wfaxti v$m J I vol. ao ONTAIUO. I M. III! II CXHINTY. (IRWM)N, TIII'KNIM V. .11 K 211. Il No. B mt ROOSEVELT ENDORSES MM r n Will Go on the Stump For Him Purine Cam paign. When the committee of the pro jtrenslve party met in Chicago Mm (lay to take up I lie matter of a prest dentlal nominee a letter wan read from Mr Itnosevcll declining I lie nomination and strongly endorsing Mr. Hughe for tlie plare. hollowing are mimi of the po ntx made In Mr. Roosevelt's lettii The result of the lerrlhle world war of the pant two yearn have now made It evident to all who are will ing to nee, that In thin country there munt he and industrial pre parednenn. The progressive movement han lieen g von Innalcuable Impetun hy what the progressive party hai done. It han beoome entirely evident that the people under existing con dltiona are not prepared to accept a new party. It remalna for un, good liumored ly and with common aenne, to face the nltuatlon and endeavor to get out of It the heat that It can he made to yield from the ntandpoltit of the Inlereala of the nation an a whole. The present administration, during Us three yeara of life have been guilty of ahortcomlngn, more nlgnal than those of any administration since the dayn of Buchanan Krotn the standpoint of national honor and Interest, It stood on an oven lower level than the administration of Uu clianan. In my Judgment, the nomination of Mr Hughes meets the condition! forth In the statement of tae progressive national committee Is sued last January, and In my own statement. Iiiiler existing conditions, the nomination of a third ticket would, In my Judgment, be merely a move In the Interest of the election of Mr. W.Imiii I regard Mr. Hughes as a man whose public record Is a guarantee thut "he will not merely stsnd for s programme of clean-out, straight out Americanism before election, I in will resolutelv ami in good faith BUI il through If elected " He (Mr Hughes i la beyond all comparison better fitted to be presi dent i han Mr. Wilson It would be a grave detriment to the country in re-elect Mr. Wilson 1 shall, there fore, strongly support Mr Hughes. I do not believe that there should be a third ticket. It is my deep conviction al thi moment we run serve II III... ,.,,,,,,. tn only by sunnortlne Mr Hughes Mr HllL'll..' kIiKPUAImP 11.1,1 111. i.i. whole course of conduct in nubile uffalr Justify us ln the assured con- vlctlon that the fact that these men (the iDphenated ' Am. M i. ..,, i have I for their own pun UPPOrted him will in no shape or way affect his public actions before or after election, guarantee Ills entire public life is a of' tlllg In Mr. Wilson's case we do not have to consider his words, but his deed. Ills deeds absolutely contra dict hi words; and, for the matter of that, hi words absolutely contra dict one another. . The continued existence of the German-American menace at home I directly due to Mr. Wilson's course of action during the past two yeara. Members of the republican nation al convention were Induced to nom inate Mr. Hughes primarily because of the belief that his integrity and 'company M from Salem and the On force of character and his long rec- tarlo boys are going to try and get ord of admirable public service would transferred to his company Pre inake him peculiarly acceptable, not parednes la what counts, It is two only to the rank and file of the re- thirds of the battle. Be a little bet-' publican party, but to the people gen- ter prepared than the other fellow j erally. and tiiere will not be any fight. Mr. Wilson has been tried and Koosevelt has offered to raise 12, found wanting. 