The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, May 11, 1916, Image 7

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Baptist (Inn rli Note.
The work on tho church contin
ues. The new ooncrato baptistry
and tho foundation for Um outHldn
extensions were placed In Monday.
The work on the outside will noon
be cotnpleited and ready for tho Intor
ior work.
Special Borvlces next Sunday con
sisting of Mother' day Bervlces with
singing suited to the occasion. This
service will he n( the eleven o'clock
hour. All the mother of tho crntlle
roll and of the home dcpnrttnnt are
especially requested to ho present.
The church will take part In the
Baccalaureate ervlce at tho high
school in tig.
D. E. BAKER, Pastor.
Til Nil m id- I 'I i ii rh
Special Bervlce at the Nazarene
church. Preaching Sunday, May 14
at 11:00 a. m. by the pastor, 8:00
p. tn by Kev. Harry Hays.
The district aembly will moet
from May 18 to 21. K. F. Walker, I
D. IV. one of America's greatest
preachers will speak every evening
and all day Sunday, May 21. (lood
singing loud by Arthur F. Erlgler,
tbe famous singing evangelist Other
prominent speakers will be present.
Everybody Invited.
Tin- Tat-Eatlng Profession.
For tin- ten years ending l'.tl.'i,
Oregon tuxeater demunded and col
lected from the people $142,000,01)0.
Considering the average for the
ten years, this Is over one-fourth of
the assessed valuation ol I he stats),
Oregon taxes for 1915 for all pur-
poses, state and local were In the
aggregate the sum of 123,083,000.
The per capita taxea went up from
111 42 In 1902 to $30. GO per capital
for the year ending 1911
While the populsllon Increased
from 29,000 to 30.000 annually or
about 7 Vfj Per cent, taxes increase,!
annually 37 per cent.
According to the United Stats
census Montana held the per capita
Ux record up to 1911, llt.80 for
man, woman and child.
The total bonded Indebtedness of
Oregon has gone up from $7.90 per
capita In 1890 to $71.00 par capita
In 19 It. (U. 8. census.)
The total bonded debt at the close
of 1915 waa 161,695,825 with aa an
nual Interest charge of $2,786,861.
The above are some of the state
ments of facts and statistics brought
oat at tha state taxpayers conven
tion held at Portlapd.
Mrs. Kstber M. Lockhtrl, pioneer at
Coos county, the first woman to coma
to ths county, and teacher of tbe first
aobool at Marshflsld. is dead. She
was 91 years old, sod crossed the
plslns In 1851.
An electric road from Pendleton to
Walla Walla and from Cold Springs
Landing through I'sndlston to Bing
ham Springs Is an undertaking pro
jected by an association of eastern
Oregon oaniie.....
Eugsns Zimmsrmsn Diss.
Cincinnati. Eugens Zimmerman,
ex president of the Cincinnati, Hamil
ton A Dsyton railroad and wealthy
financier of this city, died auddenly at
a club here from hemorrhage of tha
luug Mr. Zimmerman was the father
ef tbe Duchess of Manchester.
Left Handed Re enge.
Officer Your ' this cbauffeur
run his cur Into th' show windy in a
millinery store Judge What millinery
store? Offlcer-Mms. de Stk'kutu's.
Judge Discharged. That's where my
wife buys her hels.-Ptillsdelplils Bui
An exchange says some women
have all the grace of au angleworm
when it comes to charming by the
poetry of motiou. But we'll let it
go at that.
That Irish rebellion accomplished
at least one result aside from its lu-
glorlus flxxie. Wa have heard
the Sinn Eeiuera. whatever they way
Be everything that you ought to,
and nothing that you ought not to,
and by thut tune you wont ue anvei
at all.
War or no war, we note witli pride
that the farmer, like the Industrious
honey bee, keeps right on buzzing
We waut an airship. We want to I
I'.et up among the clouds and see If
we can locate the cost of living.
No no the nrlces of printers'
J!LJ1"Z PP.. the
clouds. They are above the sky. ,
This is a aood world, after all;
und mo.-t of the good people live in
this town including even you.
Tho milk enw standard used to be
how many buckeiiuls vocj set tTCO
her when sl.o was fresh. Now it Is
how many pounds in year. I
Now LaugK I
Don't think about It
1'robably won't happen that way,
And, if tt does, 't won't be aa bad aa
you fcr.
There the real trouble -beinc afraM.
We taka a little trouble about the
size of a print and look at It through
the magnifying ulna of fear until It
look a big a an elephant
Then we are afraid of our own crea
Thing to do la to aquaab It while It
la still no more than a gnat
We don't bate squirmy thins; tie
cause of what wa know they will do
to tiB. but because of what wa fear
they might Our reason tells us tbey
lire narmleas. but our rear contradicts
Men are just aa bad
No naad to tall a woman in what
There's so much Joy for the least of us.
