The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, June 15, 1916, Image 7

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    Business Directory
Ontario, Orcgee
Office in New Wilton Block.
I , . I MM 9sM9WSXSW
Dr. Harriet Sean
Dr. Pauline Sean
Graduate American School ef Ottaa
paUiy, Kirkirrille, Mo.
Wilson Block. Telephone 164 Blk
W. II. Brooke, Attorney at Law
Wlleon Bldf. Ontario Ore
Will Practice in All Court
N'otnry Public. Office Orcr Postoffio
DR. W. 6. HOWE
Wllaon Bldg.
Office 11"
Rea. 1171
Office tac door Baat of OnUri i Phar
macy on Nevada Avenue, Near
R. U. Depot.
Room 9, First National Bank Bldg
Ontario, Oregon.
Raema 1-2-3 Flrat Natl Bank Bldg
Ontario, Oregon.
with the working, development and I gent, Mary B. Burnett, Sablna Hunt
operation of the Raid premise above jer, Dorton D. Hunter, Ida Hunter,
described, o any part thereof. Olive P. Hunter, Alice 8. Ruseell,
Or no much thereof n may be luy Russell, Henry R. Flack, Cor
neeearv to satisfy the said judg-j nella Flack and Payette National
merit and decree together with the I Bank of Payette, Idaho, a corpora
coats which have or may accrue un-'tlon.
dcr and by virtue of said writ of ex
ecution. I )ntd nt Vale, Oregon, this 1st
K. W. Snack Attorney at Law.
Rooms 13-14-11 Wllsoa Bldg
Ontario Oregon.
Rooms In Wllron Bldg.
Ontario, Oregon
sjasesajisswex sjesess wwvwww
In the name of the state of Ore Ore
eon: You are hereby required to
appear and answer the complaint
filed against you In the above en
titled suit on or before June It,
lfll, sab date being more than all
weeks from the date of the flrat
publication of this summons and be
ing the time prescribed for such ap-
..-.- ; peargnce by the order of publication
SIMMONS. I entered herein; and, if you fail to
In the Circuit Court of the State so appear and answer for want there
of OragOfl for tlir County of Malheur of, plaintiff will apfclv to the court
day of June, 1916.
Bherlff of Malheur County, Ore
gon. By ROSB A. SOW ART),
22-2" Deputy.
No. i i a
17 Oregon Wank. Ltd 4:il a m.
76 Huntington pony f .86 a. m
19 Oregon Wash Bip. ' :33 p. m
6 Fast Mall t:ll p. hi.
18 Oregon Waah Lt( ?,61 .. m.
78 Boise Pony t:6l a. m.
4 Eastern Expres-, i2:C p. ra.
( Oregon Waah rixp 6: aft p. in
J. B. FARLEY Funeral direct.
aad erabalmer. Lady assistant Phone
182-W. OnUrie, Oregon.
Meets all trains.
Fruit flrowers Bank of Payette,
Idaho, a corporation, plaintiff vs. Al
Ile E. Olson, Robert K. Olson, A. L.
Cockrum, trustee, the First National
Bank of Ontario, Oregon, a corpora
tion, Walter O. Howe, R. A. Mer
chant, Moss Mercantile company, a
corporation, and the unknown heirs
of Alexsnder Caldwell, deceased, De-fendsnts.
To Allle E. Olson
son. It A Merchant, Moss Mercan
tile company, a corporation, and the
unknown heirs of Alexander Cald
well, deceased, Hie above named de-
for the relief demanded In his com
plaint, namely, via.
That he have and recover of and
that there be found due plaintiff
from the defendants, J. O. Bcrltch
fleld, A. G. Rogers, sometime
known as A. O. Rodgers, C. H. Bar
gent and Mary E. Burnett, on ac
count of the first cause of suit set
forth therein, the following sums.
Robert E 01- namely: $4000.00. with Interest at
the rate of eight per cent per an
num from May first, 1116; $300 00,
as attorney's fee; $16.55, for 1914
taxea paid by plaintiff, with Intereat
at the rate of eight per cent per
i:; I. NOTUKS.
