The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, May 11, 1916, Image 4

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The Ontaroi Argus
M. E. BAIN, Publisher.
Subscription $1.00 a year
Alwayn in advance
Publish! I !.! Thursday.
Entered In the Post Office at Ontario,
Oregon, for transmission lhron:li
the malt a second class mall matter.
Tli Primary Election.
The primary election will be hold
on Friday, llw l!Mh, and thia will be
the last lasue of the Argus that many
of our i- i i will receive before
that date.
The primary In really of more Im
portance than the regular election,
In many respects, it is necessary to
nominate good people for tlio offices
In order to got good officers. The
voter who does not turn out and
make his selection of a candidate Is
not a good citizen, he fail- to do his
part In I Iping to Improve our con
ditions and In selecting the men who
are to conduct our business for us
during the coming two years.
We arc a f 11.000,000 corpol i. ... .
and are entitled to good county offi
cers. Kuril individual should exer
cise the same care in selecting offi
cers that Id- would In selecting peo
pie to ninnagn his own business. The
beat available candidates are none
too good, so be careful and select
only those with whom you would he
willing to trust your private nff.ilrs
Every republican voter of Mal
heur, Harney and Orant counties
should be sure to vote for J W Mc
culloch for I'uhlir Service Commis
sioner, as his election will mean
more to the district than any other
officer, because the position la a
larger one and of more importance
and because Mr. McCulloch Is by far
the best qualified for the position
of any of the aspirants. The retir
ing member Is an attorney, the only
one on the board, mauy of the ques
tlons to he decided require legal
knowledge and Mr McCulloch'a legal
experience specially fits him for the
place. If you do not voto for any
other officer ou the ticket, be sure
and give Mc a vote Mr Mcf'ollorh
la a loyul citizen and will see that
this district gets all that she is en
titled to.
I to (lie Breaking Point.
A most touching appeal Ih being
made throughout the east for aid for
F'c'iioli wldovts and orphans left lies
n .ii liy the war The magnitude
I ie demand Is almost paralyzing
for It extends as wide u arv the
boundaries of the grout countries
Whul Of lit lK'Ulti. of Poland, ot Her
Via, of ItUHHla, of the llrltlsh Isles
of the i wretches on the Tigris
end Kuplirutes, on the alopea of Ituly
In Hie doptln of the mighty Teutonic
fin ! rat)
Wlio measure the suffering,
what meuni, can prescribe anything
a remedy '
Kuril power points to Its resolute
soldier.-, and declares that u Is not
coiiijiioied, that It cait malulalu Its
position indefinitely, hut what Is be
hind the fighting BOH? How much
longui ' ild Itself to
gether. &oa nun I: longer can moth
ers toil their chlldieii lliul (hey liaie
no food or clothing for them and
that they do not kn.,, when pupu Is
coming home?
Is there no appeal iluit can reach
those ruliis unit mil.,- ihem willing
to Stop the desirili Hull untl to begin
to hind up tii . -pp. iii ug wound?
How much lunger cm snciei In ,u
the atralu without all men going
mad uinl eh. ins oomlng? We have
thought that before this the neutral
nations should make an appeal for
peace; it looks as though I ileiii.tinl
would soon i' to ho made lest
reason be drlieu from the earth and
men lieriiliie merely irresponsible
Wild heasts Uoodwin's Weekly
Justice Hughe might M ieu.-t
druw the silent roll
Southern Idaho Headquarters for
Kocliolis, Kouudaltou .. Supers.
Complete Hues and Purts,
made or selected solt White
I'liio, '' Western bee experts
who know local condition
Hotter equipment that win
bring you more and better
Anything lor the man with
one to. out I" a lliou uul
I'.m. I po.. Mte OB small or
aro lusiguifiiaiit. Write
u., rou in d
The wrighi HiwJvuH-kiiiK Co,
Caldwell, Idaho.
The people of Wisconsin are get
ting over their emotional drunk and
recovering their senses. They de
feated Bob Lafollette In the primar
ies Wednesday twe to one.
