The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, May 04, 1916, Image 3

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Mrs W. H, Sherwood In suffering
with an attack of rheumatism
Mr H. C. Kllhy of JoHerson, North
Carolina, has hepn working for W.
H ll' I ho past week lip . nuich
made a business trip to Unman this
James Gardner took the Tuesday
morning stage to Baker to visit his
father who la 111.
Wm. Homer commenced drilling n
deep well for Mr. White of Cow Val-
lev Monday. He has drilled several
pleased with this part of the country. deflp we, for the drv Urmen ln
ami exprci m mcnie soraewnere in ,iil ., .n,i rn.i i..r i- .11
of them.
Mian Kthel Stephenson of llalnhow
Mine Is visiting Miss Clara Merrill
Janm Lawrence or Vale und Mnrk
llutherrord and ramlly or Ironsldr
passed through town In Mr. Huther
foru s new Ford on their way to the
Wars ranch. Lawronce and Ruther
ford have the ranch loased for some
Floyd ili.ltieti brought In a load
of dlstcllate from Maker for Mr. C.
M. Ford to uh In his placer claim
near the Qol888 Funic mine Mr
Ford Is running night and day and
good clean up bo-
the valley
Mrs. A. D. Frasier spent Monday
with Mrs. Ous Itelch
W. I). I'ool or Ontario was shear
ing sheep ror W. 8. Kees last Mon
day Mr and Mrs Wm Drown visited I)
II lirnwn ami fiiinlly last Sunday.
'I iicltna Itees was visiting In On
tario a few days last week the guest
of Mrs Helen Clement.
Friday lining the closing day of
acliool at Valley View a little recep
tion was given the leachrs and pu
pils In the evening. Most every one
present look part In the program. I hopes In mnke
After which cake and Ice cream wn , I""1 long
Last Saturday Mrs. Wylle Frakes
and Misses Hut li Stewart, Ida Frns
ler and l.lllle Downs made a trip to
I'uyetln on horseback and were
guests of Miss Margaret I' rakes and
Mrs. Stewart Tharp tor dinner.
Miss Nina llaker or Ontario la vis
iting her cousin, Mrs Wm Drown,
this week
MiH'i Kdna Vnn Deaden spent Mon
day night with Mrs. W 0. Armstrong
Miss Margaret Frales or I'ayette
was visiting Mr. and Mrs YVI.
Frnkea Tuesday and Wednesday
Mr. and Mrs. I) II Drown spent
Monday at Mr. W. H Hhrrwooda.
Thorn Stewart, rather of Miss llutli
Stewart apent Sunday night and
Monday at the home or W. () Arm
strong Mr. Stewart left Tuesday
morning ror his homo In Nebraska
Mlas Oladya McComb was calling
on friends at Valley View Wednes
Miss llutli Stewart has gone to
Mldvale, Idaho, to visit her grand
mother for a few days.
Win. Sh.iffer la busy screening In
his porch Nothing like prepared
ness. Thta Is leap year you know
and head or sheep he has there
Preparations ror laying out the
new town of I'nndlro are said to be
underway and developments ex
parted soon It la stated that the
railroad company have sur' l and
laid out their plans for .. Y there
which would Indicate that they In
tend stopping there ror a period at
Loater Derlck and family motor
ed up from Jamison Tuesday bring
ing Mr. J. 8. Derrick home 11.
underwent an very serious operation
at the Holy Hoaary hospital In On
tario ovine time ago and Is very much
Improved In health Merle Derrick
The Unity Creamery is going to
put on 1 11 auto truck between hern
and Unity to pick up all cream
through this section they will make
one trip a week. The cream has
been shipped to Daker before, this
will aave the freight over the 088
tain and will he n great convenience
lo the people who ship cream.
Frank Morritt returned home fron
Ontario. Ha waa accompanied bv
his sister, Gertrude
' niinty Agriculturist W. W. How
ard and Walter Weaver were Mal
heur visitors Saturday
U W Lovelace waa In Malheur
on business Saturday.
Miss May and Thelma Morflt are
visiting their brother, Albert, at Uni
ty. Quite a number or the young peo
ple enjoyed the danoe at Hereford
Friday evening. Some stayed over
to attend the ball game at Unity
Sunday The Malheur ball team
played Unity Sunday the score being
alx to five In favor of Malheur.
Mr. John Iloswell or Illg Demi la
here looking after his placer mining
interests This la a vary favorable
year for placer mining, the ground
being In good condition and plenty
or watar
Draper & Knowles, Vale contract
ors, Just completed the addition It it lit
at the rear of the Catholic church at
I 10 -1 or $700. The addition Is 24x
K feot, and Is nicely arranged for
the living apartments for FathcrMo
rlarlty The Vale Hot Springs sanitarium,
which is owned and operated by Dr.
W II ThurHton, has patients from
points us rar east aa Ulenns Ferry,
j Idaho, and west as rar as Kugene,
Ore. It Is a natural hot water snn-
I Murium and Is enjoying an Increasing
Mr. McKlroy, deputy sheriff, la
building a five-room cottage just
east of town, and la Installing a
water lifter in the Malheur river to
lift water ror Irrigating several acres
or land put under cultivation for the
rirst time
n,.id la mm! (lie balance will lie
1 'I ih weu Manager Turney said
that In about a month the full ar
rangements would be completed for
putting down this long string of casing
(From tha Preaa)
Wm. Cupp shipped another car
load of potatoes Tuesday and will
ship another car Saturday This
will make rive cars that Mr. Cupp
has shipped and at least one oar
load was sold to local consumers
Mr. Cupp la making good headway
with planting this season's potato
crop and expects to aaad 60 acres.
