The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, April 20, 1916, Image 4

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    The Ontario Argus
M. E. BAIN, Publishrr.
Subscription $1.00 a year
Always in advance
Published Kvery Thursday.
Entered In the Tost Office At Ontario,
Oregon, Tor transmission throuxli
the maili an second clan mall matter
Hunic in'ople are alu amlttM
for opportunity (O take them b llM
hand. It in'i'i SOWi mid U never
Opportunity In i wt pri WBl with
as, It l by our aide, it dogs OM1
It never leave uk. Hut It BOVOI
reaches out It hninl. iiuihI do
in. rwwhlagi Hie BTMPlag. tha im-
pro i
Hunt nit huh uid nil (oi oiiui
(unity to i iiiiir to you. (In out am!
lintit It. and li ii it t till mii llml it tl
1 1 I'irtint; w:il' .Mm ' I IB thl
- rry boar I'l i bo ait)
in t foof fraatoal opportan
Itlea lie In what you mil)
in aid Of mn' home tOWB, tor wh-ii
la good for tha lowi i 'vrn better tOf
you. II oii want your town to BO
ling lor Jim, Mm I'oiilil Urn
bi ior tha loan Oppor
toalU balloraa in tiint, and irooti
t in- mi in. dooa It.
i ',,n i . tpaol i etotythlni
anil lira Botalai OpportanlU d
oprora or thai, a n aoi bwi tlon
it, win not lood its "''i aad aoeoorage
iih'iii. ttni.i iiidi . aipool 1 1 . . :
rood Um shad
oa oi tfcatf oa n loniisiinoaa.
'i in a I niiin aaokaa IiIh oaro op
iiur( u u i . aad thai batata otiier and
greater opportunities, and they bfl I .1
nn. .'
V our fu(ure la not up to opport uni -
i up in you.
I ill MOJfl KOI. I. Kit v
That I a beautiful HOT of 1 1 1 - WO
men who hastened to the -.epiilchie
early In the morning. They were In
deep BOffOWi hope had Mid, and lhe
never aspeen d in Ma '
alive again Hut the line they bOfO
liiui Impelled them to go on tin
aad mission
A the) went they were troBblad
l Hie tliouglit of the great ntnlie dial
blocked (lie entrance lo tha tunih, anil
. ikod tiiein: . vaa Um iiuuaiion,
' 'tin will roll um awa t In- BtOBB
Thai thought Of Hi- -lone weighed
on their iiiltid all the way (o the se-piililin-
Hut when that readied tka
plai e I lie) louuil I lie . (0M all' ad.
tolled away, and then they fl
liow In i dli ... hail hi in I
lo um iitiiue.-. toda) pao
lv win) li in anlu'lpaliiig
ral ' i iiiagliiary dHtlfuldcs. Hut
win li ai Uk( the., reach Hie place of
thfl tnl e nf d'tlli-lllt) . t'ie) 1 1 1 jllenl
I lid .n.ll Millie guild llllgel hllH rolled
It linn)
KAHTKIt A MO Wll.r. I I X-.I
I'lilike inoRt general anniversaries
the dule on whirl, l.i i- i I. .11 aiu
ral week, and lor thai
KaHter Ik called a ii.nwibb- Din
lug the (1 rnl thr . i i.i urta 1 1
much uiirerlautt aofl ooofualoo
.iliioiig L'brlBl lo the
nine it ibould he ob I I id
. p laanfar. lo
mediiltel) fol!,. In which ChrlHl from i a ., i i ..i ant.-
i in nil)
Mime ehun ui ai
Murrli It whltj
aa April I OODOU "I Nice
tad I) following tlM full iniioii that
aed upon or ni'M attar M i 1
1, (he da el tha vernal eiiiino.
ft III K l l. H I i OMMUMIO.N'KH
The aelecllOU oi a .Malheur couiil)
lil.ill tor tail important mine I-, nl
much lasportaaoa to the em.
