The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, May 11, 1916, Image 1

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VOL. 20
NO. 1
Fruitland Man Mixed Up
With Live Wires.
Payette, Mar 8. While riding
horseback on the road Just north of
the Fruitland high school building
In Fruitland Saturday afternoon,
Fred Kidreige oame very noar being
killed when the wind blew down two
electric light poles and two Joining
wire caught around hi neck. Heel
litng hia danger, he quickly apurred
Ma horae, freeing hlmhelf from the
lire wlrea. Al the animal Jumped
the wlrea about Mm neck ulnioiit pull
ed hint from the home, but hi spur
caught In the Raddle and he released
himself from the wlrea befoie fall
ing to the ground.
Conscious, but unable to move a
muscle. Mr. Kldrodge wan taken to
the office of Dr. Wright, where the
wound wai dressed. The narrow es
cape from death waa resllxed when
It waa found that hia neck waa burn
ed almont to the Jugular vein. The
aame evening he waa taken to On
tario where he waa again examined
and placed under expert care. At
present he la doing nlcoly and will
probably recover without any bad
effects except the slight disablement
of hia arm. He la the aon of A. II
Kldredg. formerly a heavy land
owner at Fruitland.
The hone which he waa riding wan
severely burned. In several places
about the back but will recover. The
accident oocurred about 3 30 o'clock
In the afternoon during the terrible
wind storm as he waa returning from
tli.- pasture where lie. Inul gotten Un
The high wind Saturday started a
fire at the Gram so place, weat of
town and destroyed a shed aud other
buildings, together with wagons and
a lot of knocked down apple boxes.
They had been burnluc a straw atack
several weeks ago and supposed the
firs waa out but the wind stirred It
A. Oramse was In and wanta to
thank the Ontario fire department
and others who assisted in subduing
the fire at his place last Saturday.
He says thst is all that saved his
house. The granary and chicken
house, with contents, were all des
troyed. The fire went too fast too
save anything.
Twenty carloads or horses approx
imating 600 head, were secured by
eaatern buyers at the May sale in
the Caldwell market. lricea real
ised at the sale were good, but not
above the average of the last few
James Kims is 111 with spotted
fever and laflamatory rheumatism
Klmer Molthan, F. W. Smith and
John Smith went salmon fishing lust
week on the Little Malheur river, but
had no success owing to the river
being so high.
A large crowd from Westfall at
tended the ball game on Sunday,
there being 14 auto loads arriving
A splendid picnic dinner was served
In the Ironside park by the ladles
It Is believed that the frost has
killed the fruit 'which was in full
blossom. Much garden truck was
Mrs. II c Kims of Unity spent the
week with her daughter, Mrs. Mill
ion, returning home on Sunday.
Horace Walker of Unity passed
through Saturday ou his way to Bro
gan where he met his parents of On
tario. They expect to spend the
summer there.
Kll Rose returned from Vale on
Saturday, where be had been acting
as a Juryman. He was accompanied
by his mother, who spent the winter
in Vale.
Win Beam and family took their
departure for their lately acquired
home at Nyssa last week
Mrs J. N W nmlrock returned from
Baker last wees after spending the
winter there with tier daughters.
W. J Minion inul wife motored to
Unity on Sunday evening, returning
home Monday moratng.
Total number of delegatea ....IRS
Necessary to nominate 493
Delegates elected to date 811
Yet to he elected 174
Delegates Instructed 177
Dolegatos unltnsructed 684
Instructed delegates are pledged as
Cummins (Minnesota, Montana
Nebraska, Iowa) 74
Burton (Ohio) 48
Sherman (all Illinois hut 4) .. 64
Fairbanks (Indiana and 10 from
Kentucky) 40
l.oKollctte (North Dakota and
15 from Wisconsin) 85
Dul'ont ( Delowara)
Ford (Michigan) SO
Total 177
Although, up to this time, not a
single delegate to the republican na
tional convention line been Instruct
ed to vote tor Justice Hughes or for
Colonel Roosevelt, those two men
are expected to become tho central
figures In the psrty contest which Is
to start In Just one month.
Hot li Hughes and Koosevelt ars
stronger today among the chosen
delegates than any favorite aon whose
name has been entered In the race,
and of the two Hughes Is thought to
lime the greater support among un
Instructed delegates.
Fruitland, May 6. The fast Fruit
land high school baseball team lias
added two more victories to Its al
ready long list having this week de
tested both the New Plymouth end
Payette high school teams by deci
sive scores. New Plymouth was
cleaned up 16 to 0 aud Payette was
disposed of without trouble. The
next big gsme will be played with
Weiser Friday, May 11, on the Fruit
land diamond.
