The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, May 04, 1916, Image 4

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    The Ontaroi Argus
M. E. BAIN. Publisher.
Subscription $1.00 a year
Always in advance
I'iiMI-Ii.-.! Kvrry Thursday.
linn of Hi" republican votcrx.
and ItM NTWl was against Hookb--
1 1
A majority of delegates o the re
titilillran convention have Iippii elect-
.1. ami they aro not for HooKevelt.
'! 'in favorite son hfta a tenuous
hold ..ii a part of them, but the
glamor (or ""ii" mi.!, r mlm mtom
I hi state- bonier Not ine of them
' hl I chance. If Hughe will pprinlt
Entered In the Post Office at Ontario, avatttl i take tl.plr natural NUN
Oregon. for tfM mission throM.rh An.i W9 think he will Oregonlan.
the malls an second cIiihh mail nmtler
Mr llr)iiii' DNMi
N.-lirnskii democrats defeated V
.1 llrwin for BllettW " Hip demo
national IHTMUN btMYMM
they were loyal to President Wilson
an. 1 because they regarded Mr nry
It mm In the small an. I silent
feoars of the BlCht, when all our
people w. full) rep. .sing In
.1 I .. . 1. AX . . " il.l...l lllllll
iue m.uui-i in miiiri.v,.
The god o, iNIM Hover.,1 OTM Hi PMM1 cam,,.,,, """"',,
, l, , i ion cuinna gn The lenders (ltd 1101
he editorial OO.Cb and . nk. ...
ft;Bd J" ;' ,.' , me,, on hltn when he attacU-
n ,l,e sweet HU.n.ner t MM, Witt wmUmi He MNtK MM-
bralli relaxed from the UNMMM h.l- " "" - '
. . . .- -lf .
....! . .11 mill tiiii i' rri' 1 . .
Or 01 mniuu ini, iih'i " i.--
of n ItOtlj HnwiuK Htream
Mr Hryan npurod no pffort to win
w ,1, finny trll, -J--. TTh S
And the Kod whlepered Into the ,,,,. , pi(1)(.r amaaaaa
tutorial ear and this Is ahat M r ,.,,,,;
"Tliorc are many fOM people wnoi Kyi wl)i ,H nn ,,., for
owe sundry sums on rabaortpUoi ( ;, HM pllp si-rUo-
Theao people are I,,,,,- t and tM) nTT r, ,-,,,nila count).
mean to pay. hut (heir nun.l Wi M K(,k ,nK,n ,, rot
crossed le weightier affairs, to tho M Kvll. ln,kM the claim that school JiOTKS
a a e I ,
Miss Mabel Defoe wan awarded Hip
gold medal Klven by Hip Remington
'l'p.-ritpr company last Tuesday .
when a rppri'Hpntatlvp of that rom
pany waa In the loral high school
building and gave Hip spped and ac
curacy test re(iuirpil for the winning
of such a medal.
She wrote nine minutes and in
that time copied six hundred and
thirty one words, making seven r
rors. This makes a gross speed or
seventy words per minute and a net
speed of sixty-five words per in In 11 te
The ie.iiireinents for the winning
,,, the nipihil Ib ... words and tne
fact that she so far eve. .'.led the
requirements speaks well for that
branch of training In the local high
school under which she has become
ao efficient. Many other 111 1. Ml
of the class missed only by a very
cloae margin and bnt for the t , it.
MM under wlilch they were labor
ing would probably have come out
winners The champion profession
al stenographer ot Idaho took this
test and failed In passing last May.
due to too many error, with not
sufficient speed to raise the net num
ber to S5 words.
weightier affairs, to the
. hi Ion of UN ediior :md Ml I I
Hut I, the (iod of DHJMM, Will Ml
the band of wisdom and Nil
becnuso he was a roinmlssion MM
chant for a few months a few year
the band of wisdom ami ",.,- ., .,.,, ,, elected lie !
brance up. 11 tb good i"-"pb'. '" ;,..llllv iMfflnM that th
l. ...,,l Unit the Will 1 II I'il" of
their stole the little UUU
la Ju U '!' Vl"'
lllxen has handed In th- MlU that
Is due. I, the Cod of M
decree that when the sunny da
come again U HHf shall 1
toil for a week of rest In
far .i.i pot, where mind and heart
mav retulll the strength and WW
,,. ,. ,. ,,er and grcao thing In
,.. ,,i:. ,., come. And the to.d ol
,r '"",": ,,eui"(r":' " U -
uroMil no ' 1 de lii(iii .c subscrlli
v , -mall samp e t now poessH?
ra who harlten unto this sage and M,,u" """'" "" '
.inn t ndvlcc " '
If ever a oreain eoriM 1 1 up. tho
,lii.,r ur.ns that II. Is Mf be the
denlly ImngltiPs that the averaiii
rOMf never MUJ dealings wit .
