r Business I'IMSII I INS DR8. PRINZINQ & WKE8E Cntario, Oregon Office in New Wilaon block. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS Dr. Harriet Sean Dr. Pauline Scara Graduates American Sihool of Octet, pnthy, Kirksville, Mo. Wilson Hlock. Telephone 154 111k. nAa'sVsVs'sse'Ns DEXTIHTN Dll. W. G. HOW! DENTIST Phenes: Wilson IlldR. Office 117 Res. 1172 HR. II. C. BRETT DENTIST Office 2nr: door East of Ontarlj Phar macy on Nevada Avenue, SfMf R. K. Depot. jaaSsSStSSWSSltSISSSSSSWsSSSSSWaaSaSaaaasSSVSSa FNDERTAKINU J. II. FAHI.EY Funeral dir-itr. and embolmer. I.iiclv assistant. Phone l.lL'-W. Ontario, Oregon. I PAID POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS I oil CO! Ml ASSESSOR. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the iiomli.atloii as county assessor subject to the votes of the democrats of the county. R. M. CAHLH.F. FOR COUNTY TREASURER. I hereby announce myself as a can didate for tha nomination for th office of Treasurer of Malheur Coun ty, subject to the will of tba Dem ocratic voters at the coming primar ies. ROBS A. BOWARD PM ASSESSOR. I hereby announce that I will be a candidate for Assessor of Malheur County, subject to tha will of the democratic voters at the primary election. If nominated and elect ed I pledge my very best efforts to wards securing an equitable assess ment. B. W. Ml I.KKY 1 UK COUNTY AkHKHHOH. To the voters of Malheur, County, I wish to announce myself as a can didate for the nomination as assess or on the democratic ticket. I have been a resident of the coun ty over SO years and thoroughly un derstand the duties of the position. J. 11. DUNCAN. I H( COl NTV AKHE.-SHOR. To the voters of Malheur County I desire to announce my candidacy for the office of assessor, subject to the declalou of the democratic elec tors at the coming primary. If in. minuted and elected, I plodge ei.oioniy in office end properly earn Iuf power thu base tor ending values io.pt iih otherwise prjjcnbed by aw QUY JOHNJTON. FOR COUNTY ANHKHpiOK. To the voters of Malheur, County, I hereby announce myself a candidate for tho office of county asaoniior, sub ect to the will of the republican vot ers of the couuty ut the prluary elec tion F. H won FOR COl NT. TRFASl RF.K. To the voters of Mulheur County, 1 hcichy announce myself as u can didate (or the nomination of County Treuburer subject to the will of the Republican votera at the primary election. H. H. WILLIAMS KOH REPRESENTATIVE. I hereby auuounce that I will be a caudldate for the office of Joiut rep resentative for Ma'heur and Harney Counties, subject to the will ot the republican electors at the coming primaries. P. J. PHILLIPS. FOR COUNTY TRFASl .'HER. I hereby auuounce myaelf a candi date for the nomination for the office of County Tr aaurer of Malheur County, Oregon, subject to the will of the Republican electors at tha coming primaries. C. C. Mueller. To the Citizens of Malheur ceunty: I desire to announce that I will be a candidate for the Republican nom ination for District Attorney at tha coming primary election and solicit your support. Till office spend thuusauds of dol- Directory ATTORNEYS. W. II. Brooke, Attorney at Law. Wilson Bldg. Ontario Or C. MeGONAGILL ATTOUNKY AT LAW Will Practice In All Courts Votary Public. Office Over Postoffic LESLIE J. AKEK LAWYER Room 9, First National Bank Bldg Ontario, Oregon. MeCULLOCH ft WOOD I.AWYKHS Rooms 1-2 3 First Natl Bank Bldg Ontario, Oregon. R. W. Swugler Attorney at Law. Rooms 13-14-11 Wilson Bldg Ontario Oregon. l. J. (.l, I. At. ill It LAWYER Itooms in Wllron Bldg. Ontario, Oregon TRANSFER TRANSFER, BAGGAGE AND EX PR ESS Meets all trains. JOHN I.AND1NGHAM I lnr i of your money and I pledge my self to every economy consistent with good government. If elected I will devote my entire time end energy to the affairs of the office. Impartial enforcement of all laws, economy and suppression of useless litigation, my platform. ROBERT M. DUNCAN. NOTICK. I hereby announce myself aa can didate for nomination to the office of Assessor on the