000 men for the Mexican scrap. If , Mr Wilson and his party have in lie I not busy with the war he will actual practice lamentably failed to take the stump for Mr. Hughes dur- safeguard the interest and honor of ing the campaign. He is bound to I the United Bute. They have! be doing something. brought us to impotence abroad aud Oan Gallagher came in Wednee-, to division and weakness at home. iday evening from Minnesota where They have (the democrat) taught he was married on the 20th to Miss us to put "safety first," safety be- Helen Kaubhuaman of Winona coun- fore duty and honor. ty. They will leave In the morning Mr. Hughes has shown In his ca- lor their home at Juntura. reer the Instinct of efficiency which Tho. Kohout came over from Jor will guarantee that under him the dan Valley Wednesday to get a new government will once more work :uto. Tom Is having a hard time to with vigor and force. We have the alternative ot con- of tinuing ln office an administration which has proved a lamentable tall- ure nr of putting into offlM hii ud m'lilHlrntlnn which wn ha vo every reason to believe will f unci ion with fur the interest an.! BOBOf of all our people After a thorough dlncunnlon of the letter and the entire question It wan derided almost unanimously not to place a ticket la tfet fteM. Mont of tlif members and leaders el the progressive party have Hated I that they would work for the elec tion of Mr Hughes, believing him to be in accord with their Idea of what a president should he Mr. Roosevelt met with Mr. IIUKheti on Wednesday nnd will do what he can to liiHiire hi election V It Wlllcox, of New York Iuih been named an head of the campaign committee. STRIKES BLACK OIL IN DRY WELL I u cure who liven about seven miles from Welser on Monroe creek, wan in Welner and reported the ntrlk- in. ..t ii i- n i. i. j.mi - -." " ... ,n ...... I, ,n 'l h'e ranch at a depth of HO feet. He The Americans made the bent of said It was only a small tissue but the fight while their ammunition the oil was heavy and black and lanted, when they were compelled to covered the surface of the water near seek safety. the well. He was drilling for arte- u ( not yet known how many alan water and atruck the oil In a WBr killed. Captain Uoyd and dry hole. Mr. Cure aaya that the oil i i,,ut Adalr were among the miss has been seeping out of the ground ,,, MVenteen were taken prisoners near there for the paat four years. ,na ,r, confined In the Chihuahua "" - penitentiary. Htraglern are still WORK PROGRESSING C E people who wish to locate there and go Into business. I I. re ure three lumber yards and many other line are n-prc ented. hut there Is still opening for several' more store. Buyers are conilne- In who want Iota and others who want so,,,,- f log Hume) i oiiiity lands. AUTO GOES OVER SNAKE RIVER CLIFF J. F. Orr. the local manager for "'" Kh-ctrlc Investment Co, had a W'TV narrow escape a few (laVH SCO hjgfUtMl H'e Hues .low,, the canvon below 1 1 mil nicicn when tils . . . .. i "r '" "ul '" oruer anil started over " ,'1"" "everul hundred feet above ,,IH rU,r The car was wrecked and left The '' ' I I w!.h a few bruise nd some of them will probably have " l '"ore gray Imlr from the scare ,,,y ot. It seem almost u miracle thut some of them wen- not killed A FEW ITEMS OE GENERAL INTEREST The boya who took the military training given in the high school now are getting the benefit. We under stand that Prof. Hall is captain of keep an auto, when he gets one some his friend get stuck ou It und in- M in I "ot a aeUcl,melIt o'llose their entire force, all the boyn mother npurrow had got into the car U'opeland. Harper; Dean Goodman. Ia tMNtkaft n soldiers will be sent after them. j)(,f anxloua to leave, but they fin- while they were waiting for the rail lone,; w II Doollttle. Ontario No. were n mm t rane the new ,f wM ,(oth n pflllceful ond poI.. u)T conipromlsed and the two enlist- laying gang to get the track In shape I ; I 0 Halley. Ontario No. 3; Tom ,Thevarerl."hlV n k7 I mlsalble mlaalon In which the two led. ao they could pass and there being fJowgUI Juniper; K. H. Conklln. . j ' , ,'.!" , , troop of the Tenth cavalry, com-1 Willie lies. who went a the man- few passengers Imd cinlud.d to ate) Calroi tt Miller. Snake Itlver: T. '.. i,.i,-.