The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, April 20, 1916, Image 1

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    tttot0 xm.
vol. an
NO. !.
Fair Plans for This Year In
dicate Faster Horses.
The Commercial Club held their
regular monthly inectinK this work
but there was not the umml attend
anco or Interest, many of the mem-
bent being at Vale on account of the
grand Jury being In elnn.
The matter of the road to the John
t Day valley wan not reported on regu-
oi larly because Judge Wood was ab-
teei. lent, but A. It Kiddle gave a brief
ed by review of what had been accomp
par' Halted.
There km nothing new ,o report
regarding the cannery and fruit
evaporator, moKt of tin- MMBlttM
being away.
The matter of county fair w;ts
brought up to get the Idea of the
member a to what wa beat In Ikt
way of entertainment nnd It ap
peared that it wa possible for 1 1 -
fair management to get a string of
a home here for the week of Sept.-m
her IN nnd after much discussion It
wa decided tn hold the fair four day
and have the race a the feature.
It also dei eloped that on the dates
elected It would be possible to get
en excellent line of lde attraction,
about doiiMe what wa here last year
nd It serine. I to he the sense of those
present that It wa the proper thing
to secure the attraction nnd let the
people know that the fair this year
wan going to be the beat ever held
and that tho amusement Hue waa to
be larger and better than ever be
fore. The matter of organising a Tax
Payer' league waa dlaeuased and all
admitted there wa at preaent a
great w.i-te of county fund and thut
It was about time to call a halt, but
It wa deemed advisable to let the
out "Ide ii., in .;. get organized first
The mutter of a Fourth of July
braUofl discussed ami turned
Over to tile Merchants' colnllll'
The road situation wa discussed
and It wa reported that Home money
would he expended on permanently
Improving the Vale Ontario road.
The School Is planning t'or a big
time Friday when they will hold an
Inter-stale track meet here.
There will be men here from Bak
er, Boise, Payette and Nyaaa and (he
The merchant of the city have
greed to close their store from 2:30
to 4:30 so that all may attend.
The following will clese:
W. T l.ampkin, Morton Bros.,
Christiansen Bros., Malheur Mercau
,,;. Co., Toggeiy Hill, Millinery A
Art Store, E. Copj, K W. Hwagler,
Electric Investment Co., Onturio
Furniture Co., Wilson Bros., W II
lloolltll., Newton Shoe Store, Win
Taylor, Louis Hurtle, Wm. Leteon,
McNulty & Co., Oregon Packing Co.,
Ciuii llaxuur, The Bonnet Shop, Alex
ander Co, Ontario Hardware ,, .
First National Bank, Ontario Nation
al Bank, ltader Bros. Co., Boyer
Bros. Co.. A. L McDowell, C. P
Cuiiiintngs, Art Duunuck, The Oh
bom Millinery, Purity Dakery, tin
tario Market, Troxell Imp
Erlckson, V W Marsden Machine Co.
Among the Ontario boys who are
expected to do something are: Lee
Maddux, ltoland Koenig, Fred Tea i
Joy Hunted, Paul Van Patten, Glenn
Brown, Bernard Bader, Bob Bender,
Claud Christiansen, Arthur Cuo.k
runif Alfred Hollaud, James Dun
can, Marcus Pinney and Irving Har
ris. The local team is strong tn the
dashes and middle distance events.
The events will be, dashes, 100
yard, 60 yard, 120 yard; hurdles,
220 yards and 120 yard.
Distance runs, one half mile, one
fourth mile and mile.
Field events, discus, shot, Javelin,
broad Jump and pole vault.
The W. C. T. V. will give a Silver
Tea at the n ,!deuce of Mrs. Lee
Tuesday, May 2, for the purpose of
raising funds to install a public loan
tain All are cordially Invited.
Salem, Oge.. April 15. (Special.)
The right of a taxpayer to pay the
flrt half of hi taxes after April f
without paying the second half was
emphaalxed today by the State Tax
Commission In a letter to Sheriff Bo
dlne, of Linn County.
On payment o made the Commis
sion hold that the interest la to be
charged only on the first half, at the
flat rate of 1 per cent for each month
or part of month that payment la de
terred nfter April 5.
