PERSONAL-LOCAL Mrs. Kdti.-i Crlfflth lias gone to the Jolin Day county. Fred Itnllny Is baling and shipping lil crop of hay. Charles McCounell was over (rum Nyssa this week. .1. It I.Hiitry has rliiirgc of work trnl n a ' t of Vale. Mr i urkruiii mill u business trip to BolM last week. J. I'r.ili r was Visiting fronds lu Hnlier tills i MB. I It Conklin has gom la Pert" land on insliuiss trip. Martin Soil" - hipped two i i Dnrtr Saturday. .lr and Mrs A. A. Wright wire Visitors to lliikiT hist week. A daughter WM horn to Mr mul Mrs. 0. F. Cox on the- third. A. A Huberts wbb registered at the Carter from Jtintura this week. Mrs. Hull, of Hope, was a guest of Mrs Walter filenn last week. Mrs Willluin Jones and Katy have gone to Portland to see tho roses James Lawrence was here Mondin on his wn home from the outsldo. Mrs. Cayou came down from Vale Wednesday morning for a short visit. Mr Inn, ran ll homo from Corbet! where ho hss been teaching school. The Mioses I'latt, Orrntt nnd Jus tin" Clark auto. mI to BolM V. dm day. Conductor I.loyd has a work train Wtel of Ontario distributing In ,.i. .. Miss tlludys Ilrlacoii ol '. the guest of Miss I,oah Hciison overi,.lin,v Jrdsn Valley should not Sunday Tuesday will be Flag day. Kvery one come and see the girls lu the flag drill. I' l' and M I. Joyce, the aheep men, have beeu here several days of this week Mrs. Fisher la home from Port land, where she went to visit with lior sister Mrs. Cayou entertained the llrldge rlub nt Mrs Printing's on Wednes day afternoon. Miss Ethel Duncan is among the graduates at the Monmouth normal school this term. Mis. Ilenson made a trip to Wels er Tuesday. Mr elttenhlller was here this week, returning from a trip to Port land and Spokane. The Itiilherford brothers of Iron sides shipped two curs of horses to Caldwell Saturday. 1 inn-he Sweet will appear lu the "Secret orchard" M Wednesday ev UlUK at the Dreamland. Mi- Keatoli went to N'.impa .at rite) her duughter has MM isltniK for isiTnl days She re turned Tuesday. J II lienii on is on a trip to the Twin Falls section in Ills unto .if romp. inied hi Win i at i" nti i Miss Pureed was a passenger to llrugaii Wednesday in ilsit with rel atives lu the Malheur section. The Cold Storage people are ar ranging to reciue i ream. Thc will represent the III. Iwood cninpain Mrs. Drudy and Mi- llronki.i. ware to N ruesda) to rlait with their sist. i, Mr! M H Ileum who reieiilly lum-d to that pi. n . Churh Pi tit on it. .1 Qaorga Van t win' HUMM Caldwell Tin daj ti attend t J I I '. 1 red PlllabBrj on his way to l.a I lool, ami h Schl nut and child; for Iowa on i t,, m.ii.e Ui i i.i bar mot is ten to look .lilt 1 Ills trip to tie. He li'iiiul POWDtJt Absolutely Pure Made from Cream of Tartar NO ALUM-NO PHOSPHATE Lv r I William Karniuu will he the Fox star on Monday tr-tenieg In "The Wonderful Adventure" at the Dream-hind. Conductor Iteady and wife are Portland nt the ROM show and In N. K. llunce Is now lu train. charge of the J. H. Illackahy Is In Portland this week looking after business. There are several meetings of bankers there is going to he full of sur- nrlses for the M,.t,v .,.i stunts will lie pulled where least ex pected C. I) I'rntt of Welser nnd Mr Young nt ;i l-, were here Tuesday nrranglng for the auto show to he held nevt week. W. II. Sherwood Is stlli suffering front the injuries to Ills slnnilder re celved some time ngo when he got tangled up with a horse. Miss Kva Vnnderhoof has resigned her position with lloyer Hro It Is tood site contemplates a chunge of climate to the Idaho coun try Mrs. I, It CnrncMx has taken a long loase on the Farley rooms and