The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, June 22, 1916, Image 2

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    . ,j I ,.!! I ! Ill I i - -gl
Great Profit-Sharing Prize Campaign
With each 50 cenla
purchase anil thin
coupon you will he
entitled to 2,000 VOTES, a
i I'iciiii tin1 Journal.)
Before Mai year's crop Is plant. -.1
It ma certain that nt leaat 1000
acres of fertile land will Im added to
Njraaa'a tributary territory 1100 It la
probable that the tnlnl acreage of tin'
now lands will reach l'.OO acres
II. T I'ratl. the well known Owy
line farmer ami lai.d owner, huh In
town Tuesday and brought word that
the drylanders In hla vicinity had bc
ci.tne tired of waiting for I
through government or other outside
aotircca and had contrndcd with the
Kle.lrlc InveMttnent WHH for
power to- operate private pumping
plantK. A meeting was held at Ml
IT. hiHt week, which was
at, h I 1.. I I t)rr. dlHtrlct
Br of th Electric Investment fo .
ami Interested farmera. Mr. orr. tot
the company, expreaaed a willingness
t., aid the land WMH In every way
poHHll oven to extending the p.,u
.., Um In II T. I'ratl'a unit Joint
Wards holding-, and to I Print's
place across UM OvjbOO n T The
majority of the settlors will lake wat
er directly from the Owyhee rhiT
and a few will line lite Owyh Iltch
H a source ol apply I lie i.iruill
llfta rnnite all the way from five feet
t the II Walters place to 41 feet
at t: 0 01 iMMk'a The
coat of IrrlKutiiiK the Inn. Is l .one
thing ten. than II M I I
Mr I'ralt In confident that 11 total
,,f t ' tat "l ii' I I. ''ol will be
reclami. -.I next season The bring
ing if thin large IMIf under cult:
x it on w ill nol onlv he 11 POM 10)
set I. r I but the eliti
grill r,., 1 um aMaftatal offi 1 '
lieliiK the trading point for Um
l.iry ll iiiiun I to share In the increas-
.I 1 1 do
The folio rlH -tilers have I
(o ill I t .r power
K f IT.. : 1 7 I4k p.. SO acn hit
.1 A Ward. In I P .
II. T I'latt. 7 K h
lift all feel
William IVut.
S l llu la
Hit rM
Cie, I Kliugh.o .
lift II ! '
a ii Mori i" 1
lilt ( 1. . '
c; ii iila-i...
I111 1 1.
lift II fl
I . Mm .0 1. ,
V 1
40 .
. I"
I 1
.11 .1. 1'.
Harry I ague.
. lift
I 11 fe.'l
II. Wallers. :.' h I lift '
... p .
U M Si. mi I I 0. I PlO
I h . . H MTW ' W
1 n " !
i.wner Ol Itll ' 1 nl .
was in town Tliuisduy. II.
nouncaa mat the
mil to w.ii.'t id
j ,,, il.iho and
will 1 a in.
t.. the louni 1 iHlj I
. -n-t oompr ont
an dam on Succor creek will fumlsh
1111 ahmi.l.iii; pplj
water I . t i.
. to follow .'-.i la .
ow n to the disti irt ..11
line and ill iv. . :.- I la -of
N'MM Html, i VIH.
1 1,1 N) 1 ol w ii n.
lair nel fall I hey
w ill if all 1 1.. bo) .in.l in ; '.. I Iholl
parents net btl I) rll III I I 10
things and glow tilings and nka
A list 01 I '" lH
publihed M 00M s IMJ 0M d.clil
Od upon, but the llsl Ol m
liere will all rOOOlVO I 1 rl - ","'l
w inking for
Class A Horses.
Class II -Caltlv.
Class 0 Sheep
CfcMO l Hogs.
(hiss K Poultry.
I 1. Ii of theae will be divided into
.oral classes
Claaa V Farm produce This will
include all klndH or grain and seeds,
and aNo hay and fodder.
Class (i (iar.len produce Th'.a
will Includu potatoea and all kinds of
vegetables, also pumpkina, squash,
Hwrct corn, etc. '
Claaa II Cooking Thia will In
clude bread, cake, Jelliea and fruit
and will Im divided Into two classes,
for glrla under twelve and iidtilta.
Claaa I Hewing Thin w 11 In
clude fancy work and one piece or
plain Mowing Thin will BlOO be dlv
I led into two classes as the claaa II
cluss J Hetich work Thla will
.. 1 tisi-inl article made by hand
and will lie divided Into two Classen,
lor adulta and boya fourteen and un
There may lie other classes an-
iiotinced later, but theae will glvej
. leryliody a chance If you wont ad
vlce about thee things write to Mr
Ilralnard or aee Mrs II J Oavls.
