The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, June 22, 1916, Image 6

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    I I I II. .. .
i i
in HER
t srJJcssl
h- v-irry.
171 J-sr RIL
StHt0 f -
Why not get a good
oil stove so that dur
ing the hot weather
your wife or mother
orsister or daughter,
can prepare the
meals in a cool, com
for table kitchen?
am jwfo' KwAm
a SETTm r
For Sale by
Ontario Hardware Co.
Down Town Office
Cash for Eggs
and Poultry
Everything for the
Poultry Keeper
Ontario Produce Co.
ISaSa luNbfi t'u.
T. I.I... . mi! of Mania II. .1.1
For Artesian or Natural
The Only Sanitary Ice
in li.Kii
I'hone I57-R
When You Wear a
Tailor Made Suit
l'lit'ic is peculiar tliMinclifin
III tho lit .Hill Wl'l kill lll.-liip
which puts it in a i lass liy it
selt, anil the wearer in a
by hiuiM-lt. wltll oilier tailor
...! nieti.
When we make it your suit
Is made to III you, and not a
wooileu dummy. No two forms
are OttOtl) alike, hence no suit
patterned .it tor a dumiiiy will
give ou an eact fit, such us
you get when we take your in
dividual measurements
$20. 00 to $50.00
And anywhere between
Opposite Poslofhce Phone 105 W
There's no overheating
the kitchen with an up-to-
date oil cook stove. It's
just like cooking with city
gas. The burners con
centrate the heat at the
different cooking points.
No wood or coal or
ashes to lug. No
waiting for fires to
catchup. The long
blue chimneys do
away with all
smoke and smell.
In 1.2. .1, snd 4 -burner
lien, with Of without
oven. Alio cabin!
model" with FlrrltM
conking oven.
(Calm. it, .a)
Tho cost of pork la reduced ma
ter'.ally by the use of pasture and
forage crops, but it la desirable to
feed grain or other concentrated feed
In addition. In some sections of the
country where pastures are luxur
iant, mature hogs ure maintained In
uu apparently satisfactory oonditlon
on pasture alone. This Drnctiee
should not be followed, however, In
the case of young growing plga, bo
cause they will become thin In flosh
and stunted If compelled to live on
pasture alone.
Hog ralaora differ widely regard
ing the iiuantlty of grain that should
be fed to hogs while mi ptun
Some feeders give them all they will
consume others feed u ration iii about two to three per cent
of the live weight of the hog. Still
others will allow pigs to run on pas
ture and feed them a one per cent
grain ration There Is no fixed rule
I governing the supplemental grain
ration which should be fed In com
I biuatlon with forage The amount
of grain fed depends upon the kind
of pasture used, the price of gru'Ji,
and tho market
Pasture forage has a variable torn
u. Alfalfa, rioter, vetch ami
peas furnish teed much richer in
protein than ino.-l other crops Where
hogs me feeding on IcgutulnOV
line lhe reiUlro li-s colli 'I'lll rat I'd
t I ilien when griming upon minlc
numinous pa-iuie uch as timothy
orchard iraas, Baiiiiaila or blue
In the i i ot (TO I li
i . i.i.-.ii. In.iy he classed a Dltro
geuous tongas. A larnior may ha.
mole lions than his win ue-
commodate When this is th.
lure ill last HMBgW if a full
mla ration la tod The inert
ion-nines, ti.e loss ton
will eal.
hen (nil li Ii'kI'. II ls rather
expensive to feed u supplemental
Mian ration At such times there
is a great temptation to play
hogs upon paatars aieae TW
tiee will hardly geef l'i . for It gen
eiall takes more nruiu and mine
tune to finish oil the lions than it
they had heen led a liberal latum
w bile on past un
The amount ot main ued will a!
so depend upon the HMgtl of time
the feeder lias in which to fit the
un market. Hogs thai pro
marketed from IP to I L' months old
,n. usually maintained n pasture
alone during the grazing season li
any grain Is gtvM aM all it I
light. In this way the nn'atei pi r
centuge o prowth is made from the
ohoapl) grown toroge When ngU
finishing is doalndi th liheral use ot
mam is important.
