I Great Profit-Sharing Prize Campaign FREE-Valuable Prizes-ENTER YOUR NAME ONTARIO PHARMACY With each 50 rents purchase and this roupun you will b entitled to 2.000 VOTKS. A ()n Journal) It Is more than prohaMe that a fine, new lintel will he rreettil in Nysa In tlie m-nr future. Verily It looks like u small boom. Wilson UroH.' now hrlrk I rapidly assuming slmpe. Hie side walla beln nearly OOtnphMfl) Tin- rMitractors, OtMBOB A riiniinn mi ""' Oreen re rusliitiK nper.itlon a- - ' workiniiiiHhlp "III permit ami to have tin- tiull'lliiK pmi.I.s tOf """ pancy bf JttM I U will lM I I W All In N- CunHlilo.ahle new Inml !' helnit pul ,,, i, , -..in- iiin :i in tin- ...,.,. tlatfar II,, i,i pamptnj l-laul on II r i in r i . .M-1, . uv.i tad Unix, Mr Willi- and II R ptaantaf to aaaraipl il T II In hiii ' '"'I Hi '.;. lain hiM' lorim-d a Im- Im- ;, fof tna piiii'"r or i niMin' 18 m ' Hi hbWJ iniiiie poUtow I l,c Won Bpwtt i "poinl Hh' miiiihut ilivil UplIlK Hie Slielilnll pi I'rlr I up on Hi-i.l.n Tin. , hi,; ,.'in i nii. n broDM !" . i . whlrli win VOI bf Kriinklln r lr In the First Niillonal OMI hIioiv liel.l at 8t. Paul Ian! December. m on . II I la nl of Nf I ' i.mt r mlinlri'il 1-v all li.-liolil m The cup wan presented to Mr Fry, who live in the fnuioUH IIIk Henil coun try. I.) UM l-'ir.t Nalioii.il llanli of Hi. I'iiiiI. It Mag the Hocmii! prize In Ml trlet No. 1 In Oregon, which com prlxcs the entire enHtern half of the Mate Mr. Pry wan nlao awanleil thin! price In thla illatrlct. The fame of thla vicinity aa a corn i: row In it aiictinn la aproaiililR anil when the Industry la thoroughly tie velnpml M ..ill he the iliiiinplon corn gro. W of the West ...... . - MALUM It NOT KM a Mr ponm-llv anil Mr Strickland ..,-. l .-ur visitors over night on their way to the renervntr Mr Hon uelly I- einptoyeil hy the government to aiiperlntenil the maaaurlug or wat er In thl" territory Mr l)n aran of Ontario, solicitor for the I, tin ,i r it wum In town. There lulu heen iUlle a parly of I .nun. ..With here th's week from Wlll.tii.eit. Vulh" looking over the country with 1 1 1 - Intention of k Inn . I- They tire very well , I ill, Hii M ' 0B Of II"- "in, try Mr tun! Mm Floyd llowaril lnlt eil Mr HoHiir.l p. in iiIm at Amellt Kalurilm eienliu- Mr. Ceo. HoiIIIhIi Is In lluker on i . ni i, ol ' an- iiguiii i iinnlng tlirough i he count n ami roada are MB nnpi'm I Tills purl of the niiiiilri toH not si i iiuite ao Isolaleil. on .mount of the luiu-uiitl fall of snow, the minis liuve heen alniOHt Impmtll tor soini' tune The llolilin llros who lurry the lliall hetw it'll linker anil this place are going In put on an unto truck us hooii an the minis art) a little more Hullleil which will he a great conven ience for everyone Malheur unit Ironside hull teams crossed bata Sunday afternoon ut Malheur ironside won hy a seine of IK to 10 Thin is the lirsi pMM of the season. The hoys hope ill a little practice lo do much heller There were about twenty iiccomii.inieil the Ironside hull team Sunday. i' II Moiiiil and family ure now In. lied on then homestead two ml lea north of low u Mrs Itoy Stephenson and family of Itaiuhow Mine were visitor at the II. M DeiricK home Sunday Mr. 1). K. Laurie held communion i her,' Suiidu) uiiiraUkl and held siin, ,i llriilgcport in tlie e eulug He will soon leme for At luulic I'ity lo lie in alleioluuce al I lie general ahse-inlily of the I'resb) I. ruin church which mi its then next mouth Cheer up and sta cheered. Forget it, brother, aud take a fresh atart Mexico, however, will not be a Del giuui thla trip. NYSSA JORDAN VALLEY (Prom the Express) The lambing aeaaon la now on, with every Indication of a very large percentage of lamb. Horn to Mr. and Mm. William Helm of thla city, at Holo. a daugh ter. All doing nicely. liUH Aczuonnga came up yesterday from hla lamhlng camp on Hogus creek Ho nays coyotea nnd Iniheui I are destroying more lamlm this year ihaii In any of hla prevloua twenty experience on that range Andrew Cuntiinghnni of I'orkvllle. Oregon, on iMWff