( Kropi the BgprOOO)
Axel Ltadgren Is at the Circle liar
ranch figuring on the building of a
big dipping vat
1 lliirdlsty came down fromj,, lxmT fU(Uri. mid there should be, products of any kind under climatic
Cliffs Monday after a load of limbers no delay n taking advantage of It. j conditions which have carried des
for bridges in his road district l-rbe man of uulck dec'alon la the trucllon to the greater portion of
.l.i. k ilhner went to the railroad
tli s week for n herd of cowa and
calve iiuchiisfil for hla ranch and
1 onttaitor Shlvely haa begun the
erection of 11 six room residence foi
Arthur east of 11 po.ioi
Supervisor Mason now has the ruiil
down Cow creek in good traveling
condition Holmes (ih.ver donaUd
two .l.ivs work, with a team, on the
road near his place, a most niiiiin. n.l
van, pie tor ot tiers 10 lonows.
Tko seasons work at the Palmer
OM-iBO. I'taiii ,s , ,1, ,1.0,
urn 01 11110111 iiiiiij ii-- "'
head The shearing crew left here
Monday, after being .1. -lamed while
one of the party was led about town
h an ollicer and obliged to pay his
Ivi-n at that he h ft one firm
in He lurch In the tune ol $12.50.
llli: VI'Kllt.
l: h Horn has I MMf M I 0
ranch in the Watson district that
,.. , Iblltl lH huiidre.l
TM animal will be latt.'n
ed and -.lit to the I'orilauil inaiket lif.l v III weigh over
four thousand pound Sullan" of
Scwi-rln. Cermanv , 1 1 . nm 1 1
.1 . .1 I I sil pounds.
... nuliv dual Ml I do .1
I lit! pari of
,.i, 1 v 1, , -tit 1 was con , ii'ii
,-, ,,,.,
his sio.i 1
1 Sullivan
,,r i, iiKimitt. The sale lnvolw.1 In
. 1 hood Of three hiindr.
, .1.. l.rses TI.e 111 ..'
I .- I
.11 mi i: NlrWN
aaa a a a a a
I l-'r.Hil tlie Til'
. p shipment 1. 10111
,,,. 1,, bo iU it .- heavy Honi
,,11. ollowing
. i li.ui' al
rea.h been 1 '
June .'i. 11 in and u lha
Prahl lafi vVadoaaday unin,-
diui .1 hearing OUtM Mr. I
tha plants here and al
.1 ihe Hu.'lv P. ii. I shear
IM 110.000 '"'."i ol
sheep th s sea on and that the work
la .oluplete except inn about 5000
Ihe Poll. I Th.
ad about I pounds of wool pel
- total of weight
of about 1,111,111 pounds of wools
rataad al M average ot cents per
pound make IO,000 Moui II,
nun lieail cl:iped a the Juil
turu plant. UHI.000 at Riverside and'
20,000 at the Duck Pond. The
sheep wire very free from scab and
other dlaeaaea there only being one
bunch of a few thoiiannd that were
rejected and had to he dipped before
The committee recently appointed
by the board of dlreclora of the Co
operative Creamery company baa aa
certa'ned where one or two-cnrlonda
of fine coming three-year-old Hol
steln heifers can he aecured at rea
Hoiuible prices Thla la all high
grade stuff The heifers are all
Kiife In calf by registered aires
All partlea who dealro to take ad
vantage of thla opportunity are re
quested to call on Mr. J. It. Hmwii
at the creamery without delay and
make audi arrangements us may be
convenient to aecuro some of thla
tnesk It ' dealred to aend a com- tiinn itl unrA In maklt seliH' -
tlon. and purchase .a many of im
hnifera an can be handled here
v. i..,.,.
"' l""''"
1.1. i..r
ble par-
financial arrangements ha
made to take care of reaponalbl
tlea who are anxloua to become In- I lie creation 01 mis uisinci .m
tereated In the dairy business In con- Willow river brings once more Into
nectlon with their other farming op- the limelight the great and wonder
eratlons. This la an opportunity Ifui of the llrogan and Jam-
' tliut may
not be offered again In
, wm, wnM uyette Knterprlae
The aectlona of this country In
which alfalfa Is produced as one of
t,e urger crops, ch Uotorlta can
,, ,,,, llo(, wUhout detriment to
,,. Krlnr crofut ( ,.ulve- Bn pig
(...,, iul.K f die Hk iiimed milk, ac
cording to the .iep.11 im.-iii of agricul
ture. Kpor)ineuta by the New Mexico
evpiTinnlil stiilion haw .1. luon -.1 r.i
ed that where alfalfa pasture la avail
able and corn Is worth so cents per
a hundredweight of skimmed
milk is worth only 14 r.-uu, a
pared to
where there .s mi
all. ill.. It is probable thut with
pig on all.. i IMtlira IM) could gu.-
atai as woiii.i
uie.i milk.
