Tim Ont-nrin Annua ""r 3ro",h ,h"" Wft mU!" 'XI""', "",t 1 I1C '. IMclIiU rllgUOj in the ripeness of old ago others will maintain the barrier tlmt separates uh M. K. BAIN, PubltntW. SUDMI'ipHon $1.00 a year Always in advance Published Kvery Iloir-dn Bntered In the Post Office at Ontario, Oregon, for transmission through the matin bh second class mall matter. HIIAKK II' rOVH IIIIAINN. Slink" up your BfgvlBBi brother hake them up lively Somewhere ,,in others In the dark r f your omnium1 la an Idea that would he of groat ralue to iur homo community. I.ot the Idea out nnd pass It along morrow will he Just ns we shape our for omiminat r ri nnd dis-mclloti and . beginning today. lei the end The joyN nnd pleasures of youth are easy to acquire but bh time silvers our locks IhO) are more difficult to obtain. The person who adheres to an ex clusive clique today may find that to morrow tho integral pnrtH have dr!ft 'od away and that other doom are closed And It id then (hat the grny niw of the winter of life la brought limine In the DM who live In tho be ginning and forgets the othor end. We all have our good qualities and our fault'., some more pronounced None of ua are ever perfect, for ye are but human and are of the same clay. I.et un remember that life of to iler possible use for the betterment of our people. Any man of normal Intelligence l full of gooil ideas, but fnw people care to exploit them before the pub lic. And yet the exploitation of Ideas Is Just what we need for the Improve ment of local conditions. Step forward and tell us whnt you Let ua bear in mind that the end of the string may be sharp and strong and virile, or that It may be old and worn and fraxtled. Life, like the string, has a begin ning and nn end. and the end must Inevitably pay for the omissions of the beginning. Those who cultivate friendships In know or what you think. Much of ' the summer of youth will find that In It may not be utilized, hut there may appear the one great opportunity for which this community Is waiting. Ifci II H and umr action may spur your neighbors to such un extent that we nay eventually get somewhere and do something. I he decline of life others will cleave to them, and that the mellow noes of old age will be filled with Joy In stead of being Naildi'ii-il In .orrows and regrets. In our Intercourse one with nnoth er. friends, li t u . remember that each day we are approaching the other end xiii- i ii. hi i mi in mi vi inn M of life, anil Hint the end win no in The cause f business adinlnlstra- , accordance with the precepts and pol lloii and lux redaction In Oregon 'ides of the beginning. must he kept up In Ihe interest of In-i ' . ""K" ,IiIh n ooiiiinunlt v Of dustrlal and ro.ninunlly development I friends, and not merely of acqualnt- and will largely depend on the char-,""0' acter of Ihe leal letura '"' us transform the gray winter of The battle for reduced taxation life Into a perpetual sunshine of sum haa been waged mo warmly by the ""'r state pross that nearly every caiull date for the legislature Is clccied on platform pledged to retrenchment and cutting out grafts. While this feeling Is stronger than ever before the need of real lender slnu In the organization of both houses of the general ussemhl) Let us begin today. srwhiM. MRXICO It looks very much as though the polled nnd petted child, Mexico, will at Inst have to be spanked to make It behave. It has been allowed by this country to do Just aa It pleases, kilt peratlve If any appreciable result Is our cltUens, Insult our flag and other obtained, wise make faces at us while we were For instance, the higher education trying to feed It candy and sweets In al Interests of the state for the p res- an effort to bribe It to behave so we ent biennial period Mre gelling II,- would not have to bother with It 91,.rH2.40 from the taxpayers and Mexico Is but a child In Intelligence will make demaiid (or larger sums and has acted Just as. any spoiled for 1917-18. child would act It hus mistaken our This Instance, hacked by n power "watchful waiting," which was mere ful organization all over the state, ly a form of putting off this country's was able to gel $ 2 8 f . 