will move here front I'ocnlello. w here she haa been for the past two years Postmaster Oregg Is In Portland this week attending the convention nf the postmasters of the state and Incidentally looking over the roses 0 W. Mailed has a very good first crop of hay this year and lias wild Hie whole cutting for the year at six dollars, measure thirty days after i titling. What Is the matter with organizing MM more of the tax payers of the In compelled to fight the whole bat tle alone. The directors of the Warm Springs Irrigation district met at Vale Tues- day and organized by electing James aaya the high price of metal has caus llarvey as president and John Illgby i ed a big revival of interest In the aa clerk. tine mine. Mr. and Mra. Claude Allen and I Fred Flak, of Parma, and Attorney Mrs Hargrove, of Welser, were guests Scatterday of Caldwell were here of Mr and Mrs. Ixiuls Kroessln, Jr., Monday to close up a real estate deal. on Sunday. Mrs. Allen Is s sister of Mrs Kroeasln. (lit Martin was here Tuesday shaking hands with friends. He aaya the frost did not do much damage to fruit In the Council section and they will have quite a lot of good fruit. J 8. II, mud. lie Wheeler was here from' last week Mr. Wheeler is Interested in an irrigation propo- sit ion to take water out of Sucker creek and use it on lands In Idaho mul Oregon. Itev. C H Powell finds It neces- sary to change Episcopal services In the Masonic hall next Hunduy from morning to evening. The services will therefore be held at h p m . to , whlc, u) uro cordlsll) luvlted (iletiii shipped two carloads , of hots.s to laldwell for the sale this week. E. W Van Valkenburg Is home, trom trip to the Harney country I where he went to look after business He says he was followed by old man hard luck all the way and did not do much good Ad. Simons was a visitor to Monday to boost for the auto show. He found lui im - much Improved at BoUl and the dealers all l.llsv, hut clitliu l. olio mil the unto show to he In Id here. He wus accompanied I hj t 0 I'oiU-'' Put Coliniaii was here troiu llio l.l WO I .il nt no. ppl&i to Portland. He plenty ot tnll oil the hill i. mud limn. in. hut Hint on the lOW la i I I i i. jui ' ii MM iMar, rjrlfflU si MM from ., trii ,,, ,,. ,,,,!,, v.,lle and Hem,. l.,.K IhloiiKh Hums ami Hu ll part ol tin - i ounti llt- ii, I ah. ml all I he old timers he ever knew In that country. was a i ai load of . i hipped LB here lust wek from ninth era Mate with 1M freight charges on n There are many carload ol produce gotag ,u mn a would BUkte excellent v in Hums Orchestra will he tit i '! iinUuid tins arealng Thai it.- talented musi ii. his ami will he glad to see u.u in 1 h.s an our Ill'IKhlii I iii-ui a Inert) wi-i mine teat liardiier. of the Malheur Home TelophOBl cotiip.iuy. i- tak ug i. nation He slatted out and look three days getting to l'oc.ilello lie BBBOeta to spend inost ol liis time mei lean forks The lannly is w uli him. There baa beea aatHaM advance da in tin- Ontario post oftice.The departmeai has aotifled Poatmaatai ;k tliut hi.s salury will he aiUaiii- 1 another hiiudii-d dollars the first of July, owiug to the increased re-. ceipts of the office Then was an aiUauce of two hundred lust -.u ' This certainly shows a very good i.iiiditiou of progress for the com 1 uiunily. The nana boys have rented the opera house for a year and are busy fitting It up. The floor has been pinned nnd sandpapered and the walla are being rotinted. The first dance wilt be held there by the band on Saturday evening. Thursday and Friday there will be , '"1J' autos h" on display. Look them over Hrlng In your dinner for tte community