The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, June 15, 1916, Image 5

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ltiindiill Hagn whipped sumi' honea
and hogs Inst wiek.
MIbh Vnndorhnof Ml fur the ti II In
on TuoHilay morning
. (1. OIhou In timiii' trow ii trip tn
linker mid lit Iiit pulntH.
KIbI Hrnwn mid wife arc hern
from thpfr ranch ninr Cord.
(in Wedi ' -ry Plektord In
her chnrnrlirlr.iti. n of "RagB-"
in Mondi "venlnp, iii
'i hedi Barm, m appear ta "8m "
Noxt Muiiilr. BVaolOJ will I
roK'ilnr meeting of the '
Mr iiml Mr- Water Dl el BT, '
wan nllan on Mr and Mi I
Mr Btani i 'i i .ii
ing I trip to I'lirtliui ! lad l.o I
i'it Qallaphi
! to look afti al
Mrn. Dranr- find rlilldrrn hnv goni
to Dm Molnim for a vlalt with reln
tlvpi, nnd friends They will he gone
ever a wppkn.
Tin' Electric Ini' tni'Mit CQmpBtt)
would like to hnve on Mil Bt their
Mlei rniiitiH nnd M their eleetrlo
rungrs They ar- dolO Mini
liil work Utfa week.
I.'i'v I). K. linker wont to La
tlninde Vovdnrday morning to at
tend 'li. llrnnde ROBdi Bpptl .
Rorliitlnii Hi. axPMtl to hrlng tin
BBXI mOtUBI to tlntiirlo In ItlTi
Tin- BBlVMlittM ft out nin'
of Hie studi-ntH an- DOflia for the
holidays. I.artir mid Wllllmn lll.irk
iiliv mid Spnirm- Ad. mi are lioni
truiii Dip Htate lltilWTHlty at BagWM
KWUl Iroin
Adrian thll MM ami reports Hint
Ills tii'w pump D doing f lii-
work and In- If rfl t Inar IiIb land !ti
i Top Things are looking gOOd In
tin- Band M.i-tion
H. N. Ford and wifp an still hat-
Itig tfOUbloB, Tln' I
to I'ortinnd froi i n war
M 0 tthay, .hi.' of tl dl '" eh ra of frfi Tht
tf an ben With the .in in' tn hinges on tlm lcgnllBJ f lli" firm
last a
Mill Ml , I .1 ' I. ' . I
B III If a
Mr. Olene and Mrs. Denlo, wore
July Advance
McCall Patterns
r.' In itook Free fashion sheets
for Hip linking.
Supply Your iSvednfrom
New Summer
Handndi upon haodredi
trhlta iinil'Tiiiiisiins All nrp
aaa . orlop, ! in t and ol exi
quel t produoad iiv tha
iiiaiiiifartiiri'r I ol n 1 1 1 I
In till I oitiitry
Oo n . i 'heml tea, i'"i i It
' oroblnai li
New Summer Dress Goods
By express we have just received
some of the newest things in sum
mer dress fabrics priced from 10c to
35c a yard. New figures, new
stripes. Be sure and see them.
New Cool Dainty sPecial Satof """"
Summer Frocks MILLINERY
Ever) article of dainty ui
, .mi could wish an.' pt
i ,ir.' decidedly loWOf
tliali yoD WOVld expect tlii'in to be
nftpr i tpng thi'se unu ually daln-
n - dl.
Beautiful hai foi Bauer tx
'i Inn tin' I
of all.
i no) l.o. n rammar hat until
.,u BV0 looked OtM mir I
Mill- prlea i on mtlllat
i"'.ii attend ni at i their
shh Iron' '
iiml I w. i
A young son arrived at the borne of
v win pro
i, p to
, I 'In' M
I '.In,
i :ii- in :h uii i"i.- hum i " m.wi
i I .
it the
i ol I. ,1 II ,i nlli.ll III I .
mid will la
HPBHlon In u tew da
not di mi nd d
will probabl) look after the in
Boyer Brothers & Company
Ontario, Oregon
ii .
Willi' '
The Marrli - II ot i"
Mr Hi id
l.i ;; I - r "
o ' Mr antll ...n
nnd Mi . W I- Ift
,, i m, . i .hi tn iioiiii-
from in. I'li'-y '"" BJd Hi
their nrSMMO Of UM roOM nnd otlnT
beautlps of that fair laud
I',, i ,., t -i i.ri'iiK. wlM "'
ii. i i
Btntp In 1'ortlninl. wee i
j k r.u.i imi is :
I . ni i ri.rti.ind. when he al
fn banket leellni He
was 1 1 i a member' of the
of iini'itoi. The iimikiTH .if the
. ....rt Hint depoelti an mueh
than i
The Kin t Nal i received
tuber of Hi. t...ard. ,,,r ;,, ;.,:. Mnrton, I p
rll at tha office of the Electric lays bko The "'-' bi I deleted
in-ni compttuv nnd ' t"1'
In-.p . i'.'y linvp for tin' iir.iu'vMfi
1 1 pie iy nioiii I.. i
Ontaiui liiui.l and ""
will furnish the music for the Mi
celebration they are to PH
off at HuntiiiKtou on the Fourth Mat
-i nil- parti- of It tha' nl. ill ! lo Hip
ar. inn other tem v '" not both-
..I I.ouIh say. i.. ..ili like to
romp liark to tlilo ri". ltr. I
an aloeed asd - will huve to
lap iiiere until tin- w i i iver The
le.lor Inillciit'i 'hat " BOOpkl 'II
lio pleaaml when the war nlops
it,, in.
