The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, June 15, 1916, Image 6

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of a match
All the conveniens
cm of gas better
cooking and a
L .
?,mrl OH
For Sale by
Ontario Hardware Co.
Down Town Office
Cash for Eggs
and Poultry
Kvervthintf for the
Poultry Keeper
Ontario Produce Co.
Itlthu I.HaWr Ce.
lo bl... k. . ut M.rr M..I.I
For Artesian or Natural
.illiip HMD MOKAOI
The Only Sanitary
in Tow ii
Phone HI It
When You Wear a
Tailor Mude Suit
is a peculiar distinction
u tin- ill ami worktn
BM puts it in cluss by It-
if . and tB) wearer in a class
I'.i himself. Willi other tailor
1 I'll IIH'll
w lieu srs auks it yovf salt
lb iiiailt- In lit you, anil lot I
wooden dummy. No two forms
n exactly alike, hence tin -ml
patterned alter a dummy will
IM- ial an . acl fit. Mlrli M
you gel when wo take your iu-
liitiiUiai nu.' urenieati
$20.00 to $50.00 '
And aii where bcttt'U
Opposite Costume Phone 105 W
Bakes, broils, roasts,
toasts. More efficient
than your wood or coal
Stove, and costs less to
operate. Your cooking
is better, too, because
you have heat -control
like a gas stove.
The New Perfection
give clean, odorless.
Bootless Mam because of
the long blue chimney.
Cuta out th drudgery of
wood or coal. Krmpm
fur kit, h-n eool. In
1, 2, 3 and 4 Punier aitea,
nvena separate. Alio
cabinet model with Hlre
less Cooking Ovens.
Ask your dealer today.
Standard Oil Co.
With a
Perfectly Pitted
A Nu Bone
at the Comet Parlor in
tin- Annex Block, back
of the M. M. Store
A garment guaranteed
again! mating or breaking
Bailed Hav
i i
First Cutting
Telephone N 2
l,.n you uk.-SAN "TUX Fi- C..
Il.l.l.l.l I'lesMilit I.. Ink., at.a.luli-ly
liaillt!.-... I h, it s.'Oult It flvv. .' LJ
natural, ihtf iii.,-at lu.
,,, you t'Wi-r meo. sz i ii-
. harl
Drug Co.,
ll K e man will bo ready ou
Aprfl 1.. to deliver any quuntity of
pure ice cream to any part of the city.
Ill Ice cream is made with a "DIM
Sanitary Freezer" and is guaranteed
the best quulily ou Hm market
l'houe 203-N 1. 15tf
Some men like to look like I. in
coin, others prefer to roar like ROOM
velt. and a contingent would even
orute like Wilson. Hut tie rest of
u. beorra, don t care a cuss how
we look, roar and oralc WV admire
men. not Imitations
There is always oue ray of hope
which u, wi lades from the mind of
a ice president. The pi'i'siilcnt is
human and muni die.
Our esteemed friend, I'oo Bah
Curranza, ha delicately intimated
thai ll would please kits I'oo lluhship
mightily If the lulled States turned
tail and .-.leaked out of Mexico with
out Villa. No doubt!
Is it your flag,
oilier fellow's?
too, or oul the
I 1 Standard Oil Co.
1 UilUeMll)
II tAP.liocs
Cl.l M
Tliree Stock Tourlnj' t r N ,;! time
Tortuous Itonits of Mt. liniiuiirl.
Time and ngHln Maxwell carH have
danoastratad their superior poWtrs
ns lull climber, lint the work of
three Mock touring cars In Mauri
tiiiH. nn Island In (lie nr'ddle nf the
Indian ocean. In Hie most gratifying
perfoi innnre of II h kind to DS Pi I
New. i.l Hie latatl Maxwell fenl.
in which I trln nf louring Mrl rlnnli
ed tlie hazardous path! of Mount
Cbaaarat, has inn bSM raoalvi I by
ii, e Maori depart iii fur ut DaQroil
At tlie time the Maxwells sue, I ll
ly inade Hie rl mil. two others Ml Ol
Anion, up BabS attempted tlie dlffl-
ittid hi. Hi were stalled.
One of these earn was a twenty
boragaowsr Inuring car and It wan
furred to aliandoii the climb when
imeiiuarter nf Hie way up The
other was a fore bOfMPOWW seven
passenger car nnd II fulled to ne
gotiate ball Hie ill lance.
Tha r.,ll..v, 1 1, u l.rit.f ilecritil (.in nf
" "
the mountain and Uh road will give
some conception of the dlfflcultlen
that had to be overcome. Mount
( hainiirel rises from a flat plain a
few feet abnve the aea level to an
altitude of 1.200 feet. The road
zigzag In a series of sharp curve
at angle of about thirty-eight de
gree. The car attempting the climb ban
in-fore it the difficulty of getting up
speed after alowlng down to a foot
pace to negotiate the curve, which
have to be taken with the utmost
care, for the precipice I alwaya at
one side of the car.