-','W"U.n V shape ,,,,,,.,, lV (upU i-harles I Uoyd, D0 of the I'av.tte company got ills and make that her home The train W, Clsgett, Kalr; A. M..Mose, itock sist on having it and then it la up totory of old Virginia Justice, at the Tom to go aud get another. Dreamland Saturday evening. SOLDIERS ARE BETRAYED BY CARRANZA TROOPS .,, . nil About Iwenty American Soldiers Are Murdered and A nquad of American soldiers wore nmhuahed by several hundred Meil- ,:l" 'roups ln"1 Wednesday and a number were murdered S x companies under Captain Uoyd and Captain Morey were sent out to pick up nome bandits and run against 7no Mexlcalnn under General Comez The American commander direction except north reached the gjfced permis Ion to ,, llirouglt the ""I1 dltlonary r,,r,. tlM Ml Ml town and this was grunted and ey-i'iK north gradually. In expectation erythlng seemed satisfactory, when ,nal ln" Carranilstas would occupy nome of the troopers noticed that'""' territory evacuated, and police It. .. .. . the Mexican troops had movod 'round them and shortly after tha,""" on either side of the American " Mexicans turned loone with ma- 'chine suns coming Into the American lines. About twenty are still not accounted ror, ana some ot tnese are undoubt edly dead. President Wilson has given the Metlcans until Wednesday evening, the -Mb to turn the aoldlers loose were engaged wlien they fought Car ranis troops at Cardial last Wed- uesday, according to the view ex- pressed hy officers today with Gen eral I'ershlng'a column It was peaceful, they declared, be - cau " tho llted States troops, campaigning had been done In ex-, HEAVY RAINS ON SUCCOR CREEK This section waa visited witli the l,evll r' ht"rl" Sunday and Monday known In several yeara. A I lurge number of the larin JU8t "nlshed cutting hay hut thelUI on and the ;n th. hal ph,,. . uamage 10 nil crop iu ne sugui wliilo the rain was a irrent benefit . - - " x" ""' Krul" u'"1 new h,',,,,l"" of graaaes. A ,are w""' "'""" """rr''1 '"" the llMlkc Ta,H'h " Sll"r ,'r'",'k "'"' Mr ,Hattc """".d quite a heavy loB"- the ,lood k""nK ,tevt'rttl l,ea'' OI ""' """ K"VKV "u '"" "",R . hesldes washing away some i .ti in mucninery aim several tons of hay. Succor creek wa the high eat ever known at tlyw point ami washed away part of the east ap- proach of the bridge K K Kant man, who is farming the Hall ranch .. i .... i ..i suueieu him iu ui Kinni mi " corn. Hoinedale Press. EsssBbsl BT ' anBssssl ' ' ftB 0 '' sftaV ' jH' A.... t rQJkBBgHsiHrsaakw r 0' j(sssT ' ssN jfisss! ssassw BBsai UssflrrHB?Va75sjlBsV'v ' sflaBSB TH 'ij rSBrF -40 SSSBr 3' . I SBB1 ISVi J 2tEr f V .7 "i jk'- 5C W jhiiLTsssQ JL JAssssI ssVpsBBisM Eea IP U2fci2sW3fcssw3M 1 " llffl iV iWjB 11 Cb ErJBsssssaZBss0BBSs9Bssft 1 ' ' ssssBsssssssssssI BsssssssssssASsBslgfsi '- zSmfS . ' . rY HliiMassfl JHK .T tnaVassMsBsFSsHsssssHH "The Majesty ot the Law," is a War Probable. i pectation of co-operation by far- ranzlntan and permissible because no limitation had been agreed upon by (so- two governments which would restrict patrolling hy the Americans. When General Jaijiito Trevlno'a warning that his men would fire up- on American troops moving In any i ln m meantime, patrols were sent I. Polumn ror protective and obnerva try purposes. They moved In whatever direction their immediate duties required. The Cardial pa trol was