Republican ticket, subject to the choice of the votera at the primaries. IStf A. A ROBERTS. TO THE VOTF.IW OK MALHEUR COUNTY. I hereby announce my canaidatfy for the Republican nomination for the office of District Attorney ot this county. If nominated and olocted I will endeavor to fulfill the duties of my office In a fair, fearleaa and ef ficient manner and to the best of my ability, keeping In mind at all times my duty to the tax payers. P. J. i; u.I. v. in. K FOR COUNTY CI.EHK I hereby announce myself a can didate for the nomination for County Clerk of Malheur County, Oregon, subject to the will of the Republican electora at the coming prlmariea. V. B. Staples. annoi Rtiiauura I hereby announce myaelf aa a i ami. date for the Democratic nom iii.itlou for County School Superin tendent of Malheur Couuty in thu coming Primary Flection. If nom inated I will, to the best of my abil ity, continue to work to further the educutloual interests of the county. Kay Clark. FOR REPRESENTATIVE Subject to the choice of the Kep ubllcan voters of Mulheur and Har luntiea, Oregon, to be express ed at the coming primary election, I hereby announce myself a candi date for the Republicon nomination as Joint Representative to the legis lature from this representative dla iint Dated Jan 21, 1916. Chas M Craudall AWot NCI Ml N I I hereby announce myself a candi date for the nomination for County Clerk of Malheur County, subject to the will of the Democratic voters at the prlmariea. Arthur Moody. ANNOI NCEMENT. To the voters of Malheur Ceunty: I hereby announcement my candi dacy for reelection to the office of County Assessor subject to the will of the Republican voters at the pri mary election on the 19th. day of May. 1916. And if nominated aud elected I shall continue to assess all corporations ou an equal and uni form basis with other property. L. K Hill, present Incumbent. FOR STATE SENATOR. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the office of State Sen ator from this district, composed of Malheur, Harney and Grant counties, subject to the will of the electors of the Republican party at the prl mariea to be held In May, 1916. Julian A Hurlay. FOR JOINT REPRESENTATIVE Burns, Oregon, April 2, lilt. I hereby announce myself as a can didate for the office of Joint Repre sentative for the twenty-seventh Rep resentative District comprising Har ney mill Malheur Counties, subject to the decision of the Republican voters at the primary election to be held May 19th, 1918. Jas. J. Donegan. for mm mi r I wish to announce myself as a I candidate for the nomination an sheriff subject to the will of the re publican voters of Malheur county. ' Emory Cole, Itmgnn, Ore. FOR SHERIFF I hereby announce myself a candi date for the nomination for sheriff of Malheur County, subject to the will of the republican voters at the coming primaries. J. S. WOODS. FOR JOINT-HFXATOR We are authorized to announce that A. W. Oowan Is a candidate for the office of Jolnl-seuntor for the Twenty-second Senatorial District, comprising the counties of (Irani, Harney and Malheur iiubject to the decision of the republican voters at thu primary election, May 19, 1910. FOR tlllN'H M KVFVOR I wish to announce mvself as ....... ii. l..i.. .. il... ,h,w...,..lU ....... I. ...v.. "i nation for county surveyor at lh coming primary election. II. F. Farmer, present Incumbent. I 11(1 t II II IK. I I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of Circuit Judge subject to the action of the democratic vot ers at the primary election to be held May 19. 1010. DAITON BIOOB. For County ' l-.sl.uu-r I wish to announce that I will be candidate for the nomination as County Commissioner, subject to the will of the republican voters John K Weavar. KOH DISTRICT ATTORNEY. I hereby announce my candidacy for the Democratic nomination for the office of District Attorney of Malheur County. R W. 8WAGLER. FOR ASSESSOR I wish to announce that I will be a candidate for the nomination ot as sessor on the republican ticket, sub ject to the will of the voters. 