thl-. pari Of the -late J. W
loch of Uni.ii.i, i.iudidale for I
Mtion, ih a man of high intelligence,
sterling integrity and baa
iiaiid in man) w.t):- lii.-i uu.oiihleil
ability ami Itaaaa for thl poaltloo
llOUld i pee. ally up
POOJ UP the miens Of thl! count), re
lardlaaa of polltlaal aalUaUoaa. Ev
ery Rapablloaa ahoald aid la
lug bla mm, Hum and then OVOf
Mde u tha Hninl) ahoald ba oaol (or
him next tall W ueii )ou ca-l null'
ballot for puiiio .iia. eoauBlaaioaj
er. Bland by Mallieur couiKy. Joe
dan Valla) l-J i i
Some people gie B0 little thought
to public Matter.-, thai in) do not re
alUo just how iniieli credence to give
tOOK nt. When they ale told
that a Of) ol bOOka ba bOOa audited
and found OOrraOl i B) imagine that
uMi)tliing hi all light The auditor
UM rel) lodl "id lint (here are Miueli
oraafor all nioaaya pant nut i
not attempt (o ahow what value, if
any, wa.i given lor tha name). For a
Kp.ut of the stewardship of uu of
floor or feet of oil. i em a in uaoaaaajrjr
to l now what value they are getting
for the people' money. Aa a Rencr
11 1 thiol what there nrc no tax pay
I erB organization to look after the
I spending of puhllc funds the average
value received Is about sixty per cent
When thl county la organized with a
taxpayer league it lll he possible
to reduce the taxes Just that much
ami the people will Mill receive as
much benefit aa they are now receiv
ing. U It worth while to organize?
The Pendleton Evening Tribune
BOBl out letter to the aeveral candl-
datoa for Public service Conmlaalon
er iiHklng (hem to hold a meeting In
PoadHMBM wliere they could all he
Mean and heard I'ew of them are
known tbnre or In fnct at any point
in the dlatrlct and It I but frlr to
the people to how up and be aeen
before the-voter are aked to make
a choice.
J. W. Mcfulloch replied to the In
quiry und expreHHed hlinelf a wil
ling and anxloiia to meet with the
Other DOBjltBOOa and give tlie Mill m
. rhanee to nlze them up lie iloe-i
helleve In a gum aboe campaign
and also believea It is a BlllaaBOt In
the voter to Iium' the candnl.ii
stringing along one al a time and all !
demanding the attention of the vol
en I hey are hu.v If a jiu
meeting can bo held It will he h. m.i
for the voters and candidate also
A (he several candidates mine
here ami give the people a chin
the onceover it lainm more erl
.hnt tliul Oiilarlo has tka only nsplr
III Who Is illl.llllleil for the position
oold n ike
und i lerks tint none or tin m out id
I .1 Mel'ulloch have hail evperl
bob thai nts than ror the . .. i hum
IiiI Te . ami the legal mind
to handle the problems that are put
up iii tin- eoamlaatoa to paaai apaai
TlM high taxes are being talked i
I'l.-tiv generally throughout tin
t ami it may he Interesting to see
what other counties are paying out
lor having their assessment made
We linil thi assessor office for liar
nev county for IBl.i cost $3,83(1 (la;
Lake county, $3,370: Ollllam count).
11,11 .. Itaker county. . . 7 I 0 . Was
co. M.IM Crook. $11,000; rmattlla.
$4,800; (Irani, IMNj Wullnua
III; Sherman, $:'.1I9; Morrow.
$:',700, Malheur county, $7,303.46.
Oovornor Wlthyconihe of Oregon In
regard lo Ferris hill says, "I would
rather BOB one st renin developed than
i . .ire preserved."
