The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, April 20, 1916, Image 7

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    tenner F.tlnbn won torpedoed by
Uerttuin submarine nnd an American
citizen mi killed. hut nothing wa
done. (In the 2Sth of April the Amer
ican VMMl ('nailing was allocked nml
crippled by n Gcrnmn ooroplano. On
the 1h) of May Hie American vessel
GtilrllKlit was torpedoed nml iunk by a
Gcrninn submarine nnd two or mora
Americana were killed, yet nothing was
tone. On the 7th of May the Lusltn
nla was torpedoed and mink by a Ger
man aubniarlne nnd more than 100
Americana and 1,100 other uoncout
baton) i were drowned. The very thing
which our government had warned
Germany ehc must not do, Germany
did of act purpose nnd In the moat con
temptiiona nnd allocking way Thi'ii.
when all America woa atlrred to the
depth, our government addressed on
other note to Oermony. It repeated
Ita assertion of American rlghta nad
renewed IN hold declaration of pur
poae. It ili' dan l ngolu thot the Amer
ican government "uiuet Itold the Im
perial German government tc atrlct
accountability for any Infringement of
those righto. Intentional or Incidental,"
ami It declared thot It would not "omit
ny word or nny net necessary to tho
performance of Ita ancred duty of uinln
tabling tho right of the United Htotos
and Ita cltlrnns nnd of Hnfrguardlng
their free exercise nnd enjoyment."
Still nothing waa done and a long
and technical correspond. 'tioo MNi
boggling over MftttJ question f de
tail, every American not flowing less
and loss atroug and peremptory until
Hie Amble waa torpedoed mid sunk
nnd more American IIvch were destroy
rd. nnd Mt 111 nothing woa done, nnd
the correftpoiidcnco continued until the
allied di -feme ii Lrnlii-a t (Jcrnuiii oulimo
rltie wnrfore I'inile It nnprofltabls nml
c 1 10 lift abandonment, iim I ba cor
tmdl J la apt nrenlly n
Ita end wHboflt Mi urlm: PVen llr.H a'
i in i protection for ttto future' which
might I e foiinl In on thai
Ihe dcKlni'llon of the In I'iiiiI.i "a.
torblddoa i i i total oom
spondu i' ii i i i i II oor
alate deinirtmetit wllli dl.tifl.v. but It
baa been futile. An mlinl" 'ln of Ihi
lillllv for damotrei litis bMM MCWWd
but the tiino for i. .ii , ra Hon to
American u '.'. I
Tie Prove words wl'h v, 1 1 ! . 1 1
gan tin ni' Itloed no
effc. t. i . loaa Um in ad In the
light of two Mtraordmary on
One won Hie rci rt Of Hie AiiMlrhiu
nml). i .ft;idnr. Mr. Dumbo. In bin gov
criinient llnit win i the American not
of Teb Hi was received lie nstied th
aecretnry of atote, .Mr. llrynn. whetlie
It meant bMlncftft mid received on an
Hwer Which satisfied him that It did
not, but won Intended for effect at
home In America
"Too Proud to right."
The other event waft the it range and
unfortunate declaration of tin- pre!
dent In a public speech In Philadelphia
the fourth day after tic sinking of
the I.iiftiiai.i.i (hat "a iiiun may Im fcM
proud to fight" Whatever the Auo
trlau ambassador wan In fact told by
the ocrretary of otate. the Impression
which he reported waa auiported by
the event which followed Whatever
the prcaldciit did mean. Ida declaration,
made In public at (hut i, ileum time,
amid the horror and mourning of all
our hoiU- over Ihe murder of their
children, wan accepted the world over
aa presenting the attitude of the Amei
lean owruiuent toward the protect utl
of tlm life and lllaTty of American
citizen In the exercise of their Juat
rlghta. and through MM (he world the
pbraae "too proud to light" became a
byword of MrMH ond contempt for
Lho government of the United states
Later, In nnolher theater of war the
Mediterranean Austr'a. nnd icrhspe
Turkey alio, resumed the practice.