creek, culled al the ilierllT'N iitllc tfl n 1 ol III'' lo . of nine head of horse, stolen from I,, ranch on Ih" night or March :i 1 'liiniils Inken Included a brown i.ll.. haiM ,t 1,1, . i L mi. re lirov.li I mure, two L'-yeur-nlil Shire colls, two yearling Shire colts, yearling trot in. I. n-d .nit. and ii I M'nr DM BtJ colt All of the yoiinirer atilmnla are d A-7 on b'ft hhouldei Oildwell Item In Statesman Mr MiicKeiile, superlnlendent oi the federal livestock Inspection aer- for thla dlatrlct, after a review oi coudltlona here, left tills morning for the railway. The doctor found stock eomiitiona very favorable, Inn lartai hia sojourn at the hotel he observed an Instance of affection of the human io, ii I of a character that no BkjrajM an has yet been utile to control. This " Is no respecter of age or aex, and freiiueutly prove fatal. I OimhI undue, iiut Down on the Owyhee river there Is a bridge hullt several years ago ut a cost of probably twenty thousand dollars It Is a good bridge, we are l old. and la one that la needed, hut It has one peculiar feature people llv tug on this aide who would uae It must ford the river and come at It from the other aide. So far the bridge has heen uaeleaa. The correc tion of uiirli I. hinders mm this Is one ' of the alma of the Taxpayers' League. lnKsiliig Iteservolr II (i Wells and Jesse T Johnson of the Mauey llrolhnrs' rnnstriicllon 1 company, came over from llolae last Friday evening for a hurried Inspec tion of the Antelope reaervolr. They found more water In the big lake Hum ever before, notwithstanding the fuel that the ditch for carrying the Mood waters of the Jordan la not in working order, having been punc tured at various and sundry points by gophers Men and teams will he hero in a few days to iniike the nec essary repairs to put the ditch In tlrat claaa ahaoe. Messrs. Wells and Johnson were accompanied by Mr. Hurley Hooker, a auccessrul colonis er, who has put In shape und disposed of u number of Irrigation projects The party spent but a few hours at the reaervolr and returned to lloise Saturday afternoon. IMHM I SOTKM i I i ..in the I ',ii n ia He inn J. II. Hill, a registered pharmacist no m Ontario, la the uew clerk at the City Drug store. Four carloads of hoga were shipped from I'arnia, Friday, one by the Ros well i'm iipciulitc association, one by Win Itosa and two by Seattle pur clieaera. A band of 1500 sheep belonging to Frank lirowu passed tiirougii I'arnia early Friday morning. The band was composed of sheep and lambs and eac composed of sheep and lambs and each mature animal was the mother of twins, having two babies. ;iKi. 14, ami man CAUGHT i'eudletou. Ore., April 13 (Spe- Kurl U. Line and Lillian Jane King, wanted in Ontario, Ore., were picked up here loduy by Thief of Po- ' In e 11 in dune and Patrolman Kd wards. l.oe 1s wanted In Ontario for abduct ing the girl, but is said to have passed u number of bad checks drawn on a Mouutuiu Home, Idaho, bank. The police had been on the lookout lor the couple for some time and they were located today In a lodging house. They have been working on ranches near Pendleton. The girl is ouly 14 and rather good-looking. They aay they were married in Onta rio February 9. P1HITL.XM) ITKMH The concert given by the Commer cial (lice clubs of Payette-Prultland ' at the Methodist church Friday even-' nig under the musical director, Pro fessor T. It. Nellson, was of a high order and fully appreciated hy a large audience of Rcvernl hundred people Professor Nellson has assembled some of the best talent of this part of Pay-, otto Milley and with careful practice produced a chorus of 50 voices unsurpassed. The glee club of the PnlveraHf of Idaho accompanied by a Payette dele- miiu mile a courtesy visit to Fruit land high school Thursday iiiornlne lamrliiK the school with several ae le.iions of high class musn- hoih ta en I and Instrumental and also read ings which were u criterion of ll.e ,nl,-i, ,li, I . ni. n ilnnient given In T.n ill. Thursday night. it. O. Wilson, state superln