The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, June 29, 1916, Image 4

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rTIK . "inf, mJ A -tint i"0'0 because the president deems
1 IlC '. firclrlO AlgUS It wIbp to sweep the dirty Mexican
M. E. KAIN. Publisher.
Subscription $1.00 a year
Always in athance
Published I'.very Thursday.
Thin movement of the troops to
ll,i Mexican horder may he but the
prplmli' to a general war with MM
loo. If Huch It in to ho, then the
' Amerirnn ami li(iiild not be with
drawn until every vestige of filth has
been swept from the republic to our
ninth and a land once fiiir shall have
Kat.rnd In the Post Office at Ontario, been made over Into a place of habl
Oregon, for transmission through UttOw for rational human being.
the mall as necond class mall matter. It In not a pleasant tank to under
'take, hut U seems to be a burden
The dominating nttomm a. the plnrp'' ,,pon ",p "h"",,WB of ,,,p
Chicago convention WU the people " poopl' " WlM be "rr"'"
who declared themselves In favor of pll"hod w,tnout ,a" or or
Mr Hughe for president. b,.' bluster or blow accomplished as thfl
they knew what he Mood for when ! ',,plP pPr,orm ,hplr rou,,ne JM"
.ovenor of New York The domln- f l,f"' for "UCh " lhe Am"rlcn
ainiK in.";,...... ..: :v Bt '..- " BDlrlt
Tentlon MM Mr Wilson, he wrote J The stars and stripe should oe re
the platform and outlined every act pected wherever and whenever they
o that It would be an endorsement unfurled. Ul us see that It I
of his Administration III 191ft. so
platform will not bother him any
more than the one of IS 12. The
people In November will be given a
chance to vote for a man of their
Swep out the filth.
The wli"S Informer is that the
own selection and one named by the lp rei-ldenl rote the plii ' r. . for his
democrntlc bos. party this yar. We can well believe
't No "rude mechanics for that ob
The action of Mr. Hoosevelt In de- T)ie ftrKl tl,nR WR, t0 pat himself
ellnlng the nomination for president ,,jf ., m back for his ' nrhleve
on the progressive ticket and com- , ,... duilng the past three year
Ing out strong for Mr Hughe, the ',,, ,,,,, , ot mPnt0n hlwi'. but as
republican n.inilnw has made him . n, DO id the who' OollMOS, hl
thousands of friend, who appreciate r(l navp mMnt no one ele. Then
a good loser Mr Roosevelt stands' ,, (lll ,h(l record f those achleve-
for principles which are contrary to
those of Mr Wilson's, but In ac
cord with what Mr Hughes fought
me' Is. The first duty Is to endorse
the administration of Woodrow Wil
son That wa eay. Iiescendiiig
for when governor or ew torn ana , (1tull. the first thing called up .. OMM out strong for In his ( ,, ()nilH, , thl. wav it ,aH k,,,t
letter accepting the republican nnm ,,. 9,ggn f the 1812 platform.
Iniiltnn It was demonstrated four ,)( ,lllt (,H1 ,,. one.term pledge,
years ago that when the r.,iil.ll.i,s t f ,MnK ,,,,.,!,. ,ne fr,
are split the democrats OH ln snd ,,, fo(. . M,pplnf through the
one term of them Is more than ,.anBnm ctnai the more economy In
1 1 I
This Store Can Outfit You for the 4th
f Wl OWE00- I W
Hush orden for the 4th. Send in mail
orders. Breiyont received will have
our best attention on next outgoing
mail. If you have tried us yon know.
If you haven't try just once and see.
Remnant Sale 1 Q D.i
of Wash Good lm6 Klltt
rioslng nut all short ties, lawns, flaxons, ba-
lengthH and odd and tlte. voili and variou
end In Wash floods thl other wnavea, suitable
week only. for making summer
Korean o" iin.u ':. drrrr: children'
thl offering dcml- wecr. Come early.