0, W Crulckshank, living a few
miles from this city, Is very BOthOJ
over Ins hugs Tuesila) In
shipped ten hod from (his aft) n
celling a check of lll for the a
lie rcieived $7.U0 per cwl. for hi
h weighing around HI lbs
Mr ( i uick.ihank ha been ship
ping a hunch ot hogs every BtOBth
since early last summer. The lowest i
lie has received In one uioiilh
been tlii, and the highest was this
niolilh when he no n d I II Mr
f ruickshank bus he-,, reeding grain
I OB bl own farm. I. mm iimnil.
was the tlrst mouth he missed ship
ping a bunch of BOgSi hut he will
make up for It tkla month, when he
will ship two times
lie ha- uhoiit more hogs on
hia laim in ship this spring, but
ahoui ol these he will he mm
lulled tn huy Hid for. This year he
It going iii the hog business on u
larger scale (ban last, and BOOJBa
l in lit ! v will he cnmpelled In pill mole
Of Iii- land inln grain, lo provide leed
for Hi OBI New Plymouth Sentinel.
v tit tin i: UM
An l.'iiiiueii paper says that tjie
Michigan Idaho sawiulll cut a log
BJ feet long, about atg i.-ei
in diameter, that produced 1 M i feet
Of hnanl: As extra clear lumber re
(aii inr 4 per Ihoaaaad. it win in-
limned that the single cul was worili
close lo $7.'.. 01)
MouUiia l.nal for Se((lers. It la
rcporU'd dial more than 1.1, oun ..!
lie anil 6,000 horses ha
-iiippud into .Montana since the
lirst ot the year by settlers. Most of
BOOplB ure coming from Min
some from North Dakota.
Iowa, South Hakota and Washington.
And here's wishing you yet aimih
er summer of munificent prospentv
A bright smile la a goldeu asset In
buataaaa, Try It yourself.
Baseball, however,
thot off the map.
has not 1" n
With warm weather hopping along
WO ma) i mv( a noticeable hppatag
in the tine art of local open air courting.
We keei on our farm one hundred
seventy six hen In good chlcken
houe, 12x20, feed them well hal
aiieed ration of corn and wheat
they sei-in tn he In good condition,
yet we hardly get more than three
dozen egg at an average
According to laid down rule It I
. a ... . i mum ttntiM
never miMsiai mi, i iii'
than vou have flooncpace. that I, at
least two aquare feet to one fowl.
which In other word would mean
no more than one hundred Inder
(hls condition It would bo best for
you to cull closely adhering to the
standard requirements, select the
..i-...,.ii- largest type, no mat-
ter what your particular btecd mav
be, to choose the layers, one way I
BTfO UM ones that are the heat
rustlers, nrst off the roost and "
will hO in prised (he difference In
vour flock by examining their crops of
nights, tha ones that are steady lay
Ori will bO hlled up wlien tlie drone
hardly have anything, as the latter
m . d hut trim- to sustain life. She
, r tOO old, still. 1. 4 n,
OllOW nt which the average nov
.. iinnnt understand
tOOtkOr hlg fae'or In visiting poul
Hv I mud here, llm
, i ulc are not alive in the fait that
Mothlng will raapoad to kind, care
r ti 1 treatment more readily than pool
yet aee how many bouaea are
r,.,!i .lean II Is but l.ltle
labor to disinfect the house with some
hot whitewash to which some sill and
din or other coal (ar product Is
OWlni 10 high l'i'"
llllBkOf have earthen floors which ba
Its dlsadvantagea. varmlnta, wasted
grain and bard to keep In clean mn
dittos, now as never I the moment
when lice and miles multiply, and
wlili (he coining summer month
'thousand of chicks that have been
raised with cost and
ellder are will
I ba aacrlflced on the altar of eareleaa Itemove the old dlr(, replace
with new, mix some alrslacked lime,
tamped down solid Hy all means let
' the hena have all the scratching ma
lerlal to be contented. Most rooata
are too high and old fashioned and
i on a slant, no dropping board, the
nests made at random out of apple
lust suitable to perpetuate
I he grey and red In use
There are hundreds es thousand'
of books on eoiiltrv. every one wrll
too with a purpose, each a sermon,
yet In there are good klnd-hearled
people dial will go (o houses ol v-or
ship horrified lo know some wnuhl
break the Sabbath, while they atng
chants to higher glory of God. their
poultry .-lifters at home from want of
waler .lu-l ihlnk It over.
Sit i ihi terra levta!
