$tttet0 2tar0tt. p VOL. W ipMIIIKp, M lllll It COl'ISTY, ORIXION. TIU KSIIW, MV 4, l1fl. so. ia TRACK TEAM MAKES A GOOD SHOWING Win Eight Firsts From the Boise Hunch. The Ontario high went n mm to the Boise track meet and thrjr made n excellent showing. Bolae wm the meet on points tak ing a total of 61 to II for Ontario When theite two high schools met at Ontario several weeks ago Ontario won on point, taking 62 H to 50 for liolie. The allowing made by the llnlun high school In I lie meet Friday waa the reiiult of hard training to vmt i ' ' ' Ontario. Aa Ontario! outside of the southwest 'in IiIrIio Jurisdiction, none of the athletes to pnrilr.pnte In Hi'' Mot cow meet was selected from that team Ontario, participating in the n t by Invitation, took eight first, four seconds and four third. Koenlg of Ontario waa the high point man or the meet wit li 20 llolau took rive firsts, seven ecnnda and seven thirds. I'yper was second Individ ul scorer with 14 point. Payette wa third with two firsts, one sec ond and one third. Madux of Ontario was third individual point gainer Willi l.l The following I the list of event and winner: 60 -yard dash Koenlg of Ontario first, I'ackenham of llolse second, I'yper of llolse third, time &.4. 100 yard dasli --Koenlg of Ontario first, I'ackenham of llolse second, is 1 1 r of llolse, third, time 10 S. S!0-yard dash Koenlg of Ontario flrat, I'ackenham of liolse second, I'yper of llole third, time 24 440-yard race Koenlg of Ontario first, llrown of Ontario second, Van I'eiien or Ontario third. 811-yard race Van Petten of On tario first, Lowry of Payette second, l'errault of lloise third. Mile race l.owrt of Payette flrat, llarrlo 'of Ontario second. Maberly le third Half-mile relay race Won by Koine. High hurdles I'yper of Hots first, Bed well or Bo4m second, t'ock ruiu or Ontario third Low hurdlea I'yper of llolse flrat, lied well of Boise second, I'ockrum of Ontario third Shot put I. umb, ijn i n n and Stan ton, all or liolae, 43.3 feet. Ulacus Maddux of Ontario flrat, Uuib of llolse second, (Julim of Kolae third; 108 feet Pole vault Holland of Ontario. Javelin Muddux of Ontario first, lb-dwell of Kotse second. Ousted of Ontario third; 117 feet. llroad Jump liodwln of Payette first, I lusted of Ontario second, lied well of Boise third. High Jump lledwell of Boise first, Maddux of Ontario second, fob ley of Boise third mm baud wu APPEAR IN CONCERT The Ontario bund will make it first public appearance this season on Saturday evening when they will give a concert on the at reels emu liieuciug at 7 : .10 The bund consist of about twenty player but it 1 likely that not to exeeed sixteen will be out on their tint appearance. Another pleasant feature will be the olo liv J. unes Smith Turn out and show the baud boys that you appreciate what they are trying to do for your amusement. Following is the pregram: March Light Cavalry, Poet and Peaaaot by Lake. Popular selection -The Burgomas ter, by Ludera. Serenade A Night ln June, by King. One-step -Moonlight Bay, by Wen rich Intermission March I'niversity of I'euu , by tots Vocal aolo Koae of the Mountain Trial, by Caadigan Mr. James Smith, baud accompanying. Koaaiters popular aelection No. 3 Solos for cornet, baritone, clalronet Star Spangled Banner Laugh today, and tomorrow nay forget your grouch. you "" liKltr UltAIMb UA W. N. OgrMena, for 12 yeara a minted clnrk In the Payette pont office whh arrested laat week for forgery and rifling mall, lie haa I confessed. He haa a wife and child Tlie stealing had been going on for a year or more, hut the Inspect or had a hard llnx' locating the thief, aa he waa very clever In cov ering hla tract. Hn liiul an account In the Ontario National bank under an aasumed name. The chargca agalnat him on which the complaint and warrant are baaed and aa enumerated In hla confession nro briefly aa follow, It la alleged' opened a letter and extracted a check for $50 which he forged and