The AncoiiB ami then the Persia wera
destroyed, and more Americana were
killed Why ahould they not reaunie
the practice? They had learned to be
lieve that, no matter how allocked the
American goveruiueut might lie, Ita
revolution would expend Itself In
word. They had learned to believe
that It waa aafn to kill Americana, and
the world believed with them.
Shaking Plat and Pingar.
No man ahould draw a platol who
darea not The government that
ahakea Ita flat llrst nnd ita nuger after
ward falla Into contempt. Our diplo
macy baa loat Ita authority and Influ
ence because we have been brave hi
words and Irresolute In action. Men
may say thot the words of our diplo
matic notes were Justified; men may
ay that our tuuetlou waa Justified, bnt
no man can auy that both were wise
and creditable
1 have auld that this government lost
the moral forers of the work! by not
truly Interpreting the spirit of the
American dctnocracy.
The American democracy stands for
something more than beef and cotton
and grulu and manufactures; stands
for something that cannot be measured
by rates of exchange and does not rise
or fall with the balance of trade. The
American eople, Informed by their
wu experience that Is continued by
their observation of International life,
have come to ace that the independence
of nations, the liberty of their peoples.
Justice and humanity cannot be main
tained upon the complaisance, the good
nature, the kindly feeling of the strong
toward the weak; that real Independ
ence, real liberty, cannot rest upon suf
ferance; that peace and liberty can be
preserved ouly by the authority and
observance of rules of natiousl con
duct founded upon the principles of
Justice and humanity; ouly by the es
tablishment of law umong nations, re
sponsive to the enlightened public opin
ion of mankind. To them liberty
means not liberty for themaelvea alone,
but for all who are oppressed- Justice
means not Justice for themselves
alone, but a shield for all who are
weak aaratnut tho nggremlon of the
To this people tbe Invasion of Rel
glum brought n shock of amazement
nml horror. If the public opinion of the
world waa to remain idlent upon that.
aeulrnl upon that, then all talk about
peace and Justice and International law
and tbe rights of man, the progress of
humanity and the spread of liberty la
Idle patter, mere weak .sentimentality;
then opinion Is powerless and brute
orco nilea ond will rule the world. If
no difference la recognized between
right and wrong then there are no
moral standard. There come times In
tho Uvea of nntlona oa of men when to
treat wrong as If It were light la trea
fton to the right.
' Tha Wrong Dons to Belgium.
The American people were entitled
not merely to feel, but to spesk con
cerning the wrong done to Itelglum.
It waa not like Interference In tbe In
ternal affairs of Mexico or any other
nation, for thle woa an International
wrong. The law protecting rtolglnni
which waa violated waa our law and
the law ef every other civilized conn
try. That law was the protection of
our la-ace and oecnrlty. It was our
safeguard against the necessity of
maintaining great armament and
wasting our aubatanco In continual
readiness for wnr. Moreover, that law
was written Into u nolemii nnd formnl
convention, signed nnd ratified by Ger
many and nelglum nnd France and I h
I'nlted State In which those other
cotintrle ngrced with tl thst the lew
should bo observed.
There wu no ipiofttlon here of Inter
fering In Ihe quarrels of Kurope. We
had n right to In- neutral, nnd wo wero
Utl Mft ti the quarrel MM ween l Jer
inony and France, but when aa an In
.-Idont to tllo proftecullo!! of that
I i;.n any brotn ihe tow rhieJi
sea entitled to have preserved
am I which She. hnd agTeod with u to
preserve o were elilll'c.l t0 la- hoard
in 'lie n'ertliin Of our own MttOMl
Nsutrsl Dotwssn Right snd Wrong!