1 0 .) II none dtttv, for weakness and with each lll- tlian all the other tale in ,t it ut ions, suit that we have swallowed, has and will give all other sections lib- gone a step farther In Its offenses, ml h. , ir,, in the state pork barrel Wo haw ,i . blunderingly backed Into These and other large Interests war as surelv and as expensively aa will iloubtleMs try to capture the was ever credited to a nation. The speakership and the presidency of the course taken led to only tho thing senate, and then the tBIOBJOTl ll that is now lietore us trouble that .tend ..I getl nx Ihe promised re.luc Is bringing war lions will have the larger bills to I.et there be no promises In this ,,.,.! spanking. Mexico cannot understand i I,.. si.,i I'.ixpnvereT league, an "s lick and a promise" It must organiallon pledged to .,,,i. ma terlal scaling down of tax levies, Is backing u tux limitation mi Initiative but that would uo prevent lurge uppropt al log - The presideiii -y of the senate seems to lie conceded to I.uir Thompson i loiko county, and speakership will nol go to a delegation that hus loo many axes to grind. hare a real trouncing (hat will con vli It that this country can rule and will rule that country if It has to, hut will not do so If Mexico will be have, and will respect those trying to help It. Mi sr BH OMBCKKD. The pathless expenditure of funds raised by taxation will have to he The state tux levy for 1914 was checked, or the people will not be H,lr,000 For 191.'. this wus cut h to bear their unnecessary hur to III. I 12.000 !'" 19111 this wus dens any longer and will la tempi-, I further cut to I,IM,I0I The fight for retrenchment k) vital and i- the bigg' I'OIk.i i hn; THK OTHKH RKO There are many i: would improve eoadltloni la thla lojjva tad tiie auroundlai territory, hul Ina om ,1,1, it which impresses itself nio-l loiiildv upon our mind at this time is il., lack of unanimity and cohe ll, III al 'i, iil'.IMi t roll tit Ut ad authority From the Increased registration of voters this year, it is apparent that the people are begin nlng to recogliie the fact that each owes to lilniselt and to the people in gen, tal the duty to closely set utllli.e the a, I ,,! public otlul.il and of candidate-- for Bifida and be iug ut the polls to vote lor good men wlio are prudent iiud will work for I abolishment of all untie, i aiveue . in ,i,i,, i affairs Willi each iiulividiial ll., town of expenditures of public iunds no mat Colllllllllllly III Which lie lives I, like ,., ,,,w p i-1, ills or llltlUellti.il the a piece nl rope or twine ll lias two r,.tipU'ii t of Hie public funds may lie ends, and each should be ill harmony and work smoothly with the other The one end is where we In gin our life in Ihe community, and the other imii aTRII s si PPOBT OOMMI XI- TIKS. Industries and their payrolls not is when death or removal breaks the olly support families and make the connection g Bill! prosperous, but pay the We devote our time, our l houglits. I taxes. FARMER IS BLAMED FOR COST OF FOOD E. H. I r Says Slipshod Methods of Business Are at Fault. Knrl H. Fry, land expert for the Oregon Home Builders, addressed a meeting of the heads of that organi sation last woek on "The Scientific Farming of the Willamette Valley and What It Means to Portland." Ho spoke from personal experi ence nnd observation and submitted , t. .tidies to prove his assertions. Starting with the ownership of the land, he pointed out tho difference between methods used In other states to simplify tho transfer of property aa compared to the "red tape" of Oregon abstracts, lie showed that when a country ceases to pioneer It dies. He proved that all wealth Is dependent on and resultant from the tilling of tho soil that the 9,ooo,- i lop of Hie I lilted States Is essentlnl to this country. "In Holland the man who owns a ere pi if land and tills It Is considered a big former. A Holland farmer on three ncres makes more money and raises more crops than the average American farmer does on 160 acres," snld Mr. Fry. In this country we breed thorough bred horses, hogs, cowa and chickens and other llvestork by selection and elimination. Holland does the same but t also applies the same methods to the selection of crops and the seed. "The smalt country of llelgulm, If It placed a man nn each acre of Its entire area, would have nearly :ifl0,- 000 men left over, yet this tiny coun try acquired great wealth before the war because Its people knew how to use brains and science In farming. "Within n few hours' ride of Port--land. on land that Is not above the average, a Melglan settled a few years' ago. Ills farm Is a trifle less In site, than a Portland city block. Ills crop last year brought 12790 In cash DCs ducting all his living and other ex penses be netted 11700 01 In cash, and he lived on Hie best bis land produced He did this by scientific farming. Instead of plowing his soil six to ten Inches, be went fourteen Inches and then cross-plowed It the same way aaaj He overlaid thin land with u tin Inch veneer of manure (hut farmers ver CELEBRATE THE FOURTH PAYETTE, IDAHO BIG PARADE AT 10 O'CLOCK Good Speaking and Musical Program Immediate ly Following the Parade Pony Races Foot Races Fast Baseball Good Prizes Are Offered on All