The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, June 22, 1916, Image 5

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Washington --The Republican Pu
blicity association, through IU prcsi
dent, Jonathan Bourne, Jr., today
gave out the following statement at
Its Washington headquarters:
"Emboldened by Ihoir unchalleng
ed assumption thai thn democratic
administration ban brought whatever
degree of prosperity this country la
now enjoying, the democratic nation
al committer now exprnaaly assorts
that the democratic party haa over
come the period of depression and
haii place, American Industry on Its
feet again.
"The chief factor In determining
Industrial conditions Is the balance
of trndn. The following tnble shows
our monthly balances of trade be
ginning with October, 1913, when the
Underwood tariff law was enacted,
and covering a period of 14 months,
from which it will be seen that at
the time the democratic tariff be
came effective Um monthly balance
wii largely In favor of the United
Htates but It steadily diminished un
til April. 1914, when the balance of
trade was against us and continued
against us until September, one
month after the outbreak of the
Km 1 1 prim war:
October, 1913, Ex exports, $i:is
November, 1913, ex. txporta, $97,
S33.85I. December, 1913, ex. exports, $4 8.
900,104. January, 1914, ex. exports, $49.
7i:i.394. February, 1914, ex. exports, $26,
948,408. March, 1914, ex. exports, $4,736,
180. April, 1914, ex. Imports, $11,345,-
May. 1914, ex. Imports, $2,476,896
June, 1914, ex. Imports, $457,406.
July, 1914. ex. Imports, $5,538,344
August, 1914, ex. imports, $19,-
September, 1914, ex. exports, $16,-
October, 1914, ex. exports, $66,-
November 1914. ex. exports, $79,-
December, 1914, ex. export $130,
976,0 l ;i
"From that time forward the
inimlhly balaucu of trade lu our fav
or steadily Imri'iiHi d until It reached
more than $200,000,000, un'paralleil
in i his or any other country
Our increaae exports were made
tip iln. ilv of com mod ties Used In
war. During a 1 i-months" period
prior to the Influx of war orders our
exports l !l MMMOOtttM necessary
for maintenance of armies amounted
to anly $605,348,000. but In llM Brat
12 months of the war the export of
these same commodities leaped to the
unprecedented sum of $1,515,64$-
"The fact that tie war caused the
great Increase In demuud for our
product I further lemonstrated by
the record which shows that our ex
port to nations at war or adjacent
natlous through which supplies were
transmitted. Increased nearly a bil
lion dollars in the 12-month- per
iod, while there was no material In
crease In exports to all the rest of
the world.
"The figures presented apply only
to foreign trade conditions. There
are other, and, perhaps, no less Im
portant luctoi- which have beeu nil
i.iiullv Influenced by democratic ad
ministration For instance, prior to
the beginning of the war American
tourlhta wore spending In Europe
urns estimated at from $300,000,000
to $500,00t),000 annually, t Iiim (M
itltutiug M.'t outgo for which
hud no corresponding income '1 'In
var not only shut off this expendi
ture, but induced Auierlcau citm-us
to spend a corresponding sum at
home, thus helping to give employ
ment to American labor.
"Again, as everybody knows, large
amouut or American bonds and
atocks were held by foreign Investors
to whom we paid Interest and divid
ends amouutlng annually to many
millions of dollars. After the reop
ening of the stock exchangee more
than a billion dollars' worth of thee
.,..., rule were returned to us and
were bought by American Investors
"Not only have these ractors con
tributed in on enormous measure to
the revival of American Industry but
the labor altuatton has been radical
ly affected to the advantage of Amer
ican workmen. During the two fis
cal yeera preceding the war the net
increaae In our population by reaaon
of the inflow and outflow of aliena
was 1,500,000. In the 19 montha
since the outbreak of the war the net
Increase In our population by reason
of the movement of aliens haa been
only 100,000. It la apparent, there
fore, that aa one result of the war,
we have already experienced, rela
tively speaking, cutting off of
1 250,000 Increase of population."
B, DeljTla, of Parma, was here
Mr. Ilradnoy was here from Bi
Mend Tuesday.
The Tuesday Bridge club met with
Mr- I'i'iiixiiiK this week.
Mrs. Cayou was a passenger from
Vale Wednesday morning.
Attorney Ieee was a passenger to
Boise Wednesday morning.
Orovor Brothers shipped two cars
of hogH to Portland Wednesday.
Mrs Poorman, now living at Bnk-
or, came down for the Auto show.
The democratic committeemen will
meet here Saturday and organize.
