The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, April 27, 1916, Image 8

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(Prom NynHH Journal)
O. L. Palmer niado some Improve
ments Inst wMg mi his ranch house.
ne mile vest of town.
John Kohh.ii ihwp 14 ti from upper
Buccor creek, haa retumpd to 8cot-j. Wal)a
Wm. Qtilnn and Clyde May were
down from Ironside on land buslnees
this week.
Miss (iertrude Morfltt la home for
the Kaater vacation. She haa been at-
li-mling the St. Paul's school In Wal-
land, hla former home, to Join the
army of the allien
Mr. ' DiIIoit, our eiiicieiii new
road supervisor, did Home Reed work
last week on the road between Pete
Tensen's and Alex M lionald's.
AmoiiK the new arrival' In this vi
cinity nro Mr. O. Neal, .Mr Admiral
Keck and their families They Hi
from Oklahoma. They are bo well
pleaxiMl with HiIh country that UMf
will locate.
Wori' has I" n resumed on the
drnlriBK" system near John Ward's
ranch, after a delay of a few daya.
Mr. I. II Anderson haa taken the
contract and expecta to be occuple.l
for aome time In the completion of
the project.
The wolf which haa been bother
ing the people in the went end of
the Kolony for aome time wan ahot
by Mr. Wiilti laat Sunday mornlnf.
If you will grease your treea for
three feel above the ground with any
kind of soft oil or gr a . voii will
need no fence to keep out rabblta as
they are strict vegetarians. The ed
itors have litis from an experienced
horticulturist mid MM vouch for Its
I F. Smith and A. K. Klmhall.
whose farms lie about one mile north
weal of town, are putting In a hall
mile of Iwclvo-lncli pipe l nve
water for Irlgatlon purposea. The
pipe line will replace Hie old I
en flume which haa been In uae foi
number of year.
At the laat meeting of the I.I
lirury association It was derided to
have the formal opening of the Nys
as Public Library Thursday. May 4
It will be held In the afternoon and
Mvenlng and the entire population of
Nyssa and vicinity will be Invited
Light refreshments will be served
It la expected that the new hooka,
which are ordered, will be here by
that time.
Mr White and Mr N. if. Hon are
preparing several acrea of Mr. White's
farm for planting some undlaeased
Floyd Holden has been spending
MTtrml davs In Malheur having aome
repair work done on the stage rigs.
Mr (ieo. Mudfish returned home
Friday evening from Haker.
The Malheur ball team wmt to
Ironside Sunday. They were again
defeated the acore being nine to
twelve In favor of Ironside. Maybe
we will have better luck next time
Alfred Imogen of Hrogan came up
to attend the ball game between Mal
heur and Ironside.
Quite a number of the Malheur
people attended the ball game at
Mr Yeoman one of the base hall
nine, had his knee quite badly hurt
during the game hut la Improving
James Morfltt went to Vale to at
tend court. Mlsa (Iertrude accom
piinled him and will visit with her
hrother James Morfltt, Jr., for a few
days. Marvel Bhellon la home from Port
land where ho spent the winter.
Mr Norman Klllot made the trip
over the mountain from Maker In hit
automobile today. Tlila Ih the lir.t
car to get over this season. There Is
only a short distance of the road thai
Is still In bail condition hut a few
more warm days will make It good
Miss May Morfltt came In on the
stage tills evening from Maker where
die haa been visiting friends for some
The large wlndowa have been
placed In the ohurrh building and
the building la being painted this
week. The largeat company of peo
ple attended the aervlce last Sunday
evening that haa been present for
aome time. The children rendered
well their Kaater songs The pastor
.. ta.. . 1. 1 ... .....ok t. I Ik.
semi poiatoea. They have not aa yet ' - ..." saw -.
...i .t, i i.... win ..r,,i,.i,K delight of all preaent. Two united
liiiliieu nit' -r wm .,.. ,,.. -, -
ship It In from the Kaat If they are
auooeasful In getting the seed pota
toe they will be able to aupply at
least the vicinity of Nyaaa with ex
cellent uudlseaaed seed potatoes
next year.