A good brother nrtSSS to remark
that for once we are to have u suue
polltleal campaign In which
ue opine, it will he anything but a
political, etc
The lowly dog is laitliful to Ins
friend until death lift dowu to the
leva) of the dog.
People Should Realize Thrift
at Home Is Necessary.
One hundred year, ago the drat aav
Infra hank In tho United Stnte waa ee
tnlillHhed. The advent of this InstltU-
lion came with (he era of commercial
and Inilti-dilul expansion. It came
when tin' 'oiiiIii(oii of the lulled
Slates was only 0,fiOO,UUU, ami them
were hut JPi hiinki In t In- ruuntry. Ity
I 1SL1 ten of these savings hunk had
I.- i'ii BftalbUslii'il with H,(n;." depositor
ninl Bggnaata deposits of H.i.'w.oTO.
l'l - ,, II .(IIOI-, UH' MUlki BAVfU
and (lie deposits In these great reaer
.ii nf eupltiil, whirl! now iiiiiiiIht
B,100, by leaps and hound Increased to
OBOnwtS proportion. To-day, with
our tint li iiihI wealth approximating
SS7.ikki,imiii,ii and almost one bun
died mjlll'iii of people In the country.
We hae III. out $t.70tl,tSl.(MHI in tlu
Barings banks betonghai le ten ami a
half mllllnii deposit., is Till ma
seem an ;i innInk' sum of capital and
iiuiiiIhi- e: depositors, but w ben a com
parison l made Willi OtfeOC i oiiutrlea
anil n bill ue e Is struck It la found the
Iniiid Stales Is near the end ot the
list In the periviitugo of savers to pop
ulation. The possllillltles for the greater pro-
1 m.'tl.Mi of hublls of thrift and saving
sin. mil' people are Indeed extraor
dinary. Willi remarkable opportunl
iie in the lulled Stales for Increas
Inir foreltii trade- with Iniinper crop
In every sit! Ion of the country; with
gold poiiili.s' Into the coffers of tho
bnnks; Willi eel nppelll iinie of llll
' nted lutiire prosM'r1t.v. the fuct
Is apt t lie disregarded that the other
innl eoiniiien lal luitlon of the world
are Involted In a war of frightful de
tnn tlon and ci onoiiuc waste; that aft
er the war these nutlon will need
funds for reeontruion and the Unit
ed Stub's will he called upon to sup
ply I belli: that for somo time to coma
this country will not bo able to secure
capital, as In the past, from Franca
and I lieat Britain, for the purpose of
carrying on new enterprises The
('tilted Stales must finance Itself.
No fear need be had for the imme
diate future, but It I Inevitable that
the lime Is coming when this country
must meet t!ie test of tluaiiclug prac
tically tlie entire world. I'repuratlous
are being made for defense In the
en hi of war; prcpaiatloua should also
be Blade for i Adequate credit
inarliliiciy can be developed and per
fis led. but It will usaitredly reiiulre a
sutlli lent amount of capital to main-
lain properly mid I p III good I unuiiig
condition this credit madiluery.
Mow Is this capital going to be se
cured? Through education; by calling
the attention of tin- nasget to the lack
of thrift in the country, and the bene-
tieiai resell of pnetiaeag nhrtfti
through .i JI asset hi ii.itiiiu-wlde cum-
palgu lo piuiiiute thrift und aavlng It
ninl) i to the Inii'iest of all lllxens.
whether bunker or biialueas man. edi
tor or professional man, employer or
employe, to lat a rty to uch a move
iii.nt This I the object or the nation wide
campaign Instituted the first of the
year by the American Hunkers Asso
"Live Within Your Income," Koynot
of Nationwide Thrift Movmnt.
"I.he wiihln your Income" Is the
key nole of the greut nation wide thrift
BOreuiciit. and be not so wasteful.