There's o little pain for the mort of us,
ft seems funny to ms Hist any of us
Csn't smile oil the tune st the rest of as.
Now laugh! Los Angelea Tiroes.
Historic Rose Tree.
The most venerable roae tree In ex-
! IMcnce Is said to bloom against the
Mlnli'lil ,.f I llhl.tali.tlm In II. .r
, ,.,. Notwithstanding the many par
Um wnlch nt different tlmea bare been
I n tbe ascendancy, they all stem to
bars respected and tended tbe rose
tree, which, It la said, wss planted by
Charlemagne. Tbe trunk Is now al
most as big as a man's body. There
are lire principal limbs trained ngalust
the church, the tree being protected by
Iron railing Inchsilng nn area of about
twenty six S(tinra feet The Uennan
soldier In early age tended tbe tree;
fnttmlli- and Protestants, In tum mas
' ,.. nf ,,,. ,. --
lu, IOgliers of Turenne fssteued up
the branches with clurnpa, and tboaa
of Napoleon, a century aud a naif
later, erected tbe railings.
Weehinoton at Night.
Night life comes on swiftly when It
, "- """' """rV"" ""'""
, tlfl lrl drawing a black
velvet. Jewel bespangled cloak over
. whu bouMB1 Tll, ,lr,f, m ,,.
L wUh dut gasjaaaa, rather low Ismns:
. -!, ..... ,.... . w ...
srtlstk'slly perfect lamps thst bold dull
white, glowing globes. Tbe lamps are
eery cloaa together. Tbey are th
Issaila that tbe girl winds snout her
throat and In ber dusky balr.
Tbe White House stsnds oat, glim
merlng boldly against the black of the
foliage. Its lighted windows dimmed
with tightly drawn curtains What of
natloual portent may not have hap
pened behind tboaa ssms curtained
windows! Perhaps fear has grappled
with bravery behind tbe shelter of the
friendly walla: perhaps hatred and love
have clashed. Perbsps cowards have
become strong, and surely strong men
have wspt Characters and homes ami
nations have been molded behind those
frleudly blinds. Margaret K. Hsng
ster. Jr.. In Christian Herald.
The Reuss Henrys.
For 700 years every prince of tbe
house of Reuss uss bet'ii cb listened
Henry, with a distinguishing numeral,
but tbe task of Identifying them la ren
dered doubly difficult owing to the ex
istence of two branches, each of which
baa a different aysteni of numeration.
Ths rider line U-glns the numbering
snew after esch batch of 100 Henry.
whereas the youuger line goes by the
- enturlea iiuiulHTlnir lis nrlnces as thev
are bom from I. upward through each 1 1 desire to announce my candidacy
complete hundred years. Tbe terrtto- j for the office of assessor, subject to
rise of the two branches comprise lit- tha decision of tho democratic aleo
tle more than 400 square miles, divided tors at the coming primary.
Into Reims Schlcli Of ru and lieu
.n i. For ceuturles the MoutenegTO
of the tiermsnle countries, both
branches Joined the Uertuan confedera
tion in 181S, but the elder line (Reuss
(ir.Ui sided with Austria In 1800. and
tbe principality narrowly escaped be
ing Incorporated with Prussia. West
minster Uusette.
Woeful Lack.
"Although Cbugson has had a car for
almost six mouths, he still seems to
think a pedestriau has some rights."
"How do you account for that atti
tude V
"it's very pecullur It certainly
shows a woeful lack of self confi
dence." BlrwUighsui Age-Herald
Ingle and Double flowers.
Tbe petal of a single flower fall
sooucr than Uo those of a double oue
tor toe reason linn me inner M-iais
aa Sssk. ti'unuf.iFiiiuii .hoi Ic ,ilnt -
"' . ." ., , ', . '.,
when performing their
original fuue
The Greek Kalends.
'Post Mined to the liieeL. kalends'
la a Roman phrase used hen the candidate for the office of Joint rep
Greeks hsd no calcudur and therefore Ireseutative for Mslheur and Harney
meant, as regards a debt, that It would
naver ba paid
For ths Visitors.
In full view of the crowd in a very
buav street two vendor of berries
were busy with piles of tlilu wooden
.j-. etttU stautilj filled with lmma-
; (uru fruit. Emptying box sfter box,
' the vendors deftly punched up one lay-
j er of the box bottom to a sharp" angle
Pouted " " ""Mle, propped It there
aud fn.ulealt looking berries should ,
muke a showy top coveiiug.