thai will pay in when
.'l-tu'.t! I in n. II I
with i i,
01 un i . . hii to beer
in- loud in their pi
ira vliows a hut Infill' DM
I on an
nanaaalt) Tha bralalai was nil
dome by ' he oae i tha a bola
coniiiiuiiity i benefitted b) it '
I'-i Tut up liiilillni
l. all. nal i-oii vi'lil loll In St .on
"ill llltli' Intel
IB has wriitin the
plnttorm and will ron-iv.' the in
atlop without nppn Mr hn in
will be n reporter and bo!
aa an advisor This inn i
liuuillliitliiK to the man who
Mr. Wilson's election possible and
who MOrifleed lilinsflf for mi BUM)
years for the party. The PM
plank Will II" I In- lliriirii.lali.d In Hip
platform this year. Tin- iaaaaerjali
real lie what harmony In tin- republl-
imp means
Mi - I has M.iKPr. assisted by Mrs
bald a BpHMT t''i ' tM llaer
resldeui'p on 'pilinMlay. June 7. for
the benefit of the Cone-regatlonal
church. Miss Hutli Laaka) favored
the Km- t- with a plullo solo A shori
baalneee session of the aid wa
after which delicious rcf reslimen I -1
Tin' I.hIIi's wiab to
thank Mrs and Mrs BfaM (Ol
a pleasant afternoon
A very pretty home wedillliK oc
curn-d at the roeldcni t Mr ami
Mra. K.n Bll OB OB Wedl
teruoon wlii-ii h:.iin.-i 'iNnii. ni n.
In murriaci. to Alie 'ocri-h-ni. ol
Naiipi-rville. Ill lti-v . KOOBU
ciatci i oageleln
er In the NyaM BBhooli for tl
They left
train for Bo
Y i have been prosperous, and illing to
liners p p roi Look over
he w ! . ee how you
: f your mont y with us.
U J.Ve
Prosperity Week Pri
I'i'lii,-; Urai 'i. i"
1-1 ii.. -i brand, i
Soap Priced for Pros
perity Week
Swii'i - White Laini'ln . 8 bajm
swiiv- Laundry, l"1' In
Our iiiius tin any of the above will I"
In- ;mi."I iinl.v through l'r.isM'rii .
Can 'Pl.VU
nd we will Bell
lire tid !Z
ir for pJ6'f
rrunos Priced for Proaperitjr Wi
! . jii-l III' thiii".
fur I ..i ill";, 'J ll. boxe . per box $1.75
-1 ' H'il sM.i r;i it. Ii ii i uained will
i.. l.iil order rilled ;ii wunc prii i
I III t.itot i.i;
week old. will pay BOOd prices. A(l-
dreaa or call 1. '! ui.ui. Iiiobu. Ol
Plana Tuning A. It. McCarty, an
expert piano tuner Is permanent I. lo
cated ut Njssu. All work nuarun
teed. 1'hone HJ Hlf
Good becoud hand lluick autoiuo
bile for aale, cheap Knguire J W
McCulloch llf
Kor nut, I room hrlck lioiise, iihmI
urn, central, on Main htrci-l W II
DoollUle. i"'f
l.nSI' Hunch ..I
id.-.. . I. mm- at rt liiiin
I. ANIi BARGAIN i-'" tan
land tor $ 1 '-' an .hi Qood
fine for potato) TOrni Hhoue
'1 1 1 'i i conn-
lit (or
D J Dunpl
0 bjr luarlcAo Preaa Aaaocuulon.
l.OST Between Ontario anil i.
hatchery one - fingered gauntlet mil
ten. Kindr kindly return to lv
iK, tor partloulan
r McGuliagill. 1 2epd
FOU SAI.K Killing and driving
pony with good buggy and harness,
pricea right I'iioue 20 N -
WANTED A second girl to ai-
aiat with iiuuaework. I'hone 20 N 2
WANTED About 100 pigs 8 to
Bj A.N ;tKI) Teiiant for forty
near I'arma under government ditch
Write for full particulars. K. II
r, III Iliniy Hhlg , Seattle,
WANTK1) A girl
housework on ranch,
dreaa at Argua office.
for geueral
We have on bund a limited sup
ply of Phoenix Paint which we
are going to offer at bargain
prices during this week. I )n stock
which we have of this well known
brand we will give you a price of
$2.20 for 1 gal. cans ai each
for quart cans, f you have any
thing y : can paint y c tnnot
afford to pass this i e of
fer also as a al in nent
for this week a per
.it from qui i on
blue and v na
el ware which v. will
play in our window. is the
chance to get pr kettl(
and cooking utensils at very at
tractive prices.
McNulty Hardware Co.
i mm, out i.i in
ti t.u
IS Try The Argus for Vant Ads