1 he in. -rage commission men -haul
Malheur county has a rare OfPOl
(unity to do Itself great good at t In
coming primaries. To get J Me
( ailocli on the public servli iinn
mission will be worth more to us
1 luin mo t p.-oplp realize
one .Mul he has rutin
e . .1 n 1 o
ilial It will
o ( HANI I
I 11.loul1te.lly 'riteodore linosevelt
liad good reason MM pleased with
Ills tumultuous reception in hlcago.
I'lie picture of tlo i.- 1 .in
IJUI'I Wlllcll the I'ollMM-l ad. lie ...ell
Mtandlng on their chairs and shout
ing HM I ' M
,,. i for national propart I
pi Ing an I i-.pii thrilling.
I, ie.
t, 11 re inu to 11
delighted witii in rooaptloi
p I in Ills
mind s . 1 not her UileaKo .
I,, 1 . 1 11 in-, vi In 11 nun- linn
ilre.l odd ib . . .' 1
...lllelilloll will Join I
Ki-nirnl sliiinpede to lion eiell for
I 11 p.. ililf
llllt whether Colonel Iteiiinll H
pi its such a buppenliiK or not.
lear that man) of hi followers, old
nu.l new. bop.- tor It, pray for It,
ilretim alioul it, .mil confident l
pect It.
Iltlt Tin- OrM 1. '' A
im iii.inni ggo, I 'I at II
wu reel lubaUnce in the 1 eit
-,nm mi. aol aoe Mi " ''' " lmH rv
,,, ,.,,,,.,, , ,. M . Ufaatafa m a si...n mm.
.,.,,. ,1,. issue nv.i R rell m MM hWmM make him look up to
iricd out Id a fair and thoroM '"i ur-
A baby was born to Mr. and Mrs.
Hale on the 3rd
Mrs V. V Human went to Welser
..ruing for a visit with rela
The llridge club met witii Mrs
Hurry Anderson at her country
linine on Wednesday afternoon
Mrs Itllllngsley had the high s.
The ladles .-n Joyed the outing r(
I V Van Valkeubiirg arrln-d r
home laat evening from Hums,
wlnTe be BM I I f"r IM Past tWO
week looking after btisluess luter
osti. Van says the valley Is sure
looking good this spring and tin-re
re Iota of settlers going In. The
oil well will soon have all tho casing
on the ground and It Is confidently
.1 that B good oil well will
be brought In when the holo, which
Is 3700 feet deep Is pumped out.
Mrs Turney came out with lit 111
He a fool. If you want to; hut
for heaven's sake don't be fooled.
Wlni inliliesM-il Ihc Mock (rowers
11I linker CM)
IT.ilrie City. April J liratmu
A. IhaHna bought t. W f'isk's beef
and simk cattle and shipped from
riiursduy morning There
1 I carlo
Get Ready
Wo Can Furnish
Shovels, Rakes, Hoes and Brooms
1 v person on this earth has a
creed, but with most of them It Is
Ma had six marriageable girls.
Nothing doing! Then the short,
rtest skirt came out
in. I now they are all married Mm
al It pays to advertise, thasall!
Cooking receipt for macaroni ami
cheese: First, stun the cheese, then
place the macaroni on end In u pan,
ilii-n olace tin- stunned cneese on lop.
and Just as It Is coming around, hol
ler: "Zepperlln" The cheese will
make for the holes In the macaroni
Simple, ain't it?
This everlasting uncertainty Is
Just about as trying on one's dlges
1 a full blown war. l.i
or don't
No. dearie, we can't give you our
opinion of the mall who beats his
wit., tor a real man never does such
fiolll up! Coming down! KU
vator? Nit! Skirts and shirtwaists
that's wot!
