Business I'lhSKI ". I PHH I' Ii IN' 1 NO vi:. Cutarl.K Oregon I NVw Wilnon Block. OS i I I r. lii. Paulina Seaia Grmni..' ' Ottoo Wife ll. MISTS nit w I I'll. 1 172 lit I). I BRI i -t.. dooi BU mi it it r poi J.. II. I ll .i i i I., hi.: To lb i for ili' tot in tin will hi thi -n rot- era of the couuty at the prluury elec t,..n r. n. i'.i I. i oh "i i nu st iti:it. To the voters of Malheur i uiinty. I hereby uuuouuce myself us a can didate for the uoiiiliiaiuni of Count) Treuurer subject to il.i' will of the Republican voters at the primary lection H. H. WII.I.1AM8. I'OK KKPRKHKNTATIVK. I hereby announce that I will be candidate for the off ce of Joint rep reaentatlve for Malheur and Harney Countlea, subject to the will of the republican elector at the oouitug primaries. P. J. PHILLIPS. VOR COUNTY THKA8LKKK I hereby announce mynelf a candi date for the nomination for the office of County Tr asurer of Malheur County, Oregon, uubject to the will of the Republican elector at the coming priuiarie. C. C. Mueller To the Citizen of Malheur ceunty: I desire to announce that I will be a candidate for the Republican nom ination for Iiialricl Attorney at the coming primary election and ollclt your support. This office spend thousand of dol lar of your money and I pledge my self to every economy consistent with good government. If elected I will devote my entire time and energy to the auairs of the office. Iiupauial Directory ATTORN IS YS. W. II. Brooke, Attorney at Wll on iil.lg. Ontario Ore (. MeUONAGILL in .i. utm : i ': Hilly i L0( n .v noon LAW: i:us ;;on. K. W. Swaulr-r Ittornrj at I :t Reed On I'. .1. l.W.I.Ai.lll K LAW I in i in w: (in' hi VAV.N "' MIASM I It PRI s til 'r:l . ,t in t it i I n. '. uhlicn.. ' Ob) BBBOUB00 ' Rfpnblieoo aonlaatloB Juiiii l; lain re from tail ri pi.- i-iii.uivo di- irict. Hated l in Jl, me. Cnaa. K. I randall ABNOI n KMI II 1 h.n lii iiiiiiuuiu'M myself a candi date for the nominal inn for County Clerk of Mullieur County, sul. the will of ii ' i -ii ..rratir inters at the primaries. Arthur Moody. l M i mi I To the voter of Malheur Ceuuty: I hereby announcement my caudl dacy for reelection to the office of County Assessor subject to the will of the Republican voter at the pri mary election ou the 19th da of May, 1916. And If nominated and elected I shall continue to assess all corporations on an equal and uni form basts with other property. L. E. Hill, prevent Incumbent. Mill STATE SENATOR. I hereby announce myself as a caudldate for the office of State Sen ator from this district, composed of Malheur, Harney and Orant counties, subject to the will of the electors of the Republican party at the pri maries to be held in May, 1911. Julten A Hurley. toil JOINT HEPHESEMTATU E Rums, Oregon, April 2, 1916 I hereby announce myself a a can didate for the office of Joint Repre sentative for the twenty-seventh Rep resentative District comprising Har ney and Malheur Counties, subject to the decision of the Republican voter .! t lie primary election to be held May 18th, 1916. Jas. J. Oonegan. sill. Kll-F I w.ih to Bnovncc myself .