aHSjfajsf kVaflaV P" j Business I'llVHK'IANH DRB. PRINZINO & WEE8H Ontario, Oregon Office In New Wilson Block. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS Dr. Harriet Sears Dr. Paulino Soar Graduate American School of Oateo pathy, Klrksvilla, Mo. Wilson Block. Telephone 164 Blk. 1IKNTIHTH dr. w. a. howe . . mm DENTIST Phenes: Office 117 -Wilson Bldg. ll72 Ml. 1. C. IIIIKTT DENTIST Office inc. door East of Ontarlj Phar macy on Nevada Avenue, Near It. H. Depot. inrwrj-- --!---- SJaajSSJSStMSlSWtWSiaSS UNDERTAKING J. H. FARLEY Funeral ilirrrtc. and embalmer. Lady atalttant. Phone 182-W. Ontario, Oregon. . rtpfore marriage some men take their bent glrla out and scatter intm y to the wlnda. But five yeare lat r wlfey often yearn longingly for the prlo of a atlck of gum. 1,KMI, NOTU'KM. NL'MMOXH. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Malheur. Krult Grower Bank of Payette. Idaho, a corporation, plaintiff va. Al llo E. Olaon, Robert E Olaon. A. L. Cockrum. truatea, the Tlrat National Bank of Ontario, Oregon, a corpora tion. Walter O. Howa, R. A. Mer chant, Moa Mercantile company, a corporation, and the unknown halra 1 of Aleaander Caldwell, decaaaad, Da yfandanta. To Alll E. Olaoa. Robert E. 01 Vn. R. A. Merchant, Moaa Mercan tile tnnipany, a corporation, ana iim antjiown heir of Alexander aiu well, deceaaed, the above named de- lendJtta: In the name of the State of Ore- n: You and each of you are here by reuulred to appear and anwer llioroHs-pampliiInt filed agalnat you In thu uliofe entitled ult by A. L. CorVniin. trthtw, and -the Vnat Na tional Bank of Ontario, on or before the 8th day of July. 1918, the ame being the laat day of the time pre acrlbed by order of the court direct ing aervlce of aummon In aald suit on aald croaa-complalnt to be mad upon you by publication, and If you fall ao to anawer, for waut thereof. ONTARIO JOHNIE Suffolk Punch Stallion Htandii at Ills ranch near On tario, from AprU let, IMt to Jan. lit, 1017- Beaton. 91, ttm due when mare la In foal. C'olU from thla Ire ran be aeen at the ranch. J. P. SCHALL, Prop. Stallion Registration Board, State of Oregon. use certificate of grade talllon No. 1491. Dated at CorvallU, Oregon, April 20, 1916. The pedigree of thu grade Htulltou Ontario Johnle Hired by the pure bred Suffolk stal lioii Jxivelund Jolmie No. 328, (American) Owned by I t Scholl. Ontario, Malheur Co., Oregon, and deacribed a follow- Color, bay; black points, foaled in the year 1910 has been examined by Dr. A. i; Moore, veterinarian ap pointed by the Stallion Regis tration Iliiurd of "egon, and It la found Unit tin- aid stal lion Is free from infectious, contagious or transmlaaible diseases or unsoundness. He is not of pure breeding, and is, therefore, not eligible for reglxtiutiou in any stud book recognized by the asso ciations named in section nine of an act of the legislative as sembly of the state of Oregon providing for the licensing of stallions, etc , filed in the of fice of the secretary of state, February 23, 1911. The said stallion la hereby license to stand for public service In the state of Oregon. CARL N. KENNEDY. Secretary Stallion Registra tion Board. Directory ATTORNEYS. W. II. Brook, Attorney at Law Wllaon Bldg. Ontario Ore C. MrGONAGILL ATTORNEY AT LAW Will Practice in All Courts Notary Public. Office Over Postoffia LESLIE J. AKER LAWYER Room 9, Flrtt National Bank Bldg Ontario, Oregon. Mcculloch a wood LAWYERS Room 1-2-3 First Natl Bank Bldg Ontario, Oregon. II. W. Hwagler Attorney at Law. Koonia 13-14-16 Wllaon Dldg Ontario Oregon P. J. i. i i v in i; LAWYER KootiiH In Wiifon Bldg. Ontario, Oregon TIIANHKKH TRANSFER. BAGGAGE