The bridge gang are getting along
fine with the bridge near Mallets.
Miss Bose Haas, of Welser, was a
guest of Miss Smith on Friday last.
William Blackaby has gone to
llomodale for the summer vacation.
Mr. Van Slcklln will load "'-T
cars Oi snoep ai nrogau uu ouiui-
, .. .j...... i
The grading crew havo finished
thelr work here and moved up the j
Ul.a L'Mrn Allinrlnti WtkU hrn frflfll
minn rmv..w.w "w- w.w -.
.Nil m pa Sunday visiting with the home
L 0. Bailey Is home from an ex
tended trip to Portland and other
Wednesday was the first day of
mi i, if you tnke stock in the al
ii aiiac.
Mrs Newblll was here from Owy
hee Tuesday with her sister. Mrs.
v w ii. .,.i,.,i.i ,,f Hie CmkIi Ornln
Of. . ..V-T.BHl. W. ...-
Co., was In Caldwell this week on
Miss Anns McOlvern Is home from
Portlsnd where she has been teach
ing school.
Mrs. Fowler snd Mr Sllverthorn.
of l. a Urande, wore guests of Mrs.
Clark last week.
There were three railroad men
brought in this week to the hospital
with small Injuries.
Mr. and Mrs. W. W Howard are
back from their honeymoon trip to
the Ironside section.
Miss Ituby Fenwlck hss gone to
Monmouth to attend the normal
school this summer.
Thos. Hurtle was here Friday with
a bundle of furs which lie took to
Vale for tin- homily
Five cars of horses were shipped
to Caldwell Monday to bu ready for
the II. 8. Inspection.
Dorothy Ja.iulxh has gone to Bpo
kune to spend the .uiniuer with rela-
tlves and friend there.
II W Young, the engineer, was with at least three men in each pre
here Saturday rustling supplies for dnct.
the construction camp.
Bay Wilson went out I. Ben.ller
... . ... . u ..-.. -...I
VYeilliesiiay in see i in- n.iiiui.. ......
meet a few of the people.
Mr. Karnes, of Vale, who Is a
delegate to the Episcopal meeting at
Buker, was here Wednesday.
Oeorge Stevens, of Pendleton, was
here In a car. visiting with hi rela
tives, the family of Oeo. l.yells.
The gang engaged in laying the
heavy steel are now near Luce sta
tion and making good headway
Mrs. Charles Watson and the girl
went to Weler Wednesday morning
for a VMM with relatives there.
Mr. c C. Kmlne has gone to Bak -
er as a delegate from the Kplsc.pal
church to the district meeting.
. .... .... . ci.i. i 1.
on weunes.iuy mr..... ...... ...
will appear in "Nearly a l.ud.
rowbiiy film with a love story
V II lloolittle und J J llurbrldge
imve be.n gsjsjt iii the Jor.liin Valley
le.-tion for ii e.-k, trying th
ing. rir. ni" """ '
U.-M Anuie Cook leuve tills wees
Tor Nuiupii. wliKti tier huhimiui hum h
ii ...i.i. i.a aAt'arn nifiit 1 1 r;iiii -
position wltli the government drain
age work
The high water above Harper (or Humuii was elected president I
washed arouud one of the bridges Mrs. Osborn. vice president; D. P
so that the pile driver was called j Dearborn secretary and Col. Tayier,
out to fix things.
The rains of the past few days will
be of benefit to the range but not
ood for the hundreds of acres of
hay that are dowu.
A. Jauuish and family have gone
to the Wagon Tire mountain section
where Mr. Jauuish has charge of
some nitrate deposit
On Monday evening William Fox
presents Dorothy Bernard and Thur
low Bergen in "The Little Gypsy," a
heart appealing drama.
There was a meeting of the people
interested In the Nyssa irrigation dis
trict at Vale Tuesday and they will
hold another seesion today.
Mr. Cockrum and sons and Mr
Perry went to Ironsides Sunday and
xot nice catch of trout. The rain
did not extend to that section.
A. F. Tonningsen shipped six car
loads of lambs on Saturday to the
Omaha market They were the best
lambs seen here In a long time
Mr. and Mrs. Regulno and Mr. and
Mrs. I.otsoit went to Ironsides for a
few days fishing. The water waa a
little high, but they had lots of sport.
Oeorge w. Thomas, who formerly
RrOd here, was here Monday. Me Is
now living in the John Day valley
and was going to Burns to receive
some cattle.
W. M. Brooke Is exported home
this evening from the t'hlcago na
tional convention. He stopped over
In Wisconsin to visit with his people
for a few days.
