The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, June 29, 1916, Image 6

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1 "
Cook in a
cool Kitchen
All the heat it concen
trated where it is needed
keeps you cool and
make for better cooking
Why not cook with
o modern oil stove this sum
mer and be comfortable?
Bakes, broils, roasts, toasts.
More efficient than your wood
or coal stove, and costs less to
Better rooking because the
long bluechimneysgive stead
ier, more evenly distributed
heat, under perfect control
like gas. No smoke or smell.
In 1, 2, 3 and 4-burner sizes,
ovens separate. Also cabinet
models with Fireless Cooking
Ask your dealer today.
For Brit
Pearl Oil
Bp J?f Hfl
For Sale by
Ontario Hardware Co.
Down Town Office
I) r Hon. ho haii been drilling a
wnll on IiIh ruuch near l.ciliu. Htruck
an urteslati How of water tlie flrHt
of the week lit n depth of NO feet.
The well wait drilled by Mr. Ringer
of New Plymouth
The p.'pe In the well slunds four
feet above the ground anil the well
i.i riowhiK ulimit four gullonn of wat
er per minute over the pipe The
pressure Ih quite strong and It I
ban not yet been decided whether to
continue 'trilling or leave the well
an It U. Several other well will
be drilled III Ihul tic ghhorhood hood.
$8.28 per hundred
( ash for Poultry
Ontario Produce Co.
I4h. Lankila.
T. klvrka MM ml Maara lluU.1
Tile new schedule mi tin- I'.n.ti.
Vail iiillrnuil will he in OffM Prl
day, June 23. It la a follow :
Leave Payette at 8 a. in., irrl hi
mett l'i . hi., connecting with
LalNpan train, which arrives ai
l.nkeport at 3. 30 p. n.. Heturnlia,
l.nkeport Inun leuv.-s for Kuweit
II a. in P. V. train I. inc.
Kiuinett :1 p. m., arriving at I'ay
etle at 3:6& p. in.
Saturday train will run heretofore.
For Artesian or Natural
uual NtmtuN.
State Engineer Urges Coun
ty Courts to Watch Expenditures.
In a circular letter tr, incm!iern of
COVBty court :ik tut- for lUggl tloai
toward rorlstni the real lawn of the
siuii' Engloset Lewis point
out Hint nvr , mill. 000 In being ex
poadod mi ii mi 1 1 on roa4l In Oregon,
Isrgal) uoder tba dlrsetlon of coun-
t cotirlH
lOTSat) per i. in of the fnndii
available must. under the law, he al
lottsd to district supervisors and h
The church biilldilig ban been .ir
ranged so that the freHh air can he
ri'ii'Uid from any direct on and with
the fan going we will try to keep
you OOOi Next Huniliiy will ho pa
triot lc ilny and n special aililresw ban
been prepared on the topic, "Forhld
ilt'ii Fruit ." The public is especially
lnlted to attend this service
This Is the soasnn of the year
It i'ii men are makitiK bay and a
very special season The topic for
i . evening address. "Make Hay
While the Sun Shine-.. " Th
I R ill he Of special ill!" '
e"ii hoily. so come and enjoy a good
service with u-
w ill he preaching at A rend -
la In Hie iitternonn.
D. K. BAKER, Pastor.
Ih" e who have used It In Ontario
n result there Is no centralization of; are astonished at the Instant action
raopODJlMllty or standardization of of simple buckthorn bark, glyci no .
work. . as mixed In Adler-l-ka llcentise
Hood results are doubtless bad " on both lower and uppur
i, nine eases." sa Knglt r Lewis, bowel, one apnonful Adler-l-ka re-
hut In other the funds are WSStOd. "eves almoot any case constipation
there being no clenr-cut division of,"""1" stomach or gns
tesponslhllli ( oiintv
often blamed for the Inefficiency of
the supervisors. Without centralized
control, no uniform system of maps,
profiles or cost keeping records can
he kept so as to show where utul how
the money has been expended.
"Those doing good work cannot
net proOW credit tad must often suf
fer cr tlclstn hern II e there Is no
method of comparing unit costs of
work done In one county or district
with that of another "
It removes
court are such surprising foul matter that a
few doses often relieve or pr".ni
appendicitis. A short treatment
helps cbronlr stomach trouble. The
F.verhnrt lirug To
Ilk virtue of an execution In fore
closure duly issued by the clerk Of
the circuit court for Malheur OOiat)
and state of Oregon, dated Hie USHiIuh
The Only Sanitary
( in Town
l'i,.. mi- 15711
When YouWear ..
Tailor Made Suit
There is a peculiar distinction
hi the fit and workmanship
which puts It in .i stags of n
(elf, and the wearer in I class
by himself, with other ta lor
garbed men
When we make it your suit
is made to fit you, and not a
wooden dummy. No two forma
are exactly alike, hence no suit
patterned atier u .lummy will
give you an exact fit, such us
you get when we take your in
dividual measurements.