The requisites of an ideal dairy
country are good hav and corn pro
ducing lands, noderate climate, en
ergetic and progressive farmers, a
convenient market for their pro
ducts and good transportation facil
ities. Nyaaa and surrounding coun
try poaaaei each eaaentlal The large
hllshed farms under the Owyhee
(Jordan Valley Kxpreaa)
Walter Looney startnd bravely out
with hla gasoline boat laat Monday
morning for a twelve day trip Into
Hie Mcliernillt country with l)r. Mc
Donald of the Maw rabies extermi
nation bureau and Kdgar F. Averlll
of Pendleton, supervisor of tfle fed
eral predatory nnlnu I extermination
BgrrtM for this state and Washing
ton. Walter Langford. commissioner
for Owyhee county, MM In town for
a few hours yesterday. Mr. Lang-
ford haa a crew of men at work on I
the Trout creek hill, on the road be
tween this city and IioLnmar, , and
saya that he will stay with this piece
of road until it la in audi condition
that It will give no furl her trouble,
but will be a good piece of road for
both teams and automobile.
Mrs. Wylle Frakes. Mrs. A. II
Frasler and daughter, Miss Ida, wen
callers at Wm. Brown's one day hint
Miss Ituth Stewart wns called
Mldvale, Idaho. Saturday by tb
dn.'tth of her grandfather.
Mr. and Mrs ('. K Hees ate the:
I ' ' MM dinner with Mr. and Mr
Arthur King.
Hubert Knylur wa on the sick list
a few days last week.
Mr anil Mr C i: mldon enter
tallied Ilex. ('. F. Pratt and family
at dinner Sunday.
Mr Marl. hi Smith of New I'U
mouth. Idaho, visited friends at Val
lev View over Sunday.
Mr ami Mrs Win. Ilrown apent
Sunday In Ontario ut home of J. A.
Mr and Mrs. Wm. Sherwood and
Miss Sadie (Maud Malted at the Will
llees home Monday
Mr. 1). McOIII had a fine steer i
killed on the railroad track at the
llurr crossing Tuesday evening.
Mrs. W. ti. Armstrong waa viaitlng
(Irandma Heea Tuesday afternoon.
At the home of ti. W. I lean laat
Saturday evening, Maater Ullbert.
Aubury and Mlaa Dorothy entertained
t heir many school friends with an
Kaater party. A delightful evening
was spent playing games etc. "Have
had Just the beat time" waa voiced by i
all as they wended their way home
1th the church at this aervlce for
Topics for next Sunday, 11 a. m.,
"The New Judaa that Uetraya with
out a Klas.
There will be baptismal service In
the evening. A cordial invitation M
extended to the public to attend these . from Holse on motorcycles, took din-
Mrs D II Mrown spent Tuesday
8 p. m., "The Man Who mnmwm wuu nr moiiier, mrs. nn
Pleasure for Profit." Sherwood.
Last Sunday Mr. Sampsoii Arm
strong and three friends came over
I). E. IIAKKIt, Pastor
llev I). K. Maker gave his famous
lecture, "I'p Salt Itlver without a
Paddle," to (he Friendly Men's 111
bin claaa and the Women's
ner with his uncle W. (1 Armstrong,
returning lo llolse In the afternoon
by way of Payette and Kinmett.
ilileu urmluce on an average SO bush
els of corn and 20 tone of allege per '" ' ''" Tuesday evening of
acre, (be quality of which la unex
celled Prom eight to 18 tons of al
ia If a per acre .ne raised. There are
ulso a la rue number of farms under
tin' Shocxtrlin; diuh which are rap
Idly tc.iu'iig i to (he standard.
The cliu ...le M vi i admirably
ii. i iiied to lliitt particular vocation
The temperature larely falls helow
tero In the winter and the summers
are not txeesslely hot
The lar.m r are both energetic
and progressive. There are many
DM sn . in. idem bains in the valley,
some of which are equipped with
milking machines Their farms are
kept in first clitss condition.
The Nyssa cheese factory, owned
by (he farmers themselves, la a very
convenient market for milk. It in
this week.
The Kplsropal (Julld will give a
May day tea May 1st at the home of , Tuesday
Those Interested In a public foun
tain for Ontario are requeated to at
tend the Sliver Tea given by the W.
P. T. I' at the realdence of Mrs. Lee,
May 2. The ladles cspec-
li I.. King. Everybody welcome.