picnic on Friday hear the speech of Monroe Smock ' Me w"" onP "f ,l"' '",,r l",('"tM to Kitrope with Henry Cord W. T t.atnpkln Is la Portland this week attending the Masonic grand lodge K (! Iliilley Is nt the grand chapter anil Mr. and Mrs I.oi-.m IN representing at the Eastern Stnr grand oldge. They will probably find time to "fa some of Hie MM Show. Miss Iltihy Fen wick, who gradual ed from the high here this year, has received the appoint tnent of primary teacher In the Jordan Valley school Miss Fenwlck will leave In a short time for Monmouth for the ; uuiiuer course. The case of the Owyhee drainage district, came up before the court Tuesday for hearing, but no decision waa arrived at. There is some op position to the proposition and some of the lands are being drained by private ditches. Iinncnn Mcltne was here Saturday from his Riverside ranch. He says they are rushing work on the rail rond and have about all the grading done hut a short cut. They are making good headway on the bridges and will soon have another section ready for traffic. The funeral of William Mink was held las! Friday, the delay being ner-esaai-y to allow a brother, Frank, to arrive from Missouri. Mr. Mink Is from the same section of Missouri as Jake Oregg nnd others here, lie Mr. Scatlerdny said that business was much improved around Caldwell dur Ing the past ninety days and that there Is now considerate Inquiry for lands. There is going to be tome buildings erected there this season Miss Inet Weaver was married to W. W. Howard, on Sunday at the country home of Mr. and Mrs. John Weaver. lte Ilrown. officiating There were some thirty guests pres cut a wedding dinner was ..cried snd the newly weds left for a short 'honeymoon In Hie Ironsides country. where the parents of the bride re- side. Mlas Weaver has spent most of her life with Iter uncle's family and taught In the city school here last year, giving her a rery wine cir cle of friends. Mr. Howard has been l.. . . . a .... the rarra adviser here tor some time Their frlenda will give them a hearty reception on their return. r'r'"'k UMbbbI is slartliig out ' P"f,v for "' P' ",,,dB of Neade end will later go to Hi Hart- lett's Springs and Chlco. He will be accompanied by Mrs. Iiveland and their granddaughter, Herbert Iticker, wife and child, John Thomp son, wife and two girls and Arthur Itoblns and wife. They expect to be gone several months. The rcpuMlcaua are lu si-.- Ion at Chicago lot the purpose of miming t inesideut of the I'tllted States. II tiK hes seems to have the following, ut it is thought that UooHi-velt has enough .strength to again defeat the nominee of the party thut has so honored him. It is kaOWB that M is again de: IK ev erything within his power to get the mm in. it,, ,ii, hut he lucks uuy g.eui following umoug tho delegates, and It Is dolllitlul if the people would elect him. even If hi.s nominal .on was forced Too many still remember Ills wrecking the party unit country four year ago, .... V l.l t II. . Miss Agues Aiiudon was vlsltiug her uuut, Mrs. Geo. Wright ut Weiser last Week tirundiiiu Raaa went to Ktiiniett, . i s.ituidai in n.sii lier son. Sin- WM at lompai.U'd hy Miss l.olu i . Mr and Mi I i., John OB enter la lied Rev. Philip Kaeall and fam H and Mr. Kled MolU-nsou and lumtly ut dinner Sunday All our uighlli grude pupils passed with high honors, thanks to the uu tiring effort! of their ten ii, Mi.