One or tne speciaiois grew uiu.a-
How In the world, he de-
iminded. "do you expect to sell your
ware, when yon openly Show that tbey
are not what tbey seem to
'Aw, gwun:
said tbv leiidor an-
u....sed. TtjH to York, un 1 there
are more trains eoiniup with more poo-
Ontario, Oregon
Office in New Wilson Block.
Dr. Harriet Sears
Dr. Pauline Sears
Graduates American School of Osteo
pathy, KirkBville, Mo.
Wilson Block. Telephone 154 Blk
Wilson Bldg.
Office 117
Raa. 1171
Office Zur. door East of Onarj Phar
macy on Nevada Avenue, Near
R. R. Depot.
J. H. FARLEY--Funeral direetc
sml embalmer. I.sdv assistant. Phone
132-W. Ontario, Oregon. I
I hereby announce myself aa '
candidate for the nomination as
county assessor subject to the votes
of the democrats of the county.
I hereby announce myself as a can
didate for the nomination for the
office of Traaaurar of Malheur Coun
ty, subject to the will of tha Dem
ocratic voters at tho coming primar
I hereby announce that I will bo a
candidate for Assessor of Malheur
County, subject to the will of tha
democratic voters at tha primary
election. If nominated and elect
ed I pledge my very boat efforts to
warda aecurlng an equitable assess
ment. B. W. Ml I.KIV
To the voters of Malheur, County,
I wish to announce myself aa a can
didate for tha nomination as assess
or on the democratic ticket.
I have boon a resident of the couu
ty ovor 80 years and thoroughly un
derstand the duties of tha position
To the voters of Malheur County
If nominated and elected, I pledge
economy In office end property nam
ing power the baaa for finding values
ticept as otherwise projcribed by
To the voters or Malheur, County,
I hereby announce myself a candidate
for the office of county assessor, sub
set to the will of the republican vot
ers of the county at the prinary elec
To the voters of Malheur County,
I hereby announce myself as a can
didate for tho nomination of County
Treasurer subject to tiie will of the
Republican voters at the primary
I hereby announce that I will be
Counties, subject to the will of the
republican electors at the coming
I hereby announce myself a candi
date for the nomination tor the office
of couuiy 'ir usurer of Malheur
(.()UIltv Oregon, subject to tin -will of
...eltepublican electors at the con,,,,
;To ,,1U cuuens 0f Malheur ceunty:
. . . BllIlouuce lhll. i win be
caudldltte f Ule ,,. u()111.
,D.. ..... ,,.,,,. 4., ... ...
"" - .-..-j - w.
coming primary election and ,ol.cit
your support.
This office spends thousands of dol-
W. II. Brooke, Attorney at Law.
Wilson Bldg. Ontario Ore
Will Practice in All Courts
Notary Public. Office Orer Postoffics
Room 9, First National Bank Bldg
Ontario, Oregon.
Rooms 1-2-8 First Natl Bank Bldg
Ontario, Oregon.
R. W. Swagler Attorney at Law.
Rooms 13-14-11 Wilson Bldg
Ontsrio Oregon.
P. J. (JAl.l.At.HI It
Room In Wllron Bldg.
Ontario, Oregon
ew.-. vsvvwvtweew
lit S I
Meets all trains.
lars of your money ami I pledge ray
self to every economy consistent with
good government. If elected I will
devote my entire time and energy to
tbe affairs of the office. Impartial
enforcement of all laws, economy
and suppression of useless litigation,
my platform.
I hereby announce myself as can
didate for nomination to the office of
Assessor on the Republican ticket,
subject to tho choice of the voters
at the primaries.
I8tf A. A ROPERT8.
1 hereby announce my candidacy
for the Republican nomination for
tha office of District Attorney of this
county. If nominated and elected I
will endeavor to fulfill the dutloa of
my office in a fair, fearless and ef
ficient manner and to the best of my
ability, keeping in mind at all times
my duty to the tsx payer.
I hereby announce myself a can
didate for the nomination for County
Clerk of Malheur County, Oregon,
subject to tbo will of the Republican
electors at the coming primaries.
V. B. Staples.
I hereby annuuuee myself as a
candidate for the Democratic nom
ination for Couuty School Superin
tendent of Malheur County in the
coming Primary Election. If nom
inated I will, to the best of my abil
ity, continue to work to further the
educational interests of the county.
Fay Clark.
