WITH THE HiriiS OF THE CITY SCHOOLS! Next Friday Ontario will be the MM of one of the biggest hi" school track meets over IHMbM 1u I ii'i R fiiegnn. Baker, t I Nymia, and Boloe are nonie of the schools that will meet liere and try to take the honora from MM aMal boya. Judging froni the showing that the OnlarlojHtfH maile at the class track meet her Wi'' record! will I"' broken If they iir kMtW by any of the ovttMfl IM1 Nenrly all the lnisin Iiouaea will chiMe In (he afternoon during the meet and everyone will attend the event. The Ontario boys under the train ing of Mr. Culbertsnn are priicilcluK constantly und It la likely that the school will make a record of which It may be proud, against the visiting athletes. One of the feature which la being looked forward to with much Inter eat la the nunrter mile race. Land ruin of linker Iiiim hud the chain p lOI hip for tin . but laat year Hovvliiml Koeall rinne I W close ..f the fact that he Win net Imrk three parrs because of the narrowness of tin- truck. Thla year both of the e men lire col of winning the 'hiimploli'-hlp and the ill be one of the moat exciting mitl of the day. The Welxer banc ball nine went ) ii to defeat Iiihi Friday on U "n tarlo field before tlM MM) MMOl The game waa n go. el OB from start to IIiiIhIi and the (Intiirlo lios lire to he congratulated N their leforv. Because of the fuel that the hoys ,.; the high school are BO enthusiastic over the eomtng track meet mid so many of them turning out for triilnlng In that, the i hall team Is made up of nearly all grade boya and to tl.em with the ex lion of one or two high Mbool players nn he given M credit of de feating I'm- W'el ler llllie I ant liei came will I (Thurtdny) at Welaer and the bMal will no ilouht iidiulnlHter anoth er defeat almllar to the one given here to the Idahoana. The High School f'arnlval laat Krldav evening was u de. ! I Met in i' ii.. .1 MM ""i as large aa waa e l ii. I the outlook of til)- v.' er vu so tbreatealai thai Man) did linl .nine The vluy waa a vnry gooil MaMdj and .1 . ..i. lal ... d i" the ailillelire The double sextette gave MM good select Ions and waa encored aev- ' tunes 'lie ,iiarliti.- met with the usual applause mid encores und llded Willi good -elerli. 'I he solo by llurolil vnn linden was a real success and hla voice carried a deep, touching melody which will not aoon be forgotten by those w ho heard him All of the above numbers cave their parta twice aa some of the tutors ciiinc in late ami could not sec the in. t program. The athletic department save gome very good stunts and the laugh ter arising from the audience beat bespoke the appreciation with which they were received TM varloua rooms were beautiful ly ii. . i.i.iii .1 and the varloua kinds of eata were of the beat that could tickle the palate. The fortune telling booth und the Bclence department were other fea ture, of th pi eiiing. The entertainment was marked bv liol a single disturbance of unv Kind but 81 I b) all mill appi ni .1. I. nl by tin. t enjoyment PARENT-TEACHERS TO HOLD FINAL MEETING Parent I will iiitTl ut High School Auditorium, Friday afternoon, April L's. at n thirty o'clock. There will lie u re- i,- bj i at III Olive tie in. i.i ni w'.uii i . i.iti.in liua ac- Minpllabed aa body. A round tabic tulk will be iiiii'ii o:i wliut Ml xwiuiii iik to iae acconiplUhed m on turin in vl y. ii Some iil.in will he outlined by the follow inn nit lulu i M.n.i i ton, Mm i. Ad.. n. ii idn.i Ortl lin. I'l.n K i Bailey, Rm P Kom ig, mill Ret D B. Baker. Let i n . . ii 1 1..-1 (eel it a duty to make aug geutions a to a hat ghouM be ut temptcii aexl year. I'roi Culbertaon and Mrs K it Conklin will tulk on i'.u .ut 1 era' work in general. Tlie Domestic Science department will do their part In makiug the meet ing a success. vary member ia urged to be pres ent aud bring someone with them. WITH THE CITY CHURCHES IJAPIIsT (III'IHII XOTKH The work of repairing the church l building la progressing nicely and, I will aoon be ready for the painter. Tim tower waa flnlahed thla week ' and a nice flnnlal waa placed upon the plnlcal which adds greatly to the looka of the building. The church voted hist Sunday to rearrange the choir room and baptistry which will greatly add to the Int-rlor appear-i ance and acconnnodatlon. Regular aorvlcea next Sunday at loth boura. 