fi THE PAID LOCAL ADVERTISEMENTS FOR HALE KiillnK nnd driving pony with good buggy nml harness. price rljtht. Phone 20 N 2. WANTED A second lrl to as sist with housework l'hone 20 N 2. $500.00 to $ l Mm nil to Ion n on Improved farms. My own money. No delay. O. K. Cnrman, P. (), Vale FOR BALE Six Reed thrifty pigs 920.00 taken thorn if taken at once. Four miles wont of Ontario. J J. Dlllnrd, box 626, Ontario, Oregori PERSONAL-LOCAL Miss W.Jmoth Curry Ih home from a trip to Alaska Wednesday evening Charlotte Wal Mr la "Klndllni." lien Rrown win here Saturday with ballot boxes. W. W. Roue waa hero Tuesday vls ItiiiR with the family. MIkh llalfe, of Denver, Is visiting with the linnpliy family. Stanley Mllllken and Miss Muriel are home for the holidays. A Ron was born to Mr and Mr II Telltsch nil the 1 flth. Ullev Horn was here from Watson IMano TunlnR A. 11. McCarty, an expert piano tuner Is permanently lo cated at Nyssa. All work guaran teed Phone MJ. Mtf Good second hand Ilulck automo bile for salo, cheap. Enqulro J. W. MeCaltoes, itf. For rent 5 room cottage, good lawn, trees and garden spot. Art Dunnuck, MJ. tf For Rent Five room house, shade, lawn and garden spot. Key wltii Joa Staple at M. U. Co. 13tt For rent, R room brick house, mod ern, central, on Main street. W. II I mi:. iotr Warrant Cull. Notice la hereby given that 1 have funds on hand to pay all (lennral Fund Warrants endorsed not paid for want of funds. Interest ceaaea May 10th. 11. Dated at Vale, Oregon. May 3, UN. J. II WEAVER. Trees. Malheur County, Oregon. APPLES FOR HA I. W- Hen Davlr., llBldwIns. Jonathans. A. C. Mane man, phone 292. Frullland. Idaho, tf Chore boy wanted. l'hone 10 N 2 New millinery this week Includ ing tlte very latest medium brim and wide sailors, white and colors. The ltoiinet simp. Ontario, Oregon. W. W. Letson, the Ontario Jewe ler, will give all mall orders prompt attention. Repair work solicited. It Store your summer nacon at the Cold Storage at 1 cent per pound. 11-11 LOST Sunday evening, coin purse containing diamond ring, etc. Finder return to Argus office. Sport hats and Panamas In smart new models. The Bonnet Shop, On tario, Oregon. FOR SALE Idaho Rural Seed Po tatoes. C. C. Powell, Frultland Idaho. Phone 19-2 l-t2pd TO TRADE For Ontario or coun try property $1200 real estate gage drawing eight per cent, first ctaas security or will discount for cash. See Turner, the Insurance man. If anyone wants washing or Iron ing done at their homes call at the Peoples Preasery. 20.23 TWO ROOM HOUSE FOR HA I K Near oil well. Apply at Argus. 20tf FOR SALE --Shelled and ear eom Peed barley in bulk. J Duuphy, one and one-half miles southwest of On thf week laying In supplies. A daughter was horn to Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Alison on the 11th Byron Turner was registered at the liristol, In llolse, on Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. I,. I, Culbertson HN In linker with the t ruck team Mr. and Mrs L. J Aker are homo from a visit with relatives at MM A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrc. Herman Caldwell on the 12th. Iliinley Is shipping a tru n iMMl ' cattle from Riverside this week to Mmitnna. Ray Rambo, who la in the hospital with spotted fever, aeems to he do ing well. Mrs. Orelg, Mrs. Emison and Mrs Wilson were visiting Woleer friends on Monday. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs Henry Kime, nee Nettle Hllman, of Westrall, on the lf.tli. Mrs Dodge Is home from a trip through Oregon and Washington v. suing fraternal orders. ('has Click will be seen at the re tall department of the Ontario Meut market after May INth. The Natarene will hold services here from the 18th to 21st with E. F. Wi'lkor as the principal speaker. Kelso Newman Is here this week. He refused to atate what particular business he waa giving his time to. Arrangements have been made for Decoration day exercises and the pro gram will he announced next week. Harry Wilson loft Monday for Cornucopia. Mrs. Wilson will re main a short time to complete her visit. M is Pauline llllllngsley will soon leave for her homestead up In the mountains. Her mother will go along. Thoa. F. Coward received another shipment of Ford cars tills week and several of them were taken soon as unloaded. Mark Chrlstenson of Ia Orande, moved his family here and will hi' found In the barber shop w'.lh his brothers. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kroessjn of Ontario were guests Hunday of Mr. and Mrs Claud Allen The ladles are slaters.- -Welser Signal. On Monday evening the Dream land will present the Fox feature with Theda Hurra and William Shay, in the "Two Orphana." and Mrs Brett are In Boise. the doctor was operated on for an abscess of the brain He la reported as doing fine. f II McCoimel and H. F. Brown of ''aldwell, were here Tuesday. They are prominent aheep men and were the gueats of Mr. Creeui while here. You can aave IS per cent of your incut bill by attending the salea of the Ontario Meat Co. Watch the s'gns In our window. Tuesday evening Hex Beache's "The Ne'er-do-Well," In nine acts, featuring Kathlyn Williams and Wheeler Oakman. The work on the bridge over the Malheur near the Urosnan place Is i ipleted and Is now open The tubes have been placed down ao there will b no trouble about wash outs In the future. Just as an indication of the trend of business, the railroad has furnish ed the boys here with two new trucks There is a Real Difference Cream of tartar, derived from grapes, is used in Royal Baking Powder because it is the best and most healthful ingredient known for the purpose. Phosphate and alum, which are de rived from mineral sources, are used in some baking powders, instead of cream of tartar, because they are cheaper. If you have been induced to use baking powders made from alum or phosphate, use Royal Baking Powder instead. You will be pleased with the results and the difference in the quality of the food. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO. New York "'inc. ton they have now with which to handle the mail, expross .nil baggage Hank Hill and family came up from Ontario Saturday for a visit with the W W. Wilton family. Mr Hill has sold out his drug store in Ontario and Is looking for a location Emmott Examiner. A. Venator was her? irom the In terior on Monday and said the c!d we: iii"f last week did consid ilf ll I" I to the hay and grain crops In his section. There was no lot Of Iambi due tn the cold The ladles of the Episcopal (Julld will servo waffles like mother used to make and syrup, with coffee, ilnr Ing the nflernoon nml owning of in mar) daj in the commercial club rooms. The Moore Hotel has discarded tl It handsome parlor they had In front of the building and tie room Is heiny flttoil for a store room The bar ber shop has been remodeled and opened up by Amos Johnson and Prod Itlre . There was n large galhor'ng of the candidates from Vale hero this week and they held a convention and de cided that they would hold I pic-nlc on Saturday and would In-' vile nil their friends and enemies to ' Join them in a glorious celebration It was decided that the headwaters of Salt creek would be a very ap-; propr'nte place for the blow out. A new meat market has been op ened up opposite the Dreamland theatre by Stewart It Wright, two experienced butchers. Mr. Wright waa formerly with the Ontario Meat market as cutter. Mr. Stewart has hud much experience as a buyer. The room has been painted and papered and everything has an Inviting ap pearance and the two men should well in their venture. This Week Extra Special In READY-TO-WEAR Silk Suits - - - $21.75 Poplin and Check Suits - 18.95 Serge Suits - - - 13.75 Silk Petticoats, all colors - 2.45 Silk Waists, plain and white 1.15 Silk Crepes, all colors - 2.48 Shoes and Pumps Ladies' and children's all white shoes and purrips, all sizes, babies', misses' and ladies'. Look at the price 75c, $1.25, $1.35 and $2.00 Per Pair There waa a meeting of the Com mercial clnh held Monday evening hut there waa little of importance brought up. The secretary reported ' quite an Inquiry for literature and also that a few people were coming In aa a result of correspondence. The sentiment of the m embers aetata! ws taken and it was found that they did not wish to celebrate the Fourth this year, aa It is consid ered that It la the turn of