Subject to the choice of the Rep
ublican voters of Malheur uud Har
tley counties, Oregon, to be expross-
ed at the coming primary election,
I hereby announce myself a awaVfti
date for the Republic. in nomination
as Joint Representative to th" lagll
lature from this representative dis
trict Dated Jan 21, 1916
Chas M. Craudull.
il t Ml VI
I hereby uiiuounce myselt a candi
date for the nomination for Couuiy
Clerk of Malheur Couuty, subject to
the will of tho Democratic voters at
the primaries.
Arthur Moody.
To the voters of Malheur Ceunty:
I hereby announcement my candi
dacy for reelection to the office of
County Assessor subject to the will
ol the Republican voters ut the pri
uiary election on the 19th. day of
May, 1916. Aud If nominated und
1 I shall continue to assess all
corporations on au equal aud um
form basis with other properly.
L. E. Hill, present Incumbent.
I hereby announce myself us a
candidate for the office of State Sen
ator from this district, composed of
.Malheur, Harney and 'titles,
subject to tin will of the ttoatOrl of
part) ut II' pri
tuurles to be held In May, 1916.
Jullen A Hurley.
Barns, Oregon, April I, 116.
I hereby announce myself as a can
didate for the office of Joint Repre
sentative for the twenty-seventh Rep
resentative District comprising Har
ney and Malheur Counties, subject to
tho decision of the Republican voters
at the primary election to be held
Mny 19th, 116.
Jaa. J. Donagan
I wish to announce myself as a
candidate for the nomination as
sheriff subject to the wilt of the re
publican voter of Malheur county.
Emory Cola,
Brogan, Ore.
I hereby announce myself a candi
date for the nomination for sheriff
of Malheur County, subject, to the
will of the republican voters at the
coming primaries.
J. 8. WOODS.
We are authorized to announce
that A. W. (lowan Is a candidate for
the office of Joint-senator for tho
Twenty-second Senatorial District,
comprising the countloa of Orant,
Harney and Malheur, subject to tha
decision of the republican voters at
the primary election, May 19, 1916.
I wish to announce myaelf as a
candidate for the democratic nomi
nation for county surveyor at tho
coming primary election.
II F. Farmer, present incumbent.
I hereby snnnunce my candidacy
office of Circuit Judge subject
to the action of the democratic vot
ers at the primary election to ba held
May 19, lilt.
Fqr County Commissioner
I wlh to announce that I will be
a candidate for tha nomination a
County Commissioner, subject to the
will of the republican voter
John F. Weaver.
I hereby announce my candidacy
for the Democratic nomination for
the office of District Attorney of
Malheur County.
I wish to announce that 1 will be a
candidate for the nomination of as
sessor on the republican ticket, sub
ject to the will of the voter.
8. L. PAYNE.
I hereby announce myaelf a candi
date for the nomination for Sheriff
of Malheur County, subject to the
choice of the Democratic electors In
the coming primary election.
If again nominated and elected 1
will coutlnue, aa heretofore, to en
force tha laws to the best of my abil
ity and give the tax payers a business
administration of tbe affairs of the
(prosent Incumbent for re-election)
We udwicate preparedness In this
shop. We are prepared to receipt
i. in. u bill !x days in the
Aoek, and If ou csn't got around in
the six days we'll grab it on Suuda
without butting an eye or turning a
Mists are now making war ma
lerial out of about everything but
wind. That, however, is eternally
mortgaged to the politicians.
Looks like summer might wander
ul'iug even yet.
si MMoNH.
In the circuit court of the Slate of
Oregon, in and for Malheur Coun
ty. Ersklue Wood,
J t). Scrittlifield, Minnie Kcritch
Held, his wile, A O. Rogers,
times known us A. li Rot
gers, ail unmarried man, C. II
.Sargent, Clara K Sargeut, Iim v.ite
Mary E. Buruelt, au uiitn. in.. I
woman, Sahii... ! inter, an 1.11111.1.'
rled woman, Dorton l. Hun' r, Ida
Hunter, his wife, Olive P.
an unmarried woman, At'OS S
II, Ray Russalli her husband,
Henry It. Flack und Cornell!
I'lacl., h.- iff, Pi . '
Hank of
poralion and 'lay M. ItaaMPI
administrate of the estate of H '
Hunter, deaaasad.
1 ni
To the deieiidaiitn, J u
field. Minnie Sci itchfield. A. t.
ers, sometime, known as A.i. Rod
gers, C. H. Sargent, Clara B. Bar
gent, Mary B. Burnett, Sablna Hant
er, Dorton D. Hunter, Ida Hunter,
Olive P. Hunter, Alice 8. RuiueU,
Ray Russell, Henry R. Flack, Cor
nelia Flack and Payette National
Bank of Payette, Idaho, a corpora
tion. In the name of the state of Ore
gen: You are hereby requtroa US
appear and answer the complaint
filed against you In the above en
titled suit on or before June it,
1916, sal'' date being more than si
weeks from the date of the first
publication of this summons and be
ing the time prescribed for such ap
pearance by the order of publication
entered herein; and. If you fall to
no appear and answer for wunt thera
of, plaintiff will apply to the court
for the relief demanded In his com
plaint, namely, vis.