A broken rail was discovered by
the section gang near Mallets on
Monday morning. The section car
was ditched and some of the men
slightly injure, I.
Charles McCreary and wife, of La
Crnnile. were the gunsta of Miss Em
ma Clark during the auto celebru
Don. Mr McCreury had a Haines
car on exhibition .
Miss Ivy Dooney, who Is now !!
Ing In Portland, waa here Tueeday
the guest of Miss McOlvern. She
went to Jordan Valley to visit with
weni iu .m'im.ii.
Islli llMg
N. P. Minster has gone to nenoier
to open a lumber yard for the Van
i'. ,ii, .1, Lumber comoanv. Mrs Min-
Hter wni K n soon as a house can
lip erected for them.
s . I. . rnn nil ill,, liHck
WPOrgP 1111111 ll" ,.
,,,,, on Oregon street south of Mr.
Itaon'a residence, and his family
have moved In. Oeorge has one of
the runs to Blverslde.
Paul Campbell Is home from a
trip to Portland where he went to
meet his parents, who recently re
turned from China, where his father
has been doing uillonory work
Mrs l.ucy lllggs and daughter,
Miss Bena, are here from Bowllnr
t.reen. !" . aim win
make their
home here. Mrs. Biggs Is the motn-
er of Judge Biggs and Mrs. Weese
J. M. Johnson, who formerly lived
at Homedale, died at the hospital
Saturday after a long Illness. Mr
Johnson left a wife and family. He
waa a brother of Mr. Oeorge Orer-
Mrs. Delia Wilson, of Columbus.
Ohio, mother of Harry Wilson wss
here last week for a short visit with
Mrs. Oregg. Bhe waa on her way to
UM cornucopias to visit with her son
this summer. It Is four years since
Mrs. Wilson was here.
The county gravelling outfit has
been moved this way about four
'miles from Vale and will work tills
way. It Is expected that most of
the road will he gravelled between
al.- mid Ontario this year.
I flie republican precinct commit
teemen met at Vale Monday and
elected A W. Trow county chairman
ami Italph Weaver secretary and sev-
eu vice-presidents. It U the Inten-
Hon to get a complete organisation
Max Muller bus a model cincaen
house h P -""""' ' "
i-li mini -.liiilll'l sew. ii w
coininoiliite ihe chickens' and still Is
very handy for Ihe owner. It Is
cheaply and easily constructed and
can be moved to any desired location
at auy time.
The annual scliool election was
held here Monday and J. W McCul
inch .-lei-ted for three years and Dr.
Weeae for one year as directors. M.
N.nuon was re-elected as d.-ik
Tbr were only a few present and
jtte inieret manifested
Tlilai is the season of UM N U
a . UM flock of chicken should lM
' closely culled and the drone Liken
to the butcher HM roosters should
all be discar.ieu so um. ..... c.. -
1 keen better during the warm
uimp.I i.v
l lie luji-rn uu " ".
MM Muller and he will ulso hM
ion ho to liiuke better MOW
of the cockrels.
'II. e .l.inocriils met here Tfcl
M iig on call und orguiii.eil u MI
sou club C V. Hurry, the
kau. - .. A iliut' Ulil'liri'll
(Dllvr wu nrr- nnu n-j st
Hbolll u,n in, S.m.r MOM
i . ir,.a i. i.
crats were down from Vule.
maiLm .-liil. will be organized. Muy-
On Friday James O'Malley was
bound over by Judge C M. MMIM
in f.-.n iii.niU 1,1 iiwuii the action of
the grand Jury in September M list
charge of stealing a grip belonging
to O. F. Anderson of Bonita. lu de
fault of furnishing bonds O'Malley
was taken to the county Jail. An
derson was In Ontario enroute to
Walla Walla. He left his grip at the
O. 8. L. depot and went to town lor
a few minutes. When he returned
his grip was gone. He found It lat
er on the baggageman's truck fcatt
ed for Iruntlngton O'Malley was
identified by the baggageman as be
ing the person who had checked the
grip to Huntington. He was arrested
by Marshall Harry Farmer and tried
before Judge Stearns, who bound him
over to the graud Jury.
The road to success Is a hard one
to travel but we'll get there Just
the same if we keep right ou stumbl
ing along.
Among the many congratulations
received by Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Buth
erford on their golden wedding anni
versary was a five dollar gold piece
presented them by Judge O. L King.
I'h kindly token of their friend
ship was appreciated by Mr. and Mrs.