8. L. I'AY'KE. KOH SHERIFF. I hereby announce myself a candi date for the nomination for Sheriff of Malheur County, subject to the choice of the Democratic electors In the coming primary election If again nominated and elected I will continue, as heretofore, to en force the laws to the best of my abil ity and give the tax payers a business iidmiulatratloii of the affairs of the office. MM J. BROWN, (present incumbent for re-election) First Staam Press. On Nov. -ii. ism. u nawapapac for the first time wu printed by steam Although tha application of ataarapois er to printing machinery' hud been fully s rliiii-nii d Willi sonic years previously, the ho-.tillty of the arorklnj prtman raBdkwad H MMkivIa able fur tin maataia to ittt i u startling Innovation Into their print lug houses. low. ml the cud of ls : lio-.i ,-i cr, the growing circulation nf tin- I iiu made a tut n- kind naceaeary, ami in the faaa r n. . lawltion the sec. mi John Walter aet Up u attam printing press. So ou the I morning of Nov '.".i the Icudl.ig artk-le of the Times announced to Its tenders (hut they held lu their bunds (hut duy copy of (he first newspaper to be printed by ateiiiu. London Answers. . Wood Engraving. It la still a mystery whether wood engraving came lu Europe from the east or waa rediscovered by some Eu ropeau urtlther. There is a like uu certainty re.urding the precise date of the drat European woodcut. It Is only known that European wood eugravlug was going ou as early as (he first quar ter of tba fifteenth century, it has been proved that a woodcut in the Paris library was printed in ltotl Tin very earliest wood eugiavlng consisted ot outlines aud white spaces with smaller black spaces, but shading is rara. A Cincn. Dubbins Do you know where I can hud a lot facing south? Stubblus Why not try around the north pole? That's a very likely place. While shame keeps Its watch, virtue is not wholly extinguished in the heart. -Burke. Formosa's Umbrella Snake. '" s a Republio. Venomous snakes take the place of ' '""be" " when thirteen yean old wild leasts in Formosa, and their at- I " declared of ago by the cortes In tucks are formidable, aaya a Japanese """ ""' rteT n stormy reign of twen iruveh If, who hns Just returned from ' & ,lv" J'0""' wn dn.ccd by a rejoin. ii (Tip In the southern inland There Is """ "l,lrn l"", " m jNgt a venomous snake on that Inland In I 1R- 1Hfl8' Bn' "'as Joined by the gem- i he name of amngnsiihcbl. so called from Its umbrel'n like head This Himke h genernlly found In watery ..i.... - i in.. i. ii ..r I'lll' en, i'iii'ii in ii iin, ,,r,u mil 111 a kitchen. A nn.ld working Inn kit, I, en Is not Infreinieiilly Startled lit Hie ugly appearance of the snake. The anlmal makes a peculiar noise by the nimble movement of its MM, A flight turn h nf li h fangs is fatal. A native nf the Island was hlllen hy the snake In the Ihuinli. A doctor who tioi.tcd the wound made a simple ap plication. The man returned home. hlnklng the woiiihI would soon t cured. Imt to h's ronrternatlon his arm hail swollen up. He soon lost sight anil henrlng. Next morning be wns .lend Kust and West News. Animal and Plant Life In Brine. Just west of Promontory Point sta tlon. I 'tab. Is n pond cut off from the Oreat Salt lake by the rnllrnad em liankmeiit. At times of high water In the lake this reservoir tills by pvronla tlon through tlie einluiiikiiieiil, but dm lug the summer this water Is i omen trilled to n brine bf evaporation The deep pink color of the lirlne Is n phc iioin.niui Hint apiK'i.rs In sHH l'nN i-eneially when n i ertaln rmn entratloli is re'i. Insl In the salt ponds of H.iu Fran Win hay thit culor Is due to 11 certain baelllus w -hi- h lives In sntn rn.ul l.