NEWS OF GENERAL INTEREST IN IDAHO Important Occurrences Of Th. rasi neon riiwi imica In Our State Campaign Will Be Interfiling. Heine Idaho hit launched Into Ml" uprll eaon for candidate! and political Issue which give promise of mi Intensely Interesting campaign. about local state Issue, but not ao greatly magnified thai nation IQ lsue will be forgotten In UM H rlti'im nl Hat preliminary aklrmlah will he over the attempla of both par Hgg to secure what their varloua far tlotiH claim la "proper representation" lu l he slate conventions either through preferential prlmarlea or otb erwlse Thin will ultimately remit In Ho tiolitliiK of prlmarlea In lome of Vile larger counties ami UM selection t ilelegatea by the county commit . the member of which are elect ed the oler of the rcnpcctlve PBJflca All theae purtlea have let Mm dii;c for atnte convention The progressives Mill meet In HoUe April I"; tin' ilemocrat will meet In I'oeu tello May 18, and the republicans In TmIii Kalla May 20. Holt Head Fair Aaeoclatlon Caldwell Director of the Idaho Slate Fair uaaoclatlon met here and organised for the year. II M Molt uiianlmoual) reelected pri -.fil.-nt (' I Volbcrg. of Ku t. u made I It g president J II tlowan gfM hon ored llh reelection a aecretary, luil an J. IC Kiddle wlahed to retire from the poet of assistant. M II Othbous a aelected for thin work. W 0 Cow den wa retulued aa treasurer The director approved Hie contract uglier which the Caldwell Commercial club again take chariie of all annum mem reature of Hie fair, both at the Kroimda and downtown. LEWISTON PLANS SHOOT Annual Tourney April 23 to 2ft to Be Big Event. I.cwlatou -The Lewlston tlun club la having program printed annoum lug lla annual trapHhootlng tuurna iiient to lie held prll H to Hi Inrlti alve. Sunday, April M, will be prac tice da while the lat two day will Yt given over to the regular pro .. inline. The regular program on each of the kucceedlng daya will be made up of ten IS bird eveut and two trophy event. The Lewlston Oun club ha donated about .ioii to thla ahool. whlcb will lie conducted under the Squler money back rule Application ha beeu made to the Interstate association t." have the shoot reglatered and every thing necessary to make a big success of the tournament ha beeu taken care of Merchandise prize for the high prufeaaloiml and amateur ahootara have been donated Lewlaton Road Bonda Are Offered. I.ewtatoit . - Notice of the ale of bond amounting to $16u.(mj of the l.c wlatou highway dlatrlct la being ad certlsed by Secretary Frederic N. l-tiii li. the bid to be received not later than April 6. 1916. The money ob tallied from the ale of the bonda will be used lu conatructlug a new high way from Lewlaton to the top of the t'uloulown bltl. The Interstate a pet of Hie I'uloutown hill highway la given much Importance from an Idaho alaiidpolut through the fact that th United State Forestry depart uieiit at Uolse predict the ultimate completion of a highway that will ei tend from Mexico to Canada through the liitermountalu reglou. Club to Put Up Read Sign. SaAdpolut - Sign are to be placed at all the Important count) road cross lug In Hoiinci count) a the reault of the activity of the Sandpolnt Coiuuter c U. 1 club Andrew Chrlateiiaou, cha'r man of sign commit lee. ald that the ioiiiiI) i iiiaaouera had agreed to Me. ore the necessary poala and erect Them, the club to provide the sign and put them In place Hagenbarth Bays Cut 8upply. Spence. --In hi recent auaual statement at the annual meeting of tin- National Wool Growers' aasocla lion. president K. J Hagenbarth said in substance that this waa th proper time tor iheep owners lo take their profits on account of the high price of wool mid mutton He advocated profit taking instead of expanding the Indus li) Indian Arrested For Murder. Lew talon- Jlui Henry, a halfbceed Indian from the Nei Perce reserve llou. was put lu Jail here charged with tto urirder of hla stepdaughter. Rose (ienrge. i year old. Before she died slie told doctors at the l.apwal San tlai'.JUi that her stepfather had beaten liar. A post mortem revealed a blood tlot along the spinal coluoio. OREGON NEWS NOTES OF GENERAL INTEREST 0ccum)llc p, Week Briefly Compiled for Our headers. To Insure cnntlnunii telephone sen e between Similiter and Austin, the I'nlleil Hlalrs government I pre paring to Hiring .10 mile of wire be tween the two pi. A plun for an Oregou mllllla am lllgry corpH for business men has beep prepureil by It It llunlway, chiilrmau of a special clianiber of ciitnBMfM committee of Pteft" xccorning to an estimate of UM Culled Stale forcl service It will coat friiiii.nnil to Imlld a road It feet wide from (lold lleach. I'urry county. to (Jallci . I. eland or West Fork, three route that have been suggested Mr lion Mi Mstli. president of the Oregon Congrea of Mother and of the State 1'iirent Teacher' association left 1'ottluiul Monday for Chicago and Nashville to attend the annual con vention of the National Congress of Metlie: I'lau have been formulated for a four team Mine Mountain bganball league coiupoHcd of Pendleton, We t.ui I :. ho and I'llol Hoik The season will start April 2 with the team play lug at Weston and I'emlleton and I to laat 12 week tine of the 1 HU accident reported to the atate Industrial accident cnminls n 1 1 n diirliiK Hie week ending Mm. li '.':: resulted futally It was the case of Keluliold Wei of I'm Hand, who wa killed while III tile hit. lea of a icl.