r rr Great Profit-Sharing Prize Campaign FREE-Valuable Prizes-ENTER YOUR NAME ONTARIO PHARMACY With mrh 50 cents purchase and this rnupon ye will be rnlitl d to 2,000 VO'I I -. A L ' af - "" na wl sT8 W K W nbrinBe Al rfrt S . sa in mifiodfli joy sffHh0 jji 4 3nn SSj MSHWr eM mil M mlrmmAmi ym mrm m ttm I T T "5i dlCTflTr Sw mm) ml tm i I r te . Frmmwm I vlKflllkJMC JSWhUu iaW iMi4MitM tfitibiiriMfM M IWMMfllilf'iWwP" flWflHtf BW. MtikaiiMMi riiiMriw jbbbbI BCJ.ii'i.' ": niii. i BW. ' -a - - aa ! WNH I k ...,. 4 ..m (nDuvs rxcrm IJ w arsaal J. .... (UnKflMaMtt M AW P '-"-' B Jft? SBw fcwj-y fni SSWISSSSPSSTIWfeW(i -k. fffc BinHUtfKWBItf . ew mm ' rZTTL. ZLjLzl2Lz. an mmwwiiiii , sett -Hint mi ratt I Albert gives smokers such delight, because it- flavor ia so different and to delightfully good; it can't bite tout tongue; it can't parch your throat; you can smoke it as long and aa hard ae you like without any comeback but reoY tobacco hap piness! On th ravers aida of avery Prince Albart package you will read: " PMOCCas aTf NTKO JULY SSTH, isot That i to you lot of tobacco an yoyment. Princa Albart has always been sold without coupon or premium. We prefer to jive quality t ' V A in goodness and in pipe satisfaction is all we or its enthusi astic friends ever claimed for it! It answers every smoke desire you or any other man ever had! It is so cool and fragrant and appealing to your smokeappetite that you will get chummy with it in a mighty short time ! 'Will you invest 5c or 10c to prove out our say so on the national joy smoke? R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO.. Wm.to.-5.Um. N. C TW U ass mi! Ma ml Mm km 1 H PMM ASMft Ml mm k l ' awgsli Bulletin No. t Why Not Face the Facts About Armor Competition? To the Peeple: The policy of the 1'nited Stair ( iocuuii-iit for many yesra haa made real competition in axiuof-uiaLiiiK ineffective. . i The Govsnunrat might have n-k.il tlie three armor planU for bid sud let the entire tonnage tu the lowest biddei. That would hae made competition effective. 'I In- rrault of aurh iuurr would have been to drive two of the t lir.-- Miami fai'turera out of bualoeaa, and leave the country with faciliUas of tml una plant ia time of need. Tht Government in fact has always awkrd for bid from the three manufacturers, but no matter what the price quoted, ear h year's business was divided among them. Armor makera aerve but one cuatoiner the Government, just as a public utilitv serves but one cuetfenier a community. Tbs solution of the public utility problem is regulation of rates. The solution of the armor problem is for the Government to i the yctee. We voluntarily agree to accept aay price iaed by the Federal Trent Com mi Isn't acceptance of that offer bettor t boa the destruction of aa iuduetry built MiM to serve tbs tiovrrameatT i nm.. M m-nws. avoaaa a. eaten. "' Bethlehem Steel Couii:f!v Keep right aa rntdlnit the lumis paper, brother nd ulster. It U the pstriotUm that lead to the right kind of prepsrtidaeii) Bo rue people are no greedy they (Tab everything In light and keep rls-ht on yelping for more. Hut, thsa, we sre not speaking of you only of ounelf. There's a fellow we know who Is so grouchy be'd growl about the weather If It rained silver dollars, iie'd want 'em to bs gold. The horse never travels taster than Its own tall, and the merchant keespa paee usually with the quality and quantity of bis advertising. Tou can always tell. Do you wsnt to sse the most radi ant smile on this whols earth? Just psy us that dollar you owe us and look in our fsee. Having entered Mexico for good and sufficient reasons, multiplied a thousand fold, we stiould not hesi tate to get out- when we get good end ready. M tl ill l it ITKMN. Laving with hla leg broken be tween the knee and the hip, A. W. Archer, a farmer living on Mormon Hasln creek, twelve mllea east of Malheur, waa found unconscious by Emery Cole, assistant deputy assess or, late Thuraday afternoon. Mr. Cole Immediately returned to Drogan and telephoned for Dr. Carl Harttett of Vale who arrived In three hours, a distance of forty miles. Dr. Ilart- lett set the leg and reports that Mr. Archer Is doing nicely. Mr. Archer hsd returned from Mslheur Iste In the evening snd In hastily unhitching his team, left one tug fastened. The horsesvbelng led away became frightened and started running knocking him down and running over him. Mr. Archer Uvea alone and rather remote from anyone and says that sometimes for an entire week does not see any one. Emery Col in search for county taxes and proba bly doing a little electioneering on the aide proved the rood Samaritan fortunately aa It turned out for Mr. Archer. Tboe. J. O'Neill and Delbert War sham, farmers living on Aider ereek five mllea west of here, were ser iously bruised snd scratched up last week when Mr. O'Neill's auto, driven by Mr. Waraham was, wrecked on the Campbell grade about a mile out of th city Th men were returning late with out any lights and In letting her off the bill Mr. Warsham, a novlee at driving, lost control of the machine and aa a result s tip over ensued The machine sal scattered In all di rections and Mr. O'Neill says that he la not rertu n whether the roiuet will aver breathe again. Mrs. II. ..s Whet-lurk and little daughter, who live on a hemestead three in I lea from here, left on the 8al unlay