Qlte (Bni&ti &mm. Ol,. 20 ONTARIO, MAUIKIlt OOCTtTT, ORBOOJf. THl'RHDAY, MAI M, 01. SOOTH MOUNTAIN MINES TO OPEN UP! Mr. Bell, state mine Inspector of Malm, reports the recent consum iiiiiiluM of a drill through the Influ ence of Stanley A Knaton of the Hunker lllll A Sullivan mine, on the south Mountain nilneii In Owyhee county, near Jordan Valley, which will Involve the Immediate and ac tive development of the properties of the Smith Mount iiln company. In fact, an engineer has already been Kent from Kellogg nnd Is now visiting Jordan Valley and Silver 'lty picking tip a crow- of minor, and will start work In driving the Oolromln tunnel ns MM iik supplies can he gotten on the ground and a crew of men collected Th work will be done by hand' drilling at the start, hut If MMloa ment progresses favorably It In the' Intentliin of Mr. him and Ills as sociate to Install an air compressor and push tin- .ni. prise with ma chine drills nn MM as preliminary work now being undertaken has pro gressed sufficiently to warrant a more complete mechanical equip ment The South Mountain company's property embraces a group of 1 pat ented claims, covering the crest of South mountain, 20 miles southwest of Silver City. It embrace the old Oolconda vein, which Is the original leading silver mining enterprise In the present area of Idaho. This old property was equipped with a small smelter In 187ft, when the bullion had to bit hauled by ox teams to Wlnnemucca, Nev. During that period the rich carbonate ore mined In the surface produced rlc. liver-bearing lead bullion to the total value of three hundred and fif ty thousand dollars, but at shallow depth the ore contained a strong mixture of copper and line sulphide which proved refractory and too dif ficult to handle under the Imperfect melting methods of that day. The property has since, at lnte vals, been subjected to considerable further development, but has now been Idle for several years. It la a large contact vein wltn bold mineral outcrops extending for several thous and feet along Ita strike over the crest of South mountain, and at .lit fereut openings discloses quite defl. nite Indications of large bodies of lead-silver, iluc and copper sulphide ores, which are Invariably rich In sliver and In some Instances also In gold. J It lllackaby of Ontario and j Thos. Kohout of Jordan Valley are among the owners of this property mid they are confident that at pres ent prices of metal there will be a nice margin of profit There will be a long haul by motor truck but good rules can be made with a large tonnage in sight as there Is always pleutv of back freight from Ilomedale to Jordan Valley. m.K.uiiumb racing FOR vlllllMvl fiLllLril I ri iti w v all II 111! fllll II 1 II I Wm T UNIKAL UKtliUN lltLU Effects Evident aril Crops Being Planted on the New Lands. STATE GRANGE TOOK UP THE LI.EST ISSUES; MINING ASBESTOS IN GRANT COUNTY Laterals 4 and 4a of the Nv.. Arcadla drainage district are about done and so far as completed are doing their work In a flrst.class man ner. There laterala are In section 8. It was not generally known I lint this work had been started. It Is alrendy far enough along to show good results. Lund is now MtM put in crop that before drainage was unfit lo plow Anyone Is at llhort, to go and see the work being done. I Probably by the first of next week work will he started on the Kmlson wiisteway, which will be lowered three feet. Appraisers for the benefits that will accrue to the lands drained have been agreed on. They are Hick He Armond, t'has. Ashford and W II listen They looked over the dis trict last week, hut nut In mi official capacity, as they have not yet bun appointed by the court The decision of the supreme court Albany. Or., May 13. Are the Hill, of the Southern Pacific. This crew biiii unrriman railroad Interests to1" "nil t work. have a race to Ilend across the r. ' Members of the crew are reported oade mountains from the Willam ette VBlley as they did up the Des chutes valley to the same point a few yeara ago? There are certain Indications which lend color to an affirmative answer. tO have said that active wr.rU will begin on the grade next month. 