NOTUK TO i It I HI nuts
Notice Is hereby given that the
understgneil haa been appointed by
the County Court of the Bute of
Oregon, for Malhtur County, Admin
istrator of the eetate of Wm. J.
Mink, deceased. All persons having
claims against the estate of the said
deceased are hereby notified to pres
ent the same to me at the law office
of C. MeOonaglll In Ontario, Oregon,
duly verified wttbln elx saeatam (m
the date of the first publication of
this notice Date of firm taaMlea
tlon, June 16th, 191.
Administrator of the eetate of Wm.
J. Mink, deceased. 24-18
Notice Is hereby given that under
aad by virtue of an writ of elocu
tion In foreclose; re duly and
rasalarly Issued by the Clerk
of- the circuit Oeerrt of the
Stale of Oregon tor tbe County of
Malheur, dated May 2. 1916. to roe
directed la that certain suit In the
Circuit Court ef the Btate of Ore
gon for the County of Malheur
wherein F. L. ArwVrrson Is plaintiff,
aad Humboldt Oonsolldaled Oold
Mines, a oorporatMn, et al, are de
fendants and wherein set plaintiff re
covered Judgment and decree again
at the aald defendant. Humboldt Con
solidated OaM Mraee In the sum of
Twelve Thousand Six Hundred Twenty-one
and 16-100 l$lI,$I1.16)'Dol-
lara, and la the further sum of Blx
Hundred Forty-three and 90-100
($648.96) Dollars Interest, and In
the further sum of Ninety-three and
60-100 ($93. 69) Dollars for filing
liens, and In tfre further sum of One
Thousand Three Hundred Sixty-three
($1268.00) Dollars as attorney's fees
for the foreclosure of said Hens, and
for hia costs and disbursements of
said suit In the further sum of Ele
ven and 60-100 ($11.60) Dollars,
and wherein J. J! McDonough re
covered Judgment and decree against
the said defendant, Humboldt Con
aolldated Oold Mines, In the sum of
'ive Hundred Seventy-six and 52
100 ($578.52) Dollars, and in the
farther sum of Thirty-three and 5
100 ($3306) Dollars Interest, and
In the further sum of Five ($5.00)
Hollars for filing liens, and In the
further sum of Sixty ($60 00) Dol
lars as attorneys' fees for the fore
closure of said Ifens, and for his
costs and disbursements of said suit
in the sum of '"en ($10,00 1 Dollars,
and wherein J. T. Donnelly, trustee,
recovered Judgment and decree
against the sulil defendaut, Humboldt
Consolidated Uold Mines, in the sum
of Sixty Thousand ($60.000 00)
Dollars with Interest thereon from
February 1, 1914, at the rate of sev
en per cent per minimi, and In the
further sum of Blx Thousand One
Hundred Seventy-seven and 59-100
($6177.60) Dollars unpaid latereat,
and In the further sum of Three
Thousand ( $3000.09) Dollars as at
torney's fees, and In the further sum
of Five Hundred ($600.00) Dollars
as trustee's fees, and for his costs
aad disbursements of said suit in the
further sum of Ten ($19.00) ioi
lar, which aald Judgmeuts and de
crees in aald suit were duly and reg
ularly given aad made on May 29,
1916, and in which said Judgments
and decrees it la further provided
that the aald sums of money consti
tute valid liens agalnat the herein
after described property, and it Is
farther provided that said property
be sold to satisfy the said Judgments,
attorneys fees, trustees fees, coats
and accruing costs.
