The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, April 27, 1916, Image 1

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ftje ttfenrtjpf
vol.. a
Horbert and Roscna Hedge ami
Morty Scott, ltili ) by the Ana
catch of a 300-pound sturgeon by
Charles Purdy last Wednesday, put
out a linn the flnt of tin- week In the
lower Bnake rlTer. ltlng foi bait
one nf the moit populous Inhabitant
of Idaho, the ever present Jack rab
bit, they were nptomlstlc on the bind
ing of a sturgeon within n few day,
but were more than surprised It find
a valuable otter the vlrllm rf the
bait, Tuesday morning The nnlnial
which wan five and MM half feet In
length, wan taken to the lion." of the
Hedge brother and skinned, the
hide being worth $25 or ISO.- I'arma
The Good Will I Ml entertained
Ita children at the honle of Mr.
1'ogue Hnturday afternoon.
Mra. Maud Clcn MMtlgfMn IBM
children for a half hour with the to
ry of the death and resurrection of
our Havlour. Quotation from the
Bible were given in response to roll
call. Colored egga were hidden on
the lawn and the children enjoyed
hunting them. Itefreahmenta war
The next meeting will ba a Ken
alngton held at, the residence of Mra
Dell Stonar.
Decoration Day will be oiberved
The Good Will Club la aaklng the
Woman Club, the W. C. T. U. and
II." different Ladle' Alda to help In
arranging an appropriate program
for the day, which will be published
aa aoon aa arranged.
Chicago. April 17 A lo of
many inllliona of dollar In corn I
threatening the farmera o." the north
ern corn belt, coinprWIng the itataa
of Ohio, Indiana. Illlnoia, Wlaconaln.
Iowa, Soutli Dakota aud portlona of
Nebraska and Kanaaa, according to
reporta that are currant at the board
of trade.
Mllllona of acre of com which
failed to ripen properly becauae of
the wet weather of the aummer were
nipped by the frost before hardening
The corn remained In a soft condi
tion through the winter and now the
Impending warm weather threatens
to ruin It before It csu be shipped to
"The condition of the corn la such
that the first real warm weather will
make it rot. Very little of that com
ing in from the Northern com belt
even now Is good grade. The price
ranged from 28 cents to 55 cents a
bushel, due to the varying conditiona
of the shipments.
"The farmers themselves are hav
ing to bear the liability of loss, be
cause the local dealers generally
wou't accept the chance of loss. In
stead of buying the grain and ship
ping It themselves as usual, the deal
ers are merely acting as agents for
the farmers."
Payette, April 24. Fire which de
stroyed the residence owned by J. C.
Moore and at the time occupied by
the T. A W bite lau.lly. at the corner
of First avenue south and Sixteenth
street came dangerously near claim
ing a victim yesterday
The membeis of the family were
down stair eating breakfast and
when the Are wa discovered they
rushed uoataira to the room where
little Ivan was sleeping. Fire orig
inating from a defective flue had
gained considerable headway, and
they found the room a mas of
flame. The bed clothing was burn
ing, having caught from the wall
paper. The room waa filled with
stifling smoke and it was with no lit
tle difficulty that they carried the
child from danger.
Charles Tunly Make Annual Spring
Catch of Ten-Foot Kiah.
The first sturgeon of the season
was caught, laat Wednesday by
Charles Purdy In the Hmke river
near his ranch. It was the first one
landed this season and la a monster
apectmen, being about ten feet long
and weighing nearly 300 pound.
Many went out from I'arma to view
the catch. Parma Hevlaw.
Mr. Orover hlpped three car of
hog to Portland, getting the, .... the
Monday market
Ho nald fdsht renta
for them, and believe the price I go
ing to be better oon. He aya while
ome cleaned up on their hoga pretty
close that many are going to raise
hogs this aeanon a the price are
aw i-x.llvn If Iwira u ro nmnnil
. ,.J l . -V. ..VW - P
for tha apring market they almost al
ways bring a good price.
Hubert Marven, a sheep herder In
the employ of Andy Little, wa
found In the sagebrush on Big Wil
low creek Sunday morning with bis
brain ooxlng from an uglv wound In
hi head, caused by the exploalon of
muiket-- Kmraett Index.
Two car of teel have been deliv
ered for the railroad bridge over the
Malheur near Malleus
The railroad engineer are work
ing in the yard here getting ready
for the change to be made In the
track. There will have to be a lot
of filling for the 1000 foot extension
of the passing track to the east and
also of some erf the other.