Vet the Arie; boil p i eminent M
i iii ihe treatment or Botgtam
11: 11, e '. trn H if II I III V of III
without one void of objection
or illftftent to the repudiation of lr.
or the lueie Ii of our treaty or the vlo
l.itl.m of Jutli e mil huuuinlly In the
ti. ilun nt of llelgluui our go. M
enjoined upon tbe "ooplc of lho I nlt I
St iic mi unillserlmliuithig mid nil eiu
1 bracing iieiitinllty, and (he pn
1 tn ouMied the people that they muit
, neiitriil In all reaiecta In act and
ord ami tlkMsfM and sentiment. Wo
ran to l,e not merely neutral a to the
narrela of Europe, but neutral aa to
tiie treatment of Belgium, neutral lie
i ween right and wrong, neutral I
I ween Jnstlce and Injustice, neutral l
tween humanity nnd cruelty, neutral
between liberty and oppresshm. Our
government did tnoro than acquiesce,
for In the i' "t l.ualtimla note, with the
uueikn' horrors of tho conquest
f llelgliiin still fresh In our minds, on
the very day after the report of tbe
Bryce commission on Belgian atroci
ties. It wrote these words to the gov
ernment of Germany:
it. Ilin th human snd cnllahlsnsd
intuit hitherto sssumed by ths Imparlal
to i a. in government in mattsrs of Inter
national right un.l particularly with re
gard to th frsrdnm of Hi seas, having
laarni-d to reroanls th lUrnmi viws
and tin- (Urnian InKueneo In th rlM of
International obligation aa ulwaya engaawl
upon th alii of Juatlr and humanity, ate.
And so tbe government of the TTnltod
Htati . uppcired as approving the treat
mint of llelgluui It misrepresented
the people of the I'lltlcd Stales In that
acquiescence and apparent approval.
It waa not necessary that tbe (nltial
State should go to war In defense
of the violated law. A single official
expression by the government of the
I'nlted State, a alugle sentence deny
ing asaeut and recording disapproval
of what Germany did In llelgluui,
would have given to tbe people of
America that leadership to which thej
were entitled In their eiirnest groping
for tbe light. It would have ranged
behind American leadership tbe con
science and morality of the neutral
It waa not to be. The American
government fulled to rise to the de
mand of the great occasion. Cone
were the old love of Justice, tbe old
Mission for liberty, the old sympathy
with the oppressed, the old Meals of
an America helping the world toward
a tiettcr future, and there remained In
the eyes of mankind ouly solicitude for
trade and profit and prosperity.
Shrank Prom the Truth.
The American gov eminent could not
really have approved tbe treatment ef
Belgium, but uuder u mistaken policy
It shrank from speaking the truth.
Such polkMe as I have described are
doubly dangeroua In their effect upon
foreign nation and In their effect at
home, ft la a matter of universal ex
perience that a weak and apprehensive
treatment of foreign affairs Invite eu
oroachuieuu upon rlghta and leads to
situations In which It Is difficult to
prevent war, while a firm and frank
Hillcy at tbe outset prevents difficult
lltuatlooa from artstag and tends moat
strongly to preserve peace. On the
other hand. If a government is to be
strong hi 1U diplomacy its own peo
ple must be ranged ia Ita support by
leadership of opinion In a national
cause worthy to awaken their patri
otism and devotion.
We have not been following the path
of peace. We have been blindly stum
bling along tbe road that continued
will lead to Inevitable war.
When our government failed to tell
tbe truth about Belgium It loat the
opportunity for leadership of the moral
sense of the American people and it
loat the power which a knowledge of
that leadership and a sympathetic re
sponse from the moral sense of the
world wonM have given to our diploma
cy. When our government felled to
make any provision whatever for de
fending Ita lights In case they ahould
be trampled upon It lost the power
which a belief In Ita readlneaa and will
to maintain Its rights would have giv
en to Ita diplomatic representations.
When our government gave notice to
fJerraany that It would destroy Amer
ican lives nnd American ships at Its
peril our words, which would have
been potent If sustained by adequate
reparation to moke thorn good and by
the prestige nnd authority of the moral
leadership of a great people In a great
cause, were treated with a contempt
which should have been foreseen, and
when mir government fulled to make
thoso words good Ito diplomacy wns
1'piui the record of performance
which I have tried to describe will the
American people say that the Demo
cratic party la entitled to be continued
In power?
The defect of the present adminis
tration nrlse from two distinct causes.
The first I the letiiierinneiit nnd train
ing of the president. The MMMai I the
Incapacity or the DesMeTBtsI pnrty as
It Is represented In Wnfthlngton both
In tho legislative nnd In the executive
departments either to originate wise
policies or to follow them when pro
lamed by other cr to administer them
cne lively If they are etubll-he.1 The
Democrat In congress ore never con
trolled except with a club, and gov
ernment with a rlub I alwaya spas
modic ond defective.