Some of the daintiest
things In nightgown,
envelope chemlee, dra
wers iitnl combinations
in many attractive
styles, lane and em
broidery trimmed.
Sport Middies
- Just received from
New York by exprea
some of the newest
thing In striped sport
middle priced
60c to $1.00
New Auto Caps and Veils
Just in by express a very fine lot of the newest I
thing in auto caps ana veils for summer wear. I
Also visit the special sale ot summer millinery.
New Bungalow I
Aprons. Porch
Dresses, Break- I
fast Sets, Pris
cilia Sunbon nets j
Jut In, one of the pret
tlet line direct from
the factory, cool, daln-
tv anrments for sum- '
mer wear and HO Inex
pensive you must not
miss seeing them.
Shoes for the Fourth
8hoe Department
Splendid assortment of
tyles in pumps and ox
ford In sll the newest
ityle. Shoe that fit
and vear heter t Inn.
you will find elewhere
for less money.
There' a ithk.hi.
enough for Mr Hoosevelt.
the dm'litstratton. the assurances
the help that the progressives can (,lM na ,,,, business need fear
give the republicans there should be .(,urb.nce the needed merchant
no question about the election of Mr. pjoj, without either bounties or
llunw'- subsidies, or what?
The teacher told the hoy that she
feared h had a poor memory. The
Two or three dispatches have In
campaign He certain!)
So should President WJI
d ca ted that Mr Hughes propose to.' ,, . .
.. ... . .... boy rep led that he had a flrsl-clas
make a trip to the Pacific coast dur-" . ...
mrgetier. n is queer nini one in
stinctively recalls that Incident while
reading this platform
It next arraigns the republican
Is the treatment of the suffragists
It meets them at the door, smiles
cordial welcome, presents them with
a bouquet of rosea, Irises and or
chids, then slaniM the door In their
face and duck to the cellar.
We xhall hear much of thl plat
form In the next four months. Let
us hope that then a the friends
gather for Ita Interment, they will
be able to ay, "How natural It
looks! " Ooodwln's.
son No gentleman should ever as
ulre to the uresldencv of these Unit
ed States who never visited half of PrV '"" " hvlng corrected many
them When Mr Cleveland was MVOOI However. In the hurry ot
On MMt he MVOJ OWM ho persuad- "e moment It forget to mention that
pj to OMM further west thau Kan-,Ue OOMOsTOM In both house of con
aa tlty the western terinlnu of his Rr bad stood for ten year In olld
real knowledge of their republic! phalanx and voted against every re
Never a hand-clasp with an honest frm proposed bj the republicans.
,, r; never a glimpse of Yosemlte' Next It praises the financial legls-
or the Vellowsiune. never a view of l"t"n of the d.tuocraey It forgets
old Shasta, Just at PUOOt, when the that It was easy to make MsM
h led rays ,,r tlu- MM OMsti IM ftr the ui of the Al-
Ml on Its .rest purple and gold; BfftOa commission that had been
u,s,; ,, glUop . ,,i lwMrO i"ll- IM vv.rking on those prohlenis tor four
Oregon " with Hood, St llllOOl, !'''" " "' "'' aiinwn.
Hauler and IM other sentinel nionn TMi IM I nderwood tariff Is en
i .ti..- tMJ Mop tioir ,.i.l. over Indorsed In its fullness That Is the
never a thought that what he MbM OMM exhibition of nerve presented
of en.i.M. .,,,,1 ,.i elvlllxatlon has been In the platform ll will he dis.
created In three s.ore v.ars. We plenty during the campaign It Is
..,,. ,,ll afford to he sorry for a pre- only necessary at present to call the
people's attention to Its endorsement
as sufficient notice to them that the
Ident so liaudK upped
Tilt Sil'HtIT ol- Till N IMi No. KeiiulM Hotnl.on torgels uii-
When ur wnli poll ' ' MOaM ,,ever lerns anything.
e.l in IStM thousands or young I Then Aiuei nanism is expoiin.le.l
left their emplovineiit ami went to OM all that Inspires Is the qu.
the front in defense of their country of when the American people began
hen ih m WW over M yoniiK " '""k to the democracy for a defini-
soldiers relume. I !,,.in.' and In u ma lM ' MI Aiuernanlsin means.