-l..... ....! ..! .. - "'" " " '" salt ns It Is idled for drainage and ,,lil " ITolill.lthe to life as hucIi an emliiiiiiiient might be eonsldereil. strong natural Mm are. In fact. In hill lli-.l li n iiiuiiln'r of iiiltniti. nrenii rnminim im uiw t m. Isms, nnlinnls as well as phints. The liltik color illsiitilM.nrs In winter or when fresh water Is Introduced Into n f..i.i .;.....i,..i the 1 1 I nlted States Illogical Kuney. Human Saerifiooo. In battle the Aetecs strove to save life so that tbey could use tbelr prls oners as human sacrifices to il.e giala 1 In i had the nrt nf iimliush r.slu. e.l .. siidi a science (hat It was nothing tin usual for them to bring home 'J.'.iiiki prisoners after a campaign. Their bat ties were not fought for the sake of nin principle, nor yet to gain lerillnry , ..!-, i.Mifci.i ii i"... I'..-".. They fought In order to capture prison ' era. and the hot beaded young soldiers . "" Kv'n w.mhicii swonis, ior teur j. a a . m they might in the heat of halite unwlt- tlngly slay n foe. A dead enemy was I already dead, and hence of uo value for sacrificial pniposcB Were the Ax tecs humans? Well, not so that yon could notice. Hut their destruction of prisoners on the altars of their beauti ful temple was done In the name of religion and hence not reprehensible. St Louis Globe Democrat. Test For a Field disss. Inquiry has It that (he absolute and Infallible teat of a field glass by the pun baser Is to see what site letters csn I read aenwa the street from tin optician shop. It isn't. The real test Is to climb up a lung and bushy hill until (be breath cornea a hundred to the minute, then suab I. for (he glass, reposing In a shirt ss kit. to see whether the but k Is the one you want la-fore you fire If It Won I pi In lour shirt pot -Lit It Is not (he glass j on waul, ot tiers are made thai will If If shakes In your agitated hands it is not (he glaaa you want You cannot set nigh more with a high power glass to wy for the times when It la unusable. iM-cause you cannot hold It steady Outing. A Litorary Comcidsnos. "My father. V. Chirk Russell," said Herbert Itusscll In telling or a llteruiy coincidence. ' had Unbilled maturing the plot or his iiiarl The Death Ship which Is a version of the legend of Yaudcrdc ken I was his amanuensis at the time lie said lo Inc. '1'i.nior row we will be ..in the slory.' Ou the rollowing moiniiig when I cuicicd hi st udy to take his ill. tall.. ii of the open lug lines he showed tin a idler tic had Just received it was from w s. Oil licit, the i.cll kin. v ii ilrumatlsl, asking him w liy he did not w i id- u got I ibo.it the Flying Dublnium." - Eternal Lamps. 1 DUIIUOII KliperslKlou that the an cleuta ii..- art of waking lamps, whl. h Mould Ian u i, never for a long lime ubtulued, aud u aas claimed that one such lamp venal lu the tomb of Roslcru. Ins s. lem .-. how ever, bus long set Ibis together with other superstitious, forever ut i,-i since It bus been demonstrated that Ore will imt burn lu u . bamber from which (be air has l-eu exhausted Clssr Air. The air la so clear at Arequipu, Peru, that from the observatory ut that place. H.UOO feet abme the sea. a black spot em- Inch lu diameter placed on u white disk has been seen on Mount Char, hu ul, a distance of eleven miles, through a thirteen In. h (clcscoa. Both Busy. "I'm worn out. I've been breaking in a new cook." "I've got my bands full too. I'm breaking lu u new husband." Brown lug's Magazine. Their Fats. "What disposition Is made of the children of the couple?" "They will spend six mouths with tba servants of each parent."- Puck. Any man may commit a mistake, but none but a fool will continue in it. Cicero. I "" nmI r"y nf Cadis and by nearly i n" of Spain during the month. A pro ""ll"11" government was estaniisnen ami Marshal Serrano win mnile renenl ''"' cortcs ve.e.l for a monarchy on 1,,lv 21- ,s,!, l""1 ,,f,,'r several offers "r ,h' throne hud been refused It was ""ally accepted by Amadeus. duke of A""W- who was proclaimed king on OV. 7, ISfU. After an uncomfortable reign be ab illialeil In 1R7.1 and was succeeded by another republic, which lasted for two years, when Alfonso XII., son of I Q-n Isabella and father of the pres- "" KI,IK- "",n'"1 to tne inrone. Artificial Indigo. Artificial Indigo owes much of Its "ininerclal Kgaagag to nn accident. Al though synthetic Indigo was first pro duieil in