one of these. Ka'da on American ranches along ithe border continue, men and wom en being murdered and stock stolen. Several thousand of the state . troop havo been started for the bor- der. One battalion of the Oregon Iguard started Tuesday evening and Ithe other will be off In a few days, The Idaho troops will not get away hefoffl nnt wek Several of the Ontario boys have they found that a sparrow had hatch- pointed were: Joined the Idaho troops, among them ed out a family and the young were! J- n. Palrman. West fall: U U Sea Wllmer Tloyer and Karnest Staples, about large enough to leave the nest, weard, Cord; John Imtnerman. Ilul liotli from lloynrn store. It looked The conductor had nothing to say at ?: J ". Hose, Ironside; Porter Colt, at one time as though Iloyera would first, but concluded that the old "a 'in. I K Venator. Crowley; 8. It. gusted when lie found the troops were only going to the Imperial val ley and dropped out, arriving host Tuesday evening, , ,PS not seem possible that a 'declaration of war can be averted In view of the cont iiind outrages be-i log heaped on the American people. ONTARIO BOYS PLAY EAST BALL There was a real baseball game here lust Sunday when the local team played with the Payette hunch The Payette boya nave a good repu woraeu wuii iiiem .shows Hint we have about the fastest loinili tt iil.i. '-' 'era in tne leugu. The Ontario nam was ahead until spin his finger and even ""'" ""' 1''l",,' '"'- '"' ' "' one run. n"' of the team need a ""', " ssssst miming aim tlien they will he fust company for ine oesi oi mem more than forty pounds of butter The attendance was small, not up'im during the mouth of May. Twen to the average Ontario crowd and tytwo of this number made over fit those who did nol attend certainly (v pounds, while six of them made missed a good game j better than Lxly pounds of fat dm There will be a game at Payette m ,lls milllt. ,)or(), ibis is an .i.A is,. ....I. ... .I.. i..i i.u.. .... " i"" j-uuim uu ... .i io,.j.,.. go to Nampa on Sunday next. Valeska Surutt in the "Soul of Broadway" at Dreamland Monday ev- cuing BAD BOYS HAD BETTER BE GOOD Judge King Is about an good nnt- lured a man an we hnve In town hut there are nome thlngn that even dln- " Mm ' " his nelghhor'n hoys went Into his stable nnd ntoh i Pttlng lien aad and all the nest eggn Another us; liiey Biuin ft targt !r.t Of WUSU i iiiid ho han about made up bin mind "l!l1 ""' proper tiling to do is to give '"'' '"VK short term In Ja:l and has posted the constable to get the hoys ami oring iiiem nemre nim wnen tney i ate, got the committeemen In the M,,'nl nnytlilng more There are sev-inev.ral precincts named and at work eral otper boys around town doing a nnd are doing what they can to get "",, stealing, most of them arela thorough organization throughout known and they will be brought up tbn county asawoing on uiene nays, noyn i ne name action In being taken w '"' rl" " "w' ",M reaped fot tin throughoul II late as that there rights of others and who are not will be a strong vote polled for Mr. taught to renpect thene rights by their Hughen at the November election. Parents should be given a good stiff i I W Hope In arranging to attend i.ii .. u,i.i. - -- -- - .i ..t. - - - -- .i . .. '"" "-""-" " im.ui. .n inn "" matter over BUSINESS IS SLOW ON CAYOU'S RUN conductor Cayou says that bual- neaa In good on his run, but the evl- dence Is against him He came In the other morning with a young spar- : row roosting on a lamp. When ome of the passengers investigated crew divided their lunch wllh the birds COW TESTS SHOW MANY GOOD ONES The Canyon-Mallieur Cow Testing association la now going through Its second month of usefulness, and results of the first mouth are avail