mi a . and private capital." in DrSfOB Instpnd of more J. lit? Iir,ciriO AlKUtS "Dorolopmsat eaa IM oarrlod itaUon , in only OBI of IWO wnya, SOthSf by Wliv not look at tie e QUMUoni Make Life Brighter and The Day's Work Lighter PR0SPE limn I lie standpoint of Riving tho BtorO opiiirUinltlPH for om ploymenl Instead ' more I tlon? labor regulation Ibwb and factory Inspection lawn ever i one ladaatry or gloa ""' hitman lieing emiliiMiient? Kovai nini'iit oxin'i ip and operation M. K. BAIN, PubHshtr, Subscripl mi $1.00 a year Always in advanco or by the employment of prlvnt l It ml work 111 BBdtt Hi"' lOOORttYt ol to propprty." "it la to tha Intel i . ol the whole roantry that 001 i r powor he devnlopi'd bh rnpidly and I . i en i iy aa poMlble " i 1 1. .ii the ehlef spostls ol oon orvatloa i la Plachot and govon merit owner hip, .it.i ipslllng go ernment with a Mk "QV I'uIiIMmiI Kvorjr Tlim ! it Ry Installing an IS HERE IN A Entered In tha I tl OOtai D, On on, for truti-iuiHsion throasli tbe inailM si soond rimw mnii mat tor Electric Range on Monday mornlnR when J. 3 Illll closed hla eyee In bin final lOtf Here waa finished the 'I.V Ol ,,f the i:reateit men the world x.,r known Few men have II v - I'ii m;w I.I I I.UIMIM I it is OOMtKU. Batter days for the Ootn Ing w i ' i t he decline ol t he ti n tieai i "ii "i i atlon. 'i hi stoats hi i aosood bill to aiiov. water powi i to yeinpi d 1 11 aai l ihle tree a soBsorral i la tho at lias lollowed one in Hie m-t turning down i"t theorloa of I'ln- clint N. HI NT lKt RLOP olti:.o IV 1 1 ntucn? .in labor ont r Ii i n ulatlon and In I like .'III ' petulltiire when ii' iy ha mure lawi for i ii oi Indus- ite an pn i" r with There are no" ........ ........ , . I The i, mi mmlttee ami the m w w i I,.,,, i hv a dee) ire rati ad ' ";' !' !"" '" the Shields hill hh It MUM from I I ' "J il"1" u" "" " aeniite. The unit ami vegetable cannlni ln top of IhlH comes the i iiitl.i.ik. imln.ln i ie:nl.ii. ,1 ., dsatfc, and a lenlnuH organ of hlgh-proaauro gathering and niarKetiiiK ol frail I consi-rvnllon Hlandards. and ih the fold. ' if ""'1 IT It kiik: "Nohndy hut n iilunury the minimum Wage and arooossa today that the goToraasot fur stobmo and ohlldren and tha Hhoitld hiiild and operate water imv- oilier labor HI ' not er plant. " Kill, d I ht en of so miii'h l ' , people Me started In life r edni' iIImii and at DP In the flrd row of BP Ol the world northern tier of to Mr Mill DO I m ml tliat lopment and Ih I i-.ilized their ao I llltll He bull) his ru'lroads and then I Minld to help the peo- .ii ,i position to support the Tills policy developed the In a few years more than i ordinarily follow In main His i lid I"' an in nilralloti i,i all row M starting out us ipurtiiiiltleH aro greater today nhen lie comtnenced. M AMI KIR ITKMH "Some areteoj must in d rlaoS for Why should no) t the development of water power as miestOI ike n study llll.iMll.il l. onrre liy private gi'lllll' how tl How Farmers Get Rich Implements--That Increase the output Implements--Til.