-arapli company. Of Ht minerals that are described lu "Minerals of Oregou." a bulletin pub llhlicd l.v the department of geology of the slate university. 45 occur In Josephine county, 40 In Maker, 33 In Jackson, H In llrant. 27 lu Curry. 10 In I Ji ne and IS lu Coos. A rich vein of cinnabar ore has been discovered lu the upper end of Suther lln valley, and near the vein followed by the old Nonpareil Mining company mors than 40 yeara ago The now vein la aid to greatly exceed In rich lie the or of the abandoned mine utltdpatlng the big railroad cele bration to be given on Coos Hay at the at mpli Hon of the Willamette Pacific rullroad. now aet for the laat of July or the flrat of Augttat. the city bf Marshfleld la urging cltlxetia to clean up and make their premises present aide Itelocatlon of the Dlue mine, kiuKMi lu Oregon legend aa the richest gold prospect lu the northwest, la ex p.i.d li J W liucklc) and K. 0, Harpan. of Maker, who believe they have discovered the loctlou sought In vain b) prospectors for more than years Sew ni one parcels of Oregon In d:aii lauds ranging lu IBM BfBBI M " liiU acres and appralaed at from f JJUU to $400 will be sold al auction by UM government Thirty three parcels ol the laud are In the Koseburg district. tt.o in The Dalles district and 31 In ilir llurua dlstrb t With view to determining the va rlet) of waluul best adapted to Ore gon the Western Walnut association lias commenced a campaign to locate all the needling trees lu the state The is that a tree will be located that will produce a better nut lliau any that can be Imported I '.-daring contracts entered Into by the ell) of Koseburg. the Koseburg A Eastern Kallroad Co and the Kendall Lumber corporation void and union stltuttonal, the supreme court has en Joined the enforcement thereof and forbidden the Issuance of 130U.000 in bonds to be applied to the building of the railroad Owlug to opposition to a bond issue It has beeu decided In Umatilla couu ty to submit to the voters at the May primary Hie question a to whether the count) should Issue bonds to the amount of for Highway I in provemeut or lu lieu thereof levy a direct special tax of two mills for the same purpose. A tentative agreement was reached at Medford with the Southern Oregou Traction company to build a railroad for the city of Medford lb miles to ward the Blue Ledge miulug district, the traction company to build 15 miles additional line, connecting the city s section with the Blue Ledge mine on the California line In connection with the proposed state highway up the Joint Day valley through Gilliam. Wheeler, tiranl and Malheur i utilities to Ontario, a pet! tlou will be presented to the Hrant county court for an appropriation for a survey of the route through Uraut county It is estimated that the cost of survey will be about 325,000. Bearing the greatest value in rev i enue stamps ever on an) document lu Haruey count), the llliUeu Land com pau s dt oil to the Swill interests has been placed on record with the county clerk at Burns The consideration ' named for the vast tiatt purchased b) the Chicago firm is given as $1, U,000 and stamps to the aiuouut of I3M.W were affixed. IRONSIDES Many farmer lire nuiking raid on iiilrrelH both with potaofl nnd gun. Owing in the rnln H'rldny night the i. .r.olr of A 10 Nlclioltc washed out Hntiirilay afternoon. Farmer hove begun spring work throughout HiIh dl'itrlct, many are plowing nnd fencing I i mill Iti'id of linn In ,ind I I' Smith of Ontario, mti'...l on Sunday at f SuiltliM on liUKliieiiH Mr ("orrery I wa laid to rent al the IroiiHiile cemetery WcdneHilay af-t.-i noon Mr mid Mr. Caldwell of Ontario, who hnw lieeti vlMllitig ul the O'Con nor Veiling hollll I week, re turned houie on Saturday. IroiiHldn in Ileum Hold hi fiirni, Including Htock mill Implement to J A. Law rence HiIh week The ileal amounted to $4,500. Mr. Beam leaven next week for Nysn. Ore , where he will look for another loratlon. Itiitlierford llniH purrhased the Anderson Htenr for $1200. ChurleM Boor Iiiih purcliused tho en tire herd of horse of Waller Duncan They left WoilneMhiy for the county Heal, expecting to he gone uhmlt III day. , Thomas Beam mild out of the Hlock R5 I llul uarrvmorc lit :nii is . r.iiNiiniiui Beverly I Buy i . Mm I'etrova I lamilfi Hcvtl lurjjutrife MlliW . Emil Sles'ensf VI .' tf iM ury lea inner Are Only a few of the great artists appearing ex clusively in Metro Wonderplays. Metro productions arc the newer, h e t t e r motion pictures f Is your Theatre showing METRO PICTURES lilliclneHH