The siren -1 1 of Home lay not in tho
time when lioiiiuti were extravagant
adlng their millions In feuslsaud
eaiiu . when people were 111 king from
the lounli.v to the city; lien Romans
wen- too kUj even to play their own
-un... Inn hired t;Uilator nut only to
play, but to die, for then uiuuseuient;
It lay uol in the time when the young
ilomaii inilliouuiit'S sHiit lluli time ut
the hatha and in feeding ou lilghtlu-
galos' letigues umi n oyeten bronght
in ct DOM from the shoies of Hill
iiiu; when I1TJW00 was paid lor roaes
ul a feaat. and when her cltixeu sol
dleiy was replaced by hirelings, but
in the lime when the lioinaii farm
er was It cltUeu ami statesman uml
depended not upon the bireil olbers,
but upon himself, for performing the
duties of the lamlly und the state.
The HattN world st the Is'giuulsg of
the pnaenl war Started to save money.
It is a curious fait that such u destruc
tive process a war sometimes is a
benefit to u uullou. It Increases the to
tal ellicieii. . and It tfleTCMH I he total
saving Let America be not too tree
to cast criticism upon our foreigu
warring sister nations. It may be that
the Increased thrift and the increased
I'tllclcncy and the Increased streugth
of Character brought about by this
(Teat crisis, so affecting (he nation of
hurope. wi'l do for them as they did
for u In our civil war-produce char
acteristics and produce men and wom
en that in the years following the war
may offset the enormous waste and
destruction brought about by It
No amount of wealth will replace
character. Wealth will never take the
place of personal righteousness, but
the characteristics of thrift and econ
omy will do more than anything else
to bring hack the type of American
that mads New KiiKluud. aJR that
makes any nation, strong and great
And by what we save only cau we
measure our future wealth, whether a
Individual or u u nulioii.
Smiliug again? Bully!
Kansas City, Decreased conaump
tlon of mneta owing to abnormally
high prieea has resulted Id a correa
pondlng Increase In demand for ogga
Dnnlora estimate that about lftOO
cases of 30 dozen each are being oon
tmniod daily In Kansas City. Wlmle-
, ., ,,rr,.s Hr mul fvr. r,.tH
ili7on blither than a yoar ago, but
are still cheap In cotnpurlson with
nii'nt '
Prices are higher In the face of the
fuel that stonajt in i'ii nre taking
fewer opg than last year Hindis In
i.ii.i storago in the i ii(:eii st. ni'
June 1 woro about 500.(1
than u year hko.
in i he peat two rears profit i do
MVOtl from storing eggs have boon
rather little or nothing and re tilted
, redtMtd operations tills year in
Juno I stocks In warehouses of the
I lilted Mates were !Hl7,HIII case:;,
compared with :i.4:n,000 ease a year
ago. Tho Mllaf storage stocks
probably will cause higher prices
than usual next wln'.i
It I" nil OTer now but the cam
pnlgultig and the Voting and the
counting and the shouting.
The average husband is Juat like
a bass drum Me makes a devil of
a noise when he Is empty.
I mi.. I State
President Woodrow Wilson
Vlce-I'realdent Thos. H. Marshal
Secretary of State, .. Hubert Ianalng
Secretary of Treks... . W. (). McAdoi
Hecretary 01 War, . . U M Uarrlaon
Attorney-Oeneral. Thoa. W. Qregorj
Postninater-t neiul....A. llurleaon
Secretary of Nary J. Oanleh
Sec'y of Interim, ..Franklin K.Lant
Secy of Agrlc ilture,. I). K Houston
Sec'y of i onim 'ice, Wm. (V Kedlleld
Secretary of leader. . . .W. II. Wllaoo
Secy to the 1'res J. P. Tumulty
V. H. -iipieiu. Court
Chief Justice. ... Kdward i IVhl'
Associate Juatlces,
Joseph MeKcnna
Oliver Wendell llotmes
William i. Day
Jamee 0, Mclte lolds
Charles K. Hughe
Wlll.s .mDevan.ei
Joseph It. Lamar
Mali ion Pitney
Vale U. H. I uml 'it
He ister Tho. . J. 'i e
Ueceiver M. N Fa, if ,
stste OIHrera.