The funeml of Mr. A B McPher
ron will be held froir the Baptist
church at 2 p m. Friday
s.nock will make tne addreaa
Following la the registration
tin- ceunty:
Precinct Hep. Dm. I
Riverside 43 16
North Vale 110 4
Harper H
Juniper 21 1'
Basin 42 21
Jones 16
Juntura 61 6
Malheur 68 40
Beulah 16 8
Rome 1 10
Cairo 138 91
Ontario No. 1 68 64
Arcadia 81 87
tirange 188 66
Westfall 44 11
Bully 68 SO
South Vale 148 61
Nysaa 126 74
Bonlta 48 26
Janiieeon 66 80
Jordan Valley 42 16
Snake River 121 78
Owyhee 64 88
Watson 41 80
Irontide 68 87
Ontario No. 8 160 84
Ontario No. 2 187 126
Kockville IS 7
Crowley 35 22
Bkullsprlng 3
McDeruiitt none
Cord 81 7
Brogan 48 82
Fair 161 66
Big Bend 64 4e
;. I
2804 12(8 816
Total registration for primary,
Total Progressive 26. Prohl. 41.
Socialists 157, Independent 46, none
Baker Man Star of
The Inlerscholastlc track m" MR
Friday drew a goodly crowd from Hoi
ie with the flue high hcIiooI band, and
the other towns Invited also sent
MM tlii'lr heat track men.
linker Kent one man and he proved
the Individual winner of the meet,
taking ID points. In seven vnnt.
Koenlg was the Mar for Ontario,
winning IS point In four event.
' "" Ontario school team won the
"' N. "V. while MM wa
seconu wmi ou auu i.aarr
with i
The meet wa a great ucce and
showed the Ontario boya where they
Htand In comparlaon with other
I Till! PVOIlt Bllll
winner were a
Fifty-yard dash Francis of Baker,
first, Koenlg of Ontario, second; Py
per of Boise, third. Tim 6.4.
Hundred yard dash Koenlg of On
tario, first; Pyper of Boise, second;
! Francis of Baker, third Time, 10.1.
Two-twenty-yard dash -Koenlg of
I Ontario, first; I'ackenham of Boise,
second; (lllmp of Boise, third. Time,
Four-forty yard raoe Koenlg of Stanton of Bolie, aecond; Francl of
Ontario, first; Van Petten of Ontario, Raker, third, 1S4.S ft.
second, Brown of Ontario, third Kelay race Won by Boise; Pack
Time. 64. S. lenham, first; Irvln, aecond; Ulimp,
Eight-eighty yard race Van Pet-) third; Pyper, fourth. Tine, 1.41 2-6
A meeting wa held In Salem last
week and a state tax payers' league
wa organised and the following of
ficer elected:
iileni, Walter Pierce, Union
Klrsl vice-president, C. 1.. Hawley,
Polk County.
Second vlce-prealdent, J. A. Wes
terlund. Jackson County.
Third vlce-prealdent, A. M.
Follette, Marlon County.
Si i i clary-treasurer, Hohei t
Smith, Douglas County.
Thirty two of the 35 counties
I. a
the slate were represented showing
that all the people of Oregon realize
that it la time to try and remedy
lie of the evils of taxes It was
ahown thu( luduslrial eu(erprisea
were kept out of the atate by the
high taxes and that the taxea of Ore
goii are higher per capita (ban lu al
most any odier of (he state.
Many suggestions were made as
to how (he expense should t
hut nothing definite was decided up
ou beyond having a lobby at the n.t
meeting of the leglala(ure (o look af
ter the interest of the tax payer.
Oue of the instructive and enlight
ening addreae of the day was thai
of Henry E. Heed, Assessor of Mult
nomah County, who quoted some fig
ures to emphasize the rapid advance
In the Oregon tax rate in recent years
Increase of Taxes Slumii.
"State and local taxation and the
Washington, April 21. 1916. Much
of the 1916 apple crop has not been
sold, aald a statement Issued today
by the department of agriculture,
which also declared the condition of
the apple market waa giving grow
er and dealers grave concern. Thirty
per cent of the apples put in cold
storage by December 1, 1915, it i
aid, are still waiting to be con
sumed. A backward spring alone,
the department explained, can start
a free movement of the remainder of
the crop.
the Meet Winning
ten of Ontario, first; Ixiughrey of
i'liyotte. MCOltd i Perraul! of Dolae,
third. Time 2. IS.
Mile race Loughrcy of Payette,
flrt: Maberly of Boise, econd; Mar-
rl of Ontario, third. Time 6.16.
Hurdle to Hols).
Low lnirillrii Pyper of nolae,
DrHt; Corhrnne of Ontario. seron.l,
Nortlirup oi Payette, tlilrd. Time 19.