INTO, it did not become a se rious rival to the natural article un til a thermometer was accidentally broken nmI the contents of the bulb rnn Into the healed mixture of naph thslene that was all too slowlv Iielng ..inverted Into pbtbsllc acid, the basis of iirtlllelnl Indigo It was then ob served that the conversion lieeamc much more rapid, and from that day j i, UK(, ,)f nienury has played a big part In making artificial Indigo a com menlnl suciess The accident occur- red after years of patient research. and It Is now- tin, linns! of chemists . .. .. . (lint tliey are aide to proiluce on n ,. Ulvrviai tmBH compound "exactly ,,. , .. unUlTux i.wiliri. fdnn sinndiinl uj--i.i. ,l. a t- -, Annum tl nihelllshiiienis which II.. .11.. .... . - ... 1 .i..i 1. .1... 1 . ... "-mi in 1 i.iicin h me wrciu me "Up milace" la Hie most eonsidcnoiis .,..'.' '...." ' ..' ' """'"'"0"" This magnlllcent l.tilldlng was ere. i. .1. II Im u II III li iiluiti l.f-aut..rlil. 'm mii aakt.au that his niaiiv wars had ..... exhausted hi ,.,. ;m.r AlH further to show his contempt for the countries which ha ' ' 'it to crush Mm al the top or the i 0Hiln he plaeisl a group of three women dam lug together, (he figuring nllng Catherine the Great. Ma rln Theresa and Mine de Pompadour The wrath of the two empresses waa unbounded at finding Ihcmaelvrs de Ptctad In such an attitude and such ' en... pimy, so r rciicrick w-as a hie In citti gratulale himself on a thoroughly sue- . . w I cessful Joke. Hsoognlilng Book Lovers. You may rcognlie the b.s.k lover as soon as you glance at bis shelves 'I 'h they may lav few. Some peo pie. especially servants. If allowed to Interfere, marshal books according to colors, as they would like to buy them by the yard Not so the book lorer (I mean the man who loves books for their ciiiiieiitsi He Is kind to his honk- and. knowing they have souls. wishes them to live happily together He would not. (o lake an extreme rase, sandwich "Itriidshaw" between "Stones of Venice" and "Modem Paint n." Londou Globe. Tunnels. A New York newsi,iH'r remsrkslhst "ferries collie ami ferrh-s go. bridges rise and bridges fall, but tunnels lust fnreier" Then- Is a adi Mine (ruth I the ol.se. -vail.... Of all works of man earthworks, plain i-arlli minimis ami , , ' .led over, are al-. hi tin. most en during V Mooch lonsl.u.l.sl I Is esse., ..,v h work In earth ami uIiiumI aa i niincnt aa the great glolw Itself i:NchaHi. 1 Advlos. siarneu aian-iot mairiea yet? urn Chum No. I'm not Married Man Now. bim' here, old hoy. times are changing uilghiy fast. You take my ailvhe and uiatry l fine women get any more eman. ipalcl .In... (hey are already V-u Yo.k Weekly, May It Last! "Is their inn riled llle happy?" "Nothing els,- she thinks lie Is the ii ou cuilli and he thinks she la tin- most baautlfol Paffact. eh .- ' LoUlsrUla i ourlci .loiirnal Diffaronco of Attachment. liom.itilic lluth Lava wants all oi- untiling Practical I'eie Then line's not like our sheriff, for he'll take any thing he can get ftnliiiuore Amerlian I. ion in il.e Fatherland the) speak t,e .uotlier Iiuikuc s.1 MMONN. ,,. circuit court of the Siaic ol Oregon, in and in Malheur Couii u Erskltic Wood Plan. tin vs. J O rici in hu. -Id, Minnie field, his wire, A U. sometimes known aa A. Scril.h Itogers, (1 ICol gers, an unman lei tnui', C. ii. Surg, n ' , ( Lu .. I Sargent, In Mary F Ilium It, an uum. 1 1 woman, .Sain... I nn.r. sj t.nni... ncd woman. Dcirton I). Hum W, Ida Hunter, his wife. Olive P. Ilmiter an unmarried woman, Abie ft. Russell, Kay Kussell, her husband, Henry it. Flack and Con Fluck, hiH wife, Payel'., .Natmnal Dank of Payette, Idalio, a cor porution ana lay m niearus. as administrator of (lie estate nf K K Hunter, deceased Defendants. To the defendants, J. O. Scritcli field, Minnie Scritchfleld. A. G ling iers, sometimes known as A G Rod gers, C. H. Sargent, Clara B. Baa gent, Mary R. Iturnett, Bablna Kvak er, Dorton I). Hunter, Ida Hunter, nilvo I'. Hunter, Allco 8. Rusaelm, Kay Russell. Henry It. Flack, Cor nelia Flack and Payette National Hank of Payette, Idaho, iM. corporav- In the UM of the state of Orw- . , Ren: TO are lierehy required .. appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above m- titled suit on or before June !.. 