A GOOD RECORD Some people make n record of talking into a phonograph. Mine was made hy giving "the btft for the money and a square deal to all." Suits made to order, and prices to suit all jxtf'lvethooks. Cleaning and pressing, prompt l Mid properlv. Edward Cope LADIES AND GENTS TAILORS "I i. ill' MM PnstnmVe Phone 103 W Ontario Laundry Down Town Office Kverhart's HAVE YOUR SPRING SEWING STARTED Wilh Perfectly Fitted Corset A Nu Bone at (he Cornel I'urlor in tin Annex Mock, ha k f the M. M. Store A Kiiimriil guaranteed again! u.l i n tf or breaking BARAI L CAIN I'rop May Chix Hatched in Cypher's Incubator Are Profitable OntarV tuce Co. Evrry-lpg ''v the Poultry man -r-r For ArteiUan or Natt'a iCEy CaM up TOLD 8f'AArt The Only Minitar) Ice in Tow a Ifione 157 K ONTARIO JOHNNY SulVotk Punch Stallion Ht.iinl- ut bis raucli near iiu loiio, fn.iu April 1st, liliu to Jan. tsi IIH7 Seaou, Bst, inure is in foal. luo ubeu ( I'lis from Oil aire can tie seen ul llio ranch. J. F. St HALL, Prop. ' ll I ST'I m. iti: n:w Fhe Week's si .lies Mn. iii Enter. prlaea, I'.'i; . r ill-. industries and Cotllllllllll DciclopillCtlt. BUgenO ha- culled for bids on 120.- hOol building i.. "I'lm- tot plMt ill' IN (OH i apacity Hlnrls nix-rat inti raadi u i . Dental i Port bind Portland hip CO HtarlH lino of Hteiimors fn.n i .!' in v iMka Tiro iblpi ii'.in' Columbia arlth 10, ""i hi in tn i..r tvr China :i ml Australia. Hood Hi ir ?!"..( lunula Hold fur new school and addition In high i l iidI. Portland shipyard haa iatln $4.01111,(1111) iid x. 1 1 1 hi ploj lOOtl Baa in iim near tm in newspaper! v : 1 1 1 1 i . n thing i ii HI dm," In All dralln W 1 1 v " .ilia? Work itartad oa H i ioa ni boo planing mill m d i nil,' lliilil llnl. c. . I..HH' i mint) . ini-i'ii. iiini thora la mi op inr ii 1 vi' morel, .ml In put In ,i ii store in h (tea i"i' bnlldina DOM UCIIIIt, II Kinid dentist, II i a i ;i Kiimi iiinii'ri.iki'r Tata loan i US mil mill of I'lirllatiil, lit" OB on UM S. I' H U. In a , I farming oommunltj and baa ahool 1'inr Iniiidri' I D ibltanl I'nr Hi it unit ii fi nddii'. I rank i Mini, lm ',, id Dollar loci ' u r.i'.u ri a uii 4n maa bun ' inn.ii.ar propart action ore Im'Iiik ni'imi) arork' id nria Ooatrsota aggregating: . : '. I . " v 1 lm perinnnonl imp' ...' i i'ii mi ( i iii iii i aa and !' i- M'lllh street with II liltulltlili' haul .urfucc pavement hate hcen award l ih m m '''ad nf business robstuff and theories iBBttBl of fuc nid industrial ill H ut Instead Of indlvldilul Inltlnllvi1 Ih kllllm munition. Cortland Ininiin Toulsnn mill culling 300,000 feet of lumber In 10 boura. Waldporl Crab en uplo- Ina 26 men narnliiK t to $7 a day rauning craba and clama, 16 or SO glrla are alao employed earning from II 'a to .o p.., day. Actual i "list, ,,,'tioi, work on Teel 'i i ration prnjiTl m I m.illila numli lo roniini'tue, financed liy Canadian compuii) llundon Lumber .h pinontH for ' April loiuli I I.1K4 feet. l'oiUille I'oitrteen cbeeHe faelor laa form unhocIuiIou In Oooa and Cur is iioiiitlea. Asioria On opi'iiiiiK duy of anl i, on aooaoa lonu limtta were at work Spriiufielil .1 0 llnn it Sou of Kugene liuie lak.'ii over l.iuo- rouiily I Nowa of lltlM city from W A lull. puWllaber of the paper for the paat two years The three new ahlpa, contract to build which huic been let to the big new Cortland xlnp yard, will all fly a loialKli t I.ik It In about lltne Hie idueaa talk In congr. afoul to advocating lawa under a) high our own people would tie en couriged lo bu'.Jd and reglater ahlpa iiiiii'i Hie Aiiierii.in Hug State preaa riddling Home of tin new hoard-, and couitulaaloiiH BfOOtOd In the legn-luture and ndlcat ion are no more of thee oliHtaclea lo IiiiIuk try will be lolerutud. i)'-Iiuiii l.alourelle At Son will build u brick garage here. A III, nd Hotl Oregon leiuoileled at expeiiMu of $20,000. ,,a t oiinty court award con- ti, , t to build lour wooden bridge on rrr Aotl'imbia river highway, price 678. When a public utility goea under ut4ll public owBorahlB, it aoaaaa to be a 1. 