-1 reduce the expel Implements That make labor light. Implements That .swell bank Mootmtfc Tl bw v" have iC tl ''rc1 of how m many farmers aznan comfortable fortune! while si ill comparatively young men. It ia by the applica cation of common sen ami progressive meth eds iii the working and improving of the farm, in the prompt adoption of every known device for lucres Ins the profit and cutting down the tense, And In do waj can this be done so quickly and cffectivclj as by the uae of new and Improved farm machinery and Implements. Tho four olaeaei of implement and machin ery listed above will produce prompt results. They will pay for themselves many tunes over, will earn big dividends for the farmer, and will lighten his labor to an iinasing extent, This is the experience and rd I I every farmer who i m in. Y sell them at attractive prices. i Troxell Implement Co. Ontario .... Oregon CasH FOB. LaPore Complete With Plows Anf here's what you get a tractor especially designed for the small farm tractor and plows combined in one machine control of entire out fit from operator's seat an all purpose machine, as good for belt work us on the draw-bar. The Rumcly will plow your truck patch as well as your bundled own Bono, it proparoo your ground, pulls your binder, docs your hauling and belt work. Our catalog explains the ease of control, the steel gears all encamdand running in oil, roller boariagg through out, heavy-duty four cylinder engine and riid Ironic construction. ONTARIO AUTO CO. ONTARIO ORUCON 4 RUMELY 8-16 ! All Purpose Tractor BrlTTIlTlTrlTmXAlllliriTTIlllTIllAlllllllMTTTllTMTMllil ny W.Miilinck hnit iuri,.i I a n, i l i I'.u.ck. lie niwle a lrli I., lt.il.ir. ,il .i DM la Villi', KlvlnR Ii ,i tl.inlt. Mr, Pooltll uiul Mr. Mau ara herai iiiim Albany, Ore., looklnit over Hi : , I BBS t iii.l ii Ideation thi'V will riMiinln. lata livlioe from the eat Ii vllt-i nit i u fo lny. il I' tik returnoil houi H"ii: I'.'imIIiIihi mi irlilay evonlnn'it M lirliutliiK niM two nolri-K who bl .i thai alt Mm l'oiul liulUOD uiul cl. nre vlHltlnn Mr. llalncs' inotlier. Mrn. Smllli. I'.irl.'i'll Ii n Vnllifitr visitor tlllH WlH'k IniiklllK DMT II ilnilKlllK III. II mi Willi' . .1 ..ii ..; ..mi OM l:iy tltlH week do iniilllig. Barton Ik doom from '" fur. ii ' !'r,,'r l,lH l.i.l . ,. . ir,., i. t.i 7 oi trooatoo. Thora wort Aim VOOl I rum BOTS tu v. alaa rap flow y atvt - iA2mi t v ..luiTiiiiiiiiiiiiriiiitiiiiiiuMiinuinuiiitiui $ 790 IROMMIDK M WM 'I'll.. Ii; 17 trurk I ion iaaa mi nut t'nc'li week. J J SlBl l Hlowly riToverliif frmii ;ui .iti.iik of ipolfil tfver. Mr copol of Ontario am in tin- . tint ol Un k ,ir Moore of Ontario t riatt . ara Ha motored up I ol IM week. ltutii i.iii'ki-y of Ontario I . :t M Iiihiii' Of l"'r Hlnter. Mr l(u Duncan. Kutliirforil BrotMra mIiIiiimmI a car i,,,,i f aorooa to CaUwaU IM Rfi I oi i lie weak. MIhh I MrCiilm of Ontario, urrl- . ,i daring IM nooli lo laM OMtna i.r tu.' BBoor mmoI mi-' lloward , i. owiiiK to Mr aotMr! lu.iltll. ii r it i mnii T. Tha Oragon PaoklM (' 80c 'I' none Hteuk WO Round stcuk ls" Bi ouMor atoat Hl' l.illlH IM to !