Like Gi for corrtfori and convenience NEW PEi&ECTJON OIL C00MTOVE No coal, wood or nshea to lug no waiting for the fire to burn up. Bet ter cooking because of the steady, evenly-distributed heat, under perfect control. All heat concentrated on the cook ing and ndt radiated around the room. The long, blue chimneys prevent all smoke and smell. ll.kfo, bulla, mull, tosats. Mnra efnriant than your wood or coal nova and coala Irna to opatatt. ASK YOUR DIALI TODAY. STANDARD OIL COMPANY lrllaiiali) For Best Results Use Pearl Oil Better cooking and a cleaner, cooler kitchen. Now serving 2,000,000 homes In 1. 2. S and 4 burnsrilies.wltb or without ovan. Alao cablnat m nd ala with PirrUit Cooking Ovens. For Sale by Ontario Hardware Co. The Ontario Meat Co. Phone 54 Has the only refrigerated market In Ontario. Alao hat the low aat prices. Monday of each week we will have special price on all Hoae Leaf products and will bn known aa Itoit Leaf day. Tuesday pot roasts, bolls and steaks, Wednesday, all pork day, Thursday veal and mutton, Friday fish day, Saturday we will have special prices on everything In (he market. These special prices will mean a saving to you of 15 cents on the dollar at least. 80 bring your dollar. Buy a coupon book and get nn additional discount of 10 per cent, they run from $1.60 to $20.00. Prompt deliver ies will be made at any hour of the day. Ontario Laundry Down Town Office Kverhart's HALFWILD TURKEYS will Improve your flock, they have size aud vigor, free from disease $5 00 per setting, others $20 00 per hundred. Ontario Produce Co. You will never be able to sprinkle syrup on the tall of a fly so long ss you iiii for the other fellow to catch It for you. HAVE YOUR SPRING SEWING STARTED With a For Artesian or Natural ICE Call up COLD STORAGE The Onl Sanitary Ire in Town i'hone 157-R Perfectly Fitted Corset A Nu Bone at the Corset Parlor in the Annex Block, back of the M. M. Store A garment guaranteed sicsinst rusting or bresklng SARAH I,. CAIN Prop. 1 SECOND-HAND AUTOMOBILES We have several second hand cars, some good as new, all receutly ove-r hauled. For sale at ex tremely low prices. AT SEGUINE'S GARAGE. A GOOD RECORD Some people make a record of talking into a phonograph. Mine was made by giving "the best for the money and a square deal to. all." Suits made to order, and prices to suit all pocket books. Cleaning and pressing, promptly and properly. MAXWKIX riioviiii'.H llllill I lit KOR MOVII-H HI ink Touring far, wlOi Three Pas senger, lieap (Imam Hit I'oet Wide. Tim moat spectacular automobile action picture yet obtained by a earn ers, was flltui'il recently near Santa Dnrbnra, QsJ . where the studios of tl " American Film company are lo ciited. when n Maxwell stock tour ing car IbuiiimI a chasm thirty-three feet wide and twenty DM feet deep. It landed safely on the other side total distance of the flight helng forty-seven feet. Three passengers were carried 1111 the perilous Journey. Anoihr remarkable tribute to Max well Hturdlncas is contained in the fact (list iiiino of the passengers were Injured and the csr was un- hsrmed. The car was driven 1,000 feet on a temporary hoard Incline to give It the momentum necessary for Its long leap through the air. Albert Thomp son, one of the film actors, who was driving the cur, said It had alia ned a speed of fifty miles an hour when It left the Incline hull! on the ap proach side of the gulf A large crowd was on hand to watch the performance and the ma jority of the onlookers predicted the experiment would end In disaster When the Thing Mnxucll allot off tin' inline Into Hie nlr. faiiii la breath In an agony of sus pense. Hut their forebodings were not Justified The car shot through the air, upward and onward, des scrlhlng s graceful arc and landing squarely on the roadbed, fourteen feet beyond the brink of the gorge. To film the scene, ! (J Lynch, studio manager for the American Kllm (o . found a chasm that ha'd been created by a washed-out bridge over the has I'osss creek, on the iimarlllo rnnrh, near CamarMlo, Cat. Mr Lynch made conscientious investigation In an effort to obtain a car that would meet all require ments In speed, strength and de pendability. Ills selection was the Maxwell, and the wisdom of his choice Is indicated by the success of the venture, by the fact that none of the three picture actors were In jured and that the car withstood the tremendous shock without aa much. as a sprlnk clip