0s rent rumor is to the effect that the lllll Inlerests are backing this pro posed road. Hoon after this party of surveyors began working in the vicinitv .if Indorsed Rural Credits; Rapped Single Tax and Military Training. . -., ... in i v n u 1 1 r l . r ... . i ., . i . . . " " "' " iisrues, ! aiaytnn, a party of surveyors went fort toward purchasing rlelitN of win i" '' - - iii''lll .crilllllUS III mid shipments of supplies for proa-, the old torvallls A Kastern Railroad pernio work are the i.idin.ti.ir,., r.,,.. i .. ... .. ... Several months ago there was talk now owned by the Southern Pacific and hue heen at work east of Hoov er about two weeks. That the llarriman Interests are plat up. the extension of the line from Albany to Hoover and on ni building a riillroad from Salem through Stayton. thence up the NitiIi Snntliini valley and across the Cascade mountains to Ilend This line was surveyed aa far aa Stayton to Bend Is believed to be responsible some time ago. Recently a survey for this survey such an extension ing party has been active in the has been rumored many times In North Smitlam valley Bust of t a i, .,-.. hui ,i,,, H ,,. r(rM, ,,,,. It has surveyed a Ine from Stayton that surveying work has done eastward to Mehama, thence south I on the praeenl scale ward across the North Ssntl.,,,, rlv- Thai om '. work In the near er Into l.i,, con,,.,, running through future Is contemplated Is shown by I .VI I 111. Mllfl lilt L'li MSB II... .1 . . - . - . ' it.- i- iu . .1 . K ' "' '"" ""' uct l"1 ,wo n1 one-half ton on the legality of the organisation turning eastward about five mlleaof provlaions were shipped recently Is expected to he handed down next south of the Albany Homer l.r a . ' la expected to be handed down next week. It la confidently expected to be favorable, as the appeal to Unit tribunal was only a matter of form to Insure the validity of the bonds The court will give a hearing In June to any person who objects to the proposed change In the boundar ies, of the district. In the meantime the district supervisors are anxious to hear any complaints, if there be any, but will pay no attention to out side talk. I-and owners who are dis satisfied with any of the proposed plans are urged to attend the meet ings of the supervisors when com- south of the Albany-Hoover branch to Hoover. PAID DEARLY FOR GOODS BOUGHT OUT OF TOWN Here Is a story that is worth ilul.. nm.ri. i....... ... ... ....... , w- "'rl" " selling ineir plaints will receive careful attention s y " who wears hats goods from the same factories that TJ.e next meeting of the supervisors r dr""M"' ""' " '" olutely true, the 'lolss merchants buy rrom and will bo.beld Saturday evening. May I we "ve " '" ""'" "! prices and,,,,..,,,!, met the buyers from 20 -Nyssa Journal. snow. i Boise while selecting their stocks Representatives of Malheur count v granges to the State Orange conven tion at Orants Pass, report a must successful meeting The conference Indorsed rural credits, condemned the principle of single lax. went on record as opposed to mllltsr.i train Ing In the public schools, recommend d a plan for the nonpartisan pollii cal action In the ,1.1,1 the plan he Indorsed ,y the membership, and changed the apportionment scheme of representation to the stale Boat tlon. lb- state grange listened to a ringing report of the committee on education "The subject f better rural Mhooll was one of the most vital and hstMMttM f all the mat,, , cussed snd acted upon, The grange demanded that the rural school build. Ing be made more modern and linlt Ing. especially In Its sanitary com. i, Demand was made (hat sohool boards Install sanitary flush Ing toilets. Effort to establish county mar keting systems was made, and a plan adopted to enoourage the employ ment of men In each count v It .1 1 In the co-operative marketing of the produce of farm, garden and orchard The farmers and their wives, n,,,. were vitally Interested In sMrfesfttBf, and are seeking the best possible plan to make farming profitable Tl. .. 