We must not deceive ourselves by
assuming that the critical period nrls
Ing from the great wnr hits passed.
The real dangers and the renl H
the strength of our Institution lie be
fore us. The moat evil. Hug demand
upon the wisdom, the ptrll nnd the
coiiiiu'i' of our country ore still in he
In this great coir',1 t all forms
of government are mi liial. ilce
with the tv.l The prim li lea of mi
Honal morality me ai trial. We must
lay our part In the universal tilul
Whether we will or no, for upon the re
sult deHnils directly the q
u M Iher our republic . i n oii'l' re
What Ars Paopl to Exptotf
But what are the people to expect If
the Itcpiil 11. an party Is restored to
TliU much we can say new:
tuny cxmm. with confld. me.
that their uoseintnent will meet Jim
eon il Munition wllli which we
must deal Inn Hatch Bfaxfl tho cloae
of the war. with n aillcy Of mislernte
but ade.iuite protection to American
Tiny uiny expect that the govern
ment will be ndntlnlatcrcd with tho
honesty and efficiency which have
imirl ed Itfpuhllcuii ml mh titrations lu
the pnst.
They may expect that the best possi
ble course for tbe preservation of
peace will be followed by a foreign pol
icy which, with courtesy and frlendll
nee to all notion, frank nnd fear
leaa and honest In Ita assertion of
American right.
They may expect that their govern
ment will stand for full and adequate
preparation by the American peoplo
for their own defense. The Ilepuhtlcan
party loves pom c aud hates war; It
abhors and will never aubmlt to mili
tary domination; but It I composed of
meu who love our country and who
deem that the Indeiauidence, the liber
ty, the honor and the opportunity of
tbe American democracy are uot mere
ly to is- talked about with weak and
flabby sentiment, but am to be main
tained and safeguarded by the prac
tical (tower of a virile and patriotic
people, it Is clearsighted enough to
see that preparation for defense must
have due relation to tbe possibilities
of attack; that under tbe conditions of
modern warfare much preparation
must ! made pefore a possible attack
or all prepamtlou will be Impossible
after the attack. The Republican par
ty Man. l- for a cltlaetiNhlp made com
petent by training to DMffksTsl the free
man's duty of defense for his countr .
It stands for a regular army no larger
than Is uecessu'-y, but as large as Is
necessary to serve aa a first line, a
nucleus, a NNstM Of Instruction and of
administration for the ami) of Ameii
can citizens who may be called upon
to defend their country. And the lie
publican party elands for the gs-l
of patrlotk' service to our country by
every citizen, according to bis uhlllty
hi peace and In war. It stands fur a
reawakening rf American iiatrlollsm.
It ia not content that while the BMfJsl
of other lauda are rendering the last
full measure of devotloti In sucrlllcc
aud suffering and dying for I heir coun
tries America shall remain alone dull
to the call of country and sstlsui .1 In
tbe comforta aud pleasures of pros
Our Power Por Peace
They may expect that assured raadl
neaa for defense will give ponvr to
oar diplomacy in tbe malutenan. of
They may expert that the power mil
will of a united people to defend thei.
eoontry will prevent the application to
oar peaceful and proierous laud of
the hateful doctrine that among nu
lions might makes light regardless of
the rules of Justice aud botnaulty.
They may expect that the inanlfeat.
potential strength and coinelen--,v "i
tbe nation will maintain tho effective
uess and reality of that great policy of
national safuty which lu the declara
tlon of president Monroe forbade the
destruction of our security by the e
tabllahmeut of hostile military powers
In our neighborhood.
They may expect that then: govern
ineut will not forget, but will ever
maintain, the principle of American
freedom, the dudes of America to the
peace and progress of the world and
thoso ideals of liberty and Justice for
all mankind which above all else make
the troe greatness of tbe American
. siTAltv in; CRKAM
B. K. Newman will be ready on
'April II to deliver any quantity of
pure Ice cream to nny part of the city.
i IIIh Ice cream la made with a "DIbc
Sanitary Freezer" and ia gimrantend
the bent quality on the market.