19Ifl ,,, (la,,, .tn. ,nore than six weeks from the date of the flre publication of this summons and ba- ing the time prescribed Tor such ag pearancn by the order of puhllratfaaa entered herein; and. If yon fall te so appear ami answer for of, plaintiff will apply to the er.nrt for the relief demanded In his com plaint, namely, vlt. ' That he have and recover or aticf that there be round due plaintiff from the defendants, J. 0. Scrttcts fleld, A. 0 Rogers, sntiietlineav known as A. (1 Rodgers, C 11 Hu.r-i-eni and Vary K. Burnett, ou ar- I count of the first cause of suit f(ir,,. ,.r,.,, t, following sum. namely: $4000.00, with Interest iU. tin- rnte of eight per cent per an- ","" from May f,"t 19lB: 300.0 I " attorneys fee; IB.b&, ror li taxes paid by plaintiff, with intercut at the rate of eight por cent pwr -.... -..... n..,..i. in tain n,,.i iii -1111111 on Kin.... ..,, ..., o. - and disbursements herein, t hat. his mortgage, dated April 26, Ittt, recorded in Hook "()", at pagea 9 et seq., of the mortgage records ot Malheur County, Oregon, be dec.lar- ...i ,. v.li.l i.ri.n- unit siihllstlnir Hen .... r,,r tin' sum or sums wiucii may ne , . , ., -i.a . round due plaintiff from said inacl- Kiigors herein upon that certain real' "r'"",r, '" ""' ,nljr. On-gOD. .describes! as the south half of the "iiitheast quarter of the northeast quarter of sect Ion nineteen, town ship eighteen south of range forty seven east of the Willamette Men iliim. and upon certificate No 1614. for ten shares of the capital stock of the Owyhee Ditch Co. That he have and recover of and from the defendants, J. O. SorltrJi ! field, A. Q. Rogers, C. II. flargent and Mary E Burnett, the following sums, namely: S:ri00 00, with later est at the rate of eight per cent per annum from May Mrat 19m; f 300 00 attorney's fee; 116.45 for 1914 taxaa paid hy plaintiff, with Interest at the rate of eight per cent per an num from Marcii 13, 1916, and his costs and disbursements herein (hut plaintiff's mortgage recorded in I Hook ()" at pages 104 at seq , of the official mortgage records lor Malheur County, Oregon, be de clared a valid, prior and superior lien for the sums decreed due plain tiff from said mortgagers on sc 1 1 of the mite and mortgage aet fort bin In (he second cause ol "nit u that certain real property in Malheur County, (i-cgon. innn fully ,i. . north hall ii ,,,.,, (11,rt.r of the nortl I ,lmrl,.,. , .,, ,,,.. ,, )w .. , ., slip e ghteen south, range fo.u ""V" of Ul ""I""""" ""' dlan. and upon CartlflOBta No 111 for ten sluu al tin cupitil stock m ll.e owvlic- Hitch I d mortgage; ... foi el in,,) ,,, m ,,,, , m,,!!,,.,,, County, according lo law and lb or this court. and lilt he p, limited to plircliusA said pi i : . , oi am p. ii i tberatal upon . ..-. BtlOB h by said ShM irt. tn.it ii,.- proa. .h- iii .in plop.-lli iuiolv.-.l in t of suit be applied, Kll ' , In I 'ic J incut of the costs and oi .uii .in.i suic. Scidiidly, iii iii. iur. in. ni nl ' mil ,,i i and dm or t lii'in . on hit I nl oulif .l.i, i lerl oi t to i . ll) plaintiffs from Hie d. suts ui law pun I ,,- in. lavasled , . piled, tlrati 10 the payment of tllfc seciindlv , to tlie pay incut ol ll.. ,J ''"'"" ! "" ""'i them uu n. I thirdly, ' lio clerk of t .'..II I n be 1 1 us b '. prut nil d i . i , ,i. all oi i - in, and nil o I lalralag 01 loci.". ; h. , mid in . in l. oi Inter , . . or .uu tain I the still n toi I radainntloa. and for ( ,, ,,,,,,, ,,, ., ,.. ,.,,,, ,.,., ,, T ff V()1, . m.ll,;llin ,i,.,...,i t,v ,,,,i, tl..- Hon li.ilton IligKS, a judge ot .,l.ic c,,le, curt, w Inch o, ,1. , nle ami enicr. -il herein on (h. Ilth day of April. 1916. Tlie dm. ()f frsl u,,,,,!,..,.,,,,, of th,H ..,.,,,... - is Mu 4, 1 , laic ol the bsat publication thereor is June ll, 1916 WOOD, MONT Idl I & HUNT and U M.' I LLOCH. Attorneys for Plulnttft