the other surrounding points which ao gener ously supported the Ontario celebra tion last year. LAMPKIN'S Mr. and Mrs. Otto lllackaby were here a few days laat week and went on to Portland. Mr. lllackaby has been located at Homedale for some ud mi) s that the Nitrate com pany la arranging for an extensive plant at the mines and the Home dale people are doing all they can to have the business located at Ho dale, rather than at a point near Napton, and the people feel assured they will succeed. The Homedale i it 1 1 v ream what It will mean to have aeveral hundred men on a payroll and are not going to over look their opportunity. SMASH THE SLATE 57 X P. J. GALLAGHER Vote thus for P. J. Gallagher for District Attorney of Malheur coun ty who is making the race solely on his merits and ability. He is not the chosen candidate of any politi cal clique or faction. If he is elect ed he will serve the general public instead of some particular locality or any political ring or clique. The Palace Meat Market Opposite Dreamland I REM 1 1 MK.tTH HALT MEATS nilKIt MEATS HAI H.(.K I.ARD Hotter meats for the same Mimiia Prloea Never High Quality Never Poor Come in and see the new market Telephone 111 STEWART & WRIGHT Proprietors This week the sweet girl graduates are in the centre of the stage and there la little room for any others, even the candidates taking second pluoo On Sunday evening Rev. Drown delivered a sermou to the claas on preparedness, which was very appro priate and appreciated. On Monday evening the Wilson hall was crowded with the merry makers until a late hour, the gueats of the Nut club. on Tuesday evening the class play crowded the Dreamland and the a. r. o. sign was hung out early. The aeveral playera are atlll receiving (uUKratulutious on their histrionic ability. Wedneaday afternoon was the Class Day exercises and in the even tug the reception of the Juniors for tlm seniors. 1 'lursday evening the Commence ment exercises, making a very busy week for the youngsters. J. W. Mcculloch ought to receive and no doubt will receive the sup port of the voters of Malheur county at the primaries May 19. The vot ers ought to realize, and we think do realise, that the entire county would be largely benefitted with Mr. Mi-Culloch on the commission. Let's all unite and give McC'ulloch a rous ing home vote. FOR SALE CHEAP -One 3 Inch Ilaln wagon, with California rack bed. One good hay rack, one Hlude baker buggy, one Deerlng mower, one Deerlng hay rake, one single harness, light, one double harness heavy chain. Inquire of Ontario Real Estate Co. Evidence continues to pile up that Mr. Hearst hasn't any cattle ranches in Germany. America la about to receive Its diploma from the corresponded . school of diplomacy. A New York concern has shipped 500 typewriters to Lisbon. We had no Idea that poor little Port us:. I uI.mi had one of thoae suhiu'' w There'" ' marries youi fi il ,.n.yn 1 MONKV TO LOAN ON IMPROVED RANCHES. W. J. PINNEV. OX- TAKIO. olll I. o .,if Mi. Lewie McUofwM Mii usn MI USE Oittari 'r chickens alM Hlu,l t wTT weat t "England will laugh laat," aays a London paper. Tl.ut's what the Eiik Mali have always been famous for. "Verdun to end the war," aays Kaiser. Meanwhile, the question is whether the war will end Verdun. Reports regarding Villa's inter meut possibly mean merely that he lias dug himself In. Aa the heated term approaches Justice Hughes and Iced drinks be come more and more popular. In the matter of diplomatic notes this country believes in "craps'' but , not in "bales" of paper. Germany may be In straits, but bringing her to bay Is something else again. WHY THIS DRUG " THAT'S WHY Mail Orders Given Prompt, Careful Attention Purity 't' Drug. . i iiracy iii Preacripti 1-ivskness Of l'lopm ta ModicUet. i;t-t of Toilet Articles. Durable Rubber Grooda, Variety In School Supplii Latest styles in Stationery. Tasteful Confectionary. Delirious lee ( Yealll. Cboioe-1 of Soft Drinks. Quality Smokes. Beit Pipe! and Tobaccos. Prompt ai l Efficient Service. Wii'iams pays cash for eggs at the Cold Storage. 18-22 Get your ice at the Cold Storage. They have both artesian and river leu. Phone 157-R. 1-JJ Everhart Drug Co