1 payor and odaortlaer or to contrl bule iu any u$ lo keep up public uuJerlaklng. ll liecomua a play- "in m i.',kK for politician, und generally a ai Ho- taxpayer. i sui'inc U'lepi, one unit lele- arapl. rotiipuuy take over local phone ayatem. hterahfteU Moollan tea lift,- 000 road Ik, ml issue being held In mill ) Toledo . i,n, I uioii eatub- IkakaO direct telegraph I'nrllaud und Newport line between tild Man Doodle aaya Ida principal auioiiiohiie enjoyment come out of I l.eiug aide to afford one und not do- lug 40. I , ' , Hugh- luck contlnuea amailug. Chaucellor Duy hue come out for ltuUM'ielt hat bM become of the old i. mod kid who alwaTI wanie u pen ny for un all day aucker? BAN1TAH1 i RI im II NeHiuau will bo IOttd ,m April 15 to deliver any iiuuutity ,i line n ci cam in any part of the city Ilia lea cream ia made with a "Disc Sanitary Freezer" aud ia guaranteed Hie beet quality on the market. I'bouo 20S-N 1. 16tfl BIG MEN ENLISTED IN THRIFT CAMPAIGN More Than Ono Hundred Cities Already Interested, Tin' American Bankers Aorlntlnn, which has a ini'inin'i iblp "i more than fifteen tbouaand bank in tba Dnlted Statee, la conducting n great nation Willi- campaign '! education to pro note thrift Preacbera and odui bualoaaa ana and bankora, am lal worker and employees of labor arc eombtntni their efforta, aopportlni tba arork of ndTocatteg tba nuaa of thla Important campaign carrlod oa fe) h mighty aeeodatioe At tin praatnt Una nan Una om hundred cities hit. I" ductim: tid" thrift eaupalgn The "' baa been tborou ad bg tba vni.i lean Rani ei latlon. Com nltteaa compnopd ' rttoca ton, Ko.lill worker-. i't' . BBTO Im'i'ii lm mod in in' h hi. a of tba i II laa, and tin' raupalgn ii balng coudu tad an dor tin ir direction Bona of tiir fiMi'tiinot turn of tba country an m tuber of n aatlonal i '"ii million villi. Ii bOOda thin ram pal, n Anion . i Ih-mi INI Wm Howard Ta t Qoi Chartoa s. hitman "f S'eo 1 o I lol i N wii I- of Toledo, tl : .Iniii.'i K l.vii'h. p tba B v.. T M i'"i t Bethlehem, 'a Prank Tran bull, Chairman of Board Cbaaapaaka Ohio Kit.. Hnuh Cbalmora of Hiin.it. l; I'nvliictnii of Jacksonville, 'I limn an a Edlsou, c ii I. i;u of Noa i laona, Join v. i anwii af Chicago, lamaa u Porgaa or Chhaujo Lewht I .1.! i.i ..I .Niv. V.ak. i 'iiiillnal Qlbbooa, A. J. Ili'ini'lilll. A. Iliirloit iiipiniin. M.vron T Han ' S. .lolms. Wdllain A b "It. I Id ..- I .ii In; l: I Slininm, of St. I.oiiIm. Mo ; Wllllani Sprmili'. rri'sldcnt Sonthorn I'm III.- Oa Tho illniax of the lampalKti will Iw in Norembar of thla raw arbao an In ti'i'iiatii.ii.,1 riiiin Cougraaa m bo iii!d n, s,'w York CK no- "f the prion faaturaa of tiirrntii IniIkii In the extension of s. h ... lm;s I ,! ti km funds estnlillHlied for tin' TEACHINO BOYS TO SAVK. A certain fitther hn devUed a rather novel plan to develop re hUtlng power In lit boya. Know ing the value of aelf-rontrol, ca pe). illy In nioiiey mutter, ha ghes null hoy u weekly alow -mi e. w llh tin stipulation that It must he 'iiiihsl In the pocket during the Heel., and only half of it H'itt. Hue boy receive twenty enis en. h Heck If lie piodine a dime at the week end. be gels aiiolhel lucul.v i i nt- If ll d Ill he el only ll dime The other Itoy re clit. u dime ami loud produce it nick el to gel uimtlier dime There I thus