The assessor Is not responsible for
the high taxes this yesr, beyond the
extra cost of running his office over
that of the other counties of the dis
trict. The cost In this county is
seventy-five cents a tulle for every
mile travelled by the deputies. The
average cost for the state per thous
and dollars Is f 14, iu this county It Is
123. When one looks over the list
sud notes the unequal value placed
on the property It does not seem to
Justify the extra amount It costs.
W. E. Leas wss called to Ixng
Valley last week on legal business.
The people there are quite prosper
ous, having received good prices for
their seed, grain tud hap crops last
year. Many are engaged In the dairy
buslneaa aud the checks coming in
each month give them ready money
The town of Cascade Is prosperous
looking, with four good stores There
Is still plenty of snow there, during
the winter It was eight feet deep ou
the level. The waters of the Payette
river are now at flood stage aud the
scene through the canyon Is grand,
as the water churns over the huge
boulders. The log drive was started
thlB week. The lumber people ure
going to have a mill at Emmett or
Letha, probably Emmett, as they
have, purchased the McNlsh mill.
Charles Becker was in the city
several days this week. He has been
around tne northern and western sec
tions of the county aud found that
all pie taxpayers he came In contact
with are up in arms over the high
taxes Here only half the taxes have
teen paid in and all Hi; ulstatid Llg
warrants are called in tllw laV
still a large amount of money in Mr
hands of the officials. They are al
so inquiring why U.e county Judge
paid 3750 for legal advice when we
have an attorney employed for that
purpose. They think that fee is too
big for any common Jack leg attor
ney, it is big enough for a Judge.
Did you ever laugii uutil your sides
ached witli mirth caused by the ap
preciation of the ability of the other i
fellow to perofrin : oinitlilug really i
tunny? If not, attend the senior
play next Tuesday evening.
Next week will mark the close of
another school year and the week
will be taken up with several sxer
clss. On Sunday evening the baccalaur
eate sermon will he preached In the
high school auditorium by Rev.
Brown of the Presbyterian church.
On Monday evening the Nut club
will give a danre in Wilson Halt.
On Tuesday evening the seniors
win give me ctass piay ai me uream -
w,. n..rnH, ni.miiKin win lass
Day exercises will be held.
Thursday commencement exercises
Address by Bruce Dennis, editor of
,1.- 1 r .... r-vi.
mm mm ! wimerTur.
Saturday evening, senior alumni
The members of the senior class
are: Fred Test, president; Rena Ad
am, secretary and treasurer; Irene
T. W. Daggett waa on the upper
Willow laat week looking after the
property of the Eastern Oregon Ind
company. The people of that section
are much Interested In the organisa
tion of a tax payers league, as they
wsnt to hsve si least soma say aa to
how their money Is expended. They
have to pay the road taxes and be
lieve they should be permitted to
name the rosd supervisor snd direct
the expending of the money. This
year they sent s petition to the coun
ty court ssking for the appointment
of a man they knew to have the inter
eat of the district at heart and who
was thoroughly qualified to do the
work, but the petition waa Ignored
and an Inexperienced man placed In
charge of their money and roads
They believe thst If they were or
gnntsed aud sent a man to the court
that their desires would be carried
out, but without an organisation
thely are Ignored, treated aa servants
rattier than as employers.
At Dreamland Tuesday evening,
Blanche Sweet In the "Clue," a de
tective drama, Involving military
Charles K. Casey of Jordan Val
ley, -ore, and Perthenla Klnkle of
Salem, Ind, obtained a marriage li
cense in Caldwell on the 4th.
Lumpkin's special offers In his ad
vertisement this week should create
quite a stir.
What Is a strenuous life? Uo to
the Dreamland next Tuesday evening
aud find out.
Congregational Notes.
Sunday, May 14th, Is Mothers day.
The morning service at 11 o'clock j aud that lie cannot by swayed by mis
will lie iu keeping with the occasion leading domom-tratn.iis calculated to
The sermon, music and the entire I win over the unwary delegate. At
service will be commensurate with! the coming convent on it Ik very Ini
the keeping of the day. pi riant Miat Um n -publicans unite
There will bo no preaching In the,u-on a strong candidate who can be
evening. The Congregation will , elected. Mr Brooke can be depend
Join iu the baccalaureate services at
the school house.
IMlll.ll' KtlKNIG.B. 1)., Pastor.
At Dreamland, Monday evening A
story of great love, great jealousy
and great revenge.
limmW V Jfl
' fjmS
' mkmW t
f 111 SrV
f jOfJBJsfj T!f mmv rn1L.