Events Outdoor & Indoor Dancing GOOD MUSIC LADIES' REST ROOMS gajggjjggajBggajfjjgBjgBjgajgajgajPjBjgggggaiBjgMggMa See Special Program for List of Events and Prizes We Invite You All to Come to Payette for a Good Time on the Fourth K Jeffrey, president of the Ore Nolle : or SMI: ill' OXT.WllO. in the neighborhood gave him for g"ti H Itullders, announced Hint hauling away. If be had not hauled ' was his Intention to place the aer It. In all llkelll d they would have vices of Mr Fry at the command of moved the r burns to get away from the accumulation of years. "Kroiiecoll Is a refilled selected member of (he cabbage or cauliflow er family Here in Portland we buy it under the Impression that It can oulv be raised In t'nllfoni'H I.ust year Koseburg shipped I I Ml county and state wherein Nicholas Krles, as plaintiff, recovered Judg ment against W. II Doollttle and Mes ne lloolltlle. husband and wife, J II XIKHA HtlHCATInS COMPAN1 HTtM'k Hilt MCI IXOI I I AHHKMHMKXTH. II farmers of this section of the Notice Is hereby g veil, that 1914 took, trustee. I.'ll.i M Sproul and J country without charge. He su'd share-, of the capital sock ot ihe on J llurbrldge as defendants, for the that If Mr Fry's advice Is desired it tarlo-Nyssu Irrigation company lOBMd MM of three thousand four hundred i- to he had for the asking by those to Gordon It Houston, will al fifty dollars, with Interest' thereon who call for this purpose f I hey keep on raising bell over The in Kurope much long r tho devil will public auction to the highest bidder from May 7, 1916, at the rate of 8 for cash, on the 24th day of July, per cent per annum; and the further 1916, at the hour o' two o'clock, p sum of three hundred fifty dollars at- Hald sale will be made at the of- torney fees; and the further sum of fanners in that di net say It is be- have to change bin place of abode. iug over done, yet one commission uinii from Chicago offered to sign a I A) over tie country there Is a re conduct for 100 cars to lie delivered vlva 0f u,nlng and scores of prop thls year. And the stalks or refuse ,, ,on ,,,, rB ,,.knK ou new life. This means new payrolls and prosperity In all Hues of g more nutritious for duiry cows. hogs and stock man gru'ii r.ariy nereaMd and late cabbages lire n misnomer. ,rM1ie They develop early or late, depend lag on whether they are planted III s.uolv moiI or heavy loam The Wil lamette farm will grow 17,500 plants to the acre, or u thousand egg plants I'roper work and knowledge will net. 10s from every brood sow , ,, year that Is cared for scientifically. "The leading dairy in Oregon pays a p.r cent lot on Ihe investment It consists of 7f cows, scientifically st- i..i ..,i i, niui i.', .ri tl Wilson on ihursuay evening l line thousand bushels of nrti- "" appare.'iiy airaui 10 to, u.e I !.. ..... ... L.t.1.1..., '1M... ... .... ... ...I v ... ., .. ,,i ll on 1 1 nam hi (' i i ' ' i ' in.i. m- Willamette rallM land There g no platform had some of the plunks of Another fool law has Just been en-B14nie rep,.,,, is attached to mid mad forced A I oos county tanner was arrested and fined for doctoring his own horse That Is one of the to, I laws which with others makes the stale rldlculou- North Head Har bor. The democrats nominated I'rcM and our energies to the beginning ami to each miccc.-..' ive Mcp a we pi,,, tkrOUlfa Ma The end i bill a plian loin of Ihe tuturc und we give it but , , .stockholder.-- 'I 'bey sotnetitnen earn profits for the owners and even in rare have been known lo pay dividend! little heed Ami therein we err, for it Is nol wise lc loigcl MM other end We niH'd an awakening und a nunc cohesive spun in the i.ocial life of this town und of this coiind y m,U W , need I greater spirit of fraternity in our associations one wilh another A spirit of brothel hood and Msterliooil eluiuUl bind us closer together for the coiuuiou weal of all In i lie pleasures und the excite ments of today we forget that there la a tomorow for which we must pro vide, and in this omission we loo tie quently are storing up Isolutiou and lonesomeness for the later years of life As we begin, so do we invariably end. If we cultivate a Bplrit of aloof peas uud excluslveuess iu the days of Properly speaking industries In clude all business employments and activities that result iu a payroll or circulate money. The city of Kliugeuberg, Germany, owns a valuable mine of clay and pays each resident an annual revenue of 50 besides all city taxes. Industries produce the wealth and put the money In circulation that enables people to pay taxes, whether it be a bootblack stand, a cannery or a railroad company. four years ago, but t lit- one about one term wus forgotten It Is freely predicted that Mi