8peclal aong aervlce In j pill with the Kaater aeaaon will he given In the evening. Topic for the evening addreaa, "Reurrrtlon, Hope and Duty." Thla will be a very special aervlce and the public la In vited to thla aervlce. Itegular aervlce at 11 a. m. con ducted liy Deacon O. F. Neece ITencliIng at Owyhee at 11 a. in ' with baptlamal aervlce at 10 o'clock, alao preaching at Nyaaa at 3 p. m. I). E. 11AKKH, Pastor. The l.adlea Aid of the Congrega tiomil church will ferve hot tani.ih . .:in.w irlir-.. I I I Ml I 0 the room formerly occupied by the liolden Hub- on Friday afternoon af ter the Track I i Mini HWIIHIIIM in mil Kaater aervlcea will he held at 11 I m next Sabbath. Hunday School ,ii I" a. m. and evening sermon at s Tho f I meeting at Till la do ing good work under the leadership of Mr. JeoTtete Evan. You are wel come to all aervlcea. l'aator att tub i I'ri hytery in. ling at Parma hist week F.ncoiir aging reporta of the work In all the oiir.rcgstlons were given Steps were taken to start other work In the I'resliylery soon N BROWN, l'aator. i;,v i ii Powell, leneral mlaaloa ,,i ,,i ipal church, will hold . In Masonic hall Faster Sun In at S p. in. The sermon subject wll M "Immortality." Kverv i.od NlNM ATTRACTIONS DUE AT THE DREAMLAND miling star Ha. el Ituvvi . us "Cfeertaaa" will be a special feature i. unkind Saturday, April L'.' I strikingly original, with m.uiy I tartllng -iiii.ilii.n-. In lv n aa to tin screen Mi I'.iw I i ..i able inn let in thla abeorstot r.un. n. I inoderil aociety will appreciably advance her popularity aa one of the ion moat acreen artists of the d.i Muiida), April 28, Hetty NaDaen will atar In the great New York atage aucceaa, "Should a Mother Tell." All star casta have been frequently ad vertised for varloua production, but probably never before lias there been seen u photodratua so really deserv ing of this title ua "Should a Mother I. II ' PORTLAND PRICES EOR LIVE STOCK Steera were rather plentiful thla niiiiuiug after a very short week end. Prise beeves aold fully aa well aa I., i Monday and with a great deal of . snap A consignment of very well put up I'luh pulpera went again ut ii 00. An Idaho ahlpmeut went at $8.95 fur the tops und unullier huucli from the same section gut ill at $8.85. (HbW 'e very plentiful at Iloin Jh.SO to aliout the ! 00 murk. The liulk of hogs sold Saturday at g0 at IHidi 9.00. U inonili ago ut 11.11 f S 00. a year ago ut I7.40C1 7.65, two years ago at 8.- ,.,, Ihne year ago at 18.86 '.i in, anil lour years ago at 8.3508.- 50. Itakei I vents. The first of May will be the signal for severul inter eetlaf vent to be held at linker, OregO. '''he luttle und Horse Itals era' Association convention will be held eluy 1 and 2. The sixth group of the Oregon Hunkers will be in ii May 2 and tnsteud of the n ual May DM .Micises by the hihools tliere will be a Shal. mi pageant, the school children tak ing a prominent part. Cliff Hoyer, general manager of Hover Bros. Mercantile busiueea of Ontario and John Thomas of that place were Orewsey vlsltore Wed nesday. Drewey News FIVE DOLLARS A SUIT LESS RIGHT NOW! Broadway lift t - -- ONE PRICE CLOTHIER INDUSTRIES OF STATE ARE ALL PROSPEROES Salem, Ore, The Pacific Count Manufacturer publishes a sumu baaed upon lute Information In the bunds of the Hailroud and Ulllltiea und Corporation departments of the state showing that the principal ac tivities in ruilroud and utility con struction will be confined ui Eastern Oregon for this coming year. At least two million dollara will be expended aud before sixty day are over two thousand meu