AND EX PRESS Meet all trains. JOHN LANDINGHAM l l .. M NOTICES. the said croRS-complalnants, A. L. I Cockrum and the Flrat National Bank of Ontario, Oregon, will apply ' to the said court for the relief de-1 manded In aa'd croaa-complalnt, to wn For judgment agalnat Allle E. Ol son and Robert E Olaon for 9144.98, i with Intereat thereon at the rat or; ten per cent per annum from Janu- ( ary 10th, 1916, until paid, and for $75 00 attorney's fa and for aald ( cross-complainant's costs and dis bursement In said suit; also for a decree of th court foreclosing that certain real mortgage exoutd by, AMI E. Olaon and Robert E. Olson to A. L. Cockrum, trustee, on Janu ary 26th. 1914, on lots 1, 2 and the north half of lot 3 In block 119 of the City of Ontario, Malheur county, i Oregon, and which aald mortgage la recorded In book 'Q,' page S87, of th Record of Real Mortgage for Malheur county, Oregon, and for all other relief demanded In aald crosa complalnt. You are further notified that this Sommone I mrved upon you by pub-( Ileal Ion In purauanre of an order of the Hon. Dalton Biggs, Judge of thla Court, which said order )gaa made and enured In aald aause on the 29d day of May, 1916, and directed that; thla summons he published one each week for six consecutive weeks In the Ontario Argus, commencing with , tha Issue of May 25th, 1916 The first publication of this sum mons Is May 25th. 1916. and the last publication Is on July 6th, 1916. Mcculloch wood. Attorneys for cross-complainant, A I. Cockrum, trustee, and the First National Bank of Ontario, Oregon. NOTICE. Notice I hereby given that the partnership heretofore axlstlug be tween A. B. Winter and C. H. Trous dale Is hereby dissolved. A. B. Wlnt i.i will collect all bills owing the firm und pay all debts owed by the firm. C. H. TROUSDALE, A. B. WINTER Da i,id Ontario, Ore., May 20, 1916. 21-25 NOTICE OF HHUItlFK'H SALE IN KOKECIXaSl'KK. By virtue of an execution in fore closure duly Issued by the clerk of the circuit court for Malheur county, and state of Oregon, dated the 6th day of May, 1916, in a certain action in the circuit court for said county and state, wherein L Belle Leea, at plaintiff recovered Judgment against Emory Cole and Barbara Cole for the sum of Three Thousand Fifty-five Dollars, with interest thereon at the rate of 10 per cent per annum from tha 13th day of January, 1914; and the further sum of Three Hundred Dollars, attorney fees; and the furth er sum of twenty-three and 20-lut) dollars, costs; Notice is hereby given, That I will on the 10th day of June, 1916, at the hour of 1!:00 In the fonnnn of said day at the main entrance door of the court house in Vale, Malheur county, Oregon, sell at public auc tion to the highest bidder, or bidders, for cash, the .following described real property, to-wlt: Lot ten (10) In block four (4) in the original town (now City) of On tario, Malheur county, Oregon; Taken and levied upon as the pro perty of the aald above named de fendants, Emory Cole and Barbara i Cole, or as much thereof aa may be necessary to satisfy the said Judg ment In favor of L. Belle Leea and against the aald above named defen dants, with intereat thereon, together witli all costs that have or may ac crue. Dated at Vale, Oregon, this 9th liEUAI, NOTH'MH. day of May, 1918. BEN J. BROWN, Sheriff. By ROSS A. 80WARI), Deputy. Ftrat publication May 11, 1919; last publication June 8, 1918. NOTICE OF HIINBIFF'H HALE IN FOKCLOHCHK By virtue of an execution in fore closure duly Issued by the' clerk of the circuit court for Maihear county and tato of Oregon, dated the 6th day of' May, 1916, in a oertain action In the circuit court for