tendont o I oral I in t" run I Legion, attended u W. C. T. !' convention held al I'arnia Tuesday and Wednes h ,,f llils week. Three of Fruit hind's Uiyal Tempera members who held silver nn-iii-.lames Fir.'r. I'ii ill Dnlnall ami Ii Wilson. accompanied her, taking paM in the gold medal contest. I In latter. Miss F.ve Wilson, being ad judged the successful contestant. Several auto loads of Frultland people drove lo lloise during the week to aee the great drama, "The lllrth of a Nutlon " Among the number wen Mr. and Mrs. II. K. Itoblnson ami family, Mrs Itoss Kennedy, Mr anil Mrs A Htetler, Mlaa Annie Hupp, Mr and Mrs I W Madsen und Profes aor T. It. Nellson and family. Quite a number ulso went to lloise on the trafeBi all reporting the entertainment well worth the trip. At a recent meeting of the director of Canyon-Malheur Cow Testing asso ciation, llalph Mi klnson of Frultland aud a graduate of O. A. (V, the past year being employed aa cow tester of a similar association at Hillaboro, Ore , was elect ml as cow tester of Ibis association aud Is well qualified for the position. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Oriep and lit tle daughter came laat Saturday from Forest Grove, Ore., Mr. Orlop leaving at once for Wyoming where he will work for the government In the ex termination of the coyote. At (he primary held at Kobinson'a store Tueaday, April 2, only seven bal lots were cast lclcgate elected to Ut Twin Fall convention April 20, are N K. Keblusou, Hon Kenio dy und F. W. Orlep. (Mil emigres, sad to relate, Is still Jabbering away. It doesn't take a newly married couple long lo discover that there la u lot of snoring in love'a young tlreain Charge for publishing legal ad- vertUIng must be paid when proof of publication la presented. NOTlt'K Of sale of Property In the City of Ontario, Oregon for Delinquent Sew er Assessment!. NOTICE 18 HEKEBY GIV EN. That I. H. C. Farmer, City Marshal of the City of Ontario, Ore gon, by order of the City Council of said City have levied upou and will sell the property hereinafter describ ed, situated In the rity of Ontario. Oregon, for delinquent assessment made against said property, a made by the aald City for Sewer Improve ments a hereinafter stated, aald property, or as much thereof, as may be necessary, will be sold at the front door of the City Hall In Ontario, Ore gon, on Saturday the 29th day of Ap ril 1916 at the hour of ten o'clock In the forenoon, to autlsfy auid assess ment and accrued coats. The following I a description of the property to be sold, together with the name of the person agaluat whom said assessment was made, and the amount due on each tract. Helng a list of delinquent second Installment payment due Feburary Mli 1916 tor construction of Lateral Sewer, District No 1, Bancroft Bend Applications. Frank Bennett, Lieu 23 Block 128 LoU 11 to 13 inc. $10.92. C. E. Balding, Lien 16. Block ISO Lots 11 to 20 Inc., fS6.28. Blackaby & Lees, Lien 19, Block 1.10, 1-ots 1 to 10 Inn . $36.28. Charles Emlson, Lion 2. Block 137. 6 to 10 Inc.. $18.18. William U. Haver. Lien 24. Block 139, Lota 11 to 16 Inc.. 118 14. Any party purchasing any of said properly at said sale will be given a Certlfllcato of Purchase hy the said City, which aald Certificate. If not sooner redeemed will ruu for one year, and bear lutcrost at the rato of ten per rnl per annum. If the laid Certificate Is not redeemed at the end of one year, by surrendering the said Certificate to the City of On tario, tho said City will deliver to the owner thereof a ,' prop erty de.erlhed In the raid Cert Iflcate Flrsl rulillcallon. March 10, 1916. Last Publication April 27, 1910. II i IWIt.MLU. i II) Marshal of the City of Ontario, Oregon, Siilli i: in ai-i-iiis IMIAT oi ADMIMXTlt TUl Iii the mailer of Hie estate of K. I-: Hunter, deceased. Notice I hereby given: tlni IM undersigned ban been appointed ailministatnr of the eatate of E. E. Hunter, deceased, by the county court of the Stale of Oregon for Mal heur County, and has qualified. All persons having claim against aald eatate are hereby notified to pre sent the same to me at my office, at city Hall, ut Ontario, Oregon, with vouchers and duly verified, within six monrlis from the date hereof. Dated and first published, the 30th day of March 1916. CLAY M. STEARNS, Administrator. Last publication the 27th day of April. 