High hurdle - Pyper of Bole,
firt; Cochrane of Ontario, second;;
Under of Ontario, third. Time IS. 4. 1
High Jump Francl of Baker'
first, Cohley of Bolae, aecond; Teat of personal success cannot be exagger
ontnrlo. third 5.6 feet. . ated.
Ilroad Jump - Francis of Baker,
flrat; Husted of Ontario, aecond; Bed
w.ll i.r llolse. third: 19.10 feet.
Pole vault (larrett of Boise,
first; Husted of Ontario, second; I
tie between Holland of. Ontario and
Stanton of Boise for third; 10.1 H'
Shot put Qulnn of Bolae, firat;
Uroh of Bolae, second; Francl of
Baker, third; 89 1 fet.
Dlsrus Maddux of Ontario, flrat;
Lamb of llolse, aecond; Francl of
Baker, third; 105U feet
Javelin Mnddux nf Ontario, flrat
public debt have increased at a re
markable rate in Oregon the past few
year," he aald. "In the 10 yeara end
ing with 1916, total levle of 'ad
valorem' taxes for all purposes In this
atate amounted to a little over 1142,
000,000 According to a recent publi
cation oi the Federal Census Bureau,
the par capita levy lu Oregon In 190 2
waa 811411.
"In 191 8, based on the aeaed
valuation (or (hat year, and accept
ing the Government's estimated pop
ulation of 75(1,988 to be correct, the
per capita tax waa nearly 830.50. I
The higher,) per capita levy In the'
L'nlted States lu 1912, as shown by
the Federal lav compilation, wa
portcil I Montana and amounted (o
836.83. It will thMI be MM that 'ud
valorem' taxation has reached a high
level in this atate. Oregon s banner
year for MfMS as 1914, taking the
roll of the previous year as I
base. The total waa $23,088,000
which wua distributed lo the follow
lug accounts State purposes, I per
cent , i II lis and towns, 1 1, per cent,
counties, schools, roads and all other
local purposes. 66 2 per cent The
amount applied to atate purpose In
cludes the maintenance of (lie Slate
liiii.rsity, the Agricultural College,
Monmouth Normal School and a levy
of over 6238,000 for the atate road
"Public indebtedness has holitnlcil
upward quite aa steadily and Imper
ceptibly as the tax levy."
Oram! Junction, Colo. Thirteen
hundred thoroughbred sheep were
shot by raiders Friday night near the
Mesa-Delta county liue, according to
reporta reaching here Saturday. The
heap belonged to R. E. Baker, who
I aald to have had frequent clashes
with cattlemen over the use of the
Information received here stated
that Baker threatened to arm herders
to repel future attack.
At the Dreamland Saturday, April
29, Myrtle Rtedman In "Wild Olive"
will be featured. The scene Is laid
In South America and la conaldered
ono of the most thrilling dramas In
the acreen world.
"Lady Audley'a Secret," with
Theda Hara in the loading role will
be presented Monday, May 1. All are
familiar with thla society drama by
Miss M. E. Itraddon. The play form
one of the mot dramatic cllmaxe
ever thrown on the acreen and af
ford Theda Hara, the famou vam
pire woman, full scope for her won
,wrful power of dramatic and emo
iionul exprenalon.
Wednesday, May 3, the Charles
Frohman company present John
Ilarrymore In the celebrated ndwc
ttirou romance "The Dictator," In
Indian! Harding Davl. Produred
In Cuba, the film version of "The lilr
tutor" adhere In almoapherlc detail
to all the requirement of the unus
ual atory, while John flarrynmre '
D J. Nottingham, wa here from
Watson Wedneaday and reported the
aale of the large deposit of nltralea
around that section About thirty
sections, covering the deposit was In
the deal. Much of the deposit Is
high grade.
In commenting on the provision alt
uatlon, the Chicago Livestock World
say a:
Europe I taking large quantities
of cured meats and would take more
if steamboat space wa available.
In February 3,r.K9,000 pounds of
bacon were exported, against 37,171,
000 pounda a year ago.
Alao 34,600,000 pounda of hams
and shoulder wenl abroad, against
18,227.000 pounds during (he same
.mill 1 1. laat year.
During the eight' months emllni.'
will. February, 383,445,000 pound-.
of bacon were exported, against 160,
295,000 pounds (he previous year.
These figures (alk. M8M4M ""
sun. pilot, of Imi(Ii fresh and cured
pork I urgenl aud large
Wciser. Apr 26 The Deiibia.
oiiipany sold 10,000 lleeoa of
wool. ,-n. (inn pounds in all, to a Bos
ton linn at 25 cent per pound It If
range wool, part coarse and part line
II Midland Ol W 'finer sold 6000
flni. .. about 48,000 pounds in all. lo
Boston firm for -'.'. cents p. .
pound It is range wool, part (MM '
and part MM wool
llulterlteld Li. mpan.
of Weiscr sold one car loud contain
ing 2l,000 peund: ot early wool at
29 Vx cents per pound TMl VOOl
was sold to a Boston firm.