Itutherford. Doth In remembrance
of the many years they have known
.Indge King ami the many years they
have spent together. They also ap
preciated the kindly words ami MsV
gratulatlona tendered them by many
of their friends
Owing to Mrs Butherford's pres
ent health the family though It le-st
not to give a reception as had been
Everyone wish Mr. and Mr Rulh-
erford a pleasant voyage on their
fifty year Journey together.
Wi Iter Oray was apprehended at
Vale with 40 gallons of whiskey,
which he brought In from Nevada
T; e whiskey waa destroyed and Oray
lined $100 and 20 days in Jail. The
lustlcn paroled the prisoner on oon-
illtlon that he leave the county.
Mr. I E. Adam was arrested
Tuesday and bound over to the
grand lury on a charge of perjury
She i.-nived a shipment of 18 hot
ties of whiskey and 14 of beer and
swore that It was all beer It n
,in Interstate shipment and the fed
eral authorities will also take action
i nil It Is likely there will be a rnse
lor bringing In more than two quarts
ol liquor at a time.
Attorney Pat Oallagber Is acting
as county attorney during Mr
Brooks' absence.
FOB SALE Oood one horse cul
tivators at McDowell'a Exchange
LOST Between Ontario and fish
hatchery one-fingered gauntlet mit
ten. Flnlr kindly return l I'
Ontario. II
WANTED A second girl to as
sist with housework. Phone 20 N 2.
WANTED About 100 pigs 8 to
week old, will pay good prices. Ad
dress or call P. Coleman, Brogan, Or
Piano Tuulng A. n. MeCarty. an
expert piano tuner la permanently lo
cal., i at Nyssa. All work guaran
teed. Phone 14J. '"
Oood second hand Bulrk automo
bile for sale, cheap. Enquire J v.'
M.-c ii ii.i.ii LM
Cultivators for sale ut MclXiwell's
Kxi li.mge Store.
I. AMI BAItOAIN -120 acres of
laud for $1$ an acre Co.el I i
fine Tor potatoes. T.riu I'lume
20 N 2, Ontario.
$3.25 per hundred
Cash for Poultry
Ontario Produce Co.
Idaho Lumber u.
Is. ,,lt.hr4..lof MorHu4tl
Southern Idaho Headquarters fur
Sections, FouudatluiiH, Supers,
Complete liives and Purls
made of selected soft White
Pine, by Western bee experts
who know local conditions.
Better equipment that w.ll
bring you more and better
Anything for the man with
one colony to a thousand
Parcel post rates ou small or
deraftase insignificant. Write
us what you need.
The "right Wotdwtrkiig U.
Caldwell, Idaho
Bargains Bargains
Never before were there
such bargains in hats as
you will find at the Os
born Millinery, also a spec
ial discount on switches.
Successor to
Another Car
Rakes, Mowers,
of All Kinds
t lUlfcl ijjyI 1 unnar
I Ifll 1 W C 7t r atV a A I
MM rYYYv tT HufJl w U
I lfi B lll f III INI 1 1X1 I fj 1 1 1 1m7
For rent, room brick house. iihmI
.in . ntrul, on Miiin -ireet W II
lloolittle I"'!
LOST Huiirli ol iMyg. Kinder
please leave at Art luiinniik. shop I
TO TIIAIlK For Ontario or couu
try property $1200 reul . lute more
gage drawing eight per rent, 1 1 r t
class becurlty or will discount f-.r
cash. See Turner, the innui.m.e
FOB SAI.K Shelled aud eai
Feed barley iu bulk. J. Duuphy, one
und one-half miles southwest of on
tario. MM
FOB SALE -Five shares of Owy
hee Ditch stock, for particulars see
C. McOonaglll. 1 1 24pd
WANTED Tenant for forty acres
neur i'aiina under government .1 ICa
Write for full particulars K. II
Schefer, 835 Henry Bldg., Seattle,
Try The Argus
Grove & Riley
Just Received
Binders, Cultivators
Get Our Prices
l' ii; .i ml ilrniug
pony "Uu good bun ""' harness,
in h right. Phone It N -
W ."i i.n A girl for g- i
In. ii twOI I . i..i. Ii l.emo ud-
.11. .It l . II i.lC.e
I AICIO, OKI (.ON llitf
first sjaai out tit onl) large Job
lllhiled I'll. Hie lgUH. .' .", JC
FOB SAI.K i) 1 C. pigs S vi.eKs.
.nl. ei ,- can give papers with
them. I'none L'Ut N 1, Oman.. .'4 JOp
Mint lAHie McDonald
Ontario, Ort-Koit
for Want Ads