a constant opportunity to I pond Inn ii const ml lii'onthc lo MTO I" ii i-! It tit lie I Iim I the leuiiid stun- lliein on, hut i i i in i ns that till father Is deralopUui raabrtuuj poorat lu the bojra that artH nanl than in giaid teuil Iii after year , BBfpaaa of retvlvlng a uiull avlug or shool ehOdrao and encouraging the halilt of s'-eiuitle iiccltuiulatloiii. Then. Is no greater field for the luciil eoUon or baUta of tbrlft In the uiluda of tba M-ople tliau ibcau bank The Je-mt I at In is um'.I to say. ' (ilve me the child until he I seien year old. then loll .an h:ie him" If the child la taught lu this piucia.il way to ave hhi inon. ij Bjra rautlcaily than la m d.nilil that he u III n.Uiie valuable hablta of llvtagi ha artll boaoan a bet ter inaiiiiger of hi private affair, be win ie mora economical and be will i enter fori si lit lust reccutly one huudretl und eighty two acbool hank . i ' d lu 1 icttolt lu ihe campaign In N' Itelj by tini Bra ataUUg to establish one hundred new hool bank by the tirat of May. i ', tba New Vork Mall" an at tempi Is being made I" raise hftv thou and (lime for the achool children, that 1. u dime will be given to each child a aoou a be u . uiuulate hi Unit alaitj tent in the new hauk I nil. i ihe system known u the "lirooklyn I'lau" originated by A. N. CtefB. w ho is the . h.llliian of the i cu lenulal I "Uiiuiltee for tin- llvtenslon i Scb - "I .s.nlng in New ork City, tile illlldlell opilnle Ihu hank them st.lws ulull ,. i1k. MUiMsi,,, f 0e 0f tba taachora who la also the trtfiturtr "t tba " .in. I .a. h child iii ihe eighth year i UUM take hi tun, ut rilling vatT ou poaltloua in the hauk from uieaaau get u I't'sideiit ihey have a Hoard of Ulrectora comHiad ol iwei.u four children, who tucel regular! mid dU "t liie hunk At the end of the In id year and when these eighth year pupils giadiiale. In addl lion lo the diploma of graduation thai are ghen a ccitilhate show lug that idled the rartotta Hiuoua iu the achool bank. The pupil ue - us lecouiuiiudatiou lire osltl"lis There Is in. iloubi that ibis thrift unpulgn will et'eate u new Interest In : In ill. a new undci standing of the sub ject Tbue Hill not be as much H ame and waste The h-ople will live within their iiicoiucs and not mort gage ciciylnc.g they own 0. S L. TIME TABLE Westward No Le a 17 Oregon Waab Ltd 4- it m. 75 Huntington po&i II m 19 Orogon WubIi Kp :33 . n 5 I'iiMt .Mail ! 1 p .. Fast rt" 18 Oragofl w i i.' . n si . m. 76 Bolaa POBJ a nt. 4 Bai tmii i pra i - . p. m 6 OrOgon Waab ftxp 6- :i p. m OlUMOll aV Ti v t .iwcii ari anl No. I. i'ii vi' i:i Mlaod dtill pxi lit ..I , to' Rlvt tnldo 12:20i A1 . A lltO ..XV HKAM II Westward "' O. I."ii ,' i4i Mix i Va n &. Brogma Da y ex ept Sunday 10:00 n. tn I r i8. le doll 7:00 in BMtWMtl 14f Allxi d from KUorHlde da uy except Sunday 12:01 p tn !". P ll I from Vai. . daih I 10 a :n .42 Mlsod lion, Brogan A dall axi 1 i Sunday 3:30 p. m Tim Homodalo train icnvct Kjraaa at i lo p in on Tuaaday, Thuraday anil Saturilav, nt ni ulni; inir day. er ll".g rt I). it irio if .'. II p in OFFICIAL DIRECTORY rolled Slates rroaidont t irmv w iisot resident Tboa. It. Mnrahnl uy of State, .. llohert l.uiiutic Secretary of Tuaa ,. . W. O. McAdo, Secretary oi Win, ..I. M QairtOOO Attotii. . He , ii, 'I'ho. w. Qragofl l'oatitiaator-l BOtbl. ...A. llurlivon Secretary of Noi J. I'aiileli Sec'y of Interim . Franklin K I.uiu Secy of Agrlc iltiitv,, D. F Houston Sec'y of I'oinni 'ire Win ' Secretary of l.a:n t . . . , W. ll s LlOOB Secyto the I're J. 1'. Tumulty V. h. supn n Oaati i Chler Juatlce... Kdwurd J Whl Aaaoclato Justice, Joseph McKenua Oliver Wendnli lliimaa William ll. Day