Malheur county and state of Oregon, wherein Msry J. Hallock, as plaintiff, recov ered Judgment against William John son and Mabel M. Johnson, his wife, for the sum of Flftoon Hundred Dol lars, with interost thereon from the 3rd day of December, 1913, at the rate of 8 per cent per annum; and t no further sum of One Hundred Fifty Dollars, attorney feea; and the further sum of Twenty-threo and 20-100 Dollars, costs; Notice Is hereby given, that I will on the 10th day of June, 1916, at the hour of 11:16 a. m. of said day, at the main entrance door of the court house In Vale, Malheur county, Oregon, sell at public auction to the highest bidder, or bidders, for cash, the following described real proper ty, to-wlt; Th NV of th NK of th 8EK of Sac. 20, Twp. 18 8. R. 47 E. W. M. in Malheur county, Oregon; Taken and levied upon aa the pro perty of the aald above named de fendants, William Johnson and Mali bl M. Johnson, or aa much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy the said Judgment In favor of Mary J. Hallock and against the said defend ants, with Interest thereon, togeth er with all coata that have or may accrue. Dated at Vale, Oregon, this 9th day of May, 1916. ' BEN J. BROWN, Sheriff. By ROBS A. BOWARD, Deputy, Flrat publication, May 11, 1919; laat publication, June 9, 1911. NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SAI.C IN FORECLOSURE. By virtu of an execution In fore closure duly Issued by th clerk of th circuit court for Malheur county and state of Oregon, dated tha 6th day of May, 1916, in a certain action in the circuit court for aald county and state, wherein C. R. Emison, exe cutor of th estate of Mary N. Emi son, deceased, as plaintiff, recovered Judgment against Sanford N. Emi son and Eva A, Emtsop, husband and wife; N. J. Mlnton and Effle L. Mm ton, husband and wife; W. J. Turn er and Marie Turnar, husband and wife; J. W. Cook anil Maggie Cook, husband and wife; D. M. John, uu married; John It. Kannedy and Jane Dee Kennedy, husband and wife, for the sum of Three Thousand Dollars, with Interest thereon at the rate of 8 pr cent per annum from March 16, 1914; and the further sum of Three Hundred Dollars, attorney feea; and the further sum of Thirty-two and 70-100, costs. Notice Is hereby given, that I will on the 10th day of June, 1916, at the hour of 11:30 a. m. of aald day, at the main entrance door of the court house In Vale, Malheur county, Oregon, aell at public auction to the highest bidder, or bidders, for cash. the following described property, to wlt: Lots 1, S, I, 4, 6, 9, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 12, and 14 in block one (1) of Taylor's addition to the town of Nyssa, Malheur county, Oregon; Taken and levied upon aa the pro perty of the said above named de fendants, or as much thereof aa may be necessary to satisfy the aald Judg ment In favor of C. R Emison, exe cutor of the estate of Mary N. Eml sou, deceased, with Interest thereon, together with all cost and disburse ments that have or may accrue. Dated at Vale, Oregon, thla 9th day of May, 1916. BEN J. BROWN, Sheriff lly ROSS ASOWARD, Deputy. First publication. May 11, 1916; last publication, June 8, 1916. SUMMONS. In the circuit court of the State of Oregon, In and for Malheur Coun ty Ersktne Wood, 1'lalutlff. TS. J. O. Scrltchfield, Minnie Scrltch flnld. his wife A . Kugers, siiriutlmes known as A. Q Koi gers, an unmarried man, C. II. Sargen', Clara K Sargent, hi arlfa, Mary E. Burnett, an unt'ii'iruJ woman. Sa'iiit.i I inter, an unmar ried woman, Dortou D. Hunter, Ida Hunter, his wife, Olive P. Hunter, an unmarried woman, A I Russell, Ray Russell, her hatband, Henry