I mier the law now In effect, the'
Recond half I not due and payable
until October I, regardless of wheth
er the first half wa paid by April I,
Prior to October 6, the date of tax
delinquency, the two halve repre
sent distinct obligation.
The Commission rules that while
taxes may be paid In full any time,
In i ii re to pay the Mrst half by April ,
f doe not change the atatu of the '
i. en. ml half, nor the requirement for1
It payment.
You can alwnya tell a plnhcaded
man. I'aalse puffs him up like a
toad and he ubslile only when he
Regular Juror Panel of the April,
101U term of the circuit Court com
mencing ou the 24th day of April,
James Morfltt, Malheur, Stockman
Maurice Townsend, Ontario, Bee-Man
George Dickerson, Vale Farmer
J. M. Butler, Ontario, Farmer
K II. lit uinback, Big Bend. Farmer
A II tirotli, Jordan Valley, Stockman
Kay Wilson, Ontario, Merchant
C. E. Peck, Kingman Colony, Farmer
0 0 Howard, Bonlta, Stockman
E. A. Wisdom, Ontario, Painter
A II. Cox, Jamieson, Fanner
J M It.indlemaii. Wet full. Stockman
Erbie Hayes, Vale, Merchant
8 F. Sutton, Cord, Stockman
H. H. Tunny, Ontario, Farmer
T. T. Kahout. Jordan Valley, Merciful
J. I' Duuaway, Vale, Banker
Kay Duncan, Ironside, Stockman
E. O. Wilson, Nyssa, Merchant
Henry Wakerllg, Westfall, Stockman
J. W. Graff, Succor Creek, Stockman
W. B. Van Dyke, Nyaaa, Farmer
Harvey Hatch, Big Beud, Farmer
T. A. Boston, Vale, Farmer
C. C. Hunt, Nyaaa, Farmer
Walter Pinkston, Owyhee, Farmer
G. G. Brown, Nyaaa, Farmer
A J I'ftord, Jordan Valley, Stockman
11. K. Sherwood, Nyssa, Farmer
H. O. Stacey, Vale, Farmer
C. M. Beaumont, Owyhee, Farmer
Grand Jurors for the January Ad
journed Term commencing ou the
17lh day of April, 116.
B. W. Mulkey, Foreman, Vale, B'uk'r
Walter Weaver, Bonlta, Farmer
Oliver Mayfleld, Snake Blver, Farmer
James Fretwell, Jordan V., Stockman
8 J. Mathews, Snake River, Farmer I
H. L. Peterson, Ontario, Merchant
E. J. Beam, Ironside, Stockman
i . i Y iBr
The Nation Believes It Is Time to Stop
Wasting Words for Political Effect.
Washington, April It. Preeldent
Wilson today served notice to Ger
many that It must stop It submarine
campaign Immediately or diplomatic
relation will be severed.
With the note already cabled, the
president went before congress at
noon and read a special message at
the Joint session
A spirit akin to war pervaded In
Washington following the rending of
the message. Nevertheless, r,
lble German officials gave a broad In-
There has not been anything doing i The American army Is at a stand-
In Mexico for a week, ami there la
no evidence coming forth that Villa
Is dead, beyond some rumors He Is
supposed to have been wSuuded In
one of the skirmlhe and died from
the effects of poor treatment.
The Portland Telegram of Monday
contained a long article setting forth
that H. N. Ford, who conducted what
Is now the Ontario Garage a few
years ago and before that was in Vale
In the auto business, has too many
It appears that when Ford was In
Alaska 18 years ago he was married
according to Alaskan custom to Car
ollne Voght. Mrs. Ford and her
daughter later went to California
while Ford remained in Alaska. Flu
ully Ford telurned to Oregon and
lived with Mrs Ford and they ac
quired considerable property with
money inherited by Mrs. Ford
Mrs. Ford wont away and when
she returned she found her husband
running a stage line and hotel at
i Vale ami living with a woman known
as his wife, but lu reality Elisabeth
This is the story of Miss Frury, un
. lolil to hwhiitv SHmrlfT ItMekmait liv
Mrs. Ferd:
Elizabeth Frary drifted to Alaska
while. Ford was courting the Califor
nia girl. She Is part Indian All
through their married life Miss Frary
kept her bold ou the husband of Mrs
Ford. When Mrs. Ford left the
North, Mis Frary stayed. She came
south when the Kurds culue to lire
gon When Mra. Ford letl for a
while she established herself us the
Mrs. Ford. Miss Frary is summed
iiaiH Danu In t Urissa,
figr 8fiifii n. : i rv m b
i'Stsj fl ip- M 49
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1 a , ' "NCi' . . t n . a ' k I9i flp
tlmatlon that Germany may meet the
American demands.