1 m .. r..-nioiis 01 1 ne coll yen r Ion were attended by nearly .100 men snd. women, fresh fr.,... 11... f..... 1. The asbestos aUsM, operating; Beech creek, near Mt ortroas Grant county will ship a carload Asbestos to the Portland market tl week, according to Otto Iterg. treat urer of the company, says the Canyt ( lty Kagle Heveral small slifmnn hare been made before. The coi pany Is now operating with a crew nine men. As there Is a great hot of commercial aslm-ins on " erty the work will Miihasjl u,llr large proportions in the mar tufurvx, The company Is known as tie ore. gon Asbestos Mining Co., uf whlcb Jns. Woornillc Is president and 1 miiti Mnngold the secretary. It was orgnnlzed In Portland. The product here Is said to bo s4 fine as can be found on the market. I it Is today the only asbestos mfnw work ng In the Tnlted States Thar has been some asbestos mining to Vermont. Virginia, Idaho, falltoroto ind IrtMM steal of it. however, was of low grade and difficult to market. During I 91 ft there was on ly 1731 shorl tons produced in tho I'ulted States and this was an In crease of 44 tons over the yemr prevlous according to ofrirlal axrav ernment reports just Issued Mosl of the asbestos used In tho country was shipped from Canada. Hurlng the war an embargo was plae. ed Upon It which shut It out of thai American market. THE NITRATE BEDS ARE BEING OPENED BIG DEMONSTRATION TOR PREPAREDNESS CLOSING SHOTS OF a part of this story When that par- ticular woman happened to walk past New York May IS -Mew Vo-ic "' 0nt"rl "tor,, u "P'"1 " ' belief ,h.t ihat'ou "hou.d e ""! '1 !'" -" par. for war was expressed Saturday -'" T' r!"' ."' "" " " '"' -'"' l.v nesrlv m. .. . " "" Prlr " r""d It was r ., ...,vvv Mlvu a, ,,, .,,,, ten marchlug in one of the greatest pro cess! ins ever assembled for the pro motion of au Idea. Twenty abreast, filling the streets from curb to curb, keeping In Stan to the patriotic tunes of two bun dre, I builds, the parade lasted n,r over .2 hours. It Is estimated Usal at lissl 1.000,000 persons saw Hie 11, 111 in -t ralltiii. Iwu.tv thousand men were in the pageant, workers In ZOO occupu -" -.. mnuiii inrir siochs A young ladv win, llomvlit 11.,. 1 1, l .... ... . .... .. . " -' .. .. ..,n,n inn, i- in chi ousiness in llnlse would be Impossible to f'nd a hat In 'and the pie are accustomed to Outarlo suited to her particular style paying more for what th.i m,i h ,, of beauty, went to llolse and pur- that sell Muturio for fg.f.0 at) chased a Uage bat. emry womaii l ... d Nile at llolse for lift. Suits knows what a Gage hat Is, we don't.! th-tt sell ir,re for fl50 sell In wua, o.ner tilings she bought Is not ' Boise for ItMO. arid those that sell Gage and that the price wan about one-half what she had paid the Hoi , merchant. Another lady went to Boise to get something exclusive In a dress and when rhe got home found that two Cnturio ladles had .been wearing du- here for $28 Hell n New York for billion to tie price tl.e home nit Is oier r Ii to make the kiiit fit you snd will make any little alteration In the hat thai you may desire and Is always here to make right. W" do not hope lo stop all this stream of money be ng earn. sent to outside points, but we do nopi to show how foolish the age buyer Is, how little knowle.ls.- women, fresh from the fsrm toatos of Oregon The work should r. dound to the permanent benefit of producers, who are aseklng. earnest ly and wisely, remedies ft the ills from which they suffer." GAS STRUCK IN DEEP WELL AT WEISER - -- J - - v-e ( "UTt HI M" nilOWH'ilK ' plicates of what she bought In :n,i ., Hie, i,ie of ,; Is or prices. ( win- -.... .,..1 ...c woiario hi, lies iih.i p., ,1 ,h up lo tl.e minute and what is passe an Ontario merchant shout ten dol-Uhat thev ui.