Now. Therefore, pursuant to aald
execution I will on Saturday, the &th
day of July. 1916, at the hour of two
o'clock in the afternoon of aald day
al the front door of the Malheur
Coawly Court House at Vale in Mal
heur County, Oregon, sell at public
auction to
caah In hand the following describ
ed premises situate In Malheur Coun
ty, Oregon, and more particularly
described as follews:
The "HUMBOLDT" Quarts Min
ing Claim, the notice of location
thereof being of record In Book "A"
of Reeords of Quarts Locations of
Malheur County, Oregon, at page 77
thereof; and the amended notice of
location thereof being of record In
said Book "A" at page 172 thereof,
and the amended notice of location
thereof being of record In Book "I"
of aald Records of Quarts Locations
st page 189 thereof, and the amend
ed notice of location thereof being
of record in aald Book "D" of said
Records of Quarts Locations at page
266; the "SUM PRISE" Quarts Min
ing Claim, the notice of location
thereof being of record In aald Book
"A" at page 171 thereof, and the
fon ilanls '
' . , ' , .,. a.... r.- enum from March 13, 1916, and hia
In the name of the State of Ore
gen: You and each of you are here
by required to appear and answer
the cross-complaint filed sgalnst you
In the above entitled suit hy A. L.
Cockrum. trustee, and the First Na
tional Rank of Ontario, on or before
the highest bidder for j tl" ,h of Ju,y' 19l' ,h" m
being tne last aay or me time pre
scribed by order of the court direct
ing service of summons In ssld suit
on said cross-complaint to be made
upon you by publication, and If yon
fall so to answer, tor want thereof,
the said cross-complainants, A. L.
Cockrum and the First National
Bank of Ontario, Oregon, will apply
to the said court for tbe relief de
manded In said cross-complaint, to
wit: For Judgment agalnat Allle B. Ol
son and Robert B. Olson for $14441,
with Intercut thereon at the rata of
ten per cent per annum from Janu
ary 10th, 1916. until paid, and for
$76 00 attorney's feea and for said
cross-complainant's costs and dis
bursements In aald ault; also for a
decree of the court foreclosing that
certain real mortgage executed by
Allle B. Olson and Robert E. Olson
to A. L. Cockrum. trustee, on Janu
139 Mixed dallv excent
Sunday foi Riverside 12:29p.m.
4.1.1. allot. A BRANCH
ko. Leave
141 Mixed Va.e A Rrogan
liai.y ex ept Sunday 10:90 a. m.
9'i P.iss. ..le dally 7:09 n. m.
140 Mixed from Riverside
daliy except Sunday 12:01p.m.
98 Pass, from Vale, dally 8:49 a. m.
142 Mixed from Brogan A
Vale dally except
Sunday 3:30 p. m.
The Homedale train leaves Nyssa
at 1:80 p. m. on Tuesday, Thursday
and Saturday, returning same day,
sMvi-.g r.t Oatarlo nt 6:29 p. m
All men look neater and feel
better when their clothing la
neatly cleaned and pressed.
We do all kinds of dyeing,
cleaning, pressing and repair
ing. You can always tell our pa
trons by their appearance oa
the street.
clothing may not make the
man, but keeping It cleaned
and pressed makes him a deal
mora attractive to Ms fellow
men and to the Indies.
Our prices are mi reasonable
they are only an inmlent
T M'NNH'. Prp. riir -1 J
amended notice of location thereof ary 2thi m4 on wta I, 2 and the
being of record In said Rook "D" at
page 160 thereof, and the amended
notice of location thereof being of
north half of lot 3 In block 118 of
the City of Ontario, Malheur county,
Oregon, and which said mortgage is
record In said Book "D" at page 270 j r.cori)u ,n book q,- pm. 387. of
inereoi; ine "riKKKKI.KY" Quarts
Mining Claim, the notice of location
thereof being of record In aald Book
"A" st psge 89 thereof, snd the
amended notice of location thereof
being of record In said Hook "D" st
page 161 thereof, and the amended
notice .r i. .iiinn thereof being of
the Records of Keel Mortgages tor
Malheur county, Oregon, and for all
other relief demanded In said cross-'
costs and disbursement herein; that
his mortgage, dated April 26, 1912,
recorded In Book "O", at pages 91
et seq., of the mortgage records of
Malheur County, Oregon, be declar
ed a valid, prior and subllstlng Ilea
for the sum or sums which may be
found due plaintiff from said mort
gagors herein upon that certain real I
property In Malheur County, Oregon,
described as the south half of the
southeast quarter of the northeast
quarter of section nineteen, town
ship eighteen south of rang forty
seven east of the Willamette Mrl
dlaa, and upon certificate No. 1614,
for ten shares of the capital stock
of the Owyhee Ditch Co.