The president nnd member of the I)r Gilbert Is a professor In the
administration continued hopeful Economic Department of the Unlver
that the" kaiser may concede Amerl-:"lt'- ond a araduate of Columbia
ca'a demand. University. New York, a well a the
"The American people would nev- I'nlveralty of Oregon, lie I one of
cr approve a war on the grounds "", "'"""l' authorities of the North
mi I unld Snn.nor jmi f u'i.Ii. wcl on I,abor Problems, Tax Re-
, -. ww..-, -. ......
"There Is nothing In the message
leading to war," said Senator t ham
berlaln. Mann, Kepuhlican leader
of the House, declared the speech la
hypocritical and Intended for cam
paign purpose.
still The line of communication is
too long to keep the men supplied
and there is now no object to pro-
c I
The remaining Villa bands are too
small to have an army follow.
up In the sheriff's report In these
words, which tell It all: "She la 40
years old; looks 30."
I 'urging Mrs. Ford's Name.
The property In Oregon was In the
name of Mr. and Mrs Ford To get
the money on tills property, Mr. and
Mrs. Ford had to sign the deed or
mortgage. Ford and Miss Frary, It
Is alleged, signed away that which
Mr. Ford had helped Ford gather.
The lowest estimate on Hie value of
the property involved is 112,000:
some aay Ford and Miss Frary had
$60,000 when they left Oregon
Once there was a picture. Ford
had a photograph of the real Mrs.
Ford and her hnhy When the woman,
who was 4 0 hut looked 30, found the
picture, she sent it to Mrs. Ford, with
this written in pencil on the hack:
A Vengeful Woman's Message.
"Don't want anything like this
around iinly lawful wiie.s count
these days, and the best a woman of
your kind gels is ren-nge I hop, ,,,u
keep it up and ill time you will let the
.old know who you are and what
your child is. Then I will he able to
gfj en and hie my life In peace as the
wife of II. N Ford, which you buve
never beeu by In
That is about all of the story 'lie
pollce are trying to locale Ford anil
ills paramour hut they liaie ,
their tracks and it may take MM
Dreamland, .Saturday Night.
A small hut attentive audience
was present at the City Hall last Frl
day evening to hear Or J. H. Gilbert,
of the University of Oregon speak on
the subject, "Kducatlon and Public
Opinion." Counter attractlona and
poor publicity were responsible for
the small turnout. The speaker'
showed that high school and college
education leads to a saner and more
'comprehensive public opinion, which
In turn, will have a greater Influence
ln Improving social and business con-
forms, and other economic urn
He makes numerous talk over tin'
state In the Interests of the Extension
Department of the University, and on
this trip has visited Baker, Ontario.
Vale, Nyssa. and tried to get Into Jor
dan Valley hut failed because of had
road. The Ontario lecture was un
der Hie allspices of the Women's
club, which was Instrumental In
bringing him here. While in Onta-
no. Iir tlllliert ws entertained by
Karl itlackaliy a former student of
his at the University.
The School Hoard met Tuesday and
elected the teachers for the coinint!
1 year.
lialley prill
: clpal.
For the high school they have I.
I.. I ulbertsou, history and mat he
Il A Idle g, hooski epiliK.
II OSS Cone poiolence and lipilll
ioii of grade i riling
K J. Davis, now of N I m
lish and 1. at in
Mlas Berge, of Comanche, tikla,
Herman, Cnglish and Music
I. mm ltader, douiest i scienee,
For t.i cl.nlis, Nellie iMatl. lal
na Orillin, Mae Piatt, illiie C C4M
ent, it nt ii 1'iui n Bailey, Lucy
B. Fox, Jennie Whitakcr, l.uella Cal
lin, O Kia lloydell, Cora McNulty,
Twyla Head and Kinnia Mctiivern.