will be employed on the various projects that aiv carrying on development Mtfj prises iu the seventeen counties com prising the eaateru Oregon district. At least three hundred miles of rail road will be constructed thla year according to present plans. The Union Pacific system la ex tending its central Oregon line south und west, being now almost to Har 15 High Art Suits Prices as always before. Made as usual, the very best, guaranteed make, quality, fit and colors. $20 $22.50 $25 ALEXANDER ney lake, headed for a point IWClTI miles south of Hums, uud there It will stop tor the present. The siru horn system that Is surveying umi II uuuciiiK a system collecting Liiiul, Kluuiuth Falls, uud Burns, thri of u triangle, is Independent of the Hill and Hurrhnun systems. The Hill system Is reported to have acquired a branch of the Nevada, Cal ifornia uud Oregon system that enters Oregon ut Lake View. That the Hill Interests are seeking to acquire the Western Pacific to give them a di rect entrance to San Francisco is vvi-ll kuowu. That is what Is back of the great fight in the courts over the re ceivership. The Hill system will not rest with a lot of uncompleted con struction lu Oregon thai Is yielding them no profit. The Sumpter Valley railway is to be extended from Prairie City south Into the Strawberry Mountain coun try, and tap the big belt of timber owued there by the Oregon Lumber Company. David C. Kcclea baa abundant financial backing for this enterprise, aud the road will be built Than You'll Pay Later On We took a chance early in the game. We prepared for the heaviest business we've had in a long time. Our Clothing pur chases for Spring and Summer are enormous. Our stock is com plete now. If we bought today it would mean $5 a suit more. Buy now and you'll save a $5 bill on your new Spring Suit. Serges and Fancies $11.50 and $12.50 In Men's and young Men's models a Suit Serges, ! alch : .lit at this summer. Au uitei urbun line is projected from Baker to Homestead, the pres ent teruiiuus of the O.-W R. N. lines on Hie Snake river, where the big copper . nies and quartz mills are li would connect a 'good siring of towns, und open up a new mining district of great richness. The Snake river country is under going development at the hands of eastern capital organised under the name of the Kleclnc lnv t-stiuent coin punv ui BolM Idaho, that bus taken over the Ox-How 1'ovver plant. Hie Idaho-Oregon Company, und the Ida ho holdings. This corporation has abundant capital and is building power hues on both sides of the river for mines uud irrigation plants. The Kubtern Oregon Light and Power Company that operates iu Bak er, Union, Graut and Wallowa coun ties Is planning a large amount of de velopment work in the four counties and Is making a better showing of earnings than ever before. It is be lieved to be backing the Baker inter urbau system to Homestead. Alvvnys Fancies in Norfolk and pockets. Equal to any $20. ONTARIO OREGON The Pacific Power uud Light t'oiu puny that Is operating light, power, water und miction pluut.-. in I matillu, Pasco and Hood Ktver eias no trouble to get capital for extensions of its properties in Oregon. It has a num ber of construction projects ready lor I'M'i ution. Sevier A: Sou of Spokane who own plants in Crook, Jefferson, and Wal lowa counties will expend several hundred thousand dollars In equip ment of their properties. Neither the railroads nor the util ity corporations have any rate or vuluuiion matters pending before the L'tility commission and witii every thing settled In the form of public regulation have an open field for for ward movements, und the result will be large investments in the eastern Oregon field. All these properties are invest ments for future profits, and the po sition of the Hailroud Commission as well us the Corporation department of the state is to lend every assistance to get them on their feet and upon a profitable basis as soon as possible.