- .,,111, Ii depend , ,, lars a piece leas than she paid the the salesman or woman with whom Boise merchant. hhav .,. ,i.n.. ...i ., - .. .. . . OVHIIIIH , 4 II II I I till 11 m h Weisar has a gas well and is an. Ing after another Th. good pressure and It Is to be hoped they have a good volume it t , . We:aer people profit h, the 1 ence of the Ontario people. tl, utilise the gas at once and rrtlfll further explorations There 1 u biuhi about gas being here. th. , question Is to strike a large Mli body of It to make a conn proposition. The Outarlo pe.pi, , . lend congrutulat Ml and hop. 1 next well may be much better than the first. '"""' "UlBll ill JUU OCCUpu . ' " '"' " ,B lions, lawyers and other profeeslonal v "vr .ne' " OUn" X "'"' '" ",OUKtt",, ,h"" ''"' " ' ..... .., . . . New York for a suit nnd had to i.ui n, 1,,,, 1...,. . The town Is full of candidates this week who are playing uu uphill game tr,lug to get the people Inter. The Ontario people seem to be inter eated in seeing Mr. McCoiioch get a good endorsement, but he is the only one the, are talking about The of fice for which Mr. McCulloch is a candidate is not being sought by an, democrat and the people feel that it la therefore a non-poliilcal position at this time The large number of electric pluntu being uistalled by the farmers and the iucreased milage of railroads in this section Is having its Influence with the people as they are beginning to reallxi that the public utility commission is the peo ple's organisation to govern the rales and management of all public utili ties. They also realize that Mr. Mc Culloch la eminently qualified for the place, and that he is the only candidate for the place who Is thus quailled. also that they are going to get much better service from a man who la Interested In the county and district than they are from a stranger who never knows them ex cept on election day. men, cltv officials and elt, employes and ! i', nun members of the National Guard In uniform and thousand veterans of the Spanish war ,1,, posed the long column. The lawyers ,vie led h, jn-tic, h of the Mlpi.-lli, court. Demands for a pluce In the parade so greatly exceeded the time and tpace that Die promoters w,r, ,,,1 polled to reject 60, 000" applications. Admiral General Leonard Wool Rear Admiral Nathaniel It. Usher. commandant of the New York naiv ,urd. and Mayor Mitchell r,,viu...i the parade. Anti-preparedness bodies, such us no Woman's Peace party and the Socialists, eudeavored to offset the preparedness spirit by circulstion among the spectators of circular,. Acinus Fifth avenue from the re- vlewlug stand the Woman's party hung out a banner with the insenn Ho-. "There are only 100,000 of you You are not the only patriots. Two million five hundred thousand miue workers and organised labor 01 America are opposed to what you sud Wall street are marching for Are you sure you are right?" nil end hud to in-. Ilroadnuv prices for II In ! over an Ontario slock she found ,1 duplicate of her suit, made in 1! . MBit fiuiory, and the price was ten dollars less. bu,er from nniario sygj 111 tl.e factory ut New rk at the an., lime He l.u, er for the New York ratal storo was there. The next hut ,, the 1. on e merchant I10 can I 1 er tliuii listen to the gl I, talk if low Mhls kariuel.l Mas j uu.-, I 1 1 MfjrMg" or tins bin is an MlMlM i,le." an. other Iiiiii- inmbe that is hand-. I oil. In 1 iner.ha.lt Who-,- ,. .' h to make the sale and gel the money Think It over before you buy tl.e We stood being Villa's doormat just aa long as we could, and we have also deotded to relinquish the role of Ger many's doormat. Too much is enough Ain't It. ONLY ONE NAN IN THE WORLD Co!. Roosevelt says that he :.... triad hard to support President Wil son, but he can't. Col. Roosevelt is so built mentally that there Is but one man In the world he oaa support Why mention names? Ex. '. " " own. U..'