The pines which a cheese lartoi'v
la aide I., pft) lor hiitteriat, ill coin
petition Willi oliier inallvlls. aan
readil) 1 stlmsted II the price ol
knows, Milk makes 1.7
pound . lor each pound ot
Is about two cents u pound in 1.1.
01 tne oroinarj
" ll '' ooi powd would alloa
""' payment 01 is . ngu pounu
l..r I. .ill, 11 it- 111 II till I- !-- .'
" to butteri.n . at II
",r ' " '"
and al I ii cms i. . 117. S cents
; id for I iitierfat During
I ll quaul:'
.rv old ,n tha Rook inoiin-
Ites at a I h gher than 1 ll
i pound, w hlle prob illy none
brought less than ill- its per bound
In the fllM Ii of I lie ' ' I ". a cheese
..ii ll.r.OU pounds of milk, or the pro
. l m i oi ..i. nit L'no aowa. 'I'his mill;
should be produ a four mllaa
oi i lie factory, as a MW haul is not
economical asaa lha dangar
Of bad ill 1 1 K and BO0I cheese
factory in handle 1,001 pounds ol
Ullk can he built for about $ 1 , .". 0 0
in luding equipment
. Imle ol in.1 country is natur
ally siiiled to the manufacture of
and as i Hues of In-
oraaalti oapitoa aro ao great.
, an ii.eui in i avaa timt, as a
ule, . . on should be given
..nlishing factories wl.ire 111.
.oudlliolls ale lo till d.
velopinenl of this Industry.
Short dresses are becoming m, com
uiou theae days the men are able to
navigate the streets without the aid
of smoked glasses.
I To Come Under Irrigation
C1.i 1 it 4!
oyNicm im me mm
John Itlgby In Oregonlan)
Vale, Ore., June 14. Malheur the process of organlrntlon the Ny
county preaents a reaumptlon of proa-'aaa-Arcadia and the Ontario. There
perlly and a movement toward Mane 'will be reclamation of some 3000
and united action which speaks well acres not now producing and an In
for the coming yeara. crease In the product on of 4000
r Mai in the wurmaorlnga Irrl- acrea. while prevention from future
untion district waa oraanlzeil and the
dlnctora are hastening toward the
pn at ntatlon of a proposition and
hum I Issue to the land ownera at an
early date.
June 1 I the unanimous vote creat
ing the Oommunlty Improvement Ir
rigation district, embracing 10,000
crea of the eat and most Im
' '"r"" "' Willow river valley
,ahowH further the awakening spirit
I, ' ." " ,r Zm it, ..
of progress and a desire for unity mo
, '
'necessary for commun.ty success.
leson country for production of land
1 1 i.rn Oregon and Southern Idaho
A trip through this section MO
closea the fact that King Winter
with lus cy w .mis during Muy, hud
but little effect on the fruit promises
of the llmgan country and thut sec
tion will have a 100 per cent I
peaches, apples and pears, while the
alfalfa was practically untouched.
The Willis orchard, planted six
yeara ago. will require a vast amount
... nrL
ll, inn ug the overloaded
,,,.,, 1 ,.,. ill produce au
10Olne w,u Up In the ranks of the
be-l slJ rHlm). Mr UIld MrH wm,
lor the many days of hard work put
In on the place.
In connection with the dlatrlct Just
organized it la well to note Just what
will bo offered aa security to the
bond buver for the money wanted to
construct u dam which will retain
. 1 of war Ther.'
will be Included In the dl-trlct 0000
()f , , (, ,, lir,.m,. BII1 ,,,
the valley. W J Scott, one ol the
pioneer furuii-rs ol this couutiv. who
has w.. 1 in hiiildlng up
on of the finest farms in the state,
has 360 acres and will produce Horn
tuoo bushels of
grain and 1001 tons of htiv.
