HC3HII I Special Prices on Millinery for 10 Days Wonderful Lot of New Sprnn and Summer VutU rns Just Rt-ceived Men! The ' ( hod Ac wh ' It's Time for Straw Hatn All Htylec, iiulltip nml prtOl ami sco l Iwiii. - Khali In' chill In IDO. ciii gl IT) luil in till- Mllllp I I liriiiK HIilrtH, New Spring l'tiiliru riir Hull wll pll imi Imili M in quality nml prim Shoe that Wear Well Nowhsri will '.oil an iiHiorliiii-nl to MMM fmiii ul lookiBg Of wi'.iring BOM M Jim will fiml In diir HllOl- llr-plirtni'lil I I in- Special Showing of Yardage Goods Ni-w Bilk, ni-w l.awiiH, i WIN, Now Klgup il Bar Kniliriiiii-ri "., lu-w Lai in-w Trtealsgi. Thp larm-Kl stork fur you lo t froin In thin hi-i-IIuii of tin- npwmit In dress Roods. In our ili-part iih-iiI Ik inmli- ir nil "llil li'iitlii-r t h.-it will 1 nil! anil not look like mini' Hull you Hi-i- urminil mi) Ontario tmuSLJ I opfgon wftjM (ft wr1. tm oftcco n i J PftjP 1 ' i ' -'J , I CI BOYER BROTHERS & COMPANY . INSTRUCTIONS VOTERS SHOULD ALL READ You see Stars in METRO MCTURES Your theatre should show them. 'I In- iiiti-iiiiuii of tlin voterii I re-Hp.-ri fully ralli-il to tlin follewing: I'leimn taki' iiullri' Ilia) tl.i- iiiiiih-m nf ii-rlnln t-n rt ! I ! i t do not In all rin i-1 iippi-.u in (In- mini- n-latlw' po Killnii on tlin official liallulii (luil limy occupy on tlin miniptn liallotH This la caused by operation of tin i law ri-iii'rliiK tin- rotation of iiiiiiii-k in all eiiw where the nuinlinr of riiiiillilatnn h flu- or more for any office. In audi caana the nanma ro ttttn on the official hallo) hut do not n. t. He on the aaniple ballot. tlona. Hut tlmy can't get It by waiting for It. Tlmy must alltai 1 1 -ii inn . takS a litili- in- ipir Kpan-. ili-scriht- their OOdl n liltli- iniirn fully A great deal of money will In- 'in-lit In the nexl ' lunntlis, tho bulk of II wlh llit-i'-il-'.ih-i who i-oiirt the iiuinI publicity. aiflH.IMI lldl CAItl.OAH Ol HOGS, 'I'lie iwine liuliiHtry In the New I'ly iiioiiHi illNtrlrt In growing rap'illy I'p to the affajngtf lliio- they have al ready been ahippeil from liers thi your 26 oara of hogx. Tim gaaa4M tor hog Iihh drought another hog buyer In the field here in tin poraon of Klliui Wlili, a well kimwn funnel' of HiIh place Ilia flrat ahlp ment, cona'ntlng of 105 boga, was mud last Friday. Theae boga had an average weight of 19H DOUBdl All rpglster.nl -lectors ahould vote ttchi for wlilcl the farmers who $112 OR $653 INCOME? Kroquent reference Iihh been made mlunm in the practice fol lowed li field agents of the ili-part Mil Df :u i li nil in- iii nunpitrlnR a - iiiti'inent of .i funnel ' basinet a li li Hie average hiiKlneaN of furmiTK In the Hitme Hectlon. plains a ilepai I incut official engaged In cooperative dem )litralloii work In the Northern, lentral anil WiKleril Htllti'i. "It Ik hut natural that farmers should In Home cbki's wish to go behiml tin-1 average ami lme their IniHlnex ' compared In detail with the hu of otln-r iniliv liliuil farumrs "Tho following tiihli- kIiowm how the huMii.MK ol I'm li No. 29 was compared with thai ol Farm No. SI: NO 2 No. 21 In the precinct In which they have registered, except thoae reglatered lector who have changed their residence from the precinct in which they are reglatered, during the peri od when registration Is cloaed by law, may on application to the coun I ty clerk receive a certificate of reg i latratlon, which certlflete. on pre I eentatlon to the election board will entitle the elector to vote In the precinct to which the elector has removed. Any reglatered elector voting In any precinct other than the one for which he ! reglatered, without flrat having obtained a certificate of reglatratlon, will be guilty of double registration, the extreme peualty for which la u term of three yeara In tho penitentiary. Elector who have not reglatered will be entitled to vote at any elec tion by reglaterlng on election day before one of the Judgoe of election, audi reglatratlon, if properly made, will permanently register the elect or for that precinct If naturallted the elector muet exhibit final citi zenship papers or a duly authenti cated copy or certificate thereof. brought them In were paid $H. 1 0 per hundred pounds, or a total of IK83.- 9 for this carload il wi.ia siiii-i-im; HANI ATTI,K Win 1 1 it it t.