Hev. A. I Howarth, newly ap
pointed Field Secretary of (ioodniK
college, will apeak In the M. E
church next Sunday morniug ut 1 1
The Kaater program at the M. E.
church last Sunday waa very good and
well attended.
tally Invite the men, as they are ac
knowledged as hard water drinkers
as the women.
llnMI Oil I
The appearance iu the beef cattle
sales of animals described aa "dogy"
make It expedient to tell the uniniti
ated what a "dogy" la. The dogy tdo
Jl -accent on the do) la defined as
being a motherless range calf. Now,
if you could see these animals you
would get in a striking way the evil
(From the Empire Preea) of the mother running off to the ihiIIs
There Is plenty of water In the , wlt. ilM,i leaving the young at
near u railroad and the che, , he 0MI District ditches and our farm home to care for themselves. You
Mail) and inexpensively sent (o oth era are all busy irrigating. The woui,i ., i ,, conclude that the name
.r towns y -a lias moderately good prospects are mighty good for bump ,iogy is no! derived from dough.
roads and Druymuu Wills' new uuto er ciops nun season, grain
truck greatly increases
puliation f.icililles.
For Everybody But Freaks
WK WANT YOUR MONEY I We want it Imtiuisp WS SM btl
iiinn, and Im-cmusc we arc intensely human we want every
dollar of it we en t. Yes, we readily admit that this is a
freak statement to make, hut the only difference hetween us and
Other freaks is th:it we admit the truth that we want your money,
and THEY DONT. We are retailing goods for what we can get
nut of it for whiit we can make out of JTOU .just as you are keen
ti make every dollar possible out of other people, AND OUT OF
US. Now Isn't that the unvarnished truth I
BIT HOW are we going to get hold of your money , How are
we going to Induce you to "loosen up and cough opt" There
is only one way under the sun. and that is to MAKE OUR
OP FROM THE OTHER PELLOW. We know lull well that, you
are going to liann onto lliat dollar to the last minute, and that the
fellow who get it MUST FIRST MAKE GOOD. We know thai
when it conies to the spending of that dollar you don't care a tink
er for ns or for ally other man. What ui want is UKKl'LTK
rm'K DOLLARS look mighty Reed to us. ami weartjual aeh
Ing t. mt hold ol' them We are keen alter them you know
it, and We admit it so let 's gel right down to the line edge of
bUSineai that will cause you to hand them over while we rake
them in. and then we'll both profit from the deal especially you.
YOU CAN'T LIVE without eating, and eating is a powerzui
expensive proposition these davs. At least it is to us. Hut
yOU just come righl here to ali of your groceries, for evei
thing iii the eal line. Because we want your money we will just
rin the life right out of prices. Oh. ves, we love our competitors,
for they arc all good fellows, BUT WK KOVK YOI'W money
A WHOLE LOT? MORE, and we want it. and we are going to give
yOV an opportunity to live like kinns and princes at a poor man's
cost. Our prices will turn the trick.
mm IT KATS are not the only tiling we sell.' We carry evcry
gjMiliMi'j a department store ever carries, and many things most
JMSVut' them ucr think of earn inn. d that is an added reason
why von should let us have your money and GET BIG RE
TURNS FOR IT. You can save a lot of time and gel a whok lot.
Of satisfaction in buying everythini; here clothing, dry goods,
furnishings, shoes, hosiery, millinery, etc.
KS. YES, YOl' HKT! If you come here and spend every
,l',r xmi'i ..wo with us we'll hove the a Is at you and haul
1 in voiir money and keep riuht on smiling at hoth ends and in
the middle for We want your money, and don't forget for one
minute that we are making the prices and giving JTOU ON (piaun
of gOOdl t" ct it.
NOW THIS is freak ad. hut it's truth, and if it doesn't SB
peal to rouf sound common sense and to your poCatetbook
we'll miss our gUSSS and our gUeSS is that we arc going to
ma, "omc of vour (rood money because of this very freak sd that is
:,, full of facte and irresistilile truths, for TRUTHPUL PEOPLE
Boyer Bros. & Co.
Ontario Oregon
the Iruns-
Om lluulley purcliused (lie J. S.
Fleslier resideuce property in the
southeast part of Iohu the tirat of
this week anil lius taken possession
Mr. Klesher Use uiovexl to his reach
in the lower end of the (lent dis
trict The resilient lund owners uuder
ldckreal Coiiiracla
000 school building.
Albauy would speud
e, I'ay rolls, Imluslries and Coin
in mill) Uevelopiueat. Capi
tal Coining Here for Invest-
(From Hums News.)