If thin had happened In the old
fashioned convention, Dob would
have denounced the "ring" and the
"gang" and the "bosses' from every
Chatauqua platform In America, but
the primary was his own invention
and the "people have triumphed."
Speaking of .uKolleito, ho Is the
man who Invonted the commissions
with which Wisconsin and Oregon
are top-heavy. Wisconsin started
out to regulate everything from the
lie of the ash can to the proper
oarnlngs of a railroad company. As
a result. Wisconsin has one of I In
most expensive state governments In
the U. 8. Which Is why the people
rebelled last Wednesday. I orval-
lls Gazette Times.
llll SSI 1 " I I
Cowboy Boots
Mail orders filled the same
day as received.
Kstella Conklln failed to file her
papers In time to have her name plac
ed on the ballot as a candidate for
the nomination ot county school su
perintendent on the republican tick
et and It will be necessary to write
her name In on the ballot and place
a cross before It. Do not neglect
writing the name In as there may lie
an attempt to have the democratic
aspirant named on both ticket. Be
sure that you got tho name on the
ticket. Kstella Conklln is a Mai-
hour county teacher with wide ex
perience In the grades and will he a
credit to the county as a school sup
erintendent as she is thoroughly
versed In the duties of a superintend
ent and knowa how to help the rural
teachers and Improve the schools of
the county. The high schools have
their auperlntondents, hut the grades
are In many case presided over by
young teachers who need the guiding
hand of a proficient, experienced
grade teacher.
The Argua I mailing out several
hundred copies of the paper this
week to people who are not subscrib
ers. W want you to get acquaint
ed with the Argus and become sub
scribers W know the Argus Is by
far the newsiest paper published In
tlio county and that it should only be
necessary for you to see a few copies
to want It regularly. If you are not
a subscriber we would appreciate It
if you would read the papor over,
not only the regular reading matter,
hut tho advertisements, because they
contain news that Is worth many
dollar to you. If you need any
thing advertised you can order it by
mull, Willi the assurance that it will
be Just u siIvmUmiiI, and that the
price will be right Also remember
that the local merchant Is always
here to exchange the good and make
them right.
Our line of Boots will please
you, whether you wish a
nailed bottom or a hand sew
ed boot.
Prices range from $7.00 to
Ontario, Oregon
It im III - W. J. PIN Ml Y, ON
I' i lllii. OKKOON. letf
You will find two names on the
ballot for the office of seccretary
of atste, that of Ben W. Orcott and
Chas. B. Moores. Orcott Is a Weat
democrat, was appointed by West,
but Is now posing as a republican in
order to hold the office. Moores
lias been a life long republican and
has been in the harness all the time
for the best interests of the party.
He Is well qualified for the position
and should receive the republican
nomination He la an Oregonlan.
his grandfather was a member of the
territorial legislative assembly.
Republican candidate for nomination
for county treasurer.
"fHHfeft jfltl By
Kerd Zules was quoted In the Ny
ssa Journal as stating that he would
conduct the office of assessor with
one less deputy, if elected. While
Mr HIM is at present devoting his
time to the getting of totes, he has
the same office force that he employs
regularly One might infer from
this that Mr Hill never doe any
work himself iu the assessor's office,
hut has the county pay deputies to
have it done. That might lie one ex
planation of the high cost of ruuiilug
the office.
I wish to thank my many friends
In the various precincts, fur the in
i hey have taken In my behalf,
and the splendid work done to se
cure my nomination, aud which work
1 nun feel has not beeu done in vain.
If nominated and elected I will give
the duties of the office my p irsonul
uiii-iii uni, ami those who have so
generously supported me shall never
regret their action on account of any I
act ot mine.
Buffet Special
A dozen patterns of Mission, Art and Craft, Colonial
and Period designs that are strictly first class goods.
We call your attention particularly to our number 273
cut below which is a pattern that is listed on page 691
of your big mail order house S. R. & Co., Seattle, Wn.,
at $15.25. Notice the dimensions of the two pieces,
you will find them exactly alike in every respect. Our
price $15.00 freight prepaid to you. a saving of not
less than $3.85 or 28 per cent.