-s lalna Vou Ife.nli n Mrs. A. ii. h'rasier was visiting Mrs Tuylor lust Stnui.ii Mi and Mrs Wy lie Frakes are n tiding a few days visiting relatues in l'.iette i ud ihilario before start ing on their trip overland to Colo rate II. Ofts and funiily lire nuely set- "! In their new Iniligulow I coiuideted hy Minster Brothers of Ou lat'ii Mr. und Mrs. c K. Hees entertain ed Mr. und Mrs. Thomas Keuuedy w - ' aasaW. sfl Dodge Brothers MOTOR CAR This Car will be on Exhibiton at the Auto Show June 15, 16, 17 You are cordially invited to investigate the merits of these cars. Deliveries and orders will be taken at that time. PRATT AUTO CO., Weiser. Idaho H. E. YOUNG. Vale. Oregon and family, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur King, Mrs Duress and Misses I,lizle aed Sarah Duress to Sunday dinner. Mrs. W. O. Armstrong and Mrs. Chas Johnson were on Mrs. J Hn tow last Wednesday afternoon Rai ' 0. ITatt preached at the school Itj'ise last Tuesday ventug. Mr A il Kr.isler waa or the sick list a lew days last week. Mr.' vViii 8. Dees was vl 'tint Mrs J cor to Hart at Vale las'. Moud.i'. Mrs. W. O. Armstrong tptf. Fri day i :i minion visiting Mrs it oft A i n'-d many Valley at let ne.l lourt ut Vule Moui'uv a:.d Tuesday. Thomss Kennedy and family of llotilevurd have moved on the C. K Keea ranch. Mrs. C. K. Amldon and Grsnditiu Reee vlsUd Mrs. tius Iteicli Friday afternoon. Miss Una Armstrong fs visiting her sister at Numpa this week. Preaching Sunday, June 11, at three thirty by Hev. D. K. Uaker. THE PAID LOCAL ADVERTISEMENTS I.OST--Hetween Ontario aud fish, liutchi ry one-fingered Haunt h-t mlt-l i.ii limli kindly return to III Moore Ontario. 23 l-'tllt SAI.K Hiding and drivlug pony with guod buggy and harness, prices right. Phone :.'! N .'. WANTED A second girl to ea st with housework. Plume 0 N L' 'Hj to $1500.00 to loan on , improved farms My own money No deluy. 0 I Curmau, P. O, Vale MKIi Al.oul inn pins to 'J Bilk old, Will pay good plln A.! dress or call P Coleman, llrogun, Or There Will be Reduced Kates To OGDEN June 12 and Via "A Good Road" For the Interniountain (it tod Roads Convention Consult any agent of " I in- liooil Koail" I'lano Tuning A. R. Mccarty, an aipert piano tuner Is permanently lo cated at nysse. AH work guaran teed. I'nene Hj. 14tf Good second hand bile for sale, cheap. McCulloch. Dulck automo Euuulre J. w lltf. For rent, 8 room brick house, mod ern, central, on Main street. W. II. iloollltk- totf TO TRADE For Ontario or coun try property 11200 real estate mort gage drawing eight per cent, first class security or will discount for cash. See Turner, the Insurance If anyone wants washing or Iron ing done at their homes call at the Peoples Pressery. 20. 2S FOR SALK Shelled and ear corn. Feed barley in bulk. J. Duuphy, one and oue-half miles southwest of On tario SOtf FOR SALE Five share of Owy hee Ditch stock, for particulars see i Mitiouagill Sl-2pd WANTED Tenant for forty acres near Parmu under government ditch. Write for full particulars. II Schefer, 836 Henry Uldg., Seattle, Wash. BJ WTKD A girl housework on raaeh. dress at Argus office. for general Leave ud- I-'OK SAI.K- ! and fe. t ol 2 inch chickens, also wooden pipe. U. I. Moore, half mile west of fuir gTOU MOM in l.o.tN IMPROVED DIM III -s. W. J. PIX.VKV, o. TAMO, OJjUDQOH. niif 13 The Oregon Short Line (I'niou Pacllic Sysleni) Vou can stay until Juue lth. if desired. Agood time was had byaW 4,' rTOXytinnve TDUxead tKis sentence tKinky METRO PICTURES The Best theatres shovtLem TLeBest people see theme fsk your theatre BKT "Tm. yir Vw " V 'aT "-o- Overland ll model, nowly ml. si and '.i nt. d. Hull leas than .".000 miles. New I 1500 Hi. truck owrhuuled and painted Stoddurd Ha.tiiii, guitruiitet d for one J ear. Ami others. Sepne's Garage Bailed Hav First Cutting F. S. BAILEY Telephone r Vlat ll r M& j ML SsSsKSSaS. mm