Phone 203-N 1. lBtf
Any person can strive to be good,
but oh well!
Oh, yen, the world will speak well
of you- -If you deserve It.
We have several second
hand cars, some good as
new, all recently ove-r
hauled. For sale at ex
tremely low prices.
kfOinn i I o'N o IMPROVED
rani ia, w. j. romnr, n-
I AKIO, Oltl't.OV Kilf
(Paid Advert I
I (III JOINT Itll'l.
Hum. Orekon. ' I rU 2, 19t.
I hereby agAOVMt myself as a can
didal tor the office of Joint !( tpw
sentatlve for the twenty-srvcut
resuniative District comprising Har
ney and Malheur Counties, subject to
the decision of tbe Republican
at tbe primary election to be held
May 19th, 1816.
Jas. J. Donegan.
FOR Slllllll I
I wl.ih to announce myself as a
candidate for the nomination as
sheriff subject to the will of the re
publican voters of Malheur county.
Emory I'olo,
Urogsn, Or.
I hereby announce myself a candi
date for the nomination for sheriff
of Malheur County, subject to tbe
will of the republican voters at the
coming primaries.
J. 8. WOODS.
We are authorised to announce
that A. W. Oowan la a candidate for
the office of Jolut-seuator for the
Twenty-second Senatorial District,
comprising the counties of Orant,
Harney and Malheur, subject to the
decision of the republican voter at
th primary election, May It, 1911.
lull (iiiii si iu i:oit
I wish to announce myself aa a
candidate for the democratic nomi
nation for county surveyor at the
coming primary election.
B. F. Farmer, present incumbent.
I hereby announce my candidacy
for the office of Circuit Judge subject
to the action of the democratic vot
ers at the primary election to be held
May 19. 1016.
For ( oiinii Commissioner
I wish to announce that I will be
a candidate for the nomination aa
County Commissioner, subject to the
will of the republican voters.
John F. Weaver.
I hereby announce my candidacy
for the Democratic nomination for
the office of District Attorney of
Malheur County.
I wish to announce that I will be a
candidate for the nomination of as
sessor on the republican ticket, sub
ject to the will of the voters.
8. L. PAYNE.
I hereby announce myself a candi
date for the nomination for Sheriff
of Malheur County, subject to the
choice of the Democratic electors In
the coming primary election
If again nominated aud elected I
will continue, as heretofore, to en
force the laws to the best of my abil
ity and give the tax payers a business
administration of the affairs of the
(present Incumbent for re-election)
miisn-i i v.
Ontario, Oregon
Office In New Wilson Block.
Dr. Harriet Soars
Dr. Pauline Sean
Graduate! American School of Osteo
pathy, KlrkKville, Mo.
Wilson Block. Telephone 154 Blk
lilt. W. (1. HOWE j . -.-
Phones; Orflce 117
Wilson Bldg. Res. 1172
lit. I. f. IIItKTT
OITlcc ?nr door East of Onarli Phar
macy on Nevada Avenue, Near
It K Depot.
J. II. FARLEY Funeral directc
and embalmor. Lady assistant. Phone
132-W. Ontario, Orcjron.
I hereby announci myself as a
c .militate for the lomlnutlon as
county assessor subject toethe votes
if the democrats of tho rountv
R. M. (AIM, II, K
I nit ( (it MA THKA8I IU.R.
I hereby announce myrclf as a can
didal for the nomination for the
office of Treasurer of Malheur Coun
ty, subject to the will of the Dem
ocratic volar at th coming primar
ies. R088 A. 80WARD.
I hereby announce that I will be a
candidate for Assessor of Malheur
County, subject to the will of the
democratic voter at the primary
election. If nominated and elect
ed I pledge my very best efforts to
wards securing an equitable assess
ment B. W. Ml I-M.1
To the voters of Malheur, County.
I wish to announce myself aa a can
didate for the nomination as assess
or on the democratic ticket.
1 have been a resident of the coun
ty over SO years and thoroughly un
derstand the duties of the position.