Jorltv ol eases found their Jobs filled And was the president behind this
. other OOOflO an.l tliemselves o,.t Ainerlcuiusin OVOf aroused to its im
of eniil,inient ami without pro, portalice until Hie denial.. I I.. i some
p.Tts i,. i Ho- intiire Sn.l. was t'e slogans for this campaign MOMM
rew.,,,1 ,.i rolOf ll III Immlueut?
Todav Ihousands of the plin.ipal And IM OMM queslii.ii arises when
Institutions ol IM oMutm "" i,lallk "" ppoojprodpopj li rot4.
nnOUOOlOl thai Oil members of When did the era.e for 01 ep... e.iness
II..' nalional guard who have l . he.. one epidemic with the .lein...'1'aiv
t.p.,n,l..l to the president's call will before The ,hint;.i ol invasion has
ut ,,v hint ther jobs wailing for 0000 M OtrOTJ mmule lor
them on their return Ml oill M"0 lhe past len vears us it is now Why
Hi. ir full s.ih.i.. BOld to their tain Ottt up the .! tPkll and send
I during their ah-.n.e is out the s o call just now. Vive
the spun ol llilil l0 Humbug!
A little i ell. .lion should coin in. e International relations .... n. -i
the niosi skeptical that not till of the discussed
pall lotisiu of tins counlrv Hows in TMI is to laugh,
the veins of lhe man wilh a gun The And the .Ii.-m'I tat loll on M
riviliai. has I, is .tut v to perl. niu, an.l leaves one in thai hysterlOaJ condi
he. too, perlorius It us the man M is UM lllul l"' ''oe Ml Know whether
The one grasps his gun and goes to laugh or n.
out to fight the buttles of his .ounlrv Then alter the evperu -nee of the
while the other supplies the sinews past two yeurs, this platform dares
ot war with which to fight. to discuss the American merchant
It is a combination of valor and murine and confidently predict that
fidelity which in time should prove the pending shipping bill In congress
invincible Let us hope that such it will restore It. Ureat Qod!
may be. It was natural for the president
to get down und grasp the horny
will Ol T THK t n i ti handed son of toil, the farmer, by
When a house floor k covered the hand. The president Is u good
with filth all decent und self respect- deal of a farmer himself His pet
lng people get a broom and com- erop is votes He believes they cau
mence to sweep be growu in any soil or climate
Mexico Is the house floor today without any regard to "winter kill"
and the I'nite.l Stales is the man or "rust" or "Insects," and so sure
with the broom It Is lime to sweep is he that they are the only product
I'm three years anarchy has been he has provided transportation to
prevailing in that country, and for market for. That plank Is about the
three vears each ilav bus seen the cheekiest one iu the platform
prevailing conditions Just a little The platform praises the acumen
worse than the day before It has of establishing an Income tax, but
been a retrograde movement since forgets to mention that every extra
the day Pi. -ident Diuz fled to France dollar obtained from it has been lost
Today we are witnessing the us- In the general expeuse account of the
oonibling of a new army of nearly a party.
hundred thousand men, culled to thei The meanest thlug in the platform
day brought 17. BO for several small
bunches Hulk of steers selling at
15.50 to 17.00.
Hogs sold at steady prices at the
close of last week A pretty fair
run Friday, which found a good de
mand, one load of choice lights
selling at IS. 16. Bulk of salea were
made at 18.10 to 18.16.