able. Mr. Macklnson, tho offhi.d I tester Is Very enthusiastic over the result, In thut he hits not only local- ed some Very fine cows, but alsd bu - i e he ha found out the hypo- WlU thai the tanMM thought were cows llo will not he able to tell all of the good cows from the i..i,.r i..u. il... ...... i.. .i... 1. '" " """mi.ii, but the results are conclusive lu many case. Mr. Macklnson Is hard worked, for he Is testing thirty-five herds in twenty-five day, lesliim in ttM 420 govs, The testers usually tet but twenty-four or twenty m, hru to gel this number or more sixty-eight of the 420 cow made eelleut record. I lie folluwlng I a, i list or the Malheur county dairymen having better than forty pound m. J. A. Forbes 4 II K Sherwood I, K. M. Dean :t I'ete Tensen 2 link I en-en 1 K II McDonald :i I. OlbsxM 4 0, 0. Hunt 8 1 W ii, iio. i 7 These men are Nyssa darlyiiien, and they have made a fine rocoril. especially when we consider that most of the herds ure small. This lieiially true In the case of Mr Delloer und Mr Hunt, for Mr lie Boer lias but ten cows, and Mr Hunt less man iwemy, nun ii i 01 11..10 Harriott defeated Harry t'ockrum young cows. Mr. Hunt lias the si, M K N,.wl,,n won from It W. ond best cow in the in. Tl i cow mude sixty-eight und ftM-kaM llrvun .Whli won from ( m k li.iuiid- oi tit. halafl 1.,'iii'd only by rum, on" of Mr ii h Boomers purabred that made seventy-two pounds. "One word always hi. I to an other," whether it is in the llihl,' or With the small white hean selliiu- a f'""y Jr at more than II cents w holesalc. II -i. . ... ...., . .. . i...... ' nut too late to plant some and lake a chance. Means will be worth money next winter I REPUBLICANS OF Early With Organization Plans for the Cam paign. , TM rnniiWIrmM of Malheur coun- ty are going to get organized this campaign for the first time In aever- al yearn. Tlinv have held two meetings In me siaie meeting in lornniui on me th of July The county central committeemen elected were: (lis, M I-ove, Heiilsh: C. C Hunt. Arcadia: J K McDonald. Jordan Valley: Frank A. Cole. Juntura: J. K Hill, Malheur: A W. Trow, On tario No. S: J lloydell, Nyssa; T. M I.oe, Owyhee; Duncan K. McRae. Klverslde; O. W Voak. Krogan : C ill Oxman, Jamleson, I. W. Hope, N" .Vale; J It Weaver. 8 Vale; Harry Hrown, Grange; James Morrison. Watson; II. It. Hatch, Dig Rend: J W Weaver, llnulta I County central committeemen ap- vllle; A H. Grotli. II Vdvlsor) ( inltlee W Hayes, Vale; C. C. WIN son, Nyssa; tieo w .Mcivnignt, vale; .1 I- Weaver, Ontarie: Mrs K. H. Conklln. Cairo; W W. Wood, Ontar io; P. A. Cole, Juntura KROESSIN INSTALLS NEW EQUIPMENT With the general use of auton there ha been a general decrease In ,!'"' demand for harness and the h ''al "rm of Kroesslu Iiuh made ar- rangemeula to get into the new him- InesS. uoi hale made arrangement so lliut Dicv .vni li.L. tun ..1.1 tlr.iu hii. I """ fogelher in such u way 1"'1 "lore If sTIvfal tbOWUt miles "t good cm,, g th.-m Another machiie n a d '""' Oum h) Ntalf ftUlO "! ftMi Bpbol lery work uiner isswarea win prooiuuy ne add, d until ih.v hue an outfit that will luge care or ail tne repairs that "" '"' made to tires and 0f . TPLiQ t) JIVPDC LllmiJ I IMI LlllJ aasea mi i --x A 'I'lie tenuis louruuiiient Is uttract- iuti much atleiilion among the local iayrs. Tliey are running each ev- ,,ni1( Bt the different courts I he singles are being played this week gIlj tie doubles will be started us soon a t lie singles are d, , ided tj PetereOB won rrom 'l'hos. Campbell. Dr I'ayne won from C. Fields. W Swugler won from Hoy Smith Hichard I'erry lorteited to Sam I le, '111 tin Wednesday evening Kpbruliu . .. . . Unfiling through lite is ull right. but thinking twice before you sturt will save you a world of Jolts.