The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, April 20, 1916, Image 6

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Wilson Has Failed In Foreign
and Domestic Policies.
Addrsss at Temporary Chairman of
Naw York Republican Convention
Pointa Out Slna of Oamocralic Com
mission and Omiaalon "Wa Hava
Loaf Influence Bacauaa Wa Hava
Baan Brava In Worda and Irraaoluta
In Action."
In 111" address nx temporary chair
man of the New York state Itcpuhllcan
convention, delivered In Carnegie Hull.
New York, the lion. EUhu Hoot aald:
We aro entering upon n content for
the election of a resident and the con
trol of government under condition
eascntltilly new In the experience of
our partj and of our country. 1'he
forum mid inethmla which we are
about to follow nre olil nml fninllliir.
but the gmunila for action, the deninnd
of grent eventa for dix-lslnn titnn na
tional conduct, the moral force!) urg
ing to n nulut Imi "f vncnely outlln
0 queatlona, the tretnemloua con
fMM of wisdom or fully In nntlou
al poll, y, nil these nre new to the great
max of Atncil'iin voter now living.
Never alti'-e IMS! hna an elect Inn I
fraught wlili QOBMQBOBBM o ltnl tn
national life. All the ordinary consid
eration which piny o great a pint In
our presidential cmupiilgiiH are iih.l
ought to he dwurfixl Into Insignificance.
Democratic Party to tha Bar.
For the firm time In twenty yenra we
cuter the Held nn tie party of oppnxl
tlon. and Indeed It U n much longer
lime, for In INU4I, In nil rexpecta ave
Ihe tnrlfT. the renl optioHltlon to the
aliirdy pat riot I nrxo of Pn si
dent ileMluel wn to lie found In the
lnrty t lit) t followed Mr Itrynn. It lx
our duty lia Ihe opposition to bring the
Democratic pnrty to the l.ur uf public
Jildcnicnt to put It IBM It defense
Mo fin n we nee JiihI und substantial
groiniilM to crltlclac Ita . . . j i 1 1 1 t mid to
ask the voter of the country to decide
whether that pnrty. rgnulred nx It la.
repret-i nted na It Iiiin been since It
mine Into power. has shown Itaelf
compel. -it to govern Iba country na It
ahoiild bo gowiueil mid whether ItH
aplrlt. lis poll.'ies. mid Ita performance
are the best ilmt the American people
uii do In t In- wuy of popuhir nvlf gov
entt t
In the Held of domestic affairs some
fm Is relevant to tlies, ipicxtlnus hid
already heeli ll-ielt lined In II III Ail
gust, lull, the great European war
Im-kiiii. luirliig the jiar und a half of
lieiuo.inll. control of gov eriitueut In
a pelllsl of pr.ilMlllill pi lee lliell- led
i. ti ii iteady decreeae In American
production, In tinortl Mini I'l revenue-.
Ji tul ii I -1 . 1 y lie I In liiiorts und
epei.IIIUes. Kniel -M- . 1 1 III lllllteil
'ihe Dan rati.- tut ill' liild lii ell If. lined
upon mi grOWCd icpinllutloii of till pro
(i tlotl, lioweM-r I leiiile und reitaon
nhle. end bfMBBM nil notoi lion wus
repudiated pi'in tli-ilh nil liiforiuatlou
from . omp, lent witnesses as to the ef
fect new provision would lime upon
bllxlncnx wax rejected. It wan with
Just tMN that the enterprise of the
einiiitry hnlted. tlinld nml Irresolute.
BBBMOO It felt nml feared tho hostility
of government
Foraign Competition Aftar War.