R. Flack and Ci.iih-Vi Flack, his wife, Puyet'o Nation 1 Bank of Payette, Idaho, a cor poration and clay M. Stearns, as ai'uiin. irator of the estate of K H Hunter, deceased. Defendants. To the defendants, J. O. Scrltch field, Minnie Scrltchfield, A. O. Rog ers, Sometimes known as A.U.Rod ger, C. H. Sargent, Clara K. Bar I l . l. NOTICES. gent, Mary E. Burnett, Sahlna Hunt er, Dorton D. Hunter, Ida Hunter, Olive P. Hunter, Alice S. Russell. Ray Russell, Henry R. Flack, Cor nelia Flack and Payette National Bank of Payette, Idaho, a corpora tion. In the name of the state of Ore Ore eon: You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above en titled suit on or before June 16, 1916, salr' date being more than six weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons and be ing the time proscribed for such ap pearance by the order of publication entered herein; and, If you fall to so appear and answer for want there- I of, plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in hi com plaint, namely, vlt. That he have and recover of and that there be found due plaintiff from the defendants, J. O. Scrltch field. A. O. Rogofs. sometimes I known aa A. Q. Rodger. C. H. Sar gent and Mary E. Burnett, on ao I count of the first cause of suit set I forth therein, the following sums, namely: 84000.00, with Interest at the rata of eight per cent per an Inum from May first, 1916; 1300.00, ! at attorney's fee; 916.66, for 1914 taxes paid by plaintiff, with Intereat at the rate of eight per cent per iiniiiu from March 13, 1916, and hit i costs tnd disbursements herein; that 'his mortgage, dated April 26, 1912, j recorded In Book "O", at page 99 I 9 seq., of the mortgage records of 'Malheur County, Oregon, b declar ed a valid, prior and subllstlng lien i for the sum or sums which may be . found due plaintiff from said mort I gagora herein upon that certain real i property In Malhur County, Oregon, 'described aa tha south halt of th Routheaat quarter of the northeaat quarter of section nineteen, town lahip eighteen south of range forty (seven east of the Willamette Meri dian, and upon certificate No. 1614, for ten share of the capital stock of the Owyhee Ditch Co. That he have and recover of and from tha defendants, J. O. Scrltch field. A. O. Rogert. C H. Sargent land Mary E. Burnett, the following 'sums, namely: 99600.00, with Inter est at tha rate of eight per cent per j annum from May flrat 1915; 93,00.00 attorney's fee; 916.45 for 1914 tax paid by plaintiff, with Interest at the rata of eight per cent pr an num from March 13, 1916, and hla ! ooata and disbursements herein that ! plaintiff mortgage recorded In I Book "O" at pagea 104 at I spq,, of the official mortgage records Ior Malheur County. Oregon, be de clared a valid, prior and superior Han for the sums decreed due plain tiff from aald mortgagors on ao coouut of the note and mortgage act forthln In the second cause of ftjH upon that certain real properly ' In Malheur County. Oregon, more fully described as tha north half of 'southeast quarter of the northeaat ! quarter of section nineteen, town I thlp eighteen south, range forty I aeven eaat of the Willamette inert I dlan, and upon Certificate No. 1613 for ten shares of tha capital atock of the Owyhee Ditch Ot That aald mortgage be foreclos ed and the property covered thereby be told by the sheriff of Malheur County, according to law and the practice of thla court, and that plaintiff be permitted to purchase said property, or any part thereof, upon execution sale by said sheriff; that the proceeds of the sale of the property Involved In the first cause ot suit be applied. First, to the pay