THE ONTAR THE REXALL STORE We Have Been Prosperous SHARE OUR PROSPERITY PPHW ni UBi During Prosperity Week we will give you 10 per cent xf your Purchases in Hosiery Big Special Bargains Each Day. W; A Durham Duplex Razor FREE with 50c with 50c Our Special for the Week 20 THE ONTARIO FIJ A Complete Line of Porch ai Lampkin's Prosperity Specials closing out au sprin, I Monday's Special (ALL WEEK SuitS and CoatS I Big bungalow nprons.OQp ,.n ... I '2 to u customer, each OOC i!7..o silk suit d- o rrr t ' ipiOmllf at ... . 24.50 cloth suit at $16.75 .$11.95 18.H) suits 1 All other prices at like in ductions. ALL WEEK Specials iu gauze and umsliii underwent for ladies and children. Tuesday and Wed. Girls drosses, size 2 to (i 38c (lirls dresses, size ti to 12 49c Thursday & Friday $1.00 OFF on nil silk shirt waists. HS0 t.. W.OO Any lathes .50 to $4.00 pumps or oxfords . . $3.00 !)Ke striped at 49c Vj 1?I1?1? A 11 WaaIt )ur fam",,s Nu-:M fuie ribbed misses hose with every pair r MXEjMlJ All IT eeK f eliildivn'M Uppers or shoes. ALL WEEK Corsets and Brassiera iamhkt During Prosperity Week We will Sell Pd en v u ed . o $3.00 aluminum tea kettles $2.25 1.65 aluminum stew pans 1.30 1.50 aluminum stew pans 1.15 8.35 garden cultivator - 7.00 11.50 cultivator and seeder 10.00 3.00 velocipedes - 2.65 65.00 electric washing machines - 57.50 40.00 electric washing machines - - 35.00 2.00 gasoline or coal oil cans 1.65 40.00 gasoline stove (self generating) - - - 30.00 BROWN STONE COOKING WARE AT HALF PRICE LARGE STOCK OF HAMMOCKS AT SALE PRICES 3 o 3 n ST o ONTARIO HARDWARE CO. t N -1 Wonderful Home Pros The merchant! of our community PROSPERITY means to you ill prove to voit that von can huv to anywhere else. They want to prow variL'dassortnicnts and money 11 In this announcement you will special offers they are making for prices you will note are good 00 every day you can save money al (Vine in and get acquainted wil anxious to meet you, to know youi together to make our ronimumtf ft must be the beat place on earth Ucinember the hig program f is to he supplemented liv bargain this community. It pays to buy the merchants. Stores displaying the Officiull black and golden signs, make the ed with an Official Bargain Tag ai gam, a money-saving value for you Home Prosperity W ra .