The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, May 04, 1916, Image 8

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Price Pnfil ia.-.MH.
One of tli biggest sale In thin
section of the country Is rei lltl ! in
whirl) August llrnderson In the sell
er anil Bob Stimflelcl the purchaser.
Mr. linn' DD lion disponed of nil
of IiIk sheep for a total rtaortsd
price of 12.",000. These deliver
ies are to I" nindel n Juti" anil Sep
tember A small portion of tlMM
sheep were MM to a Twin Kails firm
tuit Hi'' major pnrtiiiii M bought
by Stanfli'l'l
ftlcruiuk -Wood, son of C K. S.
moil.n"" ffRimTnsai attorney of
Iwthind. rutin' to town last Hon
day evening and Is milking a visit
at llM Hell A rnnrli Mr. WihhI
has a large ranch near Ontario.
Burn Tribune.
Judge M. I) Clifford sustained a
broken wrist last week at Maker
City wlirn endeavoring to dodge an
auto driven by Earl F. West he fell
tils weight coming suddenly on the
one wrist
The registration In Harney roun
ty now total 1808, of which in:u
are republican, 68 8 democrat, and
89 acatterlng This lenve the re
pulillrnn voters In the county with
a majority of 343.
These are
some of the
Big Stars
Is your theatre
Now Is the Time to Start
Off on Right Foot.
,if tl.e Important agricultural
event-, of the northwest for I II I will
he ihe sei-tind annual "First Natiim
ai" Corn Sliow, which will be lield in
Si I'mil, Mlniieiita. December 11
16, Inclusive. Contests will be op
en to every farmer and farmer' son
In the northwest.
The corn show territory will re
main the same as last year, and in
cludes the following states, divided
Into district a shewn: Mlnne
sola, six districts; Northwestern
Wisconsin, two; North Dakota, six;
Smith Dakota, six; Montana, six;
Washington, three; IdBho, three;
Oregon, two One hundred and
tlilrtyslx Silver and "Golden
llrome" loving cups will he awarded
as prizes Competition will be div
ided Into' a men's and boy's cIrss,
and Is confined to districts only,
there I" inn no rompltltlon between
state or between districts
The geographical division tof
the two districts In Oregon are as
District No 1- Counties of I. .... I
liner. Wasro, Hhcrmnn. Clllliim,
Morrow, Cmatlllii, I 'nloti, Wallowa.
tlakor, tlrant. i. t I took, Mai
heur, Harney, Lake, Klamath and
District No 2 Counties of Chit
sop, Columbia. Tillamook, Washing
ton, Multnomah, Clackamas, Yam
hill. I'olk, Marlon Lincoln. I
Linn, Dougla. Coos, Curry, Jose
I'hine. Jackson and Lane
Four prlte will ba awarded In
earh dlsirlrt of each state, a first
nd second prize for men and a first
an. I ISconil prlxc for boys, trpfhtSS
r.r the latter to be of like design
and equal In value to those awarded
the adult exhibitor
Kadi exhibit must consist of ten
ear of any variety of Indian Corn
raised by contestant In a field of
or more acres, but not less than one
acrtf. No fee will be charged for
entry of exhibits.
A Judge of recognized stsmliiiK
will make awards at the show and
In so doing will Judge exhibits by
what he considers to bs a recogniz
ed standard for any variety of iu
in that particular district
Avsrsgs sits, proilui m. i. . hived
type and general appearance will he
the governing factors
will lie returned Ifl I agf r.t-e when
' nil - i i i lhat this lie done
at the time of makliiK entry
"Corn and Cuttle i ntrit.iite Cap
Hal lor MOW Han!.
the vloguu that has heeu adopted It)
the Klrt National Hank and the
Northwestern Trust company of St.
I'aul snd banker of the northwest,
in mo promotion oi uieir corn
Increased Interim ll son
production miaiis Hie ultimate rais
ing and maintenance .! more live
lock at.. I iliMij-ifiiutitui in funning
inethod.s, ui tin- financial nih ant. inl
and prosperity of the entire north
I'.imphletH giving full detail re
garding the HMxilnl annual "First
National" corn show and form .t it.
try I. lank, may be secure. I on appli
cation from bankers in the corn ...n
first California grata steers
of tin- season arrived today an. I went
oer the scale at a pretty fair fig
ure .-.ei.ii ninety and elgl.i
For first ruu of this class m
salesmen considered them well sold
The morning estimate ..i hos
showed tJ.'.T had been unloaded over
Sunday. This I the largest day 'a
receipt for some time
F.urly trading was brisk ami 14 -i
offerings moved ul the start oil on a
In and l husis Quality shown
was rather spotted; s.mi i.ty good
hogs were offered and also a con
sideruhle number of only ordinary
1 utility .