That he have and recover of and
from the defendants, J. O. Bcrltch
field. A O. Rogers, C. H. Sargent
and Mary E Burnett, the following
sums, namely: $3609.00. with Inter
est at the rata of eight per eent per
annum from May first 1916; $300.09
attorney's fee; $16.46 for 1914 taxea
paid by plaintiff, with Interest at
the rate of eight per eeat per an
num from March 13, ltlf, and hla
costs and disbursements herein that
plalntlff'a mortgage recorded In
Book "O" at pages 104 et
seq., of the official mortgage records
for Malheur County, Oregon, be de
clared a valid, prior and superior
lien for the sums decreed due plain
tiff from aald mortgagors on ac
ocount of the note and mortgage
set forthln in the second csuse of
suit upou thst certain real property
In Malheur twenty, Oregon, more
You are further notified that thta.fl1Iy dwicrbd .. tne nortn n,,f of
Summons Is served upon you by pub
llcatlon In pursuance of an order of i
southeast quarter of the northeast
quarter of section nineteen, town-
Ar " "",. "Z. ""'" "' i the lion Helton Biggs. Judge or this VT . , ulh ..... forlv
record In said Book "D " at page 269 ,...,, . 11 ZL a. ,n,p ','l- """ ,or,y
thereof; and the "BERKELEY Ml
I" Qusrtx Mining Claim, the notice
of location thereof being of record
In aald Book "D" at page 168 there
of, and the amended notice of loca
tion thereof being of record In said
Book "D" st psge 268 thereof; and
all under ground rlghta of every
name and nature whatsoever situate
within the boundaries of the follow
ing hounded premises tn-wit: t'orn
nienclng at a point located on the
South litiiiinlaiy line of Lot 125-B.
M K No. 40, and from which said
point corner No. 9 of said Lot 125
II bears South SI deg East 200 feet:
and running thence North 800
feet North to monument; tlii'iiiv
North 81 deg. West 839.5 feet
to a monument; thence South
84 deg. 40 niin West 1079 1
feet to monument, which Is lo
cated on the West boundary line
of I .in IMWi M. E No 40; thence
South 600 feet along said West boun
dary to corner No. 6 of said I Ait 126
A; thence North 84 deg 40 ruin.
East 1079 1 feet along the South
boundary line of said Lot 125-A to
comer No. 7 of said Lot 125-A,
which is also corner No. 10 of said
court, which said order was made
snd entered lu said cause on the 28d
seven east of the Willamette meri
dian, and upon Certificate No. 1613
day of May, 1916. and directed that fQr t.n imw- of Mpu 1ock
this summons be published once each of (- 0wyM, ,. ,. .
week for six consecutive weeks In the TmU morUgBH ,,. fll1n
Ontario Argus, commencing with Md (h VTf)f1)Tty y,,, thereby
the Issue of Msy 25th, 1916 ,d , . ... of Ma,eur
The first publication of this aum-yoUBty ,ccorUluI to ,,w ,nd ,,
practice of this court, slid that
plaintiff be permitted to purchase
nald property, or any purt thereof,
upon execution sate by said' sheriff ;
that the proceeds of the sale of the
property involved in the first cause
of suit he applied, First, to the pay
ment of the costs and expenses of
nit and sale; Secondly, to the pay
ment of the Slliouilth decreed duu
any of them, on account of said
cause of suit; and thirdly, that any
'mlance be iiuld to the clerk of IIiIh
court to be by him disbursed as by
plaintiffs from the defendants or
law provided, Unit the proceeds o
the sale of the property linovled
in the second cause of suit be ap
plied, first, to the payment of th
costs and expenses of suit and sale;
secondly, to the payment of the
Lot 125-B, thence South 81 deg. East iy-
aaa a r..i,... ,t,a HahiIi Kn,,.iUn. Krskine V ood
iiioiih is May 2flh. 1916, and the
last publication is on July 6th, 1916.
Attorneys for cross-complulnant,
A I, Cockrum. trustee, and the Flrt
Nutlonul Hank of Ontario. Oregon.