caslied. Appropriated $10. .'0 In payment for a bathrobe from the Oregon 'lty Woolen Mills, check made payable to one Alhertaon. Klfled a letter and extracted Ml check mad payable to a Portland optical company for a camera. Kxtruled other checks from let- ler and forged fictitious names to them one of which wa on the On- tarlo National Hank. Ml Kill I MMIN-. t till, hy Aimrlaao Hrsss Association. nator Cummin, of Iowa, who haa announced that he will eek the Re publican nomination for the presiden cy. D. E. BURIEY RESIGNS OFFICE H K Hurley. Hie pioneer railroad mau and general passenger ageut for the Oregon Short Line coin puny for 26 yeara, retired to private life Mon day and hi position taken bv D I Spencer, assistant passenger agent. D. K. Hurley tendered his resigna tion to the Oreguu Short Line coin lllllV K..III,. lIlllW ...... 11,1.1 VI.. I.. I .. ,.., .. . ...,.., iiniiiiiiiK uiuriai nonce or ins retire- ment was received here by railroud official. MILLIONS FOR FHE DYE WORK littsburg, April 22 Figures made public, the other day show that $30, 000,000 has beeu appropriated by In dustrial concerns fui the construc tion in the Pittsburg district of by product coke ovens, while an addi tional $10,000,000 will likely be up preprinted iu the near future. With these projects completed, au thorities say Western Pennsylvania will take a commanding position in the dye-stuffs and the chemical in dustry because of the by-products incident to the manufacture of cuke. BURGESS Will RUN A FERRY Walter Burgess, former night , marshal haa closed a deal whereby he traded his Ontario home, car and motorcycle for the ferry ou Snake ri er at Olds Ferry, between Wel- er and Huntington. Walter took ' possession of the ferry May 1. , I . wH. ' afl bbW 1 V ' wISiBHw i STOCK GROWERS HOLD IHUK Gov. Withycombe Makes Address Pre dieting Bright Future. I In riiiK that the llveatock Indus try In the 1'nlted States In gem'i.ii. and In Oregon In particular, Ih fac ing one of the moat prosperous atagea In Ita development, Oovernor Withy comb" uddicsscd the members of the Oregon Cnttle and florae Kaiser' Ba- association at linker ( ity on Tiiee- day. "Hotter I.h .v. lock," was the aub Ject of hla addreas, and h out that improvement muat he brought about throngli careful ael- ectlon by grower "Von muat have Iho proper sires to head your herds. ", he said, "for at the present tlnle there I great waate, for a poor briar animal, worth comparatively Hits- for beef, will as a usual thing con sume Just aa much food as the higli grade ateer. Kllmlnate tills wusle. 'The outlook in the atock buslne was never better than It Is todav Just as aoou a the war I over, we may expect record demand from liuiope, because of the exhaustion of the supply across the ocean In tills country, there will also he an In- used need, for we are starting on a period of greut Industrial uctlvlly and more provision of every kind will be neceuary. The war already, by depleting our supply of horses, has udvanced the price materially." I. a lirunde was chosen as the next convention city, I, Urande receiving 78 voles und Ontario, the only other contender, 67. The resolution committee, in partial report, recommended Hie si much feed nm ..m gfford to give poiiitment of a legislative committed each n n i tint I to make the greatest by tin president, one of the ineinhi i prom in bringing the steer to mar- or which was to have hi expenses ket at an early iti.. CITY RECORDER RECEIVES LARGE BUNCH Of MONEY The city council met In i MMtai Mmid.iv . veiling Minute of previous meeting were read and approved lie city otflcer made I their monthly report. The record era showed receipts ot lU.fHti. J .'. "",v; mostly tax money. I ..i born appeared for the former ownera ol the cemetery and ie.u. ,ted t Hut they be permitted to nuke another selection of lots and this was i.i nied The usual grist of bills prt anil paid A report wn presented show.i.. Oregon. Xi'lni-ka and King streets treeta hud been graveled ut a total cost of I4.