The great win hna not changed the
laaaou which We hud already learned
when It liegan. It hna but oh .cured
further demonstration It has cmist-d
an eiiormuiis ileinnud for Home things
which the I'nilid States la ulile to pro
dine In Isrm- ijiiaiitlllex. and In these
IIiioh of production, while other Indua
trlea Mill l.imjulsh. there have Ix-cn e
teiishe employment oi Inlior. gnat ex
i and a great In till x of money
Hut thin la leuiiorary It must anon
cease, ii i ill when the fin -torlea have
Otopned mid their lalsuors tire no
Innpar employed are taual foal with a
altiiullou for which wise forethought
should make provision. More liupor
taut ait ill. the war hits inrulv.ed the
peaceful IndiiHtriea of all Europe and
liu si..) ped lluit competitive foreign
priHliulK.ii which In July, 1814, hud al
ready entered American tnurketa to
supersede Amerlciin products under
the lariff law- of HH;t The war 1ms
thus gheli to Auieilcaii products an
Immunity from compotirton far mori'
effective thun any possible protective
tariff. Hut that In teinpnnir.v, und
When the war la over, when foreign
production licglnn again, the Auicrl. uu
iniiil.ct compared Willi Impoverished
Kuropa will he BM than ever before
lie olijccl of dcsnc und effort, and we
Ahull Iks -ome (he dumping ground of
tho world to the dent rucl Ion of our
own industries unless thut Is prevented
by a wise and competent government
How CaaWe Dolend Ouraolvaa?
Hut ii In imt from il.uncsii, ijues
tioiis I luil the most dilliciilt problems
of this duy tii-ixc The events of the
lust few years huve tuuglit us many
I, We have learned that civ ilUa-
tlon Im but u veneer thinly covering the
aavuge nature or mini How cun thin
nation, which loves DOB00 und intends
Justice, uvoid the ciime of lulllturUui
Hlid ut the same time preserve tin In
dependence, defend Its territory, pic
I t the lives mid liberty nml proper
ty of its citizens? How cun wo pre
vent the eanio principles of action, the
same pollen of coml tct, the aatna
force of mflltnry power which nre ex
hibited In Europe from laying bold
npon the vast territory and practically
undefended wealth of the new world?
Have we still national Ideals? Will
anybody Hie for them? Would any
Intdy dla for them? Or are we all for
ease and comfort and wealth at any
price? Confronted by audi questions
aa these and the practical altuatlcns
which give rise to them. Is the coun
)ry aatlafled to trust Itself agnln In the
banda of the Iictnocrntl'- pnrty?
Impotant Intafaranea In Max loo.
The United stntea had rights and
duties In Mexico. More than 40.000 of
oar citizens hud sought their fortunes
and made their homes there. A thou
aand mllilonx of American capital had
been Invented In that productive ronn
try. But revolution had come, and
rnctlonal warfare fii life. Americans
had tieen murdered. American proper
ty had been wantonly destroyed, the
lives and property of all Americana In
Mexico wera In danger. That was the
situation when Mr. Wilson became
president In March. 1013. Ills duty
then was plain. It waa. first, to uae
hi powera as president to secure pro
tection for the Uvea and property of
Americana In Mexico and to require
that rule of law and stipulations of
treotle should bo ebserved by Mexico
toward tha t'nlfed States and Ita cltl
reus. HI duty waa, second, aa the
head of a foreign power to respect the
Independence of Mexico, to refrain
from all Interference with her internal
affairs, from all attempt at domtnu
tlon except aa be wa Justified by the
law of nation for the protection of
Amerlcnn rights. The president of the
fnltcd Btatea failed to ohaerve either
of thoxe duties. He delllx-nitely aliSIl
d.m.d them Ixith and followed nn en
tlrely different and Inconsistent pur
poae. He Intervened In Mexico to aid
one fnctlon In civil strife ngalnat an
other. lie undertook to pull down
ll'ierta and set rarrnnta up In his
plnce. Arm and munitions of war
were freely furnished to the northern
forces and withheld from llucrtu
l-'lnally the president ent our army
and navy to Invade Mexico and cap
ture It great aoart. Vera Cruz, and
hold It and throttle Mexican commerce
until llnerta fell.
