. mm " mmm mtm mitmmm Lin -- igtfrri v Photo oopyrurtt Dr American Prwi Aasoclatloa, WoodrowWilnon to Im Indorsed and Nominated by Democrat HOME TOWN STORIES OF JUSTICE HUGHES ' - ' Chicago, June 111 Who l Hughe, iinyhow What U III real record? what Mm kg t i n.iii v .1 inn you mi. in' any of his .iccinu pllsli'iicnla? Here' IiIh whole at range history, u . 1 1 roaologteell) , onen la ly. in special dlapati hi din I i roni , the different llnutroH of war tiletin original "plun of study," Inviilvlna llorodottiB, Mo mar, v rail Mother laualit It i lit inalln'iuallrH: wax mas- frac-tlona at age of five. wurk. N. J -1870 Entered IiIrIi hi'IkioI here at aae of nine Hud already anticipated the IV 16 Shake s pea re craze hud read every Dingle word of the Hard' play. Cllfll ntaa, aged 8, received a IHhle In (ireek and read u chapter Moft breakfast Wax already an advauc ed student In theology. New York 1S7S I'lir.-nu moved her, lie completed high MhOOli wrote eaay on "The Evils of I. glit 'ure," iiiul "The I. imitation of to Human Mind," delivered the nal utntory of hi claaa ami tried to M tar iiniiiiiion Collage at Um age of KhIi . N v Vn inf:ii.i prodigy was i.- .nl It, im.j riiarle F ii lugl lie wi ! I illii' or Welch birth mother, a brillbuil ProtrHaano, it, I i7fi Emer tell. Il '! Ilrown I in. i in , Lore, ut ag. 4 Dm, i eh) ebIM, bail 14, la clam of 1881 a timid, at Hi int..- .it,, i mii.. .ilimiht frlendleaa child Hml years bod I " tmt omalvor raootottoi ( never studying ,u" ogtilv desk piled hlgb with novels llul Oawego, N v. IM1 I'.nior hu.i gr.iiuiaio.i tklN in all ctaW and "' paatorui.' ban I barb the tamoaa carpenter prlM wifi .... . .... . . -II ........I 6, round Kill rguricu loo slov 11. in -in uwmg mow .in iiiiiiiii laid on bla in1 prOBtbet. Delhi. N. Y. 1881 Taught ireek ntnl mathematics In Delaware I 1 1 1 - all day and re.ul law most of tin.- night New York I SSL' Kntered t'nl iiinhlii l-aw S lion! Graduated In ISS4 with the hlghent honor, a prlr.e fellowship giving htm $R()0 a year for three yarn. From INS4 to ill ivb law clerk hv day and tauglit clan at Hnltiiuhla hy night Then discovered by Walter I, Carter, fnni otll lawyer, in I sv II, ami mini ner In Carter' firm Also ill ed hy Carter's daughter. Antolnetle .mil tniiile parlner liy her Miftnge I ii'i'einlier I, till, Worked so hard for three year he had to take a va ra! Ion or collapse. Ithaca, N N . 191. Took hl "vacation" here a huy professor of eominerclal and contract law at I 01 nell 1 Diversity. New York, 184 Back In active legal profession. Joined the Rocke feller rhurrli and formed the famous lllhle class, wh ch he gave over after six months to John D . Jr I'lcked as counsel, 1904. for 8teven legis lative committee that Investigated the price of ga. Everybody rldletil ed him at flrt hut he r.irce.i t lit. in in of gas down from a dollar to eighty rents. In 190.1 ItreiMil Job of conduci ng Insurance Investigation. Showed up graft, favoritism and manipula tion. Forced Oeorge W. Parkin to tatlrte '" him. against hi will, Hie books of .1 r Morgan Co., and to admit Unit the New York Mfe had paid to the republican 1150.000 since 18(6. Albany. N Y. 19011 Elected gov ernor In hitter fight against William Randolph Hearst Abolished the "hack talr" In the capltol and aaw all vlaltor In Hie front office Secured legislation creating the public service com mission, now cop ied all over I'nlted State, the stump and forced through legis lative hill abolish Ing race trtck gambling In face of violent lobby. Cleaned out the insiirunre depart ment. Fought for a direct nmntn ail. his bill, abolishing party conven tion. Freed the banking depart ment from Wall treet historical rout nil. Fought for conservation, advanced treatment of criminal and tuberculosa campaign. Abolished boss control. Renominated and elected In 1908, and In 1909. In special message to legislature, urged defeat of I'nlted State constitutional aiiienilui.'iit H thorlilng the Income tax. Washington, D. P., 1909 Ap- i ii ,t kj rn kteal ,,iei... court In ucceed Justice llrow.-r look seal In lumber. 1909. Gained reputation of being on ly nimi on Hie bench whose voice was audible wh e delivering decision. Enunciated de finitely In llll Mi polie.v, who mm.. I in refusing to allow upi.ine court to be dragged .uto politic un der any i onillt Ions, and declining po Nltlvely to run for president. 