Notice Is hereby given that the
purtut' rship iieretofore existing be
tween A. H Winter anil Q, H. Trous
dale Is hereby dissolved. A. II. Wint
er will collect all billn owing the
firm and pay all debts owed h th.
Dated Ontario, Ore , May 20, 1916
In the circuit court of the Slate of amounts decreed due- plaintiff from
Oregon, in aud for Malheur Coun- th defendants, or any of them un
der said cause of suit; and thirdly,
that any balance be paid to the clerlf.
line of said lot 125-B to a point, the
place of beginning, save and except
so much of said premises as may
not be situate within the .exterior
boundary of aald !ots 125-A and
126-B, or any other Colt Brothers
Patented Greund: and also certain
water righta and privileges and oth
er rights aud privileges In connec
tion with the aaid above described
premlaea. and all situate in what la
known as the Mormon Basin in Mal
heur County, Oregon. Together with
that certain Vj4j9 mill and reduc
tion plant situate upon and used In i
connection with the working, devel
opment and operation of the above
described mining premises, and gen
erally all water rights, buildings,
structures, super-structures, ruachin-1
O. s.iiiihiieid. Minnie
field, his wife, A G.
sometimes known aa A.
0 Rod
ery. tools, appliances and appurteu
ances. water rights and privilegea I field. Minnie Scrltchfleld, A. Q. Rog
and all rights and privileges rs, sometime knows aa A. O. Rod
located upon or used in connection grs, C. H. Sargent, Clara B. Sar-
of this lonrt to be by him disbursed
as by Isw provided;
That i he defendants, and each and!
all of them, and all those claiming
or to claim said property be barred
gers, an uumarried man. C. II. . and foreclosed of all right, title or
Sargeni, Clara K Hargeut, h-. wife, interest In aaid property, or any part
Mary E. Burnett, an unmKiricd ! thereof, save and except the statu
wiiiiiuu, Sahii.ii HsxetaV, an tory right of redemption, snd for
ried woman, Dorton D. Hunter, Ida I such further relief as to the court
Hunter, his wife, Olive P. Hunter, may seem proper,
an unmarried woman, Alice S j This summons la served upon you
Russell. Ray Russell, her husband, by publication thereof by order of
Henry R. Flack and Cornelia I the Hon. Dalton Blgga, a Judge of
Flack, his wife, Payet'e National tl.6 above entitled court, which order
Bank of Payette, Idaho, a cor- j was made aud entered herein on the
porstion and Clay M. Stearns, Mltetk day of April, 191$. The date
administrator of th estate of E K lof flrat publication of this summons
Hunter, deceased. 'is May 4, 1914; th date of the last
Defendants. .publication thereof is June 15, 191$.
wood; montaoub
A HUNT and J. W.
Attorneys for Plaintiff
To th defendants, J. O. Bcrltch-
It serves yon every day in the yonr lv iuiinr for
your money, thereby preventing it being lost or
frittered away. It, not only tloe.s this, but it pays
yon for the privilege of doing so by paying five
per cent interest on your time deposits.
It gives yon the free benefit of expert ndviee
on any subject involving the use or handling of
It will loan yon money ut any time on ap
proved .security, and aid yon in its investment
and advise yon in its management, if you so dor
It will aid yon in many other ways if yn
will give it the opMirtmuty.
We invite yon to open an account and boiHc
a regular patron, ana pay your bills by check.
It is the modern business way, aud it in the
safest way.
We are here prepared to buy your
Hogs, Veal, Rides, Poultry, Eggs, Etc.
I am for Fruitland, Idaho
Telephone 37 I Fruitland Fruitland, Idaho
Carpets and Rugs
On or bout June Ut 1 will be prepared to
make ymi raj; carpets or rUgB, any size up
to nine feet wide in various patterns.
Also will install inachiiniv to clean all
your carpets and niys.
Located one door east of I'. B Plumb
ing & Renting Company, Idaho Ave.
The Mitchell 6
of '16
Is the Greatest Car Value
the World has ever Known
E. C. KUEPPER, Prop.
L . - ,