Baton noon one load got over at
a $9 20 price
Tclographic reports indicate a gen
erally lower market in the Kant
The bulk of hogs sold Saturday at
$9 00. s week ago at $9 00 and (9 10
a month ago at 19 00 aud 19.10, u
year ago at $7 85 and S.s OS, two
years ago at 18.55 and 8 70. three
year ago at 18.86 and $9 00, aud
four years ago at $8.45 and $8 66.
Neutral? Not on your life! Were
for America!
Do you live In this town? Very
food. Then let your actiou tell the
Crop are fine In Barren Valley
thl spring. Hope everybody gets
busy on the rsbbit bounty ss the
dry landers re too poor to fei
their crops.
Crowley school will be closed the
"ith of May. The pupils have all
learned well. Will give sn enter
tainment The last day parents are
all Invited to bring basket dinner I
Help make ;i ;.i".l lime for the little
The homesteaders are proud of
their new- mall service. They have
been getting their mall more prompt
Their were several Crowleylts
seen going to Morevllle last Thurs
day on business.
The Juniper park club has t....en
in a few new members, but sre In-
creasing slow.
Owen Maxlum I working for the
M. L. s ranch.
K. N Dale made a flying trip to
.liintiira this week.
Jeff House snd Rob Crummett I
have been busy grubbing brush the
past week for I. K. Venator.
The club gave unite a few enter
tainments last week.
Kmaniiel Crummett mnde n (tying
trip to Arlington, Wash, last Ft I
day to lslt his brother. Hoy. who
was badly injured in a logging HUB)
I'aiiK.illand gave an Ire cream so
cial Kaster. Those present report
ed a good time
The road supervisor and his crew
are almost to Hlverslde. All who
have been over the road report a
good Job.
The rluh went to Ithine Heart ,
Raster to find a good place to boll
their egg. Hope they found It
Dan Chadler Is missed by Crow
lfV an m 111 llOllHi till ,'1.
against the hill.
Hush Mcilargue I busy look in it
after his Interest. Hush lis let
his horse out to Walter Star for
tttwtaf and hire. Walter I get
ting all he can do.
II Anderson h.ts been busy help
ink Text Martin with his spring
Don't forget 1. K. Venator has
lot of good things to eat and wsar
Prices reasonable
Daddy Dowell ha Jut received a
-upply ..I onion seta.
What are we poor homesteaders
to do sbout the rabbit bounty. The
siork men are able to fencn the
rabbit out and raise their grain ami
fight the bounty. There was enough
grain and hay destroyed last year j
to pay taxes on their farm Now
this spring there are several home
leader who could not pay iiu-ir
taxes, being unable to fence their .
grain, while they have to go to work
for wage and let the rabbit have i
their own way. You hear one and
another lamenting where ws will get
MM grulu If the rabbit don't take
it Now let' get busy and nlan a
way to get rid of these pest. Now
Mr Kahhit don't you hosr Crowley
slug this song every year Wen
golng to ,t , vy CMUnU M
til they 1st us have a rabbit bounty.
From a Dry Lander.
Cunion City. May 2 Id-glstra-tiou
In Urant cognty by precincts is
a follow, the pos tof floe, when dlf
i.i.i.t from precinct name, being
Canyon City, 253; John Day
.id ilzee), 46; Forty Nine
(Qrasanora), (I: Riverside, itp-
.. r John Day Valley), 42; Snow
Motiniatii iSuplei i, 1; Austin.
I'll alh-. 51; W.iini
Springs (Hitter), 75; Oranlts
Long in ek, Hi". , Hamilton, .".9; Su
sanvllle, 43; Willow I Range), It;
North Fork (Monument).
Straw herry (South side of John
l ia River, near I'ralrie), lf; i
Ml iew t.Mt Vernon t.
I'uiotl ll'raine t ityi. T; . .,
villi- ii anyoii City), ; .South Fork,
iDayullei, ;i;l; Mi. Idle i Ml
noli I, Ml-, Total 2141.
i.itiil number of party electors
was a (aUawai BlillsagS. 1528;
ilemocruts, ..ul; socialists, 68: Inde-
peuiieni. ,s; progressive, 6; prohlbl
lion, 7.
A lot of people make a noise, but
only a few are heard.
These are times, however, when
men talk big, say little, and do no
thing. Hemt-iuher the children today and
perhaps they will do as much by you
This I leap year, for a positive
(act Hut you wouldn't believe It,
would you?
It' easy to make a million. All
you have to do Is to beat the other
fellow to it.
Oh. yea, James, we like to hear
you i .'Ik good roads, but we'd a heap
rather see you get out and hustle
'em aloug.
ches, and Jewoy Rice are pre
paring 90 seres for fall sowing for
Roland Hall.
Levi Crull visited in Weisor with
hla daughter. Mrs Frank Lunger,
Saturday, April 22nd.