Hoo 'vlt will come out this week these things requires '""I endorse Mr. Hughes and get busy and go to work for his election There has been paid to politics for all soldiers now. little attention i few days, it is The sun. we hope, will coutinue to shine this summer, whether the poll ileal pot slzaiee or not. better food for laying hens, and any , tO al It U iocs luriner. anil 1-. more iiiiirniuun than grain teed "Hut to do breaking away troni custom and from eustern methods The Willamette val ley Is the finest farm land In Hie world. To get full results of it re ,1111ns only a definite application of knowledge and scientific prlclples. "The cost of feed productions Is bluuied for Hie high cost of beef and pork. The blame should be put on the farmer for his lack of organisa tion How long would business con cerns and factories enuure u iney failed to keep posted on the Improve ments made In their lines of endeav er: This Is the age of silage, and until the Willamette valley farmer adopts silage methods he is going to continue playing a losing game, t'nill be learns to select his seeds as he selects his dairy cows and his brood sows he Is going to get crop failures Instead of three-fold the returns any other part of the country can produce. "The laud and the climate of thla valley la the most wonderful In the world, but it must be scientifically farmed " After Mr. Fry had concluded hla two-hour tajk along these Hues, Oli- WHAT 1'IXKAPPUJ II I. I Wll I IMI 1'iu.ipple juice und pepsin are now extensively used In the treatment ot stomach and bowel troubles. They give strength and tone to the diges tive organs. The right proportions are found in Natol l'ineupple Pepsin Compound This Is a uew medicine sold by all druggists and Ontario Pharmacy over the manufacturer's guarantee. IMMKNSK SAt.K OP NAfOfi IMXK APPUC PKPtaMN IX OIK CITY There has Just been received anoth er large consignment of Natol Pine apple Pepsin Compound Its sooth ing, stimulating effects aud the fact that chemically It resembles the di gestive fluids of the stomach makes It an ideal medicine (or all forms ot stomach trouble, poor digestion, and bowel disorders. It is made from Pineapple Juice and Pepsin combiued with other needful ingredients. 50c trial size bottles. All druggists uud Ontario Pharmacy. flee of the secretary of the aald com twenty-four and 60-100 dollara cests: pany In Ontario. Oregon, and made Notice is hereby given. That I will for the purpose of satisfying dellu- on (ne 22nd dllv 0f juy, lym, ,t the quent assessments against aald stock hour 0f l ,io In the afternoon of aald amounting to 1101.17. day Bl ti, nlaln entrance door of th,. The purchaser of aald atock will BOow1 House lu Vale. Malheur .,,,, entitled to have 18 H shares of the ,y Oregon, sell at public auction t stock of the said Ontarlo-Nyaaa Irri- the highest bidder or bidders for cash, gallon company Issued to aald pur- ,ie f0ownf deecrlh.-d real pioperty. chaser, aud the water right which the to-wlt: The south half of the northwest guurter of section twenty lour, town ship eighteen south, range forty six W M in Malheur county, Oregon, together with all water rights appur teuuiit thereto; Taken and levied upon us the pro pel ly of the said above iiauod defend ;anls, W II Doollttle, llessie Doollttle. J. H. Cook, trustee, Kiln M Sproul uud J J llurbrldge, or us much ihere of as limy be necessary to satisfy Un said Judgment in tav or ol NieholuM Kne. and against the suid above uuui e, dcicioiunts, with interest thereon, together wltli all costs and disburse ments that have or may accrue Dated at Vale, Oregon, this 17tli 1916 appurtenant to any lands designated by said purchaser. n now, ident oiiturio-Nyssa Irrigation company I M CKKIli. Secretary Ontario N'y --ia Irrigation colllpaliv As showing public sentiment Ceo t . llrovvnell is the Clackuiiius noml nee of all three purii, t,u i, pre-ont Hive in a lax rediictio;, platform. IX MM'IIK Ol bill 1(11 Is s VI I I Mltl ( I ust IlK. Hy virtue ot un BSMVtlOB in fore closure duly lOMMd by the clerk of day of June the circuit court for Malheur couuty and lata of Oregon, dated Hie 16th day of June, 1916, in a certain lo tion in the Circuit court for said UN, J BROWN, Sheriff. liv ItliSS A. SOW . KH. Deputy. First publication June 22, 1916; last publication July 20, 1918. There's a Double Allurement BS'J -Mg In a glance at a glass of our superb soda. First in its gen erous sise, second in its dainty cleanliness. .We hate to say how many charms there are in drinking the contents of the tempting glass. You can easily find out some, however, in a single glass. And you'll dis cover new onea every time you repeat your visit. Everybody does. I MORTON BROTHERS .i