ment of the costs and expensea of suit and sale; Secondly, to the pay ment of the amounts decreed due any of them, ou account of said cause of suit; and thirdly, that any balance be paid to the clerk of this court to be by him disbursed as by plaintiffs from the defeudents or law provided; that the proceeds ot the sale of the property luvovled In the second cause of suit be ap plied, first, to the payment of th costs and expenses of suit and sale; secondly, to the payment of the amounts decreed due plaintiff from the defendants, or any of them un der said cause of suit; and thirdly, that any balance be paid to the clerk of this tourt to be by him disbursed as by bw provided; That the defendants, and each and all of them, and all those claiming or to claim said property be barred i und foreclosed of all right, title or Interest In said property, or any part j thereof, save and except the statu-; tory right of redemption, and for such further relief aa to the court may seem proper. This summons Is served upon you by publication thereof by oii the Hon Dalton Biggt, a Judge of the above entitled court, which order was made and entered herein on the Ifta luy of April. 1916 The date Of first publication of this summons is May 4. 1916; the date of the last publication, thereof is June IS, 1916. WOOD, MONTAQUB & HUNT and J. W. McCULLtn il Attorneys for Plaintiff. 0. S. L. TIME TABLE Westward No. Le e 17 Oregon Wash. Lid 4-, 2 a m. 7 0 Huntington pony ! 95 . . m 19 Oregon Wash Exp. :33 p. n 5 Fast Mall 9:1. p. ,.. East u art' 18 Oregon Wa,i Lti.. ? 61 i. m. 76 Boise Pony 8:6i a.m. 4 Eastern Eipre- . i2:0 p. m. 8 Oregon Wash Exp 9:9 p. m. OREOON MA TF N I .tANCH N.eatuard No. Leave 139 Mixed dail exept Sundry fo' Riverside 12:20p.m. 4l.i. .iRO'.AN miAM'll Westward No. Leave 141 Mlx"-i Vn.e Brogan Dady except Sunday 10:00 n. m. 9'' P. Ma, ale dally 7:00 p m Baetward 140 Mtxfd from Riverside daliy except Sunday 12-01p m 98 Pas, from Vale, dully 8:40 a. m 1 42 Mixed from Rrogan ft vale daily except Sunday 3 30 p m. The HoniRdnle train leave Nyssa at 1:30 p. m. on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, returning ame day, prlvlig r.t O.iUrin .- 5:?0 p. m SAFETY 'Safety flrat" was the motto and practice of this tumlc long before those words became the Hlogau of the large transportation companies. Service to the public is not a theory, but a daily practice with us. Tut your money where safety is the first consideration and avail yourself of our service. ONTARIO NATIONAL BANK Safety Deposit Boxos " PARK PRODUCE Cifc We are here prepared to buy your Hogs, Veal, Hides, Poultry, Eggs, Etc. MARKET PRICE I am for Fruitland, Idaho GRAHAM PARK, Prop. Telephone 37 I Fruitland Fruitland, Idaho Carpets and Rugs On or ibout tluiH' Id 1 will be prepared t make you rftg CtUTWtl Ot ru. any file up to nine Coot wide in vorioui pottetno, Also will install inacliin-r, fa) olOaVD all yoUt OMpOtl :"tl rns. Locatcii one doot oaot of U, B. Plumb iiig & lli-utiiitf Company, daho Ave. E. C. KUEPPER, Prop. The Mitchell 6 of '16 Is the Greatest Car Value the World has ever Known ONTARIO REA1 MEN! All men look neater and feel better when their clothing Is neatly cleaned nnd pressed. We do all kind of dyeing, ' cleaning, pressing and repair Ing. I - You can always tell our pa trons by their appearance o the streii. clothing may not tnakJi thn man, hut keeping It cleaned nnd pressed make him a deal. . more attractive to his fellow men and to tho ladles. Our prices are so reasonable they are only an Incident. ONTARIO PRESSARY AM) TAILOR SHOP AHT 1)1 NM (K. fro. Thon I J SERVICE Savings Account , A PAID IN CASH ESTATE CO.. Agfs.