Mrs Lunger and Mrs. Ray return
e.l with him and spent a f"W days
on Dead Ox flat, returning Saturday.
April 29th Mrs. Lunger and Mrs
Hay visited with Mrs A. T. Mc
Donald V April 27th
Much needed work has been done
in the Snow Irrigation sys
tem extending laterals thl spring.
Right or ten teams were busy three
days this week raising the ditch at
Its terminus on the ('has llerr place
that water may he put on the land
of Mr. Hlgelow.
A. T McDonald has rented a part
of the Hlgelow land and spent last
week plowing and working on the
Win Wells moved his family Into
I'.tM-ite a week ago Sunday. Mr
Wells I now prospecting In the
mountains north of Welser.
A a result of the herd law many
people are tearing down their
lences and those who are not are al
lowing them lo heroine dilapidated
Home fruit tree have consentient iv
oiforeil from the pesky Jack rabbit
It looks odd, not to say risky, to see
large tracts of land In crops with no
protect Inn.
A. T. McDonald Is preparing to
r -1 1 - 1 S(l acres on bis own and son.
(1 It s, homestead.
Cha. Rice has moved from the
Senkblll place Into the Krlckson
It.ipti-i Church Notes.
Church going Is a matter of small
consequence with many people
The noblest and strongest charact
er the world ha ever known have
been earnest Christians.
ThS church is the visible means
liy which (lud has eatabllshed the
Kingdom of Klghteouan.
Directly or Indirectly sll Clirla
tliin Influences have come from Un
organised church.
I would not rare to live or bring
up my children In a place where no
church existed.
If everyone should follow the ex
ample of the non-church members,
there would be no church
It Is selfish for me to expert to
have the benefits of the church while
I am refusing to Identify myelf
with the chinch
Topios for next Sunday, May 7th
1 1 nn I in. "The lllble " 8:00 p.
Woman Who Exchanged
Wages for Worship "
1 Ills will close the threa sddrssiss
on the gsnsrsl topic, "Three Oood
li.ngalus" The public Is cordially
llll ItOd lo alien. I ll..
'reaching at Arcadia at I p in
D I, l'utor
Sllvei .ir.
One of the pleasant occasion oc
curred at the llaptiat parsonage last
Friday evening It was the silver
snniversary of Mi and Mr. O. V
Franklin About fifty people gath
ered at the parsouagu to spring a
surprise on them which was coin
ph-ntely arranged and played upon
them. A beautiful silver spoon tray
was presented to them by the many
friends with many wishes for yet
many more happy anniversaries
Cake and ice cream was had by all
and at ten o'clock the company dis
persed wishing for many more oc
casion like this one
holies of the Kplscopal (.uil.l
held a May day tea at the hom ..i
Mr. U. I. King. The house wa
beautifully decorated for the occa
sion with lilacs, apple blossoms and
A guessing contest and music
furnished Indoor entertainment and
the May day dance on the lawn h
the little tots In charge of the Misses
('alien and liailey was greatly in
Joyed by all This was followed by
recitations by Charlotte ('lagged,
Firman Scholes, Lois i'riuziug aud
Honuld Wood The program was
completed by a pretty little dance
by Inns Keaton.
The tea was well attended by On
tario people beside the following
Mesdames Virgil Staple, Tom Jones,
Purlng' Kastman, Mueller, Hull, Les
lie Hope aud J It Wheeler from
Vale and Rev and Mr Tho Ash
worth, Mesdames J M. Uenuett, C
F Mueller, J. A Lauur, fid ward
l.auer, J. F, Orr, 'w Riley, Comptou,
II Dunn. Geo. Lattig, Albert Wil
son, Lester Sewell, Albert White and
J. B. Burns. All reported a good
Card of l k-
We wish to thank the friends and
neighbors who extended so many
kindnesses during our recent be
reavement. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Atherton,
Mr and Mr. Cha Atherton.
aud family.
Save a Half
And Buy One of Our Special
Dollar Shirts
Easily Worth a Dollar and a Half
Enormous showing of our famous
Dollar Shirts All coat cut, all
colors, all styles for white collar
as well as soft with military or flat
collar attached.
Panama Hats
The greatest values ever shown in
the west Genuine Panamas in a
dozen nobby shapes,' styles and
A Great Panama at
$3.00 and $3.50
Defying anything, ever shown in
the line of men's high grade Pana
ma hats.
Other Splendid Values
$4.00 and $5.00
Buy your Panama early buy right
now and you'll get the best Pana
ma value you ever saw.
Men's Silk Hats
Light, cool and comfortable
Fifty Cents and a Dollar
Our Famous Silk Socks
35c and 50c
All colors Today's market would
mean 50c and 75c for the same
socks we offer at a quarter less.
All articles based
prices and not
Alexander Co.
One Price Clothier Ontario, Ore.
on early purchase
at the advanced