II Mclluiid Of Wei . r this
sold to (leorge Birtwislli ol A
in Long Valley. 1200 ewe al 1 1 u 60
per head cash, or $12,600.
The Van Stcklln Sheep a. Lund
company sold 5000 head
If, E. Adams of U.i-.r They are
two and three year old Cotswold
ewes aud lambs. The price paid as
uot given oul
Mr. Van Siiklm staled the work
of shearing their sheep at Brogan
was started Wedneaday. He said
that some of the tlockmasters will
need to reduce their flocks owing to
thu scurclO'ut Hiring and suiuicet
range. Thla it a result u( the lands
luroniiug more aud more settled up
with homesteader.
When your caller dilates eai
upou hia honesty ll is time lo lock up
the safe.
All women are beautiful. Some,
however, are more so than others--including
yours, and our.
Polly Wink nay It' a powerful
sight easier to get a husband than it
is to uugot him if he doesn't fit.
Earnest Adam a lu Ontario
Wednesday morning fur Mrs. Athar
lim and when returning with Roger
Atherton also in the car with I. in. ha
wa met by a car near Mntlatt. driv
en by Klnier Dory. TIM Dorv car
being light was badly . reeled and,
the load distributed on the ground,
while the Adam car had the front
nx sprung and the fran.n twisted.
None of the passenger were Injured.
The road Is open whet.- Um acel
dent. occurred and tha railroad boy
say they were trying to ohm on a
single track, and the block signal
did not work.
Mr. and Mra, Thomas Kohout and
daughter came n or from Jordan Val
ley the flrat of (ho veok. Mr. Ko
Ini'it la on the July Hat.
Mr. Kohout la quite prominent in
the Tax Payer league recently or
ganised at Jordan Valley, He aays
(he people of hi section did not get
anything like a square deal from tha
assessor laat year and that they are
going to keep buay from thla time
and try and find out where some of
the county money goes and alao if it
la not possible to get an equable as
sessment of the property of the rot...
ty. Many of the official have never
visited that section of the county and
have no Idea that anyone Uvea there
or that anything la ralaed lhre. The
grain raised in that section la the beat
produred In the county and the farm
er are entitled to the aame encour
agement a the farmer of the other
action of the county, aa they are
paying more than their chare of the
county expense
Caldwell P.. ,., i.i II w i
man of the Caldwell Cattle company
has Just returned fro... Succor Creek,
Ore , where lu 'I I be enl It
herd of M4) MM Shorthorns belong
ing to Lloyd Harden This was rat
ad one of the largeat herds of puro
bred and high grade cattle of the
breed In eastern OfMJMk
l-'rotu comparatively small be
ginning, Mr. Ilardeu had lu tlvo
years developed Hits large herd. I
w.u. afo io pinchused from II L.
i uiiioi oi I'ayiit, ami Hubert Mc
(iulre of Low.t r,. .nil of
and lielf.i- and oue hull. The
he placeil on bis Succor . reek ranch,
when- II,- i 1...1. ii .1 un
der BJj ll.ll.K only p.ll'ehri .1
males and retaining all the I. in
pi o.l.iceil, be realued all increase of
I 1 li !e.ii ot pun In. ,1 I. Last
year he purehaaad addition M
herd Willi the tile I ol -.lidlng ll. e
.mire bunch to Hie range On chang
ing bis plans I e sold tl hunch In
I il.iwell company, w huh II
distribute ilo I.ImmI. I I,, i ,ii. I milk n l.o wish in
. i u a. ess.
A W. liowau, of l; urns, who la a
run.lnliiie for the ri'puhlicaii in. ml
nation ol Joint -.1..1I..1 Horn II.111
v ; .1 ill and Man.. -in .(.unties, waa
here today shukiiiK 1. an. is with old
lime friends and meet tug l.ew people
The Captain is Strong on education,
Irrigation, rural rr.dtls aud Hie oth
er movements of progress. He has
trict man years, has
11;. brush .lisappear and Ihe
alfalfa fields and orchards tak.
their places, the large herds of
tie, hoi .-, and sheep gradually driv
en hack until there Is no place lift
lor then., the scalers reclaiming the
lands and making homes for thous
ands of 1. . Ill the Harney
country the crop prospects this year
are the b4 MM l,ttVe ev,!l' heeii ul
the acreage in graiu I much greater
than ever before.