-..S 42 of wlmh n... .,.1 .. .. payH iiji.ii u,,d ii. proper!) own KrM ii-. e: Tli cost per from loot w.c, I I 10 centa. (leorge McLean pi. eiited ln re siguation as councilman and on in.. Man I'l.kroi.l iu "line I'mI" Urea As long a a man doe hi level best he isn't going dowu hill. Z ' In 4 , i JT Lyaairal ' itj IbbBFI V& aBBBll i)bbBb bb ' gj .?fe f..i.mm ,o. M5k- ANNUAL IttlINu paid and be In constant attendance lurlng the next session of the legla- oiuire. waa cameo, mgeiner win. a resoiimoii auvocaung me re- peal of the herd district law, one fiivorliig tin- pi ...... of a law inns- I r - - -- Ing Imperative brnnd Inspection for rattle moved rrom one county Into j another, the endor-im-ni of n clnas- illintory iiiucndnioiit for the 840 I acre homestead bill ami tin meat of the American Livestock ai- soclatlon, and DM advocating enm- munlcaiing to the forest serine us the aenae of the meeting that In n muni) should h I ''""",' preference nv.u sheep from oil r rouiitle A re olu i asking the Oregon senators and represents to linor a law irotiihlt nig tin- tin - portal Ion ol meat, hides, ami wool from countries where foot """ mouth . 1 i en c ll prevalent, was ml vocated, and another asking for the ' paaaage of a law making ihe O0g strurlion of barbed wire rences In , stock countri with two win ami with posts more than 30 feet apart, was referred to the leglsla- , Mm- couiii. I ic-hirlng that the day of the three year old steer is practically gone. Professor K I.. Potter of Hie depart ment of animal husbandry or O. A. ('. spoke on the subject, "luiprov. ment of Livestock " "llet better bulls, the kind that would make good marketable ateera," he udvls ed. "Then determine Just how Hon it was accepted und Krunk Kv. hart was elected to Itll the vucalicv The committee on lights will have a ligl'i ; ol King und Nebrasl.a st i, .ih Three new hvdrants were pur chased lo extend the water v.-.tem i in 'ed i . locate ail stoc! . ot . ..red In the I liv The heolth coiiin.it tee wt I to .-,! that I lie clean up or dln.in.e wa- rtricllv complied with new ph. I book ol the ccuiel.iy which will be a great cmr. gee In Keeping tin iec ords und being han.lv for anvi ! siring Information regarding the ceniei I The citv ...piliiiK the 'cltv i, inland, Sal unlay. .May Utli Ceremonies may differ, but true politeness is ever the same. DEALS INDICATE THAT Hnver and Miller have a contract to build a home for Dr. and Mr- l'alne In the northern part of the city. U Adam haa let a contract fur the erection of a garage building at Payette and haa leased It to A. O. Walling for a term of year. D. P. Dearborn haa leaaed hla atnre room on Idaho street to E. K. Kneppcr.w ho will install ttiiichiuciv fur the weaving of rug and camels I .,.,, .,.,. ... ,,,. r,BBnn ... .,.., ,, wn ,, Prl)pppd wUll aJUtajrj . ,. ..... tt.,vp rilltH , ..,- ,,.. W(I, ,, any PnK,. H. ,, , ,x. ,.,.,....,, ,.. -,, u., .-. . i- 1,-.- .. i. . ... 11.11 oumc as i ere is l i ill tie. buaineaa of the kind in this si-rtlon. Lent Walker and B. O. Fowler re ceived 30-60 tractor HCttM Ulli week, which they will use In their contract to gravel the Vale Ontario road and later for his threshing en rine It is a very powerful engine with a light weight, and can be op- era l ed much cheaper than ihe old coal burner A car load of pumps arrived tola this week and were rushed out on the plants The largest was for the Advancement tracts and Is capable of lifting Mioti gallons of water a minute The other are for other il. nits around here, and all are dl I. ell le drive. J. W. M.l I II l.l II Mnllieiir lounty's candidate for Public Service Commissioner Vour -uinn.ri will be npprecint.d JUDGE WHO HAS MADE COOD II I I. even-, county Judge ol II. II uev coiinlv was here last week gel ting aciiuuinted with the peopU M I. evens wa a MMMMfeJ farmer ue- lore hi del Judge and imikllig good in the larger