In plte of thee difficulties, the
Mai wells uaed their second spend
and occalonally their th'rd peed In
the straight atretche and their first
speed only In the curve. The three
Mai well topped the mountain with
tin apparent difficulty and journeyed
down the other lde in afety.
The performance of these Mai-
well la all the more remarkable In
view of the fact that heavy rain
had fallen during the week preced
ing the trial, and during the run It
rained no hard that water was run
ning down Ho- road.
Mount Chamarel I an object of
wonder for all tourist It ha be.n
a source of interest because It of
fer the unique spectacle of each of
no less than seventy-two distinct
and separate color on a small space
of two acre of ground. Tins spot
forms a aerie of mounds a few
feet high, long and narrow and hcl
lowing one after another with
startling regular i
From a short distance, the various
color are eally discernible one from
the other and the aevcuty-two colors
may eaally be pointed out. The great
est peculiarity of theae mounds is
that they can be levelled and the
eurth mixed o us to form u uniform
color A few week later they a ill
have formed again and the earth
will resume t primitive color.
Si lei. lists have never been able to
account for till phenomenon The
colors are attributed by some geolo
gists to ferruginous exhalation from
til earth, but this does not explain
why the eartli will not remain level
Kural sun 1 1 it ion is u heultli
led inn in the city dweller?
It (OoUab lo educate a hoy and
in. I, let him die of typhoid fever?
The I' S puhlic health service I-
-ues ii free hull. 'tin on the sinninei
care of infants'
Kxerclse in the garden is hotter
than exercise lu the gymnasium'
Clean wall i. clean food. Clean
houses makes clean healthy Anion
can citizen- '
Th.- stats "i I .iiit"i nil has radui
, 1 Its ty pi., ,1,1 de.llh rat TO "
in the past t.-ii years?
K ,1 .lie Hie must e
ill a 1 which mail maintains?
It Is estimated that Hie average
ni.iiiuie pile will breed !!00,0U0 flies
per ton''
nirty hands spread much disease?
high hied dog hits u right to have
In- lurtli registered so has u baby?
II . J s puhlic liiilth service
giuirds Ainerlciiu ports to exclude
foreign diseases?
Health is a credit with the bank
of nature''
A clean garbage can Is a good ex
ample of the family?
Filth breeds flies flies carry fev
er? Slouchy" postures menace health?
Health brings liuppiness sick
ness sorrow?
ileie is a fact which defl.
tradtctten: Villa i either dead or
alive or half way between Hut who
knows which?
A few of our favorite sous, bow
ever, appear lo have unloaded the
bulk of their favoritism
In the absence of anything better,
wo might trot out a few regiments
of domesticated skunks as our first
line os defense.
I W i ' I
xti .; l IALR OK HK.VL PUo-
Notice Is hereby given Mini under
and by virtue of nil order of sale
dulf made by the County Court of
the State of Oregon, for Malheur
County, that Hie undersigned, the
duly appointed and acting iiduilnls
irator of the estate of David S l.nin
tn, deceased, will front nm" after
tha I ltd day of Jnlv. 1!U-.. at the
hour of 10 o'clock a. m. offer for
ill ol Hie following descrilted
t.lil properly, belonging In the es
Matt of Multl deceased, lo-wlt: The
W half ol S I, fourth, and N I
foiiith of I K, fourth, Sec I
the 8 K fourtli of N. I fourth of
Sec 12. nil ill twp IT hoiiIIi. of
range 11 F.. V. M. In Mallieur Conn
ty, i iragoa
terms of sale, cash in hand,
and the sale will be private and to
the highest and best bidder, and
mil toot to the approval of the County
Court of the State of Oregon, lor
Malheur County
Hated this 9th day of June. I'M'.
Administrator of estate of David
S l.ainnie, dereaaed with will an-
nexeii Z4-2N
Notice la hereby given that the
undersigned, administrator of the e
tate of 8. H. Atlanta, deceased, has
filed In the County Court of the
state or Oregon for the County of
Malheur, hi final account of hi ad
ministration upon said estate, and
that the same ha been duly set for
hearing- by aald court on Saturday.
tha ISth day of July. 1I8, at the
hour of eleven o'clock a. m of aald I
day at the Court house In Vale, Ore
gon Any and all persona Interest-'
ed la aald estate are hereby notified
to appear at said time and file their
olijectlons In writing. If any there
are, to said final account, and con
test the same.