Then Wt Can Furnish
Lawn Mowers, Hose and Sprinklers
s.wiTtitv it : OmBAM
H K. Newman will be ready on
April 1 ."1 to ioMvaf any iiuiiutity ot
pure ice cream to ally part of tin- OKJJTi
Ills l.e 11., nil Is III..1I0 with a "Disc
Sunituri l-'roezer" aud is guaranteed
the best quality on the market.
1-lioiiP L'113-N 1. 16l(
KXNtlll.S. V. J. 1'IN.NKV. OM.
TAMO, OKKi.ON. l'.tf
Also we have a New and Complete Stock of
Paints and Varnishes, including
Floor and Linoem Varnish, and 38
colors in Wall Finish or Calsomine
We invite the ladies to call and see our new
. stink of JABDINEER8
Ontario Hardware Co.
County's Largest Hardware Store
We have several second
hand cars, some good as
new, all recently ove-r
hauled. For sale at ex
tremely low prices.
Read This When Hungry
li I Health
I rood
Health is
t Milt.
1).. jrotl want to fii.jny life to the fullest.'
DoypU want to keep in the lst of health t
Do yon want to keep expenses lovil (
EAT OUR GROCERIES. our groceries on general principles.
Aiuas i little better, little oui , the
ordinary, little cheaper, something that
phases anl satisfies httttgr people.
We have a vast iniliihei' of CUStotneri
nil over this territory. They are steadv
eiistoiners because they like our goods
Bui we want YOU for i customer, too.
Try our. groceries n't -when hungry
( 'oliie
All lo.
The Exclusive Grocers
sa s?K
! ,i " i a i
Keinforced Hosiery F
Tli hi I ClrfT 1
i if tT -
up, moiiier ;
I'll Keep ou Wcarint; Black Cm S
New "Short Line" Cafe
Will Open About May 1st in
the Old Blue Front Building
Meals 25c. Board per Week, $4.50
Short On I it a Specialty. Chicken Dinner
Every Sunday. All White Help.
MRS. M. LEO, Prop.
Black Cat
Reinforced Hosiery
has been famous for
three generations. Al
ways reinforced for
durability. Any fab
ric, style or color
for all the family. We
guarantee each pair
Try our Black Cat
"Leather Stocking"
the only children's
hose that resists the
hard knocks of rough
and tumble play.
Means less darning
for you!
"Make Life Brighter and
the Day Work Lighter"
Over 600 Electric Ranges
operating on our lines cost
the users an average of
$2.60 per month.
Safe, Clean, Economical
And Villa grins!
lint don't forget your screeus.
The Stars aud Stripes -salute!
.- liould worry." And we will
In time.
Von in ik lit . too, speak a good
word for us.
If I 4m nominated and elect-
ed, 1 will, during the term of my
office, endeavor to perform my
duties In a fair, fearless and ef-
II. i. ut manner, keeplug in mind
ut all times my duties to the tax-
aajrW. I will give the duties of
the office every attentlou and all
the time which may be required
to properly discharge the same,
eveu to the exclusion of other
I will at all limes eudeavor to
co-operate with other county and
state officers for the purpose of
promotlug the moral, business,
and tluancial welfare of the coun-
ty, and in keeping down the tax- '
es and running expenses ot the '
. P. J. Gallagher,
Republican candidate for nom- '
lualiou for District Attorney '
i Mulheur t'ounty.
Union Pacific System
l.nw rates to Denver, Colorado
Springs, 1'uehlo, Omaha, Kansas
City, St. Louis, Memphis, Chicago,
Minneapolla, St. Paul and many
other points.
sai.k mi
May 13 17. 20, 24, 27, 31; June 3,
7. 10, 14, 17, XI, 14, 28; July 6,
12, 1, 2; Auguat 2, '.', 16, 23, 30;
September 6, 13.
October 31 1916.
l.ow rate excursion tickets on sale
daily, May 1st to September 30th,
inclusive to Spokane, Portland, Ta-
coma. Seattle, San Francisco, Loa
Augeleu aud San Diego.
October 31, 116.
Be auy O. S. L. agent tor rates aud
further details or write D. K Hurley,
general passenger agent, Salt Lake