrs.
Nelson In her King eight They cir
cled the track three times at a terri
fic pace, the machine leading In the,
straight away courses and the aero-i
The Mexican muddle Is still far
from settled, but there doea not aeem
to be much prospect of immediate ac
tion. The American troopers who were
taken prisoners have been turned av
er to the American authorities anil
others of the two companies are
straggling In, several are reported to
be at Mexican cities and will be sent.
to the border in a few days. i
Curranza seems to be anxious to'
John Hairy more iu "The liu.i riglblc
' 1
Ask- a4V "f
W m
Jr. iB -4
1 ' v
m If
plane on
WTO C".,
the lufns. Mrs. Nelson
.VC" Ctlt, 60T0r!ft4 ! mile. In
3:40 1-1. Mrs. Nelson made her
fsstets mite In the second lap, cov
ering It in 1:11.
Koeuuj. the Ontario high school
splinter entered some of the races
and took first In the 220 and 440
yard dashes and second In Hie 100
yard daah. He also was In the wln-l
ning team of the relay race, but
they barred him out because he did
rmi belong to Poise. The only won
der Is that they allowed him to win
any of the events, because the Boise,
hunch Is the poorest lot of sport.
in this -ctlon. The high school
hoya who won medals there last
nr nr imv- toil i.e. i. i. c 1,1 vol ii.i.iii
. . . .. . -.
bul lh" '" th n'" wy when prUe"
"r won h ou,"",,, p0to"
Th' Prad la said to have been
P""'1 """ """ of the floats
i being original and very handsome.
The fireworks In the evening were
Mo of ,. p,.opl, w0 wwl tW
MmpMn Bboul not flndlnf ,, ,c.
eommodmtloBi. A11 lh. roomi at
, mn ,,, , t ,.,
w-f no( Mm for h-
mi. Kmma Clark
Miss Piatt. J.
il Mack. by and I .write lllackaby
went to Jordan Valley where they
had a regular western celebration
with a large crowd and apleudld
There ware many picnic parties
along the river and out in Hie conn
The day was an Ideal one.
aoi.l war and It is possible that an
agreement can he fixed up, but it
will likely be only temporary.
The Oregon troops have all gone
to the border and are stationed In
California not far from Sau Diego
The Idaho troops are not ready lo
leave and Internal dlssentioii bus
arisen In the regiment which will do
much to unfit the men for service
because they have no confidence in
the muii appointed over them
Dukuue" at Di-eainluud, hutimla)
Is Acquitted When Charged
With Violating U. S.
Court's Orders
San "Francisco. July 2 William
Hanloy. holder of large acreages In
Rastnrn Oreron and candidate for
,,, ,.nl(ed sutp(( from .hat
state last year. Is not guilty of con
tempt n making use of the waters
of the Sllvles river for Hie irrigation
of his lands, according to an opinion
handed down today by the I'nlled
States circuit court of appeals Han
ley had hee nadjudged In contempt by
the fulled States district court of
Or.'iron for aliased violations of that
I decrw , , oon.
, tf0ny Mwn ,,,,, ,,, ., p..
... .,.,, -.. of EB...rn
Washington. June 30. The new
federal law fixing a standard alia for
barrels, which la the first piece of na
tional weight and measures leglsla
j tlon enacted by congress In 126 years
will come Into operation tomorrow.
Tl.., ..u. luui .n.fllflu. ll,l li.rr.l.
. .. mm 11 iw .Ki,...- ... v....
; u.ed In the sale or fruits and vege-
tables must contain 7066 cubic in-,
' dies, which mean. 105 quarts or ap-
proximately three bushels. The di
mensions of the barrels may differ,
but they must hold the proper cubi
cal contents. Fines of 1500 or im
prisonment for nix month, are the
penalties provided for violation, of
the law, which Is to he religiously en
fored In all the state..
In Hie past all sizes of barrels have
been used, with the result thai fraud
and deception was so prevalent that
the change became necessary. With
the new law In effect and Ita en
forcement by federal, state, county
and city official, of weight, and
measures with the co-operutlon of
the trade the so-called "sluudard"
barrel as provided hy the law will
become a fixity In trade channels.
The meeting of Hie council on
Monday evening did not take up
much time as Hie member were all
anxious to get away to ulteii.l lo bust-
l.ieie were two uppiiLuiioiia ....
sewer connection i be owners or
I were granted Hie privilege of
. ..i. a. .ling up with Hie trunk
on .. inehl of I4.T1 l"'i' h't .in. I pay
lug all the ol In i .
Dr Payne and H M Nichols w.i.
gi..ui.. iiermiMMon lo .-.hi in-. I up
with I he old sewer III bio. I. In'i
A p.i il on igned b Mrs. A
i.i.iii. e, Mrs. C. K. Secoy and I.