- IM to 1 M I'ork i mala aenloof l2c Cork i mi ,5c Pork roast, lout 1&, i'ork Btonk, I i"'iiis aw -r"' Pork ebopa rib i"i i"1" ' "' Voal ehoaa I oonnda for 25c Lamb SMpO, 2 pounds for ....."u Mutton BtewM 6c 1. Ivor 5c Suit pork l5c Lard, 11 ponnoa $i.bo Lord, I Mnndo 'c Bologna 'f;0 Welnoi a ursts -uc w , art " n sausage inaker ami asll PON I'urk suusage - pOOni II.I.Kt.AI. lUIHIMi. A bugs inuiilier of young men and boyi bar IM liutit of bathing In the ...i 1 In' niilroad bridge, and some are careless about their bath inn softs, much to the anuoyanfe of the residents of that section and pooOlO lio truel that way. The City marshall does uot wish to cause paoslS trouble but will certain-' ly do M if all of the bathers do not wi'iir proper cost utiles while bathing I They say that some facts are arantor than fiction. Hut what inoilein male wants to worry his noodle mer Just plain facta? JL JH aaaaaaMMSMswaMssaaaaMsasasMawai Nrnrly OM' Tlim -l l II IKK RAHOBsl are now liin .! ,",1 In I tnli uiul Southern I lahO, aaxl tlio iixerngp rost of oie-i- 11 ( tin- KXTIIKMEL.Y low i:ti: now euaqaad for oi,kinit ssralao i oaaj $2.20 Per Month WO lime xle unit types (,. Baal 000 I mll'-- iiiiU r n term-.. Electric Investment Co. Hello Spring! And You, Too, Reader! Weloome i our padon gain, irhers las oraain and stfl (IriiiUs arc always to "u" liking! Every flavor and llw lifst lliat ran bfl made. Pries W'fli, thai ia the small part f it. Tell ymir Mends to nitft vtMi have- the popular spot in town. You Ml ni"sl tvtiylmtly here, anyway. Then, too, you ean tlways K't the best of candies, fruits and mixed nuts. .lust join the throng and von will find yourself at one of our tables. They all do. FIFER'S In the new and large location THE GOODS The Prices, the Variety If you are in need of tableware, fancy dishes, granite or tinware, glassware, children's chairs, rockers, rocking horses, doll buggies, wagons, toys, games, blackboards, crochet threads, clothes pins, wash boards, tubs, boilers or any of the many 5c and 10c kitchen conveniences, we have them. A visit will convince you our prices are the low est in this vicinity. Opposite Dream land theatre. The Variety Store Ontario Oregon m mL aJssi THURSDAY AUTO SHOW AUTO PARADE AT PICTURE SHOW ALL AFTERN0( PERiTY DANCE, with celebrated 0 FRIDAY , AUTO SHOW AUTO PARADE Fl PICNIC AT CITY PARK, HON M0N DRESS THE PUBIIC AT THE PIC ING PICTURE SHOWS DAY ANE SATURDAY CAR PROGRAM OF AMUSEMENTS AND On Oregon inii, under the ;instit nient aggregation, ionunenein wi pageant. PREPAREDNESS PARADE AND Al i lmiii i. in. Other )iir;nlt and succession , tuji sjiiiic ronomied in which a pr Ineul feature ii the SUFFRAGETTE CRUSADEItS MOT livic display extraordinary, li the lug I'irc righting HM'ctaele FIRST TO THE FRONT AGAINST 1 i l:::n o'clock aharpi Prof. 0. Hi icai that holds the multitude eiithr HIGH DIVE FROM THE ROOF OF '. I'liiictuallv mi the hour and n ien positiv , i, up ri',,in Hi,, parapet o Ontario, Into u Hhallon tank oi wa All afternoon fun, fas! and furioui ei i 'it. am ' .in nts for young GRAND FREE CARNIVAL DANCE- Open t" all in tin true eamiva t those who fail t paitieipate with Dominoes, mask- and high spirits ei The key to the eitj and the city jai Saturday, the Carnival D;u'. Thsf the woes and cares of the WOrkadaj il. into the river. Cong faces ant must not be found ill Ontario oil tlu of Home Prosperity week, Saturday PLENTY OF MUSIC Home Prosper June 12th 1