- 1 AaMMassl I-) bbbTsbTsbTsbTsbTsbTsbTsbTsbbM . saaaTaTaTaTaaaTsl H !w?3 -& L, n Mil; KjsV ,1 P.i M ' ll'alsatfi aaatlfW BBBsmsCs ssPJ mi . ill blfl Iff a ''OBBBB SBJgg,' . BBaS nbV. U Jj sstfsH kV qHwh! ,l HB8BBH 4sm l . K .ami sV. ..am iMGlml ""aWtM ssW! BefaJfflBSssssB fUlUritaw aHas.U. ..a Vk . u RAILROAD WORK IS ! PROGRESSING EINE Kl.Kin.er Young, of the 11 H N. was here last week and ... Hinged lor enough gravel an g M.mplete the peers for II big bridge. The . .i i,,i they get here Is the h. 1 ti.. find and there see , i . ,. to It ihe large ito foot girders 1.. last big bridge were placed g day and tl.e wo.k 1,1 t.nuhlng it w II m .'long rapidly troni tins time I'liere are mil, u few shorl b lo he hulll and iheu 1 1. .- si,a, el will be rushed to the tragi Ud finish up the excavating in the hi. Mi It will require ul.,,,11 1,1. days, of two shifts each lo fin, h the cut when the steam shovel is In place. Ht date has been set for the pro bable completion, because there are still loo many conl.iigeiic.es The war has created an unusual demand for nitrates and has shut ofr the usual supply in limes of peace ao there la an Immense demand at Ifesj present time and the supply Is limited. These national conditions are re sponsible for tin activity In the ni trate fields In this county ami the probable utillz.u ..... ,,1 11, , ducts of the fields of nitrate potasit toieeast Industries of vast impori f.,. It Is entirely within the range ,,r pn. sihilily that Industries will be lusiaN led for converting lh,n.c p.,, ducts 111 1 no -ni lor the lompo- ,1.01, ,, XllMt'M a-, well as for agricultur al fertilisers. There 1 rest. .111 to bi-llele till. I pOtaM bed. ol large extent underlie these fields 'I'he world uses II, 111111, 1 of potash a year, and before Hie war, American imports in the Torni of kull from Hern - """ ksMal its value for explo sives for which the product-, of II,,. Ir butar, e. Don appear to PIW I have a high value as 1 element in agriculture as well as in the manufacturing ol maiches, I .limited p.., Will he i.tl . 11 in. in this field - -it to H.e vmllM "I III,.., I, no For evplostve I Ihmi Plod omnium! tnlin'.,,. . fTittm ., I,,.. Ol la lit 1. irate B lieen . ..mil Ilir.liK I re, -ei, I DO! lod to I . Ill lllll as I 'I , . l; .,1 , 1 ,,,. ' '!''.' I ..ill. or .,, ton, g Million 011 Hie II,, medal, branch Hi lias from 1 ! tigU conipali, : !,. Nltrati coinpaiii the IttMiMrtw ,.1 wkU 1 I a 1 ... . . , ,,i.-, 0 1 CI it -II is K 11, .at linn.... The Sueur creek 1 eon. p. 1 . , an area I, ui.d It . , not tuipioliahi. "lie "I I . ''. lopmelits ol 1 future will l- ruction of at p.pe In.,- from then, io the rallrnuut through Which potMfl lll" h.- .. ducted in a Mlutlog fmu. and pro iiptlat.d ... , Ap. proximately. lM.f la uu, .Led lit the plant of 1 he , ompani THE SATUSDAV BAND CONCEIT oaiuraay evening at Dreamland. Marie Kmprvi. in lx,. (roM Vlobst naming la "The Running Hoaala" at Dreamland Sunday even Kl,ht Ing. May 21st nUKoL nAftluT Sill GOOD ",; " w """' l f disagreeable , .-......, ..... ...- ,i,i,ni ue,)e, .tie ' people to forget It. There was a much larger crowd out than .. first evening and the players dls plsved more confidence and did bet ter. The airs were catchy and pleasing. These Saturday evening concerts are proving very popular and the leader promises another ex oellent selection for the comlug Sat urday evening. John Sineed. the Caldwell noise buyer, was here Tuesday with Mr Williams, looking over some 1 Mr Hiueed went os to Kiversid, 11, said there was still a good demand for horses, they sold 76 at the May sale and expect another good market at the June aale. The prices are keeping up well, considering the un settled ooudMiona of everything.