Rader, Ella Brosnan, Neva Billings
ley. Evelyn Brown, Ruth Duncan,
Btacta Hall, Helen Crooks, Mabel De
foe, Amelia Plughoff, Ruby Fenwlck,
Elsie Reeee, Bryan Neeb, Steve Cox,
Don Conklln, Kphralm Harriot, Ira
Williams, Gerry Beler, Rowland
Koenig, Arthur Holland and Robert
The graduating class this year Is
especially strong snd there were few
: failures, although the marking was
J very close. In schorlsrshlp they
ran very nign Tha class is a large
one, 23, only one "having been larger
I There has been a noticeable Un
provement in the athletics also. In
1 ., . . . 1 - -
me several contests tney nave been
successful in uiiinv events, even when ;
pitted againat much larger schools,
the records being good,
Speaking from all angles It has
been a most successful school year.
New Plymouth, May 8. A hlg May 1
day celebration was held here Frldsy
afternoon on tho school grounds, and
In point of beauty and unique and in
terestlng features, was perhaps, the
prettiest thing nf Its kind ever given i
here. The many snlondid drills In
itio children were asDeclallv ...)
and h..H m,.h ., 1..
upon the part of the teachers. The
chief event of the afternoon waa the
srrlvsl on the grounds of the "King"
and "Queen," who were preceded 1V
two little girls daintily gowned In
white, each bearing baskets of flow
ers, from which they strewed blos
soms before the "Royal" party. To
the music of the high school orches
tra the "King" and "Queen" took
their places on the hsndsomely dec
orsted throne, surrounded by their
pages and sttendsnts. Miss Esther
Johnson made a most lovely and
charming "queen." while Uerald
Hamilton looked a real live "king "
Military and patriotic drills by the
boys and girls from the first to Mm
sixth grsdea, a May pole dance, and
other sports were cleverly carried out
and much enjoyed by a large nuinher
of spectators. Two hssebsll games
were pulled oft, rounding out a long
afternoon's program, to the sattsfsr
tion of everyone.
The unanimous support of the re
publicans of Eastern Oregon should
be given to the candidacy of W1 11
Brooke for delegate to the national
republican convention. From Mr
Brooke's wide experience In public
life we know we can depend upon
i 1 1 in to ably and with good Judgint -nt
exercise the duties entrusted to him
ed upon to support such a candidate
and will use his endeavors to reunite
the party.
Do not miss the senior class play
at Dreamland, Tuesday evening, May
The attention of the voters Is re
spectfully called to the follewing:
Please take notice that the names
of certain candidates do not In all
cases appear In the ssme relative po
sition on tho official ballots that
they occupy on the sample ballots
This Is caused by operation of the
law requiring the rotation of names
In all cases where the number of
candidates Is five or more for sny
office. In such cases the names ro
tate on the official ballot but do not
rotate 0n the sample ballot
All registered electors should vote
In the precinct In which they have,
rvsrliator.-.l . except those registered
,. . ., . , a .
electors who have changed their
I mm
rmiliionrr frnm thn nrrxMnnl In whlrh
. .., .re registered, durln. the nerl-
, n(j
-w- r w -
hen registration Is closed by
lew, may on application to the coun
ty clerk receive a certificate of reg
istration, which certlflcte, on pre
sentation to the election board will
entitle the elector to vote In the
precinct to which the elector lias
Any registered elector voting In
any precinct other than the one for
which he Is registered, without first
having obtained a certificate of
registration, will be guilty of double
1 registration, the extreme penalty
1 for which Is a term of thraa years In
I the penitentiary
Electors who have not registered
will be entitled to vote at any eleo-
, lion by registering on election day
before one of the Judges of election,
such registration, If properly made,
will permanently register tho elect-
I or r,,r ,l,t P"'"
It naturailied
the elector must exhibit
final cltl-
I "hlp papers or a duly eutheutl
! c,h1 eop5' or rt,f, iheraof
nte secona sunaay in stay is muih
er's day. This year It falls on May
14th. The beautiful thought of set
ting aside one day in the year lo be
particularly devoted to one's mother
was first suggested by Miss Anuu
Jarvls of Philadelphia, who founded
the Mother's Day luternallon asso
clstlon to provide the necessary or
ganised support for the fostering of
the movement. Thanks largely to
her efforts. Mother's Day has become
I recognised Institution aa the day
ou which each of ua should pause to
acknowledge our debt of affect pp
aud gratitude to "the best mother
who ever lived," on which we should
he wltli her if we csu, and, If we un
fortunately cannot, should make It a
liolm of sending her a message of af
feci ion snd cheer.