Friiltlnnd. May 1 The Doisp high
school baseball team met defeat here
Friday afternoon In Its game with
the Fruit land high school, by a
score of seven to four The Frult
Innd high school team and student
hody Is still celebrating ihe mat
considered of unusual Importance
this I easoll hccilllse the liie team
defeated Whitman college one game
The excitement storied In the rirst
Inning when Frultland made a num
ber of hits, netting rivo runs; two
more were added In the second in
ning, ndlng the scoring for Fruit
land. Edy, pitching ror Uolse. was
pounded out of the box He was re
ploeed by Welle Uolse anexed all
her runs In the fourth and sixth In
nings through errors made by Fruit
1 lie game as a whole was light
l.yle Drown, ror Frultland. nltclied
consistent hall allowing but few scat
tered lilts. 80 rar this season the
Frultland high school team has wan
every game it has played. These
games were with Ontario, Welser,
I'ayette, New Plymouth, linker and
When You Think
Farm Implements
Fruit Trees, Ijtdeti Willi IUosm ,
l.ook Like Hour llouiuets.
JINTt lt
(From the Times)
DuPre and F. K- Van Wyn-
Thla offloa received thla week
from Mr. Wm Hanley, that tlraleaa
booster for central Oregon, the In
formation that capital waa Intenaely
interested In the establishment of a
sugar beet Industry In Harney valley
and a factory In our midst. They
have even donated, freight prepaid,
100 pounds of aaad to Mr. Hanley
for planting aa a trial for yield and
for tasting.
Mr and Mra. J. C. Turney were
business 'in Durnu from tha oil well during
Informed us the week and stated that about one-
1 .
0 F
garden were In town
Tuesday Mr Dul're
that he would leave the next day for third of the casing had arrived from
Idaho to bring over aeveral thous-1 Hlverslde, another third was on the
Can Help Us
Our aim is to give the
very best service to ev
ery customer, whether
he buys 10 cents' worth
or ten dollars' worth.
You want such ser
vice and are entitled to
We're doing our best
to give it to you. If
we're failing in any
way, however slight,
won't you tell us about
it so that we can cor
rect it? You can im
prove our service and
benefit yourself by do
ing so.
Criticisms are helpful
get busy.
p"' ' .... r
---.. i
New Plymouth. April 27. The
blossom season, which Is perhaps the
lovleet time of the year In thla sec
tion, la now on In the Payetta val
ley. Every orchard la a mass of
bloom, each tree resembling a huge
bouquet. Never bus there been a
heavier bloom and every Indication
points to an exceptionally heavy
crop or all klnda of fruit Peaches,
apricots, cherries and all small
frulta came trough the winter In
splendid ahapa and If no late rrosts
onmn to Injure the young fruit an
Immense crop is assured Alfulfa
and grain fields are forging aneud
rapidly, the warm sunshine and ir
rigation during tha past 10 days
making them fairly jump
Orchardlsts have given careful at
tention to spraying this spring and
not a tree, bush or vine has escaped
the spray nottla. Hat her aevara
pruning haa been the rule il":.
spring also, not only In the. orchards
hut the shade troea have been sharp
ly cut hack as well. Tulips, narcis
sus and other spring flowering
bulbs are showing a wealth of
bloom ust now. New Plymouth
people lu general take a keen Inter
est In beautifying their home
grounds, but thla aprlng shows
greater activity along this line than
evar before. Quantities of roses,
ornamental trees and flowering
s.iruba are bolug plunted. Another
ihltig which causes considerable
graitfiintion Is thi fact that more
aite'itlon is being given to the prop
er care or the ground between the
Pioporly lino and curb, thus uddiiiK
lo the general neatness or New I'ij-
ii outh homes lu no small
on asm.
at-"-17 ' "ST'iB
1 tt 8av8JfT V -AsVjbWJLa tt
W' 1'bX. 1 -s8a -" La JBeT
Jul fm ltil- Jr jflL X if ,at
I ii Til J m l ' 1 m m lni Vl V BatissaMaaL M Wrl
-iJ I I I I I I I I I I F I Hill fikJ if M
Kohert Stanfleid Just closed a
deal whereby he purchased 4500
i otswold owes, two years old, of a
Mr Itethuna, a Spanish sheepman,
for $6 per head. This pru. kj
eludes the wool, which will average
ulKiut eight pouuds per head This
wool at present prices is said to be
worth 28 cents per pound, or about
l per head Mr had a 115
p. r cent lamb crop lu February The
cues will be delivered to Mr. Htan
in Id at Riverside ln July. The.
lambs by July will be strong and
Mgorous The lambs are not includ
ed In this sale.
The Argus Can Do Your Job Printing
The Store
Without Sates
of Any Kind
The Clothcraf t Store
The Same Low
Price to Every
Man Every Day
The registration for Harney is
piadkully completed, but there are
still mime minor districts to hear
troaa Tie- total now is 1,00s, which
is the largest n inn tier ever recorded
in Harney county Out of this num
ber 1.031 ure republicans, 60s are
democrats, and bv arc scattered.
This gives tin- republicans 343 ma
jority us fur us registration is concerned.
Justice Hughes seems to be run
ning tor the nomination by the pro
I us of standing put.
who makes it his bu mes to keep lu
touch with u bunk in.uilalih anum
Ulutes the moiie. to pill in the I. .ink
lie wise, aud make tbl I'.uik VOl'll
Stand by
We solicit your but Ineas We guar
antee you every futility and protec
tion known to sound ami ,
tlve banking principles We will
serve you promptly .mil to the best
of our ability. Our advlot ll
upon rei,
First National Bank
A (.mid Hunk
u a i.ood Country.1
Try The Argus for Want Ads