Today's run of porkers the small
est Monday opening of the year, with
only 2S00 received. There was a
jgood demand and sales started off
on o 10c higher basis. Tops went
lat 18.25, with bulk from IS 15 to
' 18.16. Late thl afternoon one load
of prime lights sold for $8.30.
Buyers would not pay over 18.15
for choice lamb Friday and Satur-
dav This made a further price loss
of 16 cents. Lamb which nld at
the start of last week at IS 00 are
only bringing 18 00 to 18.16 today,
t'ommnn stuff selling If. 00 to 16.16.
The first wool sains In this mar
ket, outside of one contract ule two
mouths ago at 28 cents, were made
during the last few days. Joe tiuth
rle, buying for Si Hermann, of (hi
cago, bought 2000 fleece from Sel
way, 700 fleeces from Lerfoy and
1000 fleeces Merkley at be
tween 27 H and ll cents Also
the Devlin clip, s small carload at
Terry, 27 rent.. :. ,.t ..infracted the
Dave Nelson clip at Forsyth. .'.0,000
pounds, at 28 OOOtl
William Fallon, for Farnsworth &
'Stephenson, bought the Klchard Red
land's clip of 6000 fleeces at logo
mar. at 29 cents
t'harles Ketch ii in. for Cordlnly A
Barrett, bought the W. C llender
son clip, of Jordan, 3600 fleeces, at
2 cents.
These price spparently are not
quite as high as most of the grower
appeared to et their sights on, but
since shearing ha started soma of
the clip show broken staple, the re
sult of the phenomenally severe win
ter, and buying seems to have fallen
off for a time until the buyers can
get a better understanding of the
general situation and condition of
the wool In this respect.
(From Monday's Reporter 1
A I I run of cattle continued for
the week-end market. Seven hun
dred coming forward. All offerings
going at good, steady prices. Al
though the run of rattle last week
was short of the previous one, 1850
head were received Offerings were
entirely of the common to fslr
grades. The price lost during the
week was 50c to 75c on this class,
while best cattle sold on a little
lower basis. Saturday saw nothing
on the market outside of a few bead lhe valley.
I. ..lay's run was light, .ill hough
there Is very little demand, puckers
being oversupplled Hulk of stuff to
day Is very poor. Prices are hold
ing lI.oi.I steady to a little weaker.
i.Tings In yards brought 17.50
which wre of the good variety.
With quite a liberal run on Fri
day, prices held steady with the first
of week Hulk of this class was of
the feeder variety and found good
sale for everything. A number of
good killers sold fro $6 75 to $7.50
Hulk of feeders went at 6c, with a
tew head selling Up to $6 7 .".
Today's stuff was of very poor
quuliiv Huvers are oversupplled
with this class of cattle which have
I ..ii ruining In the lust couple of
weeks Alt hough there Is a good de
man. I for choice stuff best steers to-
Do You Need
COM and see ours. Very fine
dishes many popular designs
very modest In price.
In odd pieces or in any sized
A 60 pieces set for only
Can you equal it auywhere
Variety Store
Get Ready to Cele
brate the Fourth
Get one of our pretty little wash dresses and keep
cool and enjoy yourself.
New Line of White and Colored Dresses Just Received
Prices $4.98 to $12.75
Wash Skirts
Pique, gaberdine and duck at
$1.50 to $3.26
Beautiful waist, silk, voile ami organ
(lit s at
$1.25 to $3.98
Proity dainty c. liars at
25c and 50c
silk glove, Ioiik or ibort, white or
hlack at
50c, 75c and $1.25
Shoes and Slippers
Baby dippers-
50c, 75c and 95c
.Misses' slippers, white ami lilaek ami
white buck samlles at
$1.00 to $1.50
Ladies' slippers ami pumps, patent,
white and kid at
$1.75 to $3.00
Boyi shoes of all kinds at
$1.50 to $2.75
Boys' sport shirts and blouses at
ft wV. MstWMI 'J-mT