Qovernor James Wltliiconi
Secy of State lieu Olct
Treasurer 1 l Ka
Attorney-Oeneral, ..Oeo. t i':owi.
nupi. ui i uouc uiniruciiuu
J. A. I llulUllli
Dalry and Food C'ominUaloaei
J. D. Mirale
State Printer AW. l4iwietioa
U. 8. Senators,
Hary K. Ijine
O. K Chamberlain
W. C. Ilawley
N. J. Sinnot
C N McArthur
Ni.iti- Supreme ('.nut
Chief Justice Frank A. Moore
Associate Justices,
Thomas A. McBrlde
Henry J. Ueau
Oeorge II lluruett
ltobert Kukln
lleiiiy I. Heiison
Law rence T. Harris
Mutli Judicial District
District Judge Halloa Biggs
District Attorney, ... .W H. Hiooke
sieu.iioi -Nil. legislative Assembly
Joint Senator, for (Iiaut, Malheur,
ami Haruy Cuunties,
. lairing V. Stewart Officer
County Judge O. W. McKulght
County Clerk John P. Houston
Sheriff Ben J. Brown
County Commissioner, .
John y Weaver
Melville Keller
County Treasurer, J. Halph Weaver
Assessor Lewi E. Hill
School Supt Fay Clark
County Surveyor B. F. Farmer
County Coronor R. O. Payne
Truaut Officer A. It. Mcintosh
Justice of the Peace (Ontario Dis
trict O. L King
Circuit Court
Circuit Court for Malheur county
meets lu Vale, the county Beat, on
the second Monday In January; on
the fourth Monday in April; and on
the first Tuesday In September for
regular sessions. Hon. Dalton Biggs,
Circuit Judge; W. H. Brooke, Dist
rict Attorney; John P. Houston,
County Court.
The County Court of Malheur
County meets In regular session at
Vale on the first Wednesday of Jan
uary, March, May, July, September
and November. County Judge, Oeo.
W. McKnight; M. 1). Kelley and
John F. Weaver, Commissioners;
John P. Houston, Clerk
Wiini owl hull' the motor mm in Ameri
',T today itIiihi) ;i million wkl ;i quarter
are of one make, there mini be ;i mighty
good reason, in rvrrv kind ut ierricei
under all conditions' of road and weather,
SI Ford cam have proved to be t ii moel de
pendable, i nomioal and efficienl ser
vants' of men. Touring Car "H40; Run
.lUiit 300i Coupclcl $590; Town Car
640; Sedan $750. All prices I . b. De-
Ontario, Oregon
JF YOU are in doubt
which bank to patron
ize, it's becauge you don't
know which renders the
best services to its patrons
offers the kind of ser
vices you need and want.
Capital ind Surplus $100,000.00
"A Good Hank In a Hoot! Country"
Thirty years ago the telephone was a luxury. Today,
through personal initiative and private enterprise, it has become
a necessity within the reach ot everybody. Where once a busi
ness hsd but one telephone with a limited talking range, today
that busluess has service with a range three-quarters of a conti
nent broad, and every brunch ot every business Is linked to ev
ery other by an Intercommunicating telephone system.
The telephone has earned its responsible place and there are
now 8,000,000 Bell telephone In this country, over which go
1:0,000,000 talks dally.
Bray Ib'll Telephone is a Long- Distance Station.
Malheur Home Telephone Co;
If there is one single lustuut in
this life when we love our neighbor
us ourself it is when he comes in and
planks dowu the price of hlB sub
jscriptiou. Overland 1913 model, newly
overhauled and pointed Ituu
less than 5000 miles. New
1500 lb. truck overhauled and
Stoddard Dayton,
for one year.
And others.
Seguine's Garage
The Palace
Meat Market
Opposite Dreamland
Better meats for the same
Prices Never High Quality
Never Poor
Come in and see the new
Telephone 111