Amarleana Outraged In Masleo.
The government of the I'nlted Ktntea
luteiveninl In Mcvlco to control the III
temnl affairs of that Independent I MM
try mid to enforco the will of the
Ainerlcun pre-ldent In thoao nffalra by
threat, by economic pressure nml b
foroa of arms. Cpon what claim of
right did thin Intervention prm-ced?
Not to reure MBM for American
rights, not to protect the Uvea prop
erty Of our cltlelix, not to ll.xselt Ihe
Inw of nations, not to eotnel observ
anco of the luvv of immunity n the
contrary, lluertri'x wnx the only power
In lel o to winch lipi'elll ciutld bt
made for pr.ccoilon of life or property.
That ffM the only power which. Ill
fact, did protect either Amerlcnn or
BfOpMB or Moxl-nn. It was only
within the te'lllory where lliiert.i
ruled tluit i onipnnillve pence and or
der irev:illed The ovei
which the urnied power of inirmizn
am) Vllln mid their ushih lutes -Meiulcil
waa the theater of the luoxt npplllllng
iTlmcs Hands of rol,l,ei- roved the
country a ltd unbrUia i lit an Amcr
Iciiiis and Mi-.i a. in ul.'. aafO ut their
ineii.v. und Amerlcnn limn were mur
denxl and American women wer out
rngixl with ltiiiinlty. '1'hoiisuiid ware
rmliiced to povertv by the w union do
atructlon of the Industrie through
which they lived Vet the government
of the I'liited Htutes Ignonsl, con
doned, tha murder of Amerlcnn men
und the rux- of Amerlcnn women and
destruction of Amerlcnn property and
Insult to American nfneer and defile
ment of the American flag and Joined
itaelf to the men who were guilty of
all (lies tilings to pull down the pow
er of llueita. Why? Tho president
himself has told it. It wa because
he adjudged lluertn to be a usurer.
because he deemed that the common
ptoplu of Mexico ought to have great
er participation in government and
share In the land, und he U-llevtsl thut
furrunzu and Villa would give them
these things. We unlit ull a) mputhlze
with these sentiment, but thero la
nothing more daiigurou Ihuu nils
plu.e-1 seiitlinent.
When our army landed nt Veru Cruz
Carrutiau himself, w ho w aa to bo tho
chief U'lieHclury of the uct, publicly
proteated aguluat it Bu strong was
the resentment thut be could not havu
kept his follow era otherwise. When
llucrtu bud fallen the now government
which for the day bud succeeded to
bis place iM.-reuiptorlly demanded the
withdrawal of the American troop.
The unlveraal sentiment of Mevteuus
reipilnd the inremplory ilemund, and
tin troops were withdrawn. Still
worse than thut. the taking of Vera
Cruz destroyed confidence in the aiu
cerlty Of the Americuu government in
Mexico, because every intelligent man
In Mexico believed that the avowed
reason for the act waa not the real
iciison The iirowod purpose wa to
tonipel a anlute to the American Hug
Throe hundred Mexicans were report
inj killed; seventeen Culled Htutes ma
rlnea were killed and muuj were
vvouuded. At that very time Mr. Hry
an, with the prealdeut'a nppiovul, was
signing treutlea with hull the w.rld
igreelng thut if any controversy should
urisc It should be submitted to n Joint
commission uud no action should be
taken until after u full year hud OkaBB
ml. This controversy, alight aa it wus.
arose on the 0th of April, and on the
'-Tat of the bume mouth Veru Cruz
wus tukeu. With the occupation of
Vera Crux the moral power of the
I'nlted Slates In Mexico ended. Wc
were then and we ure now billed for
what we did to Mexico, und we were
I lien and we ure now despised for our
feeble and Irresolute failure to protect
the Uvea nnd right of our citizen. No
flag la so dlslionorml nnd no cltlzcnnhip
so little worth tho claiming" In Mexico
a our. And that I why we have
fnlled In Mexico.