being broken. in the car besides Mr Thompson- were Juanits Hansen and Jack Utile of the "Plying A" company. When the car landed on the other side of the gorge, It continued on Its way up the road, until It was brought to a stop by Its daring driver. As proof of the ease with which car and passengers withstood the haiardous experiment, the movie ac tors Immediately drove back to the city In the same car In which they made their automobile flight i.Kini, notickh. Hut. then, the fellow who dis agrees with you Is always a Mutt NOTICKH. Edward Cope LADIES AND GENTS TAILORS Opposite the I'oatoflire I'hone 105 W NOTtCK Ol HHKItlrr'H H.ll.K Notice Is herebv given that under and by virtue of 1111 wr:t of execu Hon and forecloaure duly and regularly Issued by the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Malheur, dated May 28, 1016. ha M directed in that certain suit iu the Circuit Court of the State of Ore gon for the County of Malheur wherein K. I.. Anderson is plaintiff, and llumholdt Consolidated tiold Mines, a corporation, et ul, tit ig fundaiiti; and when in .1 plaintiff re cmered ju. lament and decree again st the bald defendant, llumholdt Con solidated (lold Mines in the sum of Twelve Thousand Six Hundred Twni- u one and 16-100 ($12,621 1 (j 1 nl lars, and In the further sum of six Hundred Forty-three and !Hi I11O ($643.90) Dollars Interest, and in the further sum of Nlutety-three aud 50-100 ($93.50) Dollars for Ming lin-. and In Hie further sum of One Thousand Three Hundred Sixty-three ($1363 001 Dollars as attorney's fees for the foreclosure of said Hens, and for his costs and disbursements of said suit in the further sum of Kle ven and 60-100 ($1160) Dollars, and wherein J. H. McDonough re covered Judgment and decree against the said defendant, Humboldt Con solidated Hold Mines, In the sum of Five Hundred Seventy-six and 52 inn t..iti ;.2i Dollars, aud iu the further sum of Thirty-three and 6- 100 ($33.06) Dollars interest, and In the further sum of Five ($5.00) Dollars for filing liens, and in the further sum of Sixty ($60 00) Dol lars as attorneys' fees for the fore closure of said Hens, aud for his costs and disbursements of aald suit In the sum of Ten ($10.00) Dollars, and wherein J. T. Donnelly, trustee. recovered Judgment and decree against the said defendant, Humboldt Consolidated Oold Mines, In the sum of sixty Thousand ($60,000.00) Dollars with interest thereon from February 1. 1914. at the rate of sev en per cent per annum, and in the further sum of Six Thousand One Hundred Seventy-seven and 50-100 ($8177. !0) Dollars unpaid interest, and in the further sum of Three Thousand 1 $3000.00) Dollars as at torney's fees, and In the further sum of Five Hundred ($500.00) Dollars as trustee's fees, and for h!a costs and disbursements of said suit in the further sum of Ten ($10.00) Hol lar, which said Judgments and de crees In said suit were duly and reg ularly given and made on May 29, 1916, and In which said Judgments and decrees It Is further provided that the said sums of money MB Itl Into valid Hens against Hie .heroin nfter described property, nnd It Is further provided that said properly be sold to satisfy the aald Judgments, attorneys' fees, trustee's fees, costs nint .ccruing costs. Now, Therefore, pursuant to mild execution I will on Saturday, the xth day of July, 1916, at the hour of two o'clock In the afternoon of sad day at the front door of the Malheur County Court House at Vale in Mal heur County, Oregon, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for rash In hand the following IK ed premises situate In Malheur Coun tv, Oregon, and more particularly described ns follews: The "IH'MllOI.DT" Quartz Mm Ing Claim, the notice of location thereof being of record In Hook "A" nf Raoordi of Qaarti Local "ns or 'ir County. Oregon, at pnije 77 thofOOf; and the amended notice of I.., alum thereof being of record In said Hook "A" at page 17 2 there, if, and the amended notice of location r being of record in Hook "l" nf said Records of Quartz Locations at page 159 thereof, and the amend ed notice of locntion thereof being of record In said Hook "D" of said Records of Quartz Locations at page 26; the "SIRI'RIHK" Quartz Min ing Claim, the notice of location thereof being of record In said Hook "A" at page 171 thereof, and the amended notice of location thereof being of record In said Hook "D" at psge 160 thereof, and the amended not re nf location