Done and dated and first published
th: day of June, mn;
Administrator of the estate of 8.
II. Adams, deceased. I4-18
------ .-. ,--.-
The census of II 10. which con-j
taint the latest authentic figure to'
be bad on the poultry Induatry of the
Called States, disclose that In the
year prevlou Oregon (traduced 7,
70S.B70 doxen egg. Placing their
sals value at 15 cent per dozen,
which was probably not far from
correct, we find they bad a gross
value of IMSMIIula, No statis
tics are given a to the value of the
poitlirv produced, but it is perhaps
-it. i,. say that It wit well up to the
value of the eggs Say. In round
numbers, the hen nf the state pro
duced for their owner In 1908 $2.
I .".iiOO.
The great hulk of this came from
the hens of Hie furmers Yet uhout
one half our farmer think It la need
less to take proper care of the chick
ens on tlie place In most cases this
care falls to the farmers' wives, mid !
where given a free band she aa aj
rule makes a auccea of the bual-
Hut I It a trlval bualne? Let us
compare the poultry output of
yeur with some other product of the
field and farm Take the much-.
v limit. il iiluile I'lte I, In, I ll, -I I, .ii that ,
wan 112.22.', hushels. (living
I hem the flat tlou value of $1 u bus
hel they amounted lo hut ah,, it a
i. nil. 'Hi or Hie hen products Our
potato crop was valued ut 11,000,000
our bay crop at $0,000,000, our wool
clip at 12. '.Mill, nun and our wheul
crop ut about $ I -',1)00.000 So It
,ii ho -eon Hint the poultry husl
ts b) no means n triviul all. ill
Hut It is nothing like It ought to,
he. nothing to what il would he it
the owners Of fowls Would hill ll-e
the machinery ut bund, viz., the in.
Agricultural Collaga, srltb Its
nonsuiting peii 'I he farmers all
pay a tax toward the upkeep of this
institution. It belongs to Hie at
pie ut large. If the farmers would
only make full use of it lu this on.
Industry and follow the advice of its
poultry experts closely, Oregon hens
would return us much profit each
year as BOSS the wheat crop HOMiH TO QO HtUHKB
Municipal bonds ure likely to ad
vance Btlll further because of Hie
wider market opened through the
modifying of restrictions by the post
office department in Hie matter of
postal savings. The new regulations
permit any depositor to increase his
deposit from $500 to $1000, and the
limit of $100 on any month's deposit
has been removed In the opinion
of postmasters, the new regulations
will result lu tlie postal savings banks
soon doubling their hlUlSSSS lioud
buyers believe this will have the ef
fect of increasing tlie demand of
banks for municipal bonds as secur
ity for postal savings banks deposits,
and consequently will send up the
ruling prices of such bonds to higher
premiums. Such banks as have
bonds bought at former prices will
reup a nice profit if they now desire
to dispose of bonds which they can
riitiv's style with quality In the F'il
Coupelel ns well u Ford durability in
service and ecniiniin in maintenance.
IJiiiiniv Interior excellently upholstered
I H Top raised or lowered in two minutes.
I HI i ,u of superior elaaa, Inspect it. The
Ooupelet $")!)(; Runabout VW; Touring
Oar IK': Town Car 640; Sedan 74Q, f. n.
b, Detroit.
Ontario, Oregon
JF YOU are ill doubt '
which bank to patron
ize, it's because you don't
know which renders the
best services to its patrons
offers the kind of ser
vices you need and want.
Capital and Burpltta 1100,000.00
Good Bank in a Good Country"
Thirty years ago tha telephone was a luxury. Today,
through personal Initiative and private enterprise, It has become
a necessity within trs ranch of everybody. Where ones a busi
ness bad hut one telephone with a limited talking rsngs, today
that business has service with a range three-quarters of a conti
nSnt broad, and every branch of every business is linked to ov
ary other by an intercommunicating telephone system.
The telephone has earned Ha responsible place and there are
oow 8, 000. uoo Hell telephones lu this country, over which go
2fi.000.000 talks daily.
Kvery Hell Telephone is a Lonu Distance Station.
Malheur Home Telephone Co.
Curranza, like tlie smoking vol
cano, has been apouling again
Ob. no, the political pot is not
bubbling oue wee Untie bit It is
only a seething cauldron
Overland 1913 model, newly
overhauled and painted Hun
lass than 5000 miles. New
1500 lb.
truck overhauled aud
Stoddard Dayton,
for oue year.
Aud others.
Seguine's Garage
Meaaaaai aaaaat pjg-mjgaaaaaaaaeasaaa1
The Palace
Meat Market
opposite Dreamland
Uetter meats for the same
I'rlce Never High Quality
Never Poor
Come in aud see the new
Telephone 1 1 1