during Hie week to II I. liomiwoiid of Unity. With a salnry of $670,000 a year, (barley Chaplin I a living example of the fuel that even a fool Rtrlkea It rich once In awhile. Simplicity, they ay, I to be the mode In feminine wearing apparel thl summer Such, too, wa the cae In tho day of Mother Kve A wle man nee the handwriting on the wall The fool seen only B, blank. We have several second hand car, some good aa new, all recently ove-r hauled For sale at ex tremely low prices. AT SEGUINE'S GARAGE. MONKY TO l,0.N IM lMI'HO KU ItWtHKs W. J. I'INNKV. Off. I'tltlil. OHKilON. lfitf ( Paid Advertisements I I oil JOINT RKI'R4KNTATIVK Munis, Oregon. April 2, 1 8 1 I hereby announce myelf as a can didate for the office of Joint Itepre Hi-ulatlve for the twenty-seventh Rep resentative District comprising Har ney and Malheur Co tin Her., subject to the decision of the Republican voter at the primary election to be held May 19th, 1916. Jaa. J. Donegan OH --ill 1 1 1 1 I I wlih to announce myself as a candidate for the nomination a sheriff subject to the will of the re publican voter of Malheur county Kmory Colo, III. Kim On it III NHKIlll'r I hereby announce myelf a candi date for the nomination for sheriff of Malheur County, subject to the will of the republican voters at the coming prlmar. J 8. WOODS. M)K JOI.NT-MKNATOR We are authorised to announce that A. W. tlowan Is a candidate for the office of Joint-senator for the Twenty-second Senatorial District, compriniug the counties of Orant, Harney and Malheur, subject to the declilou of the republican votera at the primary election. May It, 1610 foii UHIMT1 nrii'K.oit I wish to anuouuee myself aa a candidate for the democratic nomi nation for county surveyor at the coming primary election II f Farmer, present incumbent lltll IT Jl IMiK I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of Circuit Judge subject to the iictloii of the democratic vot ers al the primary election to be held May Iv, lvlti DALTON I11UU8. For i .him (xiniiiilsaloner I wlah to altuounce thut I will be a candidate for the nomination a County Coiuinlsaiouer, aubject lo the will of the republican voters. John F Weaver. Hill IIIMTKUT ATTOKNFV. I hereby announce my candidacy for Hie Democratic nomination for the office of District Attorney of Malheur County 11 W SWAtll.KIt I nit AHHFHOK I wish to announce that 1 will be a candidate for the nomination of as sessor on the republican ticket, sub jet to the will of the voters. h I. PATNI FOR .sll I.I II I I 1 hereby announce myself a candi date for the nomination for Sheriff of Malheur County, subject to the choice of the Democratic electors in the coming primary election If again nominated and elected I will continue, as heretofore, to en force the laws to the beat of my abil ity and give the tax payers a buslnesa administration of the affairs of the office BGN J BROWN. (preseut Incumbent for re-election) Business I'll INK TANS DR8 lHUNZINO K WEKSK ('Mario, Oregon Office In New Wilaon Block. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS Dr. Harriet Sean Dr. Pauline Sears Graduates American School of Oiteo pathy, Klrkaville, Mo. Wilson Block. Telephone 1S4 Blk DKNTIHTK nit w (i ROW! . . - - DKNTI8T Phone. Offloa 117 Wilson nitlf. flea. 1172 Mt. i. r. iHU-rrT DKNTIST Office ?nr door East of On'arl i Pliar iii.ccy on Nevada Avenue, .'.'our It It Depot isseessissijeissiissssiswssssssjs1 UNDERTAKING J. H. FARLEYFuneral cllrectc. nnd enibalmer. Lady assistant. Phone UI2-W. Ontario, Oregon PAID POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS I ilt i -ol NTV AHHKHHOR. I hereby announce myself aa a candidate for the iomlnatlon aa county assessor subject to the votes of the democrats of the county It. M CARLILE I lilt COI M TIlrtHI HI It I hereby announce myself as a can didate for the nomination for the office of Treasurer of Malheur Conn ty, subject to the will of the Dem ocratic voters at the coming primer lea. KOB8 A HOWARD I nl! AHHKHHOIt. I hereby announce that I will be a candidate for Assessor of Malheur County, subject to the will of the democratic voters at the primary election If uomluated and elect ed I pledge my very best efforts to wards securing au equitable assess ment. H. W. MULKKY. HK fOI'NTY AHMKHMOK. To the voters of Malheur, County. I wlah to announce myaelf aa a can didate for the nomination as assess or on the democratic ticket. I have beeu a resident of the coun ty over SO years and thoroughly un derstaud the duties of the position J. M. DUNCAN. FOIt COI'.XTV AHMKHMOR. To the voters of Malheur County I desire to announce my candidacy for the office of assessor, subject to the decision of the democratic elec tors at the coming primary. If nominated and elected, I plodge economy in office r.nd property earn inr power the base for finding value I ...t aa otherwise pD.cribed by ' law GUY JOHNJTON I OK COUNTY AHHKHHOIt. To the voters of Malheur, County, I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of county assessor, sub oct to