( SILAGE FOR BEEF COWS PROFITABLE fhei E2H m. - More Economcal Feed For Cattle Than Blue Grass Pasture In connection with the mainten ance i r breeding herds of rows, the following statement made by I'rofes ; Bor fl. W. Mumford of the ilhinn . Agricultural -m! ! t of Interest: I marie a pretty radical statement nome yearn ago that breeding cowii could he wintered more cheaply on i silage than they could he carried through the Hummer on hlue grass pasture. Many people did not be lieve It, and they did not let me for Ret I had ald It. I am going to re peat It. ' On land worth f 100 and upward, aultahln for growing corn, you can carry breeding cows through the numrner cheaper on silage than on blue graaa. Not many paaturea will carry a cow and her calf on leaa than one and a half acrea. But It la entirely possible to get twelve and one-half to twenty tona of allege from one acre, and you can carry a cow and calf during the auminer on two pountla of clover hay ard thirty-five pound; of altage per lay aa well aa or better than on blue gran. Thua you can keep a cow a year and her calf all month on leaa than a half acre of Milage If eventually Illinois cornea to practicing It feed ing cattle It will come to ue the all ege for auminer aa well aa winter feeding. I had to be ahown thla. INITIATIVE BILL IN COUNTY SEAT FIGHT Bend, (Ire June 1 -That an Inl native petition may fulfill the re quIrmemenU for placing upon the regular ballot the queatlon of county aeat removal In Jefferson county, which eonteat la being waged between the towna of Culver, Madras and Me tollua, la the opinion of Attorney Oeneral Hrown, who wua aaked for an opinion by cltliena of Madras. By . the petition only a majority la re quired to move a county Heat, while the apeclal atatute require a 10 per cent vote. LOUIS BRANDEIS IS t CONFIRMED BY SENATE Washington, June I. The uomi nation of luls I) llrandela, of Bon ton, to the aupreme court to succeed the late Joaeph Kucker 1-umar waa confirmed by the aenate today by a vote of 47 to S3. The vote, taken without debate, ended one of the blt lereat contest ever waged agalnat a presidential nominee. Mr. Urandeta will be the flrat Jew to occupy a aeat on the supreme bench. HKMI Mil UK OHJKITIVK Article Hied for Marlon anil I Inn County Itallroad. Halew, Ore, June 1 -In the fil ing here today of articles of Incor poration for the Marloli i I. Inn County ltallroad company, possibil ity of an early extension of the for vallia A Eastern railroad from Its present terminus at Detroit across the Cascade mountains east to I'rim-vill.-and Bend Is seen. The new line will follow the north fork of the Santlatu river, tapping a rich timbered section, and Is said to be along the aurvey of the Corvallls A Eastern road, which goes through Mlnto l'asa. When the Corvallls Eastern was first built, light rails were packed on mule back from the Eastern Ore gon side of the mouutains and laid on a grade constructed through Mln to pass. The rails yet remain. Thla spring strange engineers hare been vorklng in the vicinity of Detroit, nd It la auggeated that this fact may have caused the Southern Paci fic to act. CxE ucm Nothing To Be Added To The Maxwell 'OU will never want to add anything to your Maxwell "he purchase price includes everything you will ever need or desire for luxurious motoring. You won't want to disguise the hood or buy a new body or put in another carburetor or ignition system or install electric lights or a self-starter. You won't want a new radiator or springs or new spark plugs or shock-absorbers or a new top. You. need add nothing for comfort, reliability, beauty, economy or convenience. If it is a Maxwell, your car, your experience and your investment are complete. That is the way that Maxwells are designed, manufactured and sold. Question the owners of other motor cars any other motor cars and see if they are equally satisfied with their motoring investment i Touring Car $655 Roadster $635 F. O B. DETROIT A- L. G. OLSON DEALER ONTARIO, OREGON I il I! TAYKH IS AM yn.-tii'ii of 'oiiMillUallujl Various State Hoards nod Commissions to He Considered. The committee of the tat Tax payers' League, appointed to draft a proposed constitutional amendment (or reducing the number of commis sions of the state and otherwise move toward a general reduction of Use, met at Salem to canvass the situation and Investigate the feasibility of con solidating the various boards and commissions. The committee Is composed of C. E. Spence, chairman; Kobert E. Smith, of Hoaeburg, secretary; J. P. Daly, of Portland; Oeorge Miller of Cov, and A. J. Johnson of Corvallls. Walter Pierce of La Urande, Is pres ident of the league and ex-offlclo member of the committee. The com mittee has invited a representative of the labor organizations to meet with them also. The State Taxpayers' League was organised at a convention of various interests in Portland during the apring. The committee will not attempt to draft a proposed amendment at this meeting, but will gather data and inveatigate the various proposals which will be brought up for consideration. This world is full of givers and takers, with everybody wanting to be a taker. t.r.NKKAL I.OKHI tl.s HAH MMMIKII I AMI. WOHk What some women can't find to wear, theae days Is quite too abbrevi ated to wear at all. Will Make Hut Oue More Trip U Panama; Interference Willi Traffic Overcome. New York. June 2 All Interfer ence with traffic through the Pana ma canal resulting from alides has bean overcome and the future move ments of earth into the great water way that may result from tropical ralna can be taken care of In a rou tine manner, according to Major Oen eral Ueorge W. Ooethals, who arriv ed here on the steamship Santa Mar ta from the canal xone. Oeneral Ooethais added that his canal work was finished and that he expected to make only one more trip to the zone to close up final details of the business of his administration. He said that he was going to Wash ington and declined to discuss pol itics. ALFALFA BLOAT In reading your most excellent pa per, I have from time to time read about alfalfa bloat under the ques tion and answer department. I can not refrulu from saylug that I fiud aweet cream will positively relieve bloat in from 15 to 20 minutes. I have used one pint of sweet cream seven times In six weeks in every degree of bloat and I get almost Instant relief witli no bad effects as from some of the other remedies which are advocated. Tho cream is given as a drench. Regarding soiling alfalfa, some cows consume their food too rapidly and oer-eat and I find they will not bloat when pasturing alfalfa In lim ited amounts are allowed, or a bit put into the mouth of those cows that eat too fast. W. M Mitchell, M. D., Weiser, Idaho In Signal. There are times, though, when our wise men are Just as foolish as the rest of us. A mau's a man only wheu he is a man. Next tune you meet a fellow with a prize dog, say nothing and listen. He'll do more how ling tliuu the dog. Is this your home town? Treat it as such. f We heartily approve of the short skirt. It Is unmistakably sanitary and remurkuhiy refreshing to the masculine eye They say that opportunity knocks at 9iery man's door once, but at Hockefeller'a It must have walked right on In. When work is a pleasure we all feel rich. Oxy-Acetylene Welding Sheet Metal Work of All Kinds Piston Rings all sizes Ford Rings 15c Others in Proportion Maxwell Cars and Indian Motorcycles --- "- " ...-- ----- ... - - T i 1 tl . . a t v a I . N. riumhmir v i;i im a. Phone 152 M