11.11. I.ees wus present! .1 a Urn- 01
Hie !rnilc,-o oi en. line a drinking
fOUAtala at UM southeast ii.iiier ol
. and Nevada The pet il ion
1 1 iiiil.-.i
The semi annual icpoi loir
tor. lei was presented showing the
le.oipi- i.inl .li. .bin .incuts from the
s.n ii ..I 1 .in. I The tOtgl i'1 I
were 14,ll4 II an. I II. c ilishui
mi-Ills i 1 1,4
The repoi t i . i i eonjplot and
showed Hi.' source ol all n. oin. s and
II..- particular fund il was paid out
June was a lively inoiilh al tin
Portland I'm. .u Stockyard.. Willi a
gain oi 'ii ens in receipts over ihe
au.e month lust . h in the
earlier months of the year, the baa)
-I..... n.' Ill made in uO(S, I. ill there
was ul ,. a liberal ic , raiih
mow ii.. ni. Sheep also register. .1 ..
gain o ponding months
lust yi-.r. though for
tr rivali ihOH i
crease The hog run for the first
half of the year la nearly 54,000 I . .. I
iu titcia oi period of 1S15.
Nine Amendments Are Pro-
posed to Constitution for
Voters' Action.
Salem. Ore, June 29. Eighteen
proposed measures -nltw constitu
tional amendments and nine hills for
! laws have been approved by Secre
' tary of State Olcott as to form. All
petitions for the Initiative m. -a aire.
1 must he filed with the secretary not
, later than July 6. Arguments In be
half of the measures must be filed
with him not later than July 15, and
argument opposing them not later
than July 26.
Three of the nine constitutional
amendment, were referred hy the
1 la.t legislature, and the remaining
six are Initiated. The amendments
' referred hy the legislature are: An
! amendment Investing the governor
' with power to veto single Items la
appropriation bills; an amendment
providing that all ships of 50 tons
or more capacity, engaging In either
passenger or fre'ght. In coasting or
foreign trade, whose home ports of
registration are in the atate, shall
be exempt from all taxes, excepting
atate taxea, until the first day of
January, 136; and an amendment
repealing a provision In the consti
tution forbidding suffrage to engroea.
Chinamen and miilnttoes
The s'J amendments being Initlat-
M bma. ",.. - . .1 ..
vu am. iir- irvupiv a 1. 11. 1 .1111 10. n
law." proposed by the Oregon Stat
Federation of Ijihor; an amendment
allowing the manufacture of beer In
the atate and It. .ale In original
package., proposed hy the equal
rights for home Industry committee;
an amendment prohibiting the Im
portation of liquor Into the state for
beverage purposes, proposed by the
Oregon Prohibition state committee;
an amendment establi dilug a normal
school at Pendleton, proposed by the
Commercial association of the city of
Pen.llei.m: an amendment restricting
all tax levying agencies to an annual
levy (hat shall not exceed the levy of
the .r. ,.-. ug year by more than 6
per cent, proposed by the State Tax
payers' league, and an amendment
providing for a system of rural
'its. proposed by the Oregon
llelerendiim league
Following are the bills for lawa
I that have been approved as to form
A law providing for one day of rest
in seven, proposed by the Weekly
Heal Day league: a law, prohibiting
com pill orj ..... ination and medical
treatment, proposed by l.auru C Lit
tle: u law, repealing the Sunday
nig act. proposed hy the Inde
pendent H. -taller' association ; a
law forbidding fishing for salmon
With seines trull nr fiuli uil.ual. I..
,. ,.......,,
the ( olumbia river or any of its
trfhuturles after the first day of
januar) (,17 proposed by the
Clackamas Count) li i. i men's
union a law regulating ll
sbm lo the practice of professions
nlaiini; to ll. e public health, pio
BO '.I fe) I I'll. -g.-rabl. I'olllan.l,
I law a bouut on Jack
1'abhlt in, I .ice i ,,l ,:, l i ,,,,k . i. im
t) . plop., i .1 b New . i. ek (ull
llll Club, ol P...I . a law aulhoiulug
bOUt) on Jackrnbblls in Lake
count y. proposed by J ii i' Thomas
and others; a law removing the
1 '.uii' il ..t Joffoi on count. Iioiii
Clllv. I ' . M...N., p ,,, , ,( ,y II,,.
l."li.i lor i 'OUBtJ IV at" club, and
i law locallng Ihe county of
b I f( I "ii BOUIlt) at Melolni . pio
I ' ) th Melolius Coiiiui.
me-- in i hi- front
k with aiiolh. i' How in,- well
Tho well is on the U I.. Ilatlon
ranch and wa . ..Hurl at a .1. pil, of
' The well is now fu)W
,..i Ihe wat
er raises six I'.-.-t above the ground
The land owners in thai seel ion ale
ull Jubilant over this remarkable
-bowing and are preparing to sink a
number of wells this suiinn. i.