C II OMiian, taimtai
. 1. .. ill produi.- 1101 i..n of hay
mid grata for all of his
John Norwood, Krunk O'Neill, l
1 If 11 s.. Annie Juck-
siin, Pat l-'uiill.ui -r. Tom und John T
l.ogan are all pnidiner, of gnod
crops under prist nt 1 onditioiis. Ill
...Iditn.u to tin laud Ihe Kusti in Ore-
, i..,d . ,.,. )...,, Ita I I
unimproved land included within Hie
boundaries of the district and ;
Ihe best land in the laih
I hoped through the ugein '
the district organisation thai thi
111 be able to depose of
l.r.s, which
will relieve tha checkerboard appear
' the willey, as well M add
something to the production of nec
essities in lirvuii
'.- hill above Ihe
Oxniaii place, a ;.-w extending 2f
dOWB the creek towai.l- Snake
id all miles up to tha mouth
of the canyon ai llrogan, unexcelled
in Oregon for StrOtOMa of rich land,
la presented. The wonderment in
creases when It is realized that there
a pinny of water ruining by the
binds i to make ev. ,
a garden and only lo.Ot"'
Ol the I in "ed is in cultivation
Tho en -ii in lion of the nam pro-
pajaaol hj thi ooutmuutt) dlotrtal arlll
cull for not more than 20 per acre
and perhaps less. The construction
of tlie Wannaprtaga dam and com
plete distributing system will cost
not more than 1750,000 and the two
will add 30,000 acres of new land to
the cultivated urea, completing the
water right on 1 r., 000 acres now pro
duclng fair crop.
The average for both old and- now
'and under the Wiirmsprlnga project
will not eyeod $11 per acre, of whlrh
the new land will bear two-thirds We
will need aomo oaalatance from Port-
land In financing those projecta, and
with the security orfered and the
cheapness of both projecta, we ahould
be able to get It.
80 much for the farniJig Interests
ma to Irrigation
There are two drainage districts In
attacks of rising
water tables will
result for the remaining 6000 acree.
That which will eventally add to
the wealth production of Malheur
county as well as other aectlona of
n Oregon Is deelopment of the
nitrate and potassium fields of the
The American Nitrate company, of
South liakota. has completed Its pay
ments on a Inrgc acreage of nitrate-
producing lands and haa 30 men at
work on Ita property on Succor creek.
""" "" ' v " '
12 miles from Naptun. on the Nysaa-
llomedale extension of the Oregon
Short Line The promoter, Harry
Wilson, also has a crow- of 15 men
at work on clutms in i.ase coumy.
fc () ( Wll(t(1ltlro molllBtn dlatrlct
The average farm hen In Oregon
lays less than one hundred egga per
year. It la not a quest Ion of breed
It la a matter of breeding or building
up a strain of fowls In any given
i,r,MMi timt will lay belter. If each
wn , , H,le Uym. for,y BRK
mor lher would ,,e ,n lncre,. of
moroth,n l4iOO0.0O0 per year to the
Suffolk Punch Stallion
Stands al his ranch near On
tario, from April 1st, mm to
Jan. 1st, HtlT.
Season, V3, fee due when
mare is In foul. Colts from this
sire ran he seen at the ranch.
J. P. KHALI l'rop.
Stallion Itegi-lrattou Bo ml.
Slate of Oregon
I. ..'in . aartlfh ita of grade
stallion No I :
Oat. d at loivallis, Oregon,
April 0, 1916.
The pedigree of the grade
ii i intaiio Johnie sin ,1
by the pure bred Suffolk stal
lion Lowland Johnie No. 320,
i lean l Owned by J. P
richoll, Ontario, HalMU 00 .
Oregon, and descrihed us fol
Color, bay; 1.1. oU
points foaled m the year 1910
has be. n examined by llr. A
Q. Moore, veterinarian ap
pointed by the Stallion Regis
tration Hoard of Oregon, and
It Is found that the said stal
lion is free from Infectious,
contagious or Iraiisni
ases or unsoundness.
ll.- is not of pure breeding,
and is, therefore, not eligible
for reglsiiallon lu any stud
l.ool. recognized by the asso
ciations named in section nine
of nn net of the legislative as
sembly of the state of Oregon
providing for the licensing of
stallions, etc., filed in the of
fice of the secretary ot state,
Kehruary 23, 1911.
The said stallion is hereby
licensed to stand for public
service In the state of Oregon.
Secretary Stallion Registra
tion Board.
farmers of Oregon If you want
Imore egga lined for tliym
Thoro la n great financial loaa on
Oregon egga through poor met hods
of handling and market'ng. Moro
than 11.000.000 la loat every your by
the farmera through, preventable
causes. If more egga are prod in d
on the farnia, let them be better egga
on the conaumora' table It paya.
C. C. Imb, O. A C poultry field
We. thank you, am always prepar
ed We'll grab that dollar the mo
ment you shove It at us.
life stories
of tlie
ly for
your copy
trts mTi rar I