Policy of "Watchful Waiting."
Incredible na It seem. 11 uct In had
been turned out by the nsslstntne of
the American government without any
guaranties from the men who were to
he set up In hi plnoe, and so the mur
tiering and burning and ravishing hare
0B0 on to this day. After llueita
ad fallen and the Vera Cruz cxpedl
on had been withdrawn President
vVllson announced that nn one wa
'Milled to interfere in the affair of
Mexico; that she wa entitled tn settle
them herself. lie dlsclnlm nil re
spondblllty for what happens In Mex
ico and content himself with a pol
icy of watchful waiting. And for the
death and outrage. .ho suffering and
ruin of our own brethren, the hatred
nnd contempt for our country nnd the
dishonor of our nanie In t tint land the
administration nt Washington share
rcspoiiMlilllty with the Inhuman brute
with whom It tnnde common cause.
When we turn to the administra
tion's conduct of foreign nffalra Inci
dent to the tTOBl wnr In Kumpa wa
cannot fall to perceive that there la
much dlssutlnfactlon among Ameri
cans. Dissatisfaction 1 not In Itaelf
ground for condemnation. The itu
atlon created by the war ban been diffi
cult and trying. Much of the corra
spnmlfuco of the state department.
espislnlly since Mr. Lansing took
! charge, has been characterized hy ac
I curate learning and skillful statement
of specific American right.
Three Error In European Policy.
A study of the administration's pol
icy toward Kuropc since July, 1014.
reveal three fundamental errer: l'lrat,
the lark of foresight to make timely
provision for backing up Amerlcnn ill
plomacy by actual or assured military
and naval force,; ecnnd, the forfcl
ttiro of the world' IffjoBOtl for our aa
sertlon of rights by pursuing the policy
Of making thrcatn nnd falling to make
them good) third, a OHM of the moral
forcen of the civilized world through
failure to truly Interpret to the world
lie spirit of the Anierlonn democracy
III It attitude toward the terrible
events which BMOOOBMlOl tho early
singes of the wnr.
Klmt, as to pewer:
When the war In I'nros began, free,
IH'Uccuhlc llllle Switzerland Instantly
niolilbz.ed up in her frontier a grent
nrtny of trained clll.en soldier. Htur
dy little Holland did tho same, and
both have kept their territory and their
' lllilcpellllclli u Inviolate
.'nut. p, aceiil le America was farther
J removed ruin the WW Hit. Hut her
ti ii.- und lii r i IttoOM iraM-led ou ev
ery sea. Ordinary knowlelge of l'u
It plain that the
var araa i by acetdoBt but
With pn ' 0 v M' Ii would imt 000B '
rcUmiul ' d OnUnntj kaowlodBt of
nill'tai: e -uts BBdO It plain fn in the
. i vi '. " (bo '' ' hi lnvn
slon luried from tbo buttle of the
OnBI I was crtahi tn
' '..liiuiry l.nowl-
isi-o of biitory of our oi b b I cj
during the Napoleonic wui n le it
plain thai In that n'lilll.-l neiitrnl riulils
Would be (TOItbloOO unless poweltllilv
rilllc g'Vi inment 01 Wash
lligli'll did led B e Ii saw it,
ilia! I In 'r opinion found vulic. Mr.
;e urged It,
Mr. Stlmsi'ti urii'-ri it. Mr (
BBffd It. but their argument mid ur
gency were I . riled to poHliCOl Ii."
Ilve. nml ll.e president 1 it,. 1 them
with ii siusr as nervoi. rid
Wilson Ha SbiftaJ Qrcund.
