The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, June 08, 1916, Image 1

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ie dhttoto tm.
vol.. ao
Map Shows Sheep Raising
and Lumber Inter
efts Humming
BahKon's map of tin- country,
showing change In business condi
tion Mince a month ago, Indicate
that the yellow zone of prosperity
has moved westerly from the eastern
bortMl f Oregon and Washington
to nearer the central portion of
these state. Itovlval of mining, bet
ter time In the sheep Industry, con
tinued forward trend of the lumher
Industry, Increased sale In all linen
and nrtlvltle In shipbuilding on tide
water are ascribed aa the reasons,
giving hope that It will reach the
coast line within another month.
To the rilliena of the City of On On
tareo: Whereas by executive proclamation
of the president of the United States
and of the governor of thla atate,
Wednesday, the 14th day of June,
haa bean eat apart and designated aa
"Flag Day."
Therefor I ask the cltlien of the
City or Ontario, that on said day, be
tween the hour of ten o'clock a. in
ami twelve o'clock m , they forego
their usual avocations and ensemble
In the city parlfVhere In ob
Of the spirit of tan occasion a SUIta-
ble program will f presented and I
trm ' 1 will Insplr
with a reuew-
d fciiltv to our 00
flag and a
deep. 1 reverence
e government
kt It represent.
vk witness whreof
ave hereunto
ti.v Inn
ri if
hand and cau
the aeal of
Ontario to
fflxed thla
f June. 191
Ity 'iv-yder:
F i
The railroad graders are hero and
working on the Improvements plan
ned for the local yards.
The plana seem to be aubject to
changes, but from hat we van learn
the paaalng track I to be extended
south 2,000 feet. Thla will require
quite a fill aud the teams are now
busy with this work.
The centre of the yards south of
the depot are to he graded up level
and new tracka laid the full length
The ditch through the yards la being
covered and the grading will be start
ed In a few days.
There are other tracks to be plac
ed, for the better bundling of the
business here. A public loading
track and a storage track for the ex
tra equipment are planned
There la to be a large water tank
placed near the stock yards and the
water piped to the depot grounds
and buildings.
It ill he noted that all the Im
provements are being made In the
south end of the yards, although
they could be made In the northern
1 ml at much less expense.
No announcement haa been made
regarding the round houses and ma
chine shops and probably will not
be until the Oregon & Eastern la
completed to Bendier aud a new train
schedule inaugurated.
The run to Bendier will be ao long
that it w.ll hardly be possible for
one of the crews to do the Ilomcdalc
buslneaa, ao that some change will
be neoeaaary there and it may be
possible that the Vale train will
make the run to Emmett and also
look after the run to Uoinedale.
Some of the heavy aleel has ar
rived for the line from here to Vale
and thla work will be started In a
few days.
With theae aeveral crews busy,
hen- for .--.-veral week there will !
quite a payroll.
iMox mi:kii.
G. I,. Tufts, Ph. D., will addreaa a
union meeting In the United Presby
terian church Sunday evening at
o'clock. He will dlacuas the "Out
nay of Heat In Seven," proposition to
be voted on In November. This
touches the Uvea of barber and many
other business men and has aroused
large interest among them. Come
and bear the discussion.
Urged Change in Constitu
tion to Borrow Money
on School Fund
Salem, Ore., Juno 2. Governor
Withyronihe ald beforo the itato
convention of farmera' union at
Friend, Ore., he would urge Its mi'in
hers to drnft and Initiate a constitu
llonal nnirndment that will permit
the stnte land hoard to borrow mon
ey on the school securities and loan
It to farmera at five per cent Inter
est. Such a plan la feasible, and would
in hi.- cheap money to the farmers
sooner Hum any other, he explained.
The school fund Is now loaned on
farm property at 6 per cent, and no ,
loan I made In exceaa of one-third I
the value of the property, he aald.