$20.00 to $50.00
nd anywhere between
Opposite PosoaJJU Phone 105 W
day of June, ISUti. in a certain ac
tion in the Circuit court lor said
county and state wherein Null. .Ins
lnes. as plaintiff, recovered Judg
ment kgoiaOt W. II lloolittle and lies
lie lloolittle. hush, ind and wife. J II.
Cook, trustee. Kllu M Sprout and J
J ItiirbrnlKe as .letemlauts, for the
sum Of three thousand four hundred
inn dollars, with interest Hoieon
iroui May '.', ISHi. at the rate of I
OM ' nl per milium, and the liniher
sum of three hundred fifty dollars at
torney fees; and the further sum of
tweat) tour sad II III dollars costs;
Notice is hereby glen, That I will
on Hie 22nd day of July, 19ll, at the
hour of 1 ;10 in the afternoon ..i .. I
decent motor car performance n
the went have focused the attention
of the automobile public on Maxwell
cars, aaya Mr. Olson, who bundles
Maxwell curs locally. During the
mouth of May, stork Maxwell cars
have been put through various paces
aloug the Pacific coast and in cery
instance have established records
that proclaim dependability, strength
and the all-Important Item of econo
Kay .Mc.Numiirn, who has piloted
several Maxwell economy runs, and
who established u record In Detroit
eurly In April when he drove a stock
touring car 44 miles on u gallon of
gasoline, broke bis own record in
California when he drove a car
from Oakland to Hun Jose, the speed
ometer showing 4". i. miles when the
engine stopped after consuming its
supply of one gallon of gasoline.
In connection with McNamara's
performance, a report comes from
Seattle that a Maxwell touring rar
made the run from Seattle to Tacoma
on a gallon of gasoline. A distance
of 411 miles was registered and the
car carried five adult passengers and
two children.
The Maxwell gained added glory
by breaking the trail to Lake Taboe,
making tba run three full weeks be
fore the ear list arrival of any pre
i !
This performance Is all Hie more
retnarkuble In that the snow fall in
Sierra Nevada mountains durliig
"Listening In" on a telephone con
versation Is no doubt cute, lmt often
the listener's ears tingle In the ex-
i iteinent.
Plfrurlng frmii either end eofrt or upkeep
tlif Ford is the most eeonotuical, coating
ih ;ili..n( iwn eenti ;i utile to operate i
and maintain" Irss than any other oar.
Hie expenses varies with the driver and
tlif condition! but all agree thai Ford ex-
Dense is the Inwi'sl in everv sriisc. Kim
about 390; Touring Car N40? Coupeiel
I $390? Toirn Car ;1": RkAui 0740. All
pries f. it. I. Detroit.
Ontario, Oregon
the past winter wus the heaviest
since 1889. The Maxwell made the
trip to I'aliioiina's most famous
mountain lake without any aid save
that furnished by Its own engine and
Its hardy crew of four men.
In many places the snow was piled
fifteen feet deep, but the car came
through without being burled once.
The success of the entiire w.i .In.
in Inrge p"urt to the ability of the
cur to rule the heavy drills instead
of breaking through them, as was
the case wit Ii heavier cars in past
Mr. McNuiiiartt'H latest economy
test was observed by representatives
of the Lincoln Highway association
gO) Ot !.' in,. in entrance door of the ami the Sun Di'go fair, while the uu
t'ourt House in Vale, Malheur OggQ ItQgiOoUO editor of the Oukland, t'al
ty. Oregon. SOU ai public auction toiifomla Tribune inspected the speed
Hie highest bidder or bidders for cash, 'on eter geurs, the carburetor, etc
the following described real property, I Speaking of the economy test at
to-wit: i Scuttle, one of the newspapers there
The south half of the nonhwest
Quarter of section twenty-four, town
-hip eighteen south, range f.iin I
K W M In Mulheur county, Oregon.
together with all water rights appur
tenant thei.t'i
Taken mid levied upon us the pro
petty of lag snid allow iiiuned defendant-.
W II lloolittle. fl pSSlS Doolittle,
J II I'ook, trustee, Kllu M. Sproul
and J. J llurbridge, or us much there
of as may he nece.-sury to satisfy the
Hatd Judgment in (OVOf of Nicholas
Kries and against the said above nam
suid :
Seattle hus 0040 the scene of
num. ion- economy trials, which
Inn.' aroused much interest among
motor enthusiasts, hut u new chap
in w.i.- re. -oi .lc. I wiien a I il I ti model
Maxwell touring car, carrying five
adults und two children, traveled
ir. .in Seattle to Tuconiu on u gallon
Of gasoline. That the performance
was not uu accident was demonstrat
ed when the feat was repeated on
i urn trip The distance irom
tlie Seattle Automobile company's
ed defendants, with interest thereon. I building In Seattle to the Ixigan Oar-
I together with all cost! and d.sburse-
iiient- that have or may accrue
Dated at Vale. Oregon, this 17th
day Of June. I 1 tf
HKN J HKOWN, Sheriff.
lly HOSS A. SOWAHD, Deputy.