Chris. Duuean died at the DO
Sunday from spotted fever and Ml
burled from tlie Catholic church
'Tuesday, Father Catnpo olhciat lag,
Jas. F. Farley director Mr. human
was among the lirst settlers of Ihe
Juntura section and leaies a wife and
adopted child together with a host of
I friends to mourn his departure
The Issue, however, appears to Tie
preparedness or unpreparedness,
fight or skeedaddle.
fS4 8 m
ii ' i v"
i I
Partial Water Kijrht to
Be Improved.
Surveyor General Utter on Momlay,
April 24, will send Wnlter II Hcydu
with a double party of engineers, con
slstlng of a transit and level party, to
tin- l.lttlo Willow creek country, lying
about 10 miles from Payette, to do
the necessary surveying to enable him
to make plans and estimate the cost
0f construction of an Irrigation sys-
tern for that district.
The works will consist of an Im
pounding dam and n lateral distribu
tion system. The dam will bo con
structed of reinforced concrete of the
multiple arch type. 86 feet high, and
the reaervolr will hold thirty-eight
thousand acre feet of water.
Usjafl All Settled.
There will he about seven thous
and acres In the district, which Is all
settled and well developed A portion
of it is now being Irrigated for a
short time In the spring, the creek
going dry later A carefully tabulat
ed statement ot the resources of this
district divulges the fact that In I ! 14
there was $,riiu worth of produce
raised and sold from the farm, the
larger portion ,1 It being livestock
and il'ilry products
Ceti'TsI I'tii r ilnti-il I ii d.i tliat
Tlcl Aoiihl vote a $210,000
bond Issue, which would he pur
chased by associates of D Miller,
president Of the Wlcknlmnov I. ami
& Witter company, and that this
company will take charge of the
onstructlon of the work, turning It
oil to ihe district, completed and
ready for use Statesman
niK'nii. I'liinni lul prorp i It
and strength are greater In the Cult
ed Slates today than ever hef,o
Is rising rapidly to new levels, m -cur,
Inn: to the Interpretation placed
by the Controller ol the Currency on
figures made public today show inn
comhlloiis March 17, the dale ot 1 1 1 - -last
haul call, In the coiiiilrv's Na
tional hanks. Here Is what t
turns show
Total resources of National banks,
II loin.OOO, an Increase of ,
gflfMi.Mt or 20 per cent within a
Total deposits, f I 0,70, m ,( H
I of It.lll.l I"1". oi
ly '.'. per cent w n Inn a yt ar and U
of f 4 1 l,nnn,nni inc.- lie
cember :l I last
t, is. ii ih ot Hsjaorrea Inoi mous.
An Increase of ttitin.nnn.uoo In
loan ami dlscouni niilnn a year
Surplus and uniliiided prol I
? 1. 11.11. . I, an of 1S,-
iimi i, on
The increase in r, .11 Inn
tfte past 12 moiiili nlone, Controller
William- pointed out in a tali mem
tonight the entire re.-murce
of the Iteich-halik of Ih'ini ni; ami
the uggiegaie reaourew of tkt Haul.
Hank ot l; ii ... ihe lleleliabaB- ol
tlerinaiiy, Ihe Hank of the Netlni
I. no! ,. i lonal Hani, in., I
t h, II. ml, oi .l.ipin,
"Il ; .to. I,'
n .ul- t .. Col i I
"that the siirpli. BOW held
by the S'ai lonal ; i
licliiit U ding pow
er of 11,004), ."I'll to s,-
Miihl II,,. mi, win im I levelop
ment of comim i. ol in
dustry cull for so Bill an, Ml
im ni ot credit
No liitlalion Man,
"Not w llhstatnl n, tl ' Frelicii
loin of I i tin loans
made to other foreign I
amoiiutiiie to several hundred mil
lion dollars additional, ill which our
, bunks, to a greater or less degree,
hare participated, there are no null
cations of unsound nidation ot
'ins, ami the National hanks
of the country have m ver been lu a
stronger position than they are at
nil "
Tin; water fur the city Irrigatlou
will he turned on ill a few days There
has hem some delay occasioned by
delay in receiving some pipe hut this
will soon be iu place.