The loan total approximately 16,-;
000,000; the state la the holder of 1
securities of this value, and ho de
clares that he I strongly In favor,
of a constitutional amendment that
will permit the atate to borrow
money on them, and loan It to the
farmera. While the plan would
necessitate a reduction of the In
terest rate on the school fund to R
per cent, provision could be made
for Ita compensation from the In
terest obtained from loam made
with funds derived by hypothecating
the school fund securities, he aald.
The city council held their meet
ing Monday evening and disposed of
the routine of officers reports and
paying bills.
There waa petition foT conAtV
tlon with the sewer from the resi
dents of block 38 and after some dis
cussion, the petition was granted on
payment of the same amount per lot
aa the other aectlona benefitted by
the same lateral were assessed, and
doing the work of connecting up with
their lots.
Some new cement cross walks are
to be laid on Nevada avenue at Vir
tue and, Hlchardaon streets.
The marshal was Instructed to
have the ordinance published regard
ing livestock In the city and to see
that the law was strictly Inforced.
Boise, Idaho, June LV Boise re
called its mayor, J. W. Hohinsou, aud
Councilman K V Eichelberger here
yesterday, S II. Hays being elected
mayor by a majority of 136, and
William Stevens councilman by a
majority of tl An unusual heavy
toic was poleld, interest running
high In the city the last two daya of
the campaign. The new officera will
t.ike their placea as soon as the vote
is officially canvassed. Charges of '
incompetent police administration
were largely responsible for the re-1
Aa there haa been a great many
complaints of stock being stake, I mil
on the street I wish to call your ut
tentlon to Sec. 1 of ordiuauce No.
IM which reads as folio wa:
no horses, mules, cattle, sheep
swine or goats shall be allowed to
run at large, or to be herded, or
staked out in any streets, allies,
parks, or public places in Hie City
of Ontario, except when being driv
en through for shipment or other
purposes and no such animal or ani
mals shall be allowed to graze or
stand ou uuy of the public streets
of the city, provided, however, that
no such animal or animals shall be
led or driven along the streets of
the City of Ontario, except by a per
son or persons capable of controliug
said animals.
Hereafter any animal or animals
found on the street in violation of
this ordiuauce will be impounded.
H. C. FARMER, City Marshal.
Tlie people of Ontnr'.o are preparing to entertain you during On
coming week and also to make It worth your while to come here ami
buy what you need for the next several month at prices much lower
than good can he purchased at any other town.
There la a general revival of business all over the United States,
there I alno a general Idea that the war 1 going to be brought to a close
before the end of the year and there Is cause for genuine rejoicing
throughout the land.
Thla movement Is a national one and progressive cities In all the
states of the union are making the coming week the greatest one of the
year for tholr community.
We are giving a few of the event that are going to be pulled off next
week, hut there will be many surprise for you.
Come In and see the Flag Day exercise and atay all week. It will he
full of Interest for you and It will pay you.
The auto parade and show Is going to be attended by auto agents
from as far east a Pocntello, will Include those of Boise, Caldwell, Nya,
Vale, Payette, Welsor, Baker and La Grande, which Include agencies for
all the leading car and will give those Interested In car an opportunity
to see the several makes lined up together, and an opportunity to study
their merits.
Doc Yack has been Invited to attend and has consented to bring his
wonderful machine and back It against the field.
The community picnic will draw 11 crowd, and all should come out
with their basket and Join In the throng. Take a day off to meet your
nelghors and get acquainted with all the people here from your native
The address by P. Monroe Smock Is sura to be a gem. He haa a
wonderful command of language, splendid Ideas, and will give you some
thing to think about.
Mayor W E. (Ionian, chairman.
Hand music.
Invocation Rav. Philip Koenlg.
Singing by audience "America"
Addreaa Hon. Da lion Biggs
Flag Drill Miss Nellie PlatU Girls
Plat Raising "Star Spangled
Auto Show anil Demon! ration All Day.
10 a. m. Auto parade.
3:00 p. m. Special movies at Dreamland theatre.