That he have and recover of and)
that there be found due plaintiff
from the defendant, J. 0, Hcrltch
finld, A. O. Rogers, sometimes)
known as A O. Rodger, C. H. Sar
gent and Mary E. Burnett, on ac
count of the first cause of suit set
fortli therein, tho folio .vlng sums,
namely:, with interest at
the rate of eight per cent per an
num from May first. 1915; t300.00.
as attorney's fee; llfi '', for 1914
taxes paid by plaintiff, with interest
at the rate of eight per cent per
an um from March If, 1916, and his
coits and disbursement herein; that
hi mortgage, dated April 26. 1912.
recorded In Book "O", at pagea 9S
at seq , of the mortgage records of
Malheur County, Oregon, ho declar
ed a valid, prior and ubllting lien
for the sum or sums which may bo
found due plaintiff from ssld mort
gagors herein upon thst certain real
property In Malheur County, Oregon,
described aa tha south half of tho
southeast quarter of the northeast,
qusrter of section nineteen, town
ship eighteen south of range forty
seven aaat of the Willamette Meri
dian, and upon certificate No. 1614,
for ten shares of tho capital stock
of tho Owyhee Ditch
That ho have and recover of and'
from tha defendanta, J. O. Bcrltch
11. hi. A. 0. Rogers, C. H. Sargent
and Mary R. Burnett, the following
sums, namely: t3600 00, with Inter
eat at tha rata of eight per cant per
annum from May first 1915; t300 00
attorney's fee; f!6 45 for 1914 taxes
paid by plaintiff, with Interest at
the rate of eight per cent per an
num from March 13, 1916, and hie
costs aud disbursements herein that
plaintiff mortgage recorded In
Book "O" at pagea 104 ot
seq., of the officisl mortgage records
for Mslheur County. Oregon, bo de
clared a valid, prior and superior
lien for the sum decreed due plain
tiff from said mortgagors on ac
cciiunt of the note and mortgage
set fortliln In the second cause of
suit upon that certain real property
in Malheur Couuty, Oregon, more
fully described s the north halt of
gsjtheust iUarter of the mntheusl
quarter of section nineteen, town
ship eighteen south, range forty
seven oast of the Willamette meri
dian, and upon Certificate No. 1413
for ten shares of the capital stock
of the Owyhee Ditch Co.;
That said mortgages be foreclos
ed and the property covered theiei.
be sold by the sheriff of Malheur
County, uccordlng to law and the
practice of this court, and that
plaintiff be permitted to purchase
said property, or snv pari thereof,
upon execution gig bj .ml sheriff;
thut the proceeds of the sale of the
iranertj IgiTOlVOd ll thai first cause
..f .nit he applied, Pint, to the pay
ment of the costs and expenses ot
suit anil sule, Secondly, to the psv
men! of the aiuoiiiils decreed 1I10
gfjj nf them, on aecounl of said
cause of suit; and thirdly, that an.
halauee be pmd to tin- clerk of this
OOUrt o la- b) bits disbursed as by
plaintiffs from the .1. lendents or
law provided; I hut the proceeds o
the sale of tin- properly
ill the second cause ol -nit be sp-plii-d,
first, to the payment of the
and expi a 1 ol in and sab ;
secondly, to the payment of tin
nil dei rOOd due plaintiff froli
the defendants, or any of them un
der said sanaa Ol suit; and thirdly,
thai any balance lie paid to the clerk
of tins fOUrl t'1 be h i.iiu disbursed
as by pi 1.1 nb d
That the defend I eaCfa and
all of them, and ..II tboaa cl.umlug
or in claim said proper!) be haired
and foreclosed ol all tight, title 01
Intert r 01 hart
pi 1 tatu
tory rii;iii of 1 vd.-nipiion, and im
such furl her reUi 1 .1 - to the comi
may seem proper
This summon -ed upon you
by publication thereof by order ol
the Hon Halion Dices, a judge ol
bora tut 1 r led court, whion 01
and onlore 1 bai eln on ;
dS) Ol April. IU16 The .1
ut 1,1 1 1..11 of this suiinm.
.. 1 1..- date ol tin- hist
publication tin
HUNT aud J. i
ru.ic 11
Attorneys for Plaintiff.