-y was In town Monday evening looking after a large ah!p ment of cattle. The cattle were to have been ehlpped from tbla point but owing to having gotten Into the hills beyond Itlveraide Mr. Ilanley dlacovered It would be morn feasa hle to ahlp from that point and went up there lo ahlp out Instead The li puient was made Wednesday. An other shipment of about two thoua and head will be In bore soon. The shipment this time consisted of about fifteen hundred head. - Juntiira Times. Labor iMi'iiH- SIZE OK Mil No. THAI M I HI I'Ktt AIIVIMKH At HU, Noted New York Humorist unit ev-Hcimior Work Irfing Hour MEN! All men look ueater and feel better when their clothing la neatly cleaned and preoaed. ' We do all kinda of dyeing, cleaning, pressing and repair ing You can alwaya tell our pa trons by their appearance on the street. Clothing may not make the man, but keeping It cleaned and pressed makea him a deal more attractive to his fellow men and to the ladles. Our prices are so reasonable they are only au incident. ONTARIO PRESSARY AND TAILOR SHOP AST IH-iMlK lnp. r.uu H4 J "Keep going!" That la t'hauncey M. Depew'a advice to the aged. Mr Depew waa St the other day "I (eel as well and capable aa I did at 72, or at 62. or at 62," he aald. "Gladstone won his greatest jjollll cal triumphs after he waa Ml) ('inn modore Vanderbllt made more than two third of his vast fortune be tween the age of 70 and 80. "Joseph Choate, who la 84, Is more sought for because of the excellent speeches he Is now making than any other man lit the United States. "President Charles W. Eliot, of Harvard, la writing articles for iuag axiues and delivering lectures before scientific bodlea and college which are recognized everywhere aa the 'jest thought on the subject. "I do everything I ever did, and enjoy it Just as much. "I am busy from 10 o'clock until midnight. It la work thai counts Eating and sleeping have little to do with health and longevity. Eight hours' sleep la enough for most peo ple, and, as for food, half of my friends have dug their graves with their teeth." DON'T KIHM THE CAT. It must be a terrifying revelation to thoae who kiss their cats, that has been made by Prof. Ploccl, an Italian chemist He has found by experi ment that when a cat licks Its lips It spreads over them a saliva In which there are swarms of minute bacilli not free from danger to hu man being When he Inoculated rabbit and gulua plga with th's nox ious substance they died within 24 hours; and he haa come lo the con clualon that It Is dangerous for any one to Indulge In the habit of kiss ing cats. 11 $1117 772 12.'. IS i SI 174 Molt It I.HON Huns TO NKW TOWN J 1. I) Morrison, the genial agent of the Oregon. Western Colonixatlon company, arrived In Burns the first of the week from Bend, accompanied by his family from Portland. The Morrison will make their home at the Colony House near the new town. Mend re, during this summer season. Mr Morrison reports the sale of sev eral sections of land within the past few weeks The new townslte, he slated, Is all cleared of brush and aurveyors are awaiting orders to be gin platting. Hums Newa. NO GRIPING when iuuukv SAN TOX Ki CW.ro. (tUU). HUuuit to Uka. b.luul harmlsM. Their action i five natural. The nowt lax- ti.o uu ever trwd. rnca me udxta. I- Ceucaron .a'tuUl I JaWy tUlaj I 4nV av I Everhart bOi.O BY Drug Co., Ontario A (r(M)ll TIME TO ADVBKTUI The hackneyed old phrase, "Now is the time to advertise," has special pertinence Just uow. It la in time of prosperity that money ia made. Aa the result of big prices for hogs, sheep, wool, horses, cattle and prac tically everything raised on the farm, the demand for war munition, etc . the country bus reached a high stage of prosperity. There Is plenty of money in circulation, aud people are in h, mood lo buy liberally In such times aa theae advertising ously than ever. The people are hopeful aud confident, dis posed to anticipate their wants, to buy the best qualities, and to pur chase things they would not have felt tbey could afford a year ago. Merchants ought lo be able to dou ble their trade under theae condi- DOOOI lir.AI.KIt o. K.' WKHTKH.N MOTOK Oil,. II. O Harrison Co , distributors of the Dodge Uros. car, 8au Francis co, think so highly of motor oil made from western asphalt-base crude that tbey use nothing else In their demon atrating cars, and all the cara they sell go out filled with this oil. "We have had a good opportunity of observing its action In the MdH motor," says II 1' Huddlestoii, man ager of the service department, "both In the hands of our owu men aud of our customers, and are entirely sat isfied with the results. Our motors are free from carbon, compression la at Its highest point of efficiency, and we are never troubled with over heating and laboring of the motor on long, hard pulls." AN AKKA.NXAUEK. A young lady went into Hoyer's store aud approached the grocery de pin tinriit manager as follews: Young Ijjdy "You ain't got no eggs, is you?" W i liner I ain't said I ain't. Young Lady "I ain't asked you is you ain't, I asked you ain't you Is, ia you?" . . 