1:00 p. m. Free Prosperity dance at Opera House, music by cele
brated Ontario Orchestra.
Aula HIioh anil Deiiiimstrwllon All Day.
11 m Community picnic dinner In city park, guests to ring basket
Lunches, groups to form by native states, free coffee and Ice
1. p m. Hon. P. Monroe Smock of Idaho will addreaa the people at
the picnic ground.
3 p. m. Special 6c movies at Dreamland theatre.
Joy Program by Aglllac Amusement Aggregation.
Auto Slum Mini Demonstration All Da).
10:00 a. m. Grand automobile parade, everyone to participate.
10:30 a. m. Eire fighting spectacle
1:00 p. m. Preparodnaas parade aud artillery drill.
2:30 p. m. Suffragette crusader's mobilisation.
3 00 p. m. 6c special moving pictures at Dreamland theatre.
4:30 p. 111 High dive from roof of Moore hotel by Prof. G. Hatalre
8:00 p. m. Grand free carnival dunce Every body In mask cos
tume. Opera house. Minic by celebrated Outarlo orchestra.
by the band.
Boys Play Good Ball and
Are Well Enter
tained. On Saturday, June 3, 1916 the On
tario Boy Scouts gathered at the
City hall at one o'clock to go to Pay
ette In automobiles to play baseball
and attend a "feed" in the evening.
They wore scheduled to play the
wet side team of Payette and the
Fruit In ml team. The team wa much
strengthened by the acquisition of
Gramse at third base. The west
side team failed to show up and for
fe ted the game to Ontario. Ontnrlo
il.i"d liugl) well and defeated
Fruit land t2 to 4. After this there
was an exhibition game between
Washoe and the Y. M. C. A. team of
Payette, which Washoe won. five to
four. Before the game there was
a large parade through the business
section of town of the boys from the
different town.
After the games the boys went up
to the Y. M. C. A. building where
they played various gsmes until the
banquet was ready.
It waa a very fine feed. After
the banquet, Mr. Newman of the Pay
ette Y. M C. A. Invited them on their
annual "hike" to the mountains.
After the bsnquet the boy returned
home In time for the concert In the
evening, all In high spirits.
The Junior league pennant was
won by the Payette Y. M. C. A. team
the other teams finished In the fol
lowing order, Frultlsnd, Ontario.
Waahoe and the West Side team or
The Ontario lineup was as follews:
Zimmerman, cf; Gramse, 3b; Lamp
kin, lb; Newton, as; Biggs 2b; Mr
Moore, p; 8. Moore, If; P. Doane rf.
Madden, e.
The lineup was the same aa prev
ious sac for the absence of Donnan,
Within the year ending May 1 the
deposits in all the banks in Oregon
increased 112,698,000, a gain of
more than 10 par cent. While this
ih.reaee is very gratifying there is
one feature of It that merits partic
ular attention, namely, the very
large gain since early spring.
I According to the report of the su
perintendent of hanks, made public
last week, the increase from March
7 to May 1 (statements were called
toi on these dates) waa $8 Ha, 000 ,
lain in these two mouths was nearly to the gain of the previous;
ten mouths. A large part of It is
credited to lint revival of the lumber
industry, still it must be clear to the.
intelligent observer that the increas
ed deposits reflect g marked improve
lliellt II the Co I, .III I, .lis of I. II 11.
gen- lally.
Kay Itamho hopes to he aid. lo
lor htn home sOM
from Bin !..
aide In In- around nSgia
j C Knits' 1 i coin Wants!)