Hut the wurnliig rOOBM would not ls
ntol.d. The opinion that we ought no
longer lo remain defenseless Is came
pub'lc opinion. Its expression grew
BON gci.eiul and Insistent, and finally
Ihe p!i-lle'it. not leading, hut follow
ing has si Iftad bin ground, ha revers
ihI Ills position and uskn the country to
prepare against war Cod grant that
he be not too late. Hut the licuux-rat-Ic
parly has not shifted its ground. A
large part of Ita members In congress
are endeavoring uow to sidetrack the
movement fur national preparedness,
to muddle It by ameudincut and turn
It Into channels which will pristine the
least possible result hi the increase of
national power of defense What
sense of effectiveness In this effort cun
we gather from the presence of Jose
phus Mantels ut the most critical poet
of all the head of the navy depart
mil, I when we are that where
preparation bus been possible It baa
not been made, when We see that con
struction of war-hips already author
lot ,1 lias not la-en preaaad and In souiii
(uses after long deluy ha uot even
ix-cn begun?
If an Increase of our country' power
to defend Itself against aggression la
authorized bj the present congress It
must bo largely through ltepuhllcan
votes because all the trudltious and
convictions of that party ure for na
tional ponrOT and duty und honor.
As to tbu policy of threatening words
without deeds:
When (Jet-many gave notice of her
purpose to sink men-hunt vessels on
the high seas without safeguarding the
lives of innocent passenger our gov
ernment on the loth of February one
year ago informed Germany lu unmis
takable terms that In attacking and
sinking veaael of the Culled Stale
and In destroying the liven of American
citizens lawfully traveling upon mer
chant veeaoht of other countries she
would act at her is?rll They pledged
tht power and courage of America,
with her hundred million people and
her vust wculth. to the protection of
I er citizen, an during all her history
through the days of her youth and
weakness sho had PTOtOOtOd them.
Uu the 28th ot March the passenger
There is only one reason why Ford
car are defended by over half Km
car buyer In thin country. They are
better cars. The Ford ha demon
atrated it superiority by all the teat
of time, in every kind of ue. The de
mand I great because tho value 1
great. Detter buy yours now! Runa
bout 1390, touring car $440; Coupe
lot 590; Town car $040; Sedan
$740. All price f. o. b. Detroit.
X -. MSaUiS ' OM X
THOS. F. COWARD, Agt., Ontario
The Cost of Living
is Actually Lowered
by the Electric Range
J it..U 111
9nW9M " il a.' TBI 1 O0B0- 111
We Guarantee that when you cook with Electricity
at our regular cooking rate of 3 and 21 cents, you
are using the cheapest fuel on the market.
Thirty year ago the t
through personal initiative
a necessity within the reach
uess had but one telephoue
that business ha service wl
nent broad, aud every bran
ery other by an Intercommu
The telephone haa earne
now 8,000,000 Bell telephoue
26,000,000 talk daily.
eh of
Every Bell Telephone is
Malheur Home
elepuone woo a luxury. Today,
and private enterprise, it has become
of everybody. Wiiere once a busl-
wlth a limited talking range, today
til a range throe quarter of a couti-
every business la linked to ev-
uicatlug telephone system
d ita responsible place and there are
s in this country, over which go
a Long Distance Station.
Telephone Co.
We seem, to, to have heard ot one
Colonel l 'odd
Ever heard a pig grunt, brother?
Well, don't do It yourself.
Latest report from Mexice: (De
leted by the censor.)
No. Lar1 v
17 Oregon Wash. Ltd 4.1 m.
76 Huntington pony f 85 -i. m
IB Oregon Wash Exp. :13 p. m.
6 Fast Mall lilt p tB
18 Oregon Wash Ltt.. 7.61 .. m.
7 6 Hulao Pony f' - m.
4 Eastern Evprec, lltOl p. m.
8 Oregon Wash Exp 6:aS p. m.
No. I,ave
139 Mixed dad- except
t-.ind.iy fn- Itln raid 12.20pm.
vAI.i. tlROtiAN lilt M II
No. Leave
1 4 1 Mixed Va.e Brogan
Daliy exept Sunday 10:00 a.m.