1112 Ul'HINKHS No. 29 Area In crops, acrea . . 40 Number of cowa 18 Nil hi tier of productive anl mal unit 27 IUVKHHITY OF RUHINKKH No. 29 No Receipts from dairy . 1900 Net livestock receipts 880 Receipts from labor off farm 85 KOI' YIEU18 No. 19 No Silage corn, tone per acre II Hay, tona per acre .... 1.7 I'ltoiii'cTloN Of HOCK No. 29 No Milk receipts per uow. .S8 Receipts per productive ani mal unit S8 M6 "These two farms are located in the same neighborhood, have like soils and Identical weather condition re keeping the aame breed of rows and selling In the same markets. Yet Farm No III made a labor in oome of 1641 larger than the neigh boring Farm No. II. "So far aa tint alse of buiueas Is concerned there la very little differ ence In the farms However, Farm No. 29 with two more acres of crops, one more cow and five more produc tive animal units, baa the advantage of a slightly larger busineea. i'WIth reaped to diversity of bual neaa, theae two farina have the aame source of income The two Import ant crops, silage corn and hay, seem to be about equally good, with Farm No. 19 possibly having a slight ad vantage. "In spite of Farm No. 29'a slight advantage III sixe of buslneaa and yield of crop, Farm No. 31 made In one year nearly six times us large a labor MMM l" what Is this duo? "It will be seen that In the pro duction of livestock there Is a mark ed advantage In favor of Farm No. 21, the receipts per cow being eigh teen dollars Mg her and the receipts per productive animal unit twenty eight il'llar higher than on Farm No 1'J The difference In produc. Hon ol livestock account for more than the ililtiit-i.r between the lub or inniiiior. on the two farms. If Farm No 29 had aa good livestock as Kami No 31 it labor income would be about 1800 greater than it ,t "W len this comparison was shown to the operator of Farm No. 29, he could not believe that his livestock were really ao poor, but when be had again gone over his creamery re ceipts he was convinced. Since this record waa returned and the com i made, the operator of Farm No 31 has I--i'ii weighing the milk from hi . cows ai,d testing for butter fat He has recently Joined a cow testing ..HKociatlon in the locality and baa advised with the county agent as lo Ix'ii-i 'u-ti.iuls of handling the livi .tuck." Accommodating chaps, those Mexi cans, they've offered us not leaa than three corpses of Villa. wh it run n: is ooura aftek 1. oration Day. Chautauqua week, with a monster automobile parade. 'I he biggest Fourth of July cele. brat ion in Payette history Payette Enterprise. Not a few of thoae Mexican reports are coming trom our rifles. 0OMPRB8SED WISDOM The nun who inul.o it hi IiuhIiiokk to keep In ItMMll with a bank invariably nccum llliitcH the inoni. v lo put in the bank. He wise, and make this bank Yoilt bunk THIS BANK Stand by Our CuHtomprw IS FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE USE IT Capital and SurpltiH S1IMMIIIII.IKI We solicit your buslneaa. We guar antee you every facility and protec tion known to Bound and conserva tive banking principle. We will aerve you promptly and to the beat of our ability. Our advice la free upon requeat. First National Bank ONTAKIO, OREGON "A Good Rank In a Good Country." A .. ST Cook in a cool Kitchen All the heat is concen trated where it is needed keeps you cool and makes for better cooking NEW PI OlLCQOl Why not cook with a modern oil stove this sum mer and be comfortable? Bakes, broils, roasts, toaats. More efficient than your wood or coal stove, and costs less to operate. Better cooking because the long bluechimneysgiveatead- ier, more evenly distributed heat, under perfect control like gas. No smoke or smell. In 1, 2, 3 and 4-bumcr sizes, ovens separate. Also cabinet models with Forelegs Cooking Ovens. Ask your dealer today. STANDARD OIL COMPANY Uaaasaelal Out. rln For Sale by Fir But Rnulii Ui FtarlOil Ontario Hardware Co. Carpets and Rugs On or about June lii I will ir prepared lo make you rag carpets or ruga, am bum ui to nine Bed wide in various patterns, AI.mi will install machinery to clean all your oarpeti ami ruga. Located one door 'ii of V s. Plumb Lug iV. Beating Company, Idaho Aw. E. C. KUEPPER, Prop. i 7