1916. NOTICE OF HIIEHU-'KH HALE UN HI It KXF-tTTION By virtue of an Attachment Execu tion duly issued by the Clerk of the Circuit Court for Malheur County and State of Oregon, dated the 16th day of March, 1916, In a certain action In the i ircult Court for aald County and State, wherein the Ontario Nation al Bank, as Plaintiff, recovered Judg ment ugalnat Lout Hurtle and J. J. Burbrldge, a Defendanta, for the sum of Four Hundred Dollars, with lu terest thereon at the rate of 10 per cent per annum from June 28, 1913; and for the further sum of Fifty Dol lars, Attorney feea; and for the furth er sum of Thlrteeu and 20-100 Dol lars, costs; NOTICE IS HEKEBY OIVKN, That I will on the 22ud. day of April, 1916, at the hour of 11:00 o'clock A. M. of aald day, at the main entrance oor of the Court House, In Vale, Mal heur County, Oregon, sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, or bid ders, for caah, the following de scribed real property, to-wlt: All of Lot 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 In Block 23 In the City of Ontario, Ore gon, a ahown by the original plat of that city, and made subject to a prior lien of Henrietta Payne tor the sum of $1600.00; aud An undivided one-half interest In the following premise: Lot 6, Block 74 ia the City of On tario, Oregon; alao Lot S In Block "A"; Lot 2 In Block "B "; Lota 1, 3, S, and 4 In Block "C" and Lot t In Block "D"; all In Bartona Plat, and helng iu the SEV4 NEK of Sec. 4, Twp. 18 S. K. 47 E. W. M ; and also an undivided one-half interest in the NWH Bee. 36, Twp. 18 8. K. 46 E. W. If.; and also an undivided one-half Interest In the NW14 8WI4 and 8 ft 8WU Sec. 36, Twp. 20 S. K. 46 E. W. M.; TheNWK NEK NEK NEK NEK and 8K NEK NEK NEK NEK Sec. 4 Twp. 18 S. It 47 E. W. M ; Taken and levied upon aa the prop erty of the said above named defend ant, J. J. Burbrldge, or aa much thereof a may be uecesaary to satis fy the said udgment in favor of the Ontario National Bank aud against the aald above named defendant, witli interest thereon, together with all cost that have or may accrue. Dated at Vale, Oregon, thla 18th day ot March, 1916. H FN J. BKOWN. Sheriff. By Hon A. Soward, Deputy. First publication, March 23, 1916; laat publication April 20, 1916. 1 H. P. TITAN JR. The entrine that is always sizes from 1 to 6 h. p. Come in and let n demonstrate TROXELL IMPLEMENT CO. i ' SAFETY "Safety first" was the mutto iiml raitice of litis bunk long before those words became the slogan of the large transportation companies. Service to the public is not a theory, but a daily practice with ua. Put your money where safety is the first consideration nnd uviiil yourself of our service. ONTARIO NATIONAL BANK Safety Deposit Boxes DOTY & STEVENS ICE Phone 147-W ONTARIO JOHNNY Suffolk Percheron Stallion Stand at lit ranch, near On tario, from AprU lat, lttltt to Jan. lat, 1017. Season $3, paid when ser vice I given. Colt from thla aire can be seen at the ranch. J. P. SCHALL, Prop. riirht. We have in stock II SERVICE Savings Account NATIONAL SLOGAN SUG GESTED BY PROMINENT MEMPHIS 0RU66IST Weuld Remind the Puelio ta Preveat Sicknss by Removing the Cause a prominent druraiat of Meuiplilaaay: "MuiU slckue could and would be prevented if tlie people would ouly re- uieuiber that rouatlpaliou ut one ot tlie drat cauaea. Aa a rauiiuder, I woald ugliest the slogan, " -ltexall Orderllea, the laxative tab let with the pleasant taste.' "I suggest IU-xalt Orderllea as I know their formula aud believe they are the best remedy for relieving constipation. They can be uaed by men, women as children." joj nnu Sum Arijx u i Ml this (iMt Uxitlva. THE ONTARIO PHARMACY THE RKXALL STORK 1 , - yi fagnMj T. O. BALLARD , I t