thereof being of record In said Hook "D" at page J70 thereof; the "HF.HKKI.KY" Quartz Mining Claim, the notice of location thereof being of record in said Hook "A" at page 89 thereof, and the amended notloe of location thereof being of record In said Hook "D" at page 161 thereof, and the amended notice of location thereof being nf record In aald Hook "D" at page 269 thereof; and the "BERKELEY NO. 2" Quarti Mining Claim, the notice of location thereof being of record In said Hook "D" at pace 168 there of, and the amended notice of loca. tlon thereof being of record In aald Ho ik "D" at page 268 thereof; and all under ground rights of every name and nature whatsoever situate within the boundaries of the follow ing bounded premises to-wlt: Com mencing at a point located on the South boundary line of Lot 126-11.: M. E. No. 40, and from which said point corner No. 9 of said Lot 116 II hears South 81 deg East 200 feet; and running thence North 600 1 feet North to monument; thence North 81 deg West 889.5 feet to a menument: thence South 84 deg. 40 mln West 1079 1 feet to monument, which ia lo cated on the West boundary line of Lot 125-A M. E. No. 40; thence South 600 feet along said West boun dary to corner No. 6 of said Lot 125 A; thence North S4 deg 40 mln. East 1079 t feet along the South boundary line of said Ixt 125-A to corner No 7 of said Lot 125-A, which is also corner No 10 of said Lot 126-H, thence South si deg. Fast 839.5 feet along the South boundary line of said lot 111 II to u point, the place of beginning, save and except so much of said premises us may not be situate within the exterior boundary of said Lois 125-A aud I 1 1 H, or any other Colt Brother l'utented U round; and also certain water rights and privileges uud oth er rights and privileges In connec tion with the said above described premises, and all situate in what Is known as the Mormon Basin in Mal heur County, Oregon. Together with ; that certain quartz mill uud reduc tion plant situate upon and used in j connection with the working, devel opinent and operation of the above described mining premises, and gen erally all water rights, buildings, st nu tures, super-structures, machin ery. tools, appliances and appurten ances, water rights and privileges I THE UNIVERSAL CAR The Foni Sedan made and sold every -1 ('41... K :.. ..11 .1.. Oil 'I I in ill I . , I " ' ill 1,1 I i fill III fill II e- tuils; cozy, refined, smalt, eai y to drive, easy to cure for. Tile convenience of an elect lie ear with surdy endurance and Ford economy. The price of the Sedan I III is 1740 Coupelcl $590; Runabout $890; ill Touring Car I40; Town Gar $640, f. o. I. Ill Detroit. . j THOMAS F. COWARD, Agent Ontario, Oregon I JF YOU are in doubt which bank to patron ize, it's because you don't know which renders the best services to its patrons THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ONTARIO, OREGON offers the kind of ser-. vices you need and want. Capital nnd Bnrplai $100,000.00 "A Good Bank in a Good Country" THE UNIVERSAL INSTRUMENT Thirty year ago the telephone was a luxury. Today, through personal Initiative and private enterprlae, It haa become a necessity within the reach of everybody. Where once a busi ness had but oue telephone with a limited talklug range, today that business has service with a range three-quarters of a conti nent broad, and every branch of every busineaa la linked to ev ery other by an intercommunicating telephone ayatem. The telephone has earned Its responsible place and there are now 8,000,000 Bell telephones In this country, over which go 26,000,000 talks daily. Every Bell Telephone it a Long Distance Station. Malheur Home Telephone Co. privileges and all rights and located upon or used in connection with the working, development and operation of the said premises above described, or any part thereof. Or so much thereof as may be necessary to aatiafy the said judg ments and decrees together with the costs which have or may accrue un der and by virtue of said writ of ex ecution. Dated at Vale, Oregon, this 1st day of June, 1111. BEN J. BROWN, Sheriff of Malheur County, Ore gon. By ROSS A. SOWARD, 82-2" Deputy 1 BARGAIN DAY Kven day is Bargain Day in hats at our store. Dor't fail to DOOM Msd see our display while the line is compute as the hats are fast disappear ing. Fine models at cost Off helow. Out Flowers and Potted Plants. Hair Goods. The Osborne Millinery Successors to Grove & Riley