.Mr Caaort is still in a
from eiser ia at
the hospital for a 1
W. II SpuuldiiiK from Wistfull uu
der ,. in . op. rati. 111 on I'm
I is :ii.ili.un
Williams also from W.-i
I pvattal I ruin an operation
lor ippaadltiltls
Frank E S-- h from New I'h
'mouth underwent au operation on
Monday last and In fast recowi ill-
lb airix Btaaaj from Valt k fl
the hospital on Monday last and 1
now staying with relatives 111 town
'I'h s week the sisters are indeled
lo Mr A Munnemaii for a supply el , Mrs. W. H. Brooke for flow
ers, Mrs. Cruiumult for rhubarb, Mr
l..rl: nt ii.i candy and Messrs. Wil
son Bros, for cuudy.
,n and daughter of
Hope were guests of Mrs. Walter
Glenu this week.
Washington County's Por-
tion Will Be Finished
in Next 10 Days
Welser. May 31. The Washington
'county portion of the Idaho-Pacific
I highway, which I a part of the na
tional scheme of highways, connect-
Ing as It doe the Lincoln highway on
the east with the Columbia highway
on the est, will be completed In
about 10 days. There Is a two-mile
; gap yet to be done In Canyon county,
i beginning at Crystal station and as
tending toward Payette. The con
tract for the construction of thl two
mile gap ha been let to Whlttnt A
I Relyoa. They expect to have thla
completed by the Fourth of July, by
which time the state highway from
Boise to Porter's Ferry, five and one
half mile went of Welser, will be In
rull use for traffic Al Porter's
Ferry the Idaho highway connects
I with the Oregon highway to the coast
Stuart M. French of Welser Is the
assistant engineer In charge of the
highway between Welser and I'ayette
I The road Is being made 30 feet be
tween gutter The crown, which la
22 feet wide, Is two feel above the
gutters. The highway In Washing
ton county is being made In a vary
substantial manner Excellent drain
age Is provided, and steel and con
crate brldgea are built over all the
streams necessary to Is crossed.
Bend, Or,, June 1. Wl Off'
rival within the 1
trie motor, tun kjsf la"
of the departments tka s elks
lllx.ui company's plni., ... uud, will
be ready to begin work. This de
partment, to be operated by the
Knapp-cheney company, with galea
offices In Portland, will have an an
nual capacity of 40,000,000 feet. The
factory already haa demands for Ita
product. .,
Walter Mitchell aud Homer Ryder
made a bualuass trip to Malheur
during the week.
Mr. Lulx of Amelia had his back
Injured while working In his placer
claim Floyd llowurd took htm to
Baker to consult a physician
John aud Lew Uoswell went to
Baker to spend decoration day.
Mrs. Itot. Daugherty and family
have moved lo Conner creek where
Mr Daugherty is eiuilne,
Mr Farkhlll took the Thursday
morning stuge out to Baker. Ho
ie. - 1 . return In u short time
Mr John Boswell and son leiuin
ed to their home in Big Bend Satin
Otenhe'maf traveling salea-
111.111 fin I Co , of Hull
i.ake w.. .1 1. 11 laaaa visitor during
the week.
If 111 town dill ing the
week. Thla Is Ills l:i I I hero 111
about lh 1 l v. .11
Mi and Mrs Scl.iippill p
through town on their .i Horn On
tario to li .
Mi- 1 Una Morfltl and Jack I1.1v
is were married in Baker 1'iuiay,
June lad. reluming home the sum.-
rasing K aryona in tin- aoanaiu-
.lug tin 111 a long and hap
By wedded In.- lira. Alice William
mother or the hride entertained a
. ... dinner Bundsy ... i......
or of lh-' In Lie and gloom.
Mrs Irene Wnrahum returned
inline from u rlall to relatives ueur
Mrs. Alice Morfltt rcceiwd word
of the serious illness of her loot her
in-law, Mi. (loo.l, of La tliande Mrs.
Morfitt left immediately to he with
The hall team played al Wi II. ill
Sun.! I '. lo I 9 in
favor of Malheur all hough they had
lo travel over a long, rough road
ed lo enjoy the game
Thure was u social dance given in
the Boswell hall Friday evening
Kveiyouii reports a flue lime
Mrs. Floyd Howard spent Sunday
with her pareuts iu Amelia,