IK s Hill I HIM. HOKhKM Ndl.ll
The large war ordera for QlOgoi
horses has not been altogether for
tha beat Intereata of the horse bus!
u ess from the horse breeders' stand
point Instead of taking the small,
uiiMiund and undesirable horses, bl)
rs look only the very best The re
ill of this Is that the very horse
Hat have been sold are largely die
oni thai should have been used for
breading stock, and the smaller, in
erlor ones thai breeder should have
disposed of are now on hand for die
foundation of future herds.
Manv people are asking what is
In lie dune In llnplnve tkOBO horses BO
those wlto ure in the lm
iii pre i-nt lime may stay In It and
derive a iiHli.tor) incnine from
their .nvcMinculs," said Carl Ken
ncd), lm of tka Agri
cultural College "Ti.- . i v
thing thai will have to he done before
nee is made is to replace tha
ii ttallloa with a good purr brad
stallion just as fast as it Is possible
"In die iievi place these stallions
' must be given better care and umre
t.-.d during die winter.
With sires such as are being used
at the present tune it cannot he ex
pected dial horses will be improved,
since the sires themselves would
scarcely make marketable geldings.
v. e cannot get good, hlg, marketable
horses from smell, undersized scrub
stallions. As long as we use mongrel
sires we will raise a class of horse
which will uot only be hard to sell at
a proiit hut hard to sell at any price.
"With the advent of the auto and
other forms of gas power time are
changing and use for certain kinds of
light horses that there has been In the
' past. To meet these changed con
ditions horsemen must change their
method ot breeding and raiae what
tha market calls (or."
You've noticed, uo doubt, that
i-ii 1 luml talkers make blamed
poor listener! and mighty slim doers.
The road to success, Algernon, la
Barad Uli hard knocks and lined
with the atiuga of adversity. Uet up,
go to It, and Uuinp jourself.
Ht.tute Naa 00 Per Cent of OualMed
Voters Before Any Change May
lie Considered.
The "Madra for County 8ea( t luh"
has started something that may cauae
more county atrlfe over the tate than
ha been enjoyed for ome little time
in local oolitic It la a movement to
- ""- r - -
place an Initiative hill on (he Jeffer-
.,,n eoiinty ballot at the November
election providing for the change of
t he county neat from Culver to Mad-
The general law at the preent time
provide a method for changing or lo-
eating county aeata Thl Malule re
quire that petition be circulated and
signed by nt least 60 per BOBl of the
qualified electors of the rountv
lore the change of a county sat may
' . . msldered.
BBaarfgfaBBI Are Stated.
No person may legally sign such a
petition unless he has been an nual
resident of the count) for at leaat
three months immediately prendlng
his signature It is further provided
that at blast three fifths, or lit! pi I
cent, of the Votea caat at the eleetlon
must he in favor of changing Hn- lm a
tlon of the enmity seat befoie It may
he changed
If the legal theory of the Madras
Blab Is correet In Hint eniiniv
OBI light may be settled under the
general provisions of the Initiative
and In disregard of tie present law.
which ba been suppoaed to govern
county seat location, all of the old
county seat controverale will un-
doubledly lie reopened and fought 01 I
under the new procedure It requires
hut 8 per rent pf til voters to put
an Initiative bill on the ballot, and ii
majority of (be vote cast for and
1 against a measure will determine its
success or failure.
OtBBPJ Fight" H ailed.
There has long been a bitter fight
In Malheur county between Vale and
Ontario over the county aeat. On
tario la able to muster more than .r0
per oanl of the vote cast In efforts to
take the aea'. of county government
away from Vale, but cannot quite
reach the 60 per cent mark. (Irani
county, Wallowa. I rook, Jackao
Jackson and
other couutlea have all bad bitter
louniy seal ugius in ior pit m mi.-
. jil. i !. ... ...1. ...... I
the effort to change have been I
blocked by (he high vol.- u led un
der the law These old contests will
be ready to reopen If It I found that
the battles can be fought out under
the Initiative rules. Portland Jour
n.l Funny, but true. Some men's
bralna are about as effective aa the
bobbed tall of a Jiorse In fly time.