In r'Hl'1 "e ""' l,'"l"' '"" I '"'King ' '"' front rapidly and will '"" tUtUK when the rail connect inn with the vvoi Id We have the count i when people .an get into it on a ' up all the available land, ami thai is some DOWN FROM THE MOUNTAINS v'i ... d Mi Hanv il on an ..I Mr and Mi I .1 tireig this week They aie now Ivtng ai ''.miucopiu und had to come 1,111 ,,. our feet of snow to reach the rail road I In r the snow about comparatively speaking, but it will bt some time b.toie tlie hills .re The ( oruueopias are a high rauge of mountains, probably the highest iu the state Tlie high altitude certainly agrees with the Wilsons, Judging rrom tlie avolr.lu 1 allied RUNAWAY ACCIDENT NOT BAD Ironside, April 27. -Miss Vereua Ii, am hud a bad ruuaway when the tongue of the vehicle ln which she was riding run into the ground, breaking short off and throwing Miss Ileum from the buggy No serious 1 injuries resulted, however. HE IMPORTANT DECISION ON HOMESTEAD Patch Island Awarded to Patch Holders. The Yale land nffi. I 111 'nformatlon from Washington, l. C that the commlaaloner of the gener al land office had affirmed the de cision of the register tad MM Iver of Ihe Vale land office In the case of .lob I) Osborne versn i B. J. I'nt.o over an unaurveyed island contalnv- lmt 8n4 crM' Tne '"Und '" ln lh :-n.ise river imoui iiireo nines muoi rnrl of Welser Tin- Island haa heoti It: i.mtrover)' for the peat four yeara. Much Intereat In the out c"""' ol ""' cnntrovajrtjr was man! fe teil by the people of Welser and by tlioae living on the lower Dead i lat. Prom Ihe evidence submitted in the cae It seems that Patch in 18Jt hud purchased a possessory right ot t lie island rrom a settler i ng It, paying $7.10 for the set tler's right Patch took immediate salon and liver there mi i s4. In s'.t; lo' moved bark to the island ami llveil there till 1S9H when he went with the I'nlted States army to1 the Philippines. He moved hack In 1809 and spent part of the time on " fft ! the tlm M kit riiiicn. no raised airaltu and red on the islaml during the wint ei monihs. thus maintaining posses ion He applied for a surn Ihe island and the survey was i Ijiter In 1(11 he again moved on the Island und made application for the purchnse of the Island with scrip It earn Patch made about $3000 wor'H of linproveiiieuts on the Islaml Xeeordinit to the evidence In the oaae Job D. Osborne on April 27, 1(12, put a tent on the ivland and in i.le ettlement there. tin the I day lie filed a corroborated af f i. lav it or protest alleging he had ' d on the island und was lin proving the name prior to Ihe action lo latch to purchase the Island with .1 , M.i. h 19, it. i . i ,. Vale land "in. . i. n.l. i. ,! ,i dei !:, ton that Patch ill lawful ill of Ihe I- land I in Julv , tl, 0 Med . i " o on the I Later tisliorne built u house on no- i, land ami li i nest, on on whirl, the I I. md in ra v, helper at the lime Osboine Weill on lo tile Is land iii Ann! Illf, II van iu the law Mil pos e irh I ,.ill this iiuesttou the coiiimlasloner af lirmed the .le, i .i ,f i be , all. I le. .'Hi I ol Ihe .lie ,,i,.' 11 home a dl application to make home nil I l. ! P. .1, subject tu Ills rill 1 ol appeal I,, i .ury ol Hie interior, ivhich u '.- h,.iov..l .1 d.orne will lake 'I l - ,, o tlM mrataVJ Ol IM interior will Hnal. HOW M VOTfRS FEEL ABOUT THEM ion .in a... I III. I enl Pet ! Michigan, I om-in, win. ii t i" I ... Triliiiu. ii to their choice foi i lie republlt Domination. hv ihown a preforeoc lor J ti tic lliigii.-h or ' olou.'i Rl . n ehtfj 11..I bo.in.l hv orgUlggvUon fNliftl , can.h.l.e ,,; t 1. , ,,.u,.,i , ti,0 Tribune uoiuhv mn L'ii.: for Itoo .oil l'. um: n,,- vsi- ju caiidnl Hackee 30, Koo ev ell g Sherman 214 I'uniiuiiih 1 : 1 I'airlianks I ;.; I.a t'olielle Root Pord ! oil Total Ml o one i ever so Immaculate but what they may be dirty 111 spots. Between a dude and a dog und a. doggooed dude there doesn't to be much of u choice.