The Hums post office was ollniall) the Smcor (reek Irrigation l'roject
notilied liisl Saturday to discontinue ' Kt apecial election held Saturday The Week's stories About Kuterprte
the mail service front Hums to Sil- tiled to levy a special assessnieut
vies. of 60 cents against all land within
K W. Van Valkenhurg o( Dnlailo the district. The money la to be
Is in the city and demonstrating a used for preliminary work ueces
1916 (i cylinder Mitchell automo- sary in order to get things in shape
bile. to issue bonds for building the
M. J. Wood, the veterinarian, left ' project,
the first of the week with four car. tireeu Adams, a former resident
loads of horses for Juutura, which of Silver City, and fattier of County
Hie Wm. llanle) company bat- mid Attorney Adams, died at his home
to a firm in Spokane, Wash. near ltoise April 7, at the age of
Karl I.eggett is suflerlug from a 68 yeara. The deceased located at
broken collar bone caused by throw- Silver City more than 30 yeara ago
ami was well known throughout the
county. He was engaged In busi
neaa ventures and in mining durinr
hla realdence In this county. He
! moved to Boise about three yeara
only three weeks ago, will increase
site of plant one-third.
Monarch Lumber Co near Kenton.
.. , ,.
closed two years, plana to resume at ne cu nan.
once, employing 300 men. lorua.iu u,.
Salem -Architect getting out plans aisouv.., v ...
r..r m nun hrick business building. ' Ir factory here.
San Leaudro, Cal., Heperter:
"It is astoutshrag how many busi
ness men can be talked Into taking
apace In a chart, or frame, or register,
or aome other thing that has bo ex-
eue for etisteuce A M-hemer will
let tor I
$5,000 on
Halsey, April 24. Hlch gold vein
.(i-.owjred in Blue Itlver district.
Coos County Court awards $14.
000 road contract between Coiiullle
und Marshtield
Construction work la being rushed
on Grant's Pass sugar factory
Kugene Company here turning; eetablish flax Industry.
IIiom 4 Co ol
established vine-
Itoseburg to liave new 116,000
Methodist church.
St Helens McCormick shipyard'
to build three new veaaele two at
Atoria yard.
Aiuaa, Cal "When the people
ge more for hla worthless card than neve been hit hard enough financial-
a il ...III .. ..I.....I .1.. libit .I...II .-.
a country publisher woald. It is y. o'y " "' -
people that have been thaa duped llton tending to reurd, rather than
who complain that advertising does encourage buslneas
. Portland Hlake-McFall Co. ea-
liUl puv.
Salem Theo. Hetli. a bualneea Ubllah paper box package factory
man. now head of depart- JK.?""? "fS
of Commerce, will i oencu ne n.u . ....-.- -...
to bond atate at 4 per cent tor rurai
meut Chamber
lug a rope on a fractious horse that
suddenly jerked him to the grouud.
The bone was broken iu two places,
which ueceaaitated plating (lie fracture.
It must make a fellow feel bully to
be called a brainy cusa. But, then,
we don't know Just uaiardinf a
gueaa, aa It were.
out ready-cut knock-down house.
Contracts for building two large
steel ships have ben awarded to Port
land III II. s
Newport haa donated a alte for
kelp factory.
Monmouth plana to pave Main
All roads lead somewhere, but with Bend -The Shevlin-Hixon mill
many the road to success begina and with a capacity of 300,000 ft in two
euda in a blind trail. ; 10 hour shifts, although completed
Pall City- Enlarge factory to credit aysteui to make farm loans at
make loganberry Juice being built.
Astoria Bear Creek Logging Co.
starts operation to cut 50,000,000 ft.
Kugene Fifteen telephone In
stalled on College Hill costing 15,
000. Klamath Fall More sawmill op
ening up and increasing payroll.
Baker- Operation at Cougar Mine, Palley Vat oda depoalU at Al
to (tart toon. '' kail Lake to be refined and put on
per cei.t
Ureaham Work started on two
story brick business block.
Portland Manufacturer cocoa
nut butler will build two-story fac
tory to cod $40,000.
Corvalli Architect planning
$200,000 library building. at once.
Portland Five local ship yard
turning out ueep water vessels, army
of men employed.
Koseliurg Chicago company or
ders 150 carload of broccoli from
No. Bend Iteport say another
large sawmill to be erected here.
Baker White pine yard working
day and night to keep up order.
2.000,000 ft. lumber carrier
launched at St. Helen.
Walking 1 the heat exercise and
the cheapest?
The Caviled State Public Health
Service administers typhoid vaccine
gratia to Federal employees?
A little cough 1 frequently the
warning signal of tuberculosis?
Bad teeth and bad tonsils may be
(he cause of rheumatism?
Unpasteurixed milk frequently
spread diseaae?
The ala-tight dwelling leads but to
the grave?
Moderation In all things prolong
The careless spitter is a public