J. lino C. Mclte -told Cbarlea K. Ilugii" Willi VanDevan ei Joseph It I.atuar Mahlon Pitney Vale I . H. latnd-imirtra. Itaglater Thor. J. I Receiver ,. N Ke h Mate onicera. Oovarnor James It I. com i Sac'y of State Ben t)lct Traaaurer 1 j Ka Attorney-Oeneral. . .Oeo. V i owi Supt. of Public Inslr net urn J. A. tneitnlli Dairy and Food Commlialonet J. I) Miikla State Printer A. W. laurtl ' M U. 8. Senator. Mary K. Lane O. E. Chamberlain Congreaamen, U c llawley N. J. Slnnot C. N. McArthur Htate Supreme Court Chief Juatlce Frank A. Moore Aaaoclate Justice, Tbomaa A. McBrlde Henry T (lean Oeorge II. Burnett llohert Kaklu Henry 1. Beuaon Ij rence T. Harrla Ninth Judicial District District Judge Dalton Blgga District Attorney W. H. Brooke Senator 2Mth legislative Assembly Joint Senator, for lirant, Malheur, aud Harney Countlea. . . i. ,.r in k V. Stewart Couutj onicera County Judge U. W. McKnlght County Clerk John P. Houston Sheriff Beu J. Brown County Commlaaionera, John F. Weaver Melville Kelley County Treasurer. J. ltulph Weaver Assessor, Lewis E Hill School Supt Fay Clark I'oun'y Survayor B. F. Farmer County Coronor It. O Payne Truant Officer A. 11 Mclutoah Juatlce of the Peace (Ontario Dis trict O. L. King Circuit Ciiurl Circuit Court for Malheur county , meet In Vale, the county seat, on the second Monday In January; on the fourth Monday in April; and on I the tirat Tuesday In September for regular sessions Hon. Dalton Biggs, i Circuit Judge; W. 11 Brooke, Dist rict Attorney; John P. Houston, Clerk County Court. The County Court of Malheur County meets lu regular session at Vale on the first Wednesday of Jan uary, March, May, July, September aud November. County Judge, Geo. W. McKnlght; M. D. Kelley and John P. Weaver. Commlaaionera; John P. Houston, Clerk 1'ie.sent stage of England's con scription problem show a lot of fall, tug out about falling in. The Yale football team will wear number uext fall, but we suppose Halyard will get 'em a usual. aa ssaiii w n p i i TM-. UNIVERSAL CAR There's" I reason why there aic. inure than nut' million Hire e hundred thousand Ford cars in use toda) . and thai t ion li baaed on the niali'lili'ss service and economy oi Kunl oars, I'nivt r.il service is the must conoluaive evidence ut genuine value. Thai is one good reason. Buy today Touring Car $440; Runabout $390 Coupe let 690; Town Car $640 Sedan 1740, f. . b. Detroit. THOMAS F. COWARD, Agent Ontario, Oregon "Make Life Brighter and the Day Work Lighter" ECONOMY Over 600 Electric Ranges operating on our lines cost the users an average of $2.60 per month. COOK BY WIRE ii in Safe, Clean, Economical ELECTRIC INVESTMENT CO. ONTARIO THE UNIVERSAL INSTRUMENT Thirty years ago the telephone waa a luxury. Today, through personal Initiative and private enterprise, It haa become a necessity within tba reach of everybody. Where once a bual oaaa had but ona telephone with a limited talking range, today that business has service with a range three-quarters of a conti nent broad, and every branch of every business la linked to ev ery other by an Intercommunicating telephone ayatem The telephone haa earned Its responsible place and there are now 8,000,000 Hell telephones lu this country, over which go 26,000,000 talk daily. Every Bell Telephone ia a Long; Diatance Station. Malheur Home Telephone Co. PRICES I have on display at my .store an unusual show ing of Tailored Dress and Semi Dress Hats, designed especially for drSSfM in who are particu lar as to correctness of their millinery. Coin. and see our eoiiuneneeiueiit hats. Cut Flowers and Potted Plants. Hair Goods The Osborne Millinery Successor to (irove & Rilev OREGON REDUCED