Full IQUtntftd sawed oak, with heavy plank
top, wood kiiui.H, top 90x42, French beveled mir
ror 8x34, drawn at top lined fur silverware,
largt lint'ii drawer and roomy dtah doatt, fery
nt'ut and attractive pattern, freight prepaid for
W jj
A very popular Art Craft pattern of quarter
Hawed oak, heavy plank top 20x48, large roomy
dish spare, one large linen drawer, one small
drawer at top lined for silverware, tin- Interior
of this huffet is all cedar finish making it moth
proof. Numher 1404 freight prepaid. In cither
fumed or waxed dull finish
I,, i
lr FTJ
Only $15.00 (OT this hig, high grade Colonial style buf-
fct, made of seasoned oak, dull waxed Of fumed fin
ish. Base 22x42, roomy double door cupboard, two
toj drawers, one lined for silverware and a large linen
drawer. Mirror 10x81 inches. Number 178 freight
prepaid Cor only
. $15.00
Ontario Furniture Co.
Voto No 48 J. W M,i ulloch
for public serin couimis'.oner.
To Uie Voters of Malheur County.
Owlug to my position as postmasl
ar at Vale, it has been impossible
tin inn to vistt the voters of the coun
ty before the primary, so am taking
this weans of soliciting your sup
port. I have no opposition for the
nuiniuatiou, however, every fCJtfl
oust for oie at the primaries will be
appreciated V. II Staples, cuiol'
dale for republican nomination for
county clerk. pd atlv
606 Maple Street, l'ortlaud, Ore
gon t'uudidute for delcgttte-at-larg'j to
the National Republican I'uiiveutlon.
Loyal support of the choice of the
republican voters of Oregon; promo-
We bav several second
hand cars, some good as
new, all recently ove-r
hauled. For sal at ex
tremely low prices.
For I iuiii School SuH'i hilciiitfiit
X l -u II.. I onkllu.
Will favor hearty co-operation
with the state superintendent tor
live, progressive schools.
Will Riir an impartial admin s
nation of the school affairs of the
Will favor more local institutes,
wIiitu, If possible, we can have out-
i'li- people tO help; for uu lulri
change of idea aud plans among
Will v Bit every section of the
W ill favor keeping the expense
within the legal amount allowed,
pd adv.
i ' "
Hftti 9
.L.wP' JrS
Miss Leaaie McDonald
Ontario, Oregon
uon oi aaaian .merest and conserv
ation of the welfare of. all the people.
W I . 1 gag ior your support.
Because the cm ire i uiii-il Stataa
I wati 'is doing.
Because Oregon means progress.
their activities and votes have done
valiant service to the state.
.use by seudlng a woman as
delefcale-at-large to the national re
publican con Million you would dem
onstrate to the east that the west be
lieves in the value of equal suffrage.
Because my record as a social and
political worker iu many lines of ac
tivity assure you of my fearless aud
The Prices, the Variety
If you are in need of tableware, fancy
dishes, granite or tinware, glassware,
children s chairs, rockers, rocking
horses, doll buggies, wagons, toys,
games, blackboards, crochet threads,
clothes pins, wash boards, tubs, boilers
or any of the many 5c and 10c kitchen
conveniences, we have them. A visit
will convince you our prices are the low
est in this vicinity. Opposite Dream
land theatre.
The Variety Store
Ontario .... Orego:.
and measures for which the majority
ot Oregon stand.
Because the women of Oregou by strong support of those principles
It is reported that ltobert Stan
field has bought August Broderson's
bands of sheep at a consideration of
about $125,000, and he has also
purchased Henry White's sheep In
terests, both of Weiser.
I inn kL. Dikl .iriAu bi .
if.iL.vr o."D"" V " '-M-"VS
h77L'- vrr"'. " -
- --. . .'.:ir WUUO I. Hue,
utuiaL Tb tUwat Ux-
-.,. juu ever tmd.
Everhart Drug Co., Ontario