To the voters of Meinour County
I .desire to announce my candidacy
for the office of assessor, subject to
the decision of th democratic lac
tor at th coming primary.
If nominated and elected. I plodge
economy In office und property earn
Inr power the base for finding values
( xcept as otherwise prucribed by
To the voters of Malheur, County,
I hereby announce myself a candidate
for the office of county assessor, suit
ed to the will of the republican vot
ers of the county at the prlnary elec
tion. r. B. ZUTZ
To the voters of Malheur County,
I hereby announce myself aa a can
didate for the nomination of County
Treasurer subject to the will of the
Republican voters at the primary
I hereby announce that I will be
a candidate for the office of Joint rep
resentative tor Malheur and Harney
Counties, subject to the will of the
republican electors at the coming
I hereby announce myself a candi
date for the nomination for the office
unty Tr asurer of Malheur
County, Oregon, subject to the will of
the Republican electors at the coming
C. C. Mueller.
To the Cltisens of Mainour ceunty:
I desire lo announce that I will be
a candidate for the Republican nom
ination for District Attorney at the
coming primary election and solicit
your support.
This office spends thousands of dol
W. H. iirooke, Attorney at Law.
Wilson Bldg. Ontario Or.
Will Practice in All Courts
Notary Public. Office Over Poitofflc
Room 9, First National Bank Bldg.
Ontario, Oregon.
Mcculloch a wood
Rooms 1-2-3 First Nafl Bank Bldg.
Ontario, Oregon.
II. W. Mwuglcr Attorney at Lstw.
Rooms 1.1 14 i:. Wilson Bldg
Ontario Oregon.
P. J. I.lll M.IIIH
Rooms In Wltron Bldg.
Ontorlo, Oregon
ISsSsSsssSjs SsSssSsSSslSsJsl
PRESS Meets all trains.
lars of your money and I pledge my
self to every economy consistent with
good govorniiien. If elected I will
dovote my entire time and energy to
the tifTaira of tho ofli. Impartial
enforcement of all laws, economy
i. i oppression of useloss litigation,
my platform.
1 hereby announce myself as can
didal for nomination to the offic of
A or on the Republican ticket.
subject to tbe choice of the voter
t lb primaries.
' I
Ml III I It (Ot NTY.
I hereby announce my candidacy
for the Kepuiili. .iu nomination for
the office of District Attorney of this
county. If nominated and elected I
will endeavor to fulfill the duties of
my office In a fair, fearleia and ef
ficient manner and to the best of my
ability, keeping In mind at all times
my duty to th tax payers.
I hereby announce myself a can
didate for Ihe nomination for County
Clerk of Malheur County, Oregon,
subject to the will of the Republican
electors at the coming primaries.
V. B. Staples.
AX.Noi m i WENT
I hereby announce myself aa
caudldate for the Democratic nom
ination for County School Superin
tendent of Malheur County In th
coming Primary Election. If nopi
luated I will, to the beat of my uhll
lty, continue to work to further th
educutiunal Intereata of the county.
Fay Clark.
Subject to the choice or the Rep
ublican volera of Mulheur and Har
ney counties, Oregon, to he express
ed at the coming primary election.
I hereby announce myself a candi
date for the Itepubllcou nomination
us Joint Representative to the legis
lature from this representative dis
trict. Dated Jan. 21, 1918.
('has. M. Crandall.
I hereby announce myself a candi
date for the nomination for County
Clerk of Mulhear County, subject to
the will of the Democratic voters at
the primaries.
Arthur Moody.
To the voters of Malheur Ceunty:
I hereby announcement my candi
dacy for reelection to the office of
County Assessor subject to the will
of the Republican voters ut the pri
mary election on the 19th. day of
May, 1916. And If nominated und
elected I shall continue to assess all
corporations on uu equal und uni
form basis with other property.
I.. K Hill, present Incumbent.
FOR vl 111 -.I vtoit.
I hereby announce, myself as
caudldate for the office ot State Sen
ator from this district, composed of
Malheur, Harney and Grant counties,
subject to the will of the electors of
tbe Republican party at the pri
maries, to be held In May, 1916.
Julleu A Hurley.