Listen :
II a) aa la chaaai thl
i IK.
Md color Of uiimUDU bt-auiM
to IgaUUt the Pruacv Albatrt
tidy raid tin, fVwf if itytpoa
to ituttoU tho flor off PlU
Albort toapocco 1 Tha. iMttamUd
ptrocoM prolocU toot I
And smoked in a makin's cigarette, Prince Albert is so
refreshing and delightful that it gives you a new idea of
cigarette happiness. Any way you fire-up Prince Albert, it
will win you quick as a flash it's so good and so friendly I
R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO., Wuutoa-Salem. N. C.
j Lot A amall black purae contain-
lag a goia wbicii ami hoiuh )
Watch baa Initial 1. It. engraved on
back. Finder return wntch to thl
office and I Ivo reward. 1 fit X
Oood second band Hulck autumn
bile for alo. cheap. Enquire J. W.
Mcculloch. Ifltf.
For Sale F 1 Com II H
(natiin Friiilhind Ida
'ngton, fruilland, Ida
For Kent House now occupied hv
W H l.axoi. V. 0. Staple. 13tf
For rent 5 room cottage, good
lawn, tree and garden pot Art
Dunnmk. 84J. tf
i for sale or trade.. Iler make.
' uaeii verv lute, in goon i niiniiiou
I'hone -':'. n or box 31, Ontario. 2t
For Sale -Horse, riding and driv
ing, barne and buggy. Phone 20
n 2.
Smile, or oooraa It costs nothing.
Get Ready
Wc Can Furnish
Shovels, Rakes, Hoes and Brooms
Then We Can Furnish
Lawn Mowers, Hose and Sprinklers
Also we have a New and Complete Stock of
Paints and Varnishes, including
Floor and Linoem Varnish, and 38
colors in Wall Finish or Calsomine
saaaaaea Ba e
We invite the ladies to call and see our new
stock of J AKD1.M IKS
Ontario Hardware Co.
County's Largest Hardware Store
Nnce Albert
the national joy smoke
Men vho have stowed away gentle old jimmy pipes
for years, have brought them back to the tune of
Prince Albert I Ger yours out, for your confidence
never will be abused I We tell you Prince Albert will
set pipe free the tenderest tongue !
Taper Hinging
Thl la the seaon for painting,
wall papering and knlMomliilng. I
am prepared to handle work in the
country or city. Everett
For rent, 8 room hrlcli houe, mod
ern, central, on Main street. A. L..
Sproul. I0lf
To Introduce your choice of wall
paper at 2B per cent discount, Frank
lin' Second Hand Store. 1S13
For rent. 8 room brick Iiouhp. mod
ern, central, on Main treet W. II.
I,ot- Mink niuff, between resi
dence and Hill's Diamine). Wednes
day evening. Mrs. J. II Farley, tf
Single cycle auto engine and frnme,
casing and tubes at your own price.
lieputy. Phone 86 N. 4. 1313
Overstocked with kalsoinlne In or
der to cut down will kalsoinlne rooms
from 1."5 up Deputy 86 N. 4.
For Sale -One Ford Touring car
and one Ford delivery car. Ontario
Laundry Hit
I -r Sale-One good Jeraey
COW. Phone t ,J
i ii r
Prince Albert
meets men's tastes
all over the world !
The patented process makes
Prince Albert so good in a pipe
or rolled into a cigarette that
its popularity ia now uni
versal t It satisfies all smoke
desires 1 This patented process,
which also removes bite and
parch, is controlled by us. No
other tobacco can be like
Prince Athmrt can aW kmupki
erywhr foaVocco fo eJm
in to0$ty roof aVa, c ; faaffjr
time. iOc ; kunsi$9mm
mmmteei anel kew-pounei tim
mmmidere mmel im tkmt ctattjr
mdnJ cryetai-glm kmmieimr
witk (poafg-iaWiffMr tern
that keeme the foAtxco im
wA tin fQUsditiamf