0 "'' '"'".' eaBk. 4' AM " Dodge Brothers MOTOR CAR This Car will be on Exhibiton at the Auto Show June 15, 16, 17 E You are cordially invited to investigate the merits of these tars. Deliveries and orders will he taken at that time. PRATT AUTO CO.. Weiser, Idaho H. I YOUNG. Vale. Oregon It I' I IS I I III IK II OTKM. We hud a gracious sen ne lust Sunday morning The illustrated address to the children wa enjoved by all Two were baptised at Hie morning service. The church has set Sunilav. JuuoJ lltk, for the day of dMlMUon lo which Hie public is iuvite.l Dinner Will be II V'll by Hie ladle- and ev- ervbi.il. . .1 ked to bring filled i iad Sunday, the I Mh: II u. in "U.ilkinn in Hie Spirit" $ p. in I ' . vl.uin. i of CbrW olid Com D " 'I'he puhli.' g invit ed to hear these addresses as they will deal with vital thin. iiiK the ,l,iv in vvhieli wi are living. Men why not go to church and g"t ' tba ll'lllli- thai deal with the VII il thUgi uf Hi" :"i :n bla Duly Word .llll ' I'm- 1. Jehovah, do not chuiino, all. I V. (I sous Of Jamb, have not linislnl I'loiu Ihe .lay of voiir latlieis ve have turned tiolli my statutes, .mi have not kept the. Ueiuin to iiih. and I will return U vou, suvs Jehovuli Ol hosts." Mai. 3:6-7. Again In the Kith verse of ttie aanie chapler God says 'our words have been slout agaln:i me, saith Jehovah Yet ye nay, What OS spoken aiiainst thee'.' Ye have aald, It I Nam io gam Go.l, and what profit is it that we have kept liLb charge, and t lint M have walk I ed mouiiifully heloie Jehovah of I hosts? and now we rail the proud happy; e.. tliev that work wicked ness are built up; yea, they tempt God. and escape. Then they that feared Jehovah spake one with an other, uinl Jehovah i ial kilo heard, and a book of remeinberuuce ..riltell before him for them that feared Jehovah, aud that thought upon his name " t vi eu the sili of omlaaioo win be dealt within God' judgli" as the sin of coinuiisisoii lliake ov er and come to ill and be hcnelited D. E BAKER, l'utor. $11.50 For Suits Worth to $15.00 In spite of the impression that a suit for $11.50 this season was an impossibility, in spite of the highest price of wool and materials in many a year we say that at this special sale we are offering all wool suits at $11.50 a suit that we consider the best values that have been offered for a long time. Any Spring Suit in the House at $17.85 This sale has attracted more patrons, more buyers than any event we have held in re cent seasons. All sizes, all models for an v Serine: or Sum mer Suit in this store ranging from $20 to $25 & $30 Alexander's Dollar shirts arc meeting the popular chord in all pattern! in negligee, golf ami uports, splendid showing of Milk neckwear new aumnier de- a'gn U.V anil Ml Men's silk socks pure thread Milk, double heel, toe, top Mi anil .Mi. I.einilli. I ii 1 1 ... I I . -1 I 'all mi i Hal -The largest ami In i selection of whapi's and ty len we have ever shown Xv.-i.imi, .i..-iii up io mnui ALEXANDER CO. ONE I'KK K CLOTHIEB ONTARIO. OKKtJON .ii lti and Mi-s l.s-ir McDonald MATERNITY NURSE Ontario. Orejjon si'ii ii. iiei in nam I (iwniL- to tin prevalence ..i vhoop p aOWh a our mi II heroines nee ,1111. III. p.ili III of Cllll .llen allh.l.d Io keep llielli striill) eoiiliiie.l io linn own prciule. lie, ail.-. of the serlollfi..-- Si UtU , in votllll- h.lhl. 11 heloiues lie I rut .liitv ot all parents Io oh serve tin- rule ami take all pree.iu IfcMM ai-. mi -I . reading Hi" c.inla gain. UK. H. II WHITNEY. Health Offio . S half N half and S I all Sec TUB ill E. all of Hec. 1. T. 20 H. II. 41 E , all of Bee. 16 T. 21 8. It. . E. all Sec lti; Nl half, KE ir , E half 8V jr aud SW ir. SV qr. Se. T. 22 8. II. 41 E, all of Sec. 16 and all ol : T. 24 8. i( II E., all or Sec. 16 and all of Si i T S. It. 4 n E . N half ami i half SK ir and N half SU ,; and all Se. All bids miisl i I aivon.h titled b) a regularly executed application to purchuMe and check or draft for at leant one-fifth of the amount bid. The board reserves the right to n jeit any and all hid. Applications anil bids should be ad drenaed to li. 0. Ilrown, clerk Statu Land Hoard. Salem, Oregon, and marked Application and bid to pur-elia-.t state lauds ' li.il.d at Salem. I n .foil. June IS, LIU i; 1ROD n. Clerk State l.an.l Hoard. Last publication Aug 17. TIAI HEItK' I MIN afKW The slate teachers' examination will he held at Vale June 28, If, and Julv 1. lHHi I'ollowiiiK 1 the program lor Mulheur ceunty: Weduesday Arithmetic, civil gov ernment, geography and orthography Thuriiday Heading, grammar, history and physiology. Friday -Algebra, uchool law, the ory, writing and coinpoaitinii Saturday - I'aychology, American; literal are aud physical geography. Teachers wishing to write for pri mary or life papers will kindly make special arrangement. FAY Cl.AHK, County Superintendent oi Schools. 24-25 Why load your i-houl.iers down wnli greater burdeus, brother? A smile weighs less than a grouch. MOTH K F s.u.K Of STATK LaWM Notice is hereby given that the State Land Board of the State u Oregon will receive sealed bids until, 10 00 oclock a m . August 22, l16, (or Hie following described lands: T. li S. K. 38 E. NW qr. NW qr.,1 Special discount on all elec tric appliances during Pros perity Week. Demonstration of the Elec tric Range all week at the office of the ELECTRIC INVESTMENT CO. 'I i