First publication June 22, 1816:
lust uubllculiou July 20, 1U.
age in Tacouiu is forty -three mile-,
which gives the Maxwell a record for
phenomenal gasoline economy
We once heard a preacher say that
a rich man lias a hard time crawling
into heaven. But that isn't disturb
ing Our bllaalul dICUUis.
tailed -Mai.-
President Woodrow Wilson
Vlce-I'resldeot Thos. It. Marshal
Secretary of State, . . Robert lanslng
Secretary of TfOM. . W. O. McAdoi.
Secretary oi War, ..I.. M. Harrison
Attorney-aeuetM., Thos. W. Oregon
l'ostuiaster-t neihl....A. Ilurleaon
Secretary of Navy J. Danleli
Secy of Interim . Franklin K Iini
Secy dt Agrlo iltute.. D. F. Houston
Sec'y of I'omuiMce. Win 0. Reddeld
Secretary of l.u'.i I . . . . W. B. WllaOQ
Secy to the IT.'., J. I. Tumulty
I', ti. HuprriiM Conn
t'hlef Justice. ... Kd ward J S.'hi
Associate Justices,
Joseph McKeuuii
Oliver Wendell llnimss
William It Day
James f . Mclte tolds
fliarles K Hugh.
Willis Van He... ii . .
Josaph R. I
Mahlon I'ltney
Vale V. H. Lanil-tMtlcera.
Register Thor. J. ue
Receiver M. N Fa '
State Ofllcerm.
Oovernor James tthyoom
Sec'y of State Ben W Diet
Treasurer 1 J Ks
Altorney-aeneral, ..Geo. tu I iowi,
Supt. of Public Instruction
J. A. i inn. nlli
Dairy and Food fomnilsaloaei
4. D. Mlcale
State Printer A. W. Lswteoos
l" 8. Senators,
Mary K. Lane
O. K. Chamberlain
W. C. Hawley
N. J. Sinnot
f N. McArthur
Slate Supreme Court
Chief Justice Frank A. Moore
Associate Justices,
Thomas A. Mcliride
Heury J. liean
Oeorge II. Iiuruett
Robert Kukin
Henry L. lieuson
Lawrence T. Harris
Mull. I.illi.ial District
District Judge Dalton Ulggi
District Attorney W. H. Brooke
Senator 'JHIb lglslalive Assembly
Joint Senator, for, Malheur,
aud Harney Counties,
..Loring V. Stewart
County OOlcera
County Judge O. W. McKulght
County Clerk,. . . . John P. Houston
Sheriff Ben J. Brown
County Commissioners,
John F. Weaver
Melville Keller
County Treasurer, J. Ralph Weaver
. , JF YOU are in doubt
which bank to patron
ize, it's because you don't
know which renders the
best services to its patrons
offers the kind of ser
vices you need and want.
Capital ami Surplus $100,000.00
"A Good Hunk iu u Qood Country"
Thirty years ago the telephone was a luxury. Today,
through personal initiative and private enterprise, tt has become
a necessity within the reach of everybody. Where once a busi
ness had but one telephone with a limited talking range, today
that business baa service wlrh a range three-quarters of a conti
nent broad, and every branch of every buslneas Is linked to ev
ery other by au intercommunicating telephone system.
The telephone has earned Its responsible place and there are
now 8.000,000 Bell telephones in thla country, over which go
28,000.000 talks dally.
Every lfell Telephone is a Long Distance Station.
Malheur Home Telephone Co.
If there is one single instant .11
this life when we love our neighbor
Assessor Lwts -. Hill M our8ei It is when he oomes in aud
School Supt Fay Clark ,,Ullkl (lowI1 the urtce ot , 8UU-
Couuty Surveyor B. F Fanner
County Coronor HO. Payne I
Truant Officer A. R Mcintosh
Justice of the Peace (Ontario Dis- '
trlct O. L. King
Circuit Court
Circuit Court for Malheur county
meets in Vale, the county seat, on ,
tba second Monday In January; on
the fourth Monday In April; and on
the first Tuesday iu September for
regular sessions. Hon. Dalton Biggs,
Circuit Judge; W. II Brooke, Dist
rict Attorney; John P. Houston,
County Court.
The County Court ot Malheur
County meets in regular session at
Vale on the first Wednesday of Jan
uary, March, May, July, September
and November. County Judge, Geo.
W. McKulght; M. D. Kelley and j
John F. Weaver, Commissioners;
John P. Houston, Clerk,
Overland 1913 model, newly
overhauled and painted. Run
less than 5000 miles. New
1600 lb. truck overhauled aud
Stoddard Dayton, guaranteed
for one year.
And others-
Seguine's Garage
The Palace
Meat Market
Opposite Dreamland
SALT miii
Better meats for the same
Prices Never High Quality
Never Poor
Come in and see the new
Telephone ill