The emblem of the day la the wlilte
carnation, and it is Mie hope of the
Mother's Day association Miat it will
be worn by every one aa a tribute ot
respect, not only for his own mothi r
but also for all the geutle and in. hi.
'hood of Mie land
Preparedness would look mighty
pats If we had it now
1, All Miat c.-ii Pershing wants is
a bad ui'a fnrom Chihuahua
Il is time for the nation lo know
all the facts in Mie sneer rine affair
In time of peace, according to
"pork" congressmen, prepare for
Cap! Von I'.ien seems to have been
lucky In getting found out only l
I i. il, I Presbyterian Church RaJej
Next Sabbatli will be widely oh
Served as 'Mothers Day " We will
! old a "Mothers Day" service at 1 I
o'clock. All alio hate had or now
have a mother are invited to come
and wear a flower in honor of moth
'i here will be no event,
ilig in the church ou account ol the
union service at tiie high school The
iii deltvei the geeogleu reels
Tiie congregation lias decided In
nioden, per poawe ' I4e Ike
church building for li tk
pastor. financial end of tin-
provided for. No del.'
xtid now that provision liu
jinule for Mie building expense, work
will be begun soon.
W. N. SHOWN, Pastor.
The Vale Crowd Getting
Restless Over Delay.
"Committee Visits Court." is the
heading over an item In the Vale En
terprise of the 6th, which states that
a committee called on the county
commissioners last Thursday to as
certain when construction work
would begin on the new Jail, as part
of the money levied under the head
i of miscellaneous Items Is now In the
hands of the treasurer, there waa
.12000 raised for Mils nurnose The
it- T T
commlttM WU composed of the
nltlsinnss wlirt 4. .1.1 I tin Itiwinlii nf t Haw
villkvun wmi I'MU iuw t'jyi" "a aew
i- ai eWM ion !.. ..
I I ,. ,-.
HI .,.1.1 , . I, I . It, .lint. .,, ., ... lit. - . ,
many years. Before the meeting of
the circuit court there wars two men
In the Jail, at present one man la
serving time there. The last term of
court showed the smallest docket In
years and It Is to bo assumed that
while the prohibition law Is In effect
thore will be little call for a Jail.
Now Is ths time for the cltliens to
come forward If they do not wsnt
more of their money wasted. Judg
ing from the experience of the money
paid for tho Rig Bend bridge the peo
ple should not expect over fifty per
cent of value from the $18,000 they
have to blow In at this time and the
same proportion for the many thous
ands thst will be required before the
Job Is finished.
The members of the Ontario hand
mad their first public appearance
on Saturday evening and made a
splendid Impression In some of the
1 first numbers there wss a lack of
' confidence displayed by some of Ihe
younger members but they will re
i.over lr.un thin aud add Mm us
sary volume The solo by James
Smith was a very pleasing number.
There will be su entire change of
program for nevt Saturday evening.
The general opinion expressed by
these who turned out was that it la
the boat band we have ever started
out wltli and the players will receive
lii-aily support of the people.
Turn out and give the boys a hand.
There will be severs! catchy uum
H the program.
Mtl.lll I It
in Mi
Jack Sheridan mail- a bun uess
trip to Vale Mils week
i. -in aud Dave Ixigan of llrogan.
accompanied by their families pass
d through town on their way home,
troin the stock - mention III
- tforfttt at leaded Ike it I
growers in II. il .er aud i.
I fine tine The lluker peo
ple entertained lliein royully.
Walter W Worsham and eTtlt
, Mr.
.in relumed home the last of
the week. Mrs Worsham rwsalned
for severul weeks visit with rein'
The basehall team gave a daMMi
Kri.iiiv selling luch was very well
attended and everyone leportsa fine
tine Mi Claudia Worsham and
daughter Bei nil r aud
daughter, Thcliuu. Mr W'ert and
I, villi Ml Devil and Mr. Wal-
I ter Meyers weie allium tho s who
Heeded Ike dam- ..i ike iiain-
how mine
William and Jams Wilson ol 'ow
.ill.-, were in lovg making
on their homesteads.
Lew Sutherland area a Malheur
visitor from Cow Valley.
T A llrovvii and aPP of
Bridgeport vera la lowa on lead baa
Mi and Mi Fred vau Pettea el
Burnt Rivet wen- ii town Sund.i.v
a little -mi arrived at ths home p
Mr and Mrs tin -u i Sunday,
T NewtM ot Baker la lp !
I- niiniii: claims iu
tliis vicinity.
I Mnii
,: in !'. in II. -ton
The i truck 's now muk-
iug regulur trips with Mie mail ami
pussuugers from Baker.