- n eaadidata for tin' nomination i I OH '"i for ' i o i on i n I :. Net amount lag from ai in New H i.rK, in- Ni-t mil ilui' from hank- .u.d .... Other a roaortlai i.ank ..ii. I other cash Hems onnl cum kels, an. I cents Note on . ,u,il I. ink . . com ami oortlffoatoi Legal-tender nolea .... Rid. -million fund wlih I urer aud dim from I s (reaaurer Tolal II Wlll.lMI Capital stork paid in Surplus fund Undivided profit $9,:)29 76 Lea current expenses. Interest and tuxes paidt 9,189 74 Circulating uottts outstanding Net amount due to bank and banker Demand depesit: Individual deposits subject to check Certificate of deposit due ill lea than 30 days Postal savings deposits State, county, or other municipal deposits so cured by Item 3d and 4c of "Resources". . Total time deuosils 874.806 SO Time depesit: (payable after 3 0 days, to 30 days or more notice) Certificates of deposit Other time deposits Total of time deposits, Items 41. 41, Total State of Oregon, Couuty of Malheur, sa: I, II II Cockruiu, cashier of the above named bank, do solinenly swear that the above statement is true to the boat of my knowledge and battol ii i ui'Mtl M cubhler. Subscribed aud sworn to hofore me this 9th day of Ma. W. M aOOD, Nonry I'ul Correct Attest: A. L. J 1) L. B COCKR1 M. bILLINi.: i.i. i , I OCXBVaf, Directors. nix nt the primary election to be bald May IK, llll, r ALTON Itmos. I'.ir infill) Commissioner i i ii bi th oomraattoa bi ITTORKE1 . : it. ' ILBR, f ' I on 'i . . Louis . . .... HI 0 I4tl "" mil mi Ml Mil 01 22,500 00 6,897 62 232.0474 111.11 I l :,.i)im on or subject and 43. . 118,160.44 K7.997 91 30,162.53 . r- - l- . F. i 4 II Commission expires October 19th, 191 t. I.Ll.AI. Null! I 8. of May, 1111 BIN .1 Li:u . Kb. -riff. BOWABJ), Deputy. ; publico! mi Mb i I, V tlOB .lin" S, 1 9 1 ft. Ill I. Ol HIII'.KII I S SAM IN I OKll.Ost ri cutlon i and i- dated I II OyVBty anil I illlani John- : mil - iieroby liven, tha' id Judg IU, ex I mi, iliiiaM'd, :lh intii. .Hi all costs and dj meat thai hu-. ..i oaj bm rva 1 at ale. OfOgOB, II. I M i, I iikn' J BRO :n ARO. ii.'puty First pulil.iatuii May II, I n 1 1, J., i pablloatloa, J I, i9ib si MMOBN In the circuit court of Hie State of Oregon, ill and for .Malheur COUB l Krskine W'.hmI. I'luinilff vs. J B Sciilt htield, .Minnie S. ut.i. rii'ld, his wife, A 0. I. sniietiines known us A. Q Kii I gers, an uuinurried man, ( I. ajrfOJI', Claru R Sargent, h Mary K lSurneit, an unci. u-. 1 wi.iiiuu, Sali, i. i ! inter, an i.nnia rled woman, Inn-ton I). Hum n iiuinei, ins wue, i.iive -. ii'.r.icr an uiiiiiurried uomun, Al'l t S lln .-II. Ita RnaaOli, her lii. Henry R ITuck and Ci.iih-'i :.. his wile, l "i.i i i,i m n niiitrator of the ei.lali- il ilui ii.'i.iiii.ints. I'o field, Mum,.- Ititubttald. A ; itog-l gers, 0 H. Sargent, Clara E. i.lo.vl NOTTC EH K'lit, Mar; B. Burnett, Sildna HttaV er. DortOII 1) Hunior, Ma HttBtaBk r. 1 1 mi t or, Alice S. Russell HmtJ It click, : n.'lia I 'luck mid I'.ivnlli National Bank ol P ., I'Ui', Idaho . ''no In 11 Mr 0 ii tin- abort u 16, , rsl llB- viz. I I I ao I : ' li Itlffs from I I in law pro. Ided i hul tin Is o i In- , .. i ii ill the M'l'oli'! ' rail I " ap - plleil. f.r i. in (In- paymeut of th .in .ma .11) , to Ihe pi. i.nt of anion I 'I .In.- plaintiff from Co- d my of them un- .i.'r i.r suit, and thirdly. Hull an) i.iI.iik'. he paid to the clerk ol till! ".I I in l b) film disbursed Bi i" ' provided; riiui ' 'h l obi all of tin I i ' ,i.i lining; or to i laiiii said pi 'i i : b at i ami mi. .ill rlffbt, ml' Intel perl i at an) pari thoyaol Ibl uni right of redemption, and foe i lot us Ui i i.e com t may seem proper This summons is served iinon von pul, III iln.n thOtrool bl ' I'l h.. m, . , BlffgO, a Ju-I ..ul.'i- ii thi .ui, io! i; The data '. IIBBMW ( the last publloation 111 i a j . u Altoraoyi for i'l.iiiillff. I I - -