B' P . -.le dally 7:00 p m.
I HSt Hill
140 Aliml from Rlvenide
daiiy except Sunday 12:0lp ni.
98 I'ass from Vale, dally 8:40 a. in.
i41 Mixed from Brogau A
v'nle dally except
- Sunday 3:30 p. m.
The Homedale train leave Nyiao
at 1:30 p. in. nn Tuesday. Thursday
and Saturday, returning aame day,
rlvl-.g r.t .itirin n 5: T.9 p. m
I'nlted State
president Woodrow Wilson
Vice-President Thoa. It Marshal
Secretary of Slate. .. Hubert Ianing
Secretary of Treu.,. . W. O. McAdoo
Secretary oi War, ,.L. M. Oarrlaoa
Attornny-Qenerul,, Tho. W. Gregory
rostmater-t n-'ii.l. . . . A. Burleson
Secretary of Navy J. Danlolo
Sac'y of Interim ..Franklin K.Lano
Sec'y of Agriciltute,, 1). F. Houston
Secy of Comm-ire. Win. C. Itedlleld
Secretary of l.nlit r. . . .W. B. Wilson
Sec'yto the Prea J. P. Tumulty
IT. H. Muprrtci Court
Chief Justice. ... Edward i K'hlio
Associate Justice,
Joseph McKciinu
Oilier Wendell Heme
Wllllum It Day
Jainea C Mclto. -loltiii
Churles K HugliCH
Willis ViinDovnniei
Joseph I! '.ulnar
Muhlon I'llney
Vale l'. 8. Ixsn ..DOIorra.
Heglaiar Tl.o. .J.
Kecelver M. N Fe, ly
Ktatc oiil. .-is.
(inventor James With) com
Hoo'y of State Ben Olco
Treasurer 1 J. Ka?
Attorney Ueueral, . .tJeo. X i lown
Supt of I'uhllc rnsli in lion
J. A. I nutililH
Dairy and Fond Cominlsslonei,
J. D. Mnale
State Printer A. W. Lawieoc
V. S. Senator.
Ilsry K. Lane
O. E. Chuuiberlaln
C 1 1. 1 vv ley
N. J. Slnnot
C. N. McArthur
HUte supreme Court
i l.l.-f Justice Frank A. Moor
Associate Justicea,
Thouiaa A. McBrtda
ii--in v J. Bean
(leorge II. Burnett
Robert Eakln
Henry L. Benaon
Lawrence T. Harris
Ninth Judicial Dlxlrict
District Judge Dulton Blggo
District Attorney W. 11. Brook
Senator iWth l.gixlatlvo Assembly
Joint Senator, -for Orant, Malheur,
aud Harney Counties,
. .coring V. Stewart
oil, K, (IMI. era
County Judge O. W. McKnlght
County Clerk John P. Houston
Sheriff Ben J. Brown f
County Commissioner,
John F. Weaver
Melville Kelley
County Treasurer, J. Ralph Weaver
Assessor. Lewi E. Hill
School Supt Fay Clark
County Survayor B. F.Farmer
County Coroner R. O. Payne
Truant Officer A. R. Mclntoah
Justice of the Peace (Ontario Dis
trict O. L. King
Circuit Court
Circuit Court for Malheur county
meet In Vale, the county seat, on
the second Monday In Jauuary; on
the fourth Monday in April; and on
the first Tuesday in September tor
regular sessions Hon. Dalton Bigga,
Circuit Judge; W. H. Brooke, Dist
rict Attorney; John P. Houston,
County Court.
The County Court of Malheur
County meet in regular session at
Vale on the first Wednesday of Jan
uary, March, May, July, September
and November. Couutv Judge, Geo.
W. McKnlgU; M. D. Kelley and
John F. Weaver, Commlaaionera;
John P. Houston, Clerk