morning stage for rendit ion tu visit relatives. Mlaa May Morfltt returned ysstsr- day from Itaker where she has been having eonie denial work done. Miss H nt ti I'urcell. of Ontario. Is visiting with her alater, Mrs. P. L. Morfltt Mr. and Mrs. Karl Johnston of Hlrch creek were surprised Sunday morning by an autn load of rela tives from Welser whu spent the day h them at their ranch home, tieo. Itoblnson, the prominent Orous creek rancher, was s busi ness visitor In Rrogan Saturday. Delbert Derrick was in from the Look creek sawmill yesterday on business and reports that everything Is going fine. Mrs. James Morfltt and Clare Mor fltt are visiting friends in llaker this week. Oertrude Morfltt, who has been attending Si Paul's Academy In Wul la Walla and Neil Morfitl. who has been a student at the luivt-rsity of Oregon, returned home today to spend i lit- summer vacation. Neil saw tin- Kc.se Festival in I'ortlund and says thut roses were us plenti ful as sage brush Is here. Kay and Uuy Wise of Irouside were In town on land iiusluess Fri day. Miss Clara Howard principal of the' local school is attending the teachers normal at Vale this week The baseball nine went to Hunt llngton Sunday and played a losing game, the score being 10 to 12 In favor of Huntington. Several auto loads of rooters accompanied them The friends of Joseph Little will be pleaaed to learn he is now a suc cessful electrics! engineer and Is now engaged In the power house of the Snake River Irrigation and Improve ment company situated on the John Oreen place. Alfalfa cutting has begun. Everybody Is so busy It la hard to scratch up news. Levi Cruell made a trip to Welser last Saturday. Jowey Rice went to work for C. O. Douglas on the Chaffee ranch last wsek.' VALLEY VIEW. s S Mlsa Uns Armstrong - la home again after a three weeks visit with her slaters at Boise snd Nsmpa. Sundsy evening, June 11th, an snd s half pound daughter arrived at the borne of Mr. and Mra. Wm. E. Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Keen made a trip to Kiiinifit Sunday evening, re turning home Monday evening. Mlsa Lola accompanied them home. Mrs. A. B. Krasler la on the sick list again this week. Rev. I).' E Bsker snd 0. L Tufta, superintendent of the weekly reat day league ate Sundsy dinner at Wm. gates', Mrs. E. Motteimnn was umible to attend church Sunday owing to a bad cold. Mrs. C. E. flees was calling on her mother, Mrs. Mure ... Isat Tuesday. Mlaa I.'lllt. Downs Is visiting rela tives near IIHerslde. Preaching Bunds. June II, by Rev. W. N. Brown at Ontario. IKONNIHK M-'WM A. E. Nichols ri'iuiii.! from On tario Wednesday wllh a load of household goods. Miss Inst Weaver of Honlta and W. W. Howard of Ontario were unit ed In marriage Sunday. Mr. Jaini's Weaver, father of M'.s Weaver snd Walter, her brother, attended Hie DEAD OX FLAT. Guy Morgan has had some clear ing and plowing done for Mr. Carroll. John Howland has moved a cabin outo hla homestead. C. O. Douglas has moved his tract or to liis homestead preparatory to turnlgn It upside down. t-l... Haw UaatAu Qmllk m t A iih. ii.it, iiaii. ..iiiiii, aiiu Cbas. Lias nave been nusy tne past two weeks putting in ditchea to get water to all nana of the Mra. Blge- i.., I.....1 Mrs. Whitbeck made a trip to the Culbertsou place last Saturday to bring Mr. Wiiltbeck home. A T. McDonald has completed fencing 180 acres of land. He spent part of last week In the bottom re planting and harrowing his corn. ONTARIO J0HNIE Suffolk Punch Stallion Stands at hla ranch near On tario, from AprU 1st, ISIS to Jan 1st, 1917. Season, $3, fee due wheat mare Is in foal, t'olts from this sire can be seen at the ranch. J. P. S( 'HAI.lt. Prop. Stallion Registration Hoard, State of Oregon License rertificule of grade stallloii No 1421. Hated ut Corvallis, Oregon, April 20, l'JIti The pedigree of the grade stallion (tularin Johnie sired by the pure bred Suffolk stal lion Lovelaud Johnie No. 316, (American) Owned by J. P. Siliull, (tularin, Malheur Co, Oregon, and described as fol fel fol eows: Color, bay; black foaled in the year 1910 has been examined by Dr. A. O. Moore, veterinarian ap pointed by the Stallion Regis tration Board of Oregon, and It la found that the said stal lion Is free from infectious, contagious or transmissible diaeaaes or unsoundness. He is not of pure breeding, and is, therefore, aot eligible for rerik( ration in any stud book recognised by the asso ciations named in section nine of an act of the legislative as sembly of the state of Oregon providing for the lloenaing of stallions, etc., filed in the of fice of the secretary of state, February 2S, 1911. The said stallion Is hereby licensed to stand for public service in the state of Oregon CARL N. KENNEDY. Secretsry Stallion Registra tion Board. wedding. Mr. and Mrs. Howard passed through here the first of the week on a camping trip to the Little Malheur river. Every loyal cltlien should patron ise the home merchant whenever possible. And the loyal merchant ahould demonstrate bis own busi ness sagacity by patronizing the horns paper A rule Is not s rule unless It proves Itself. The wise man transacts his busi ness, snd gets out. The fool moves only when kicked. CMllasaf?lai -TVnrrla If 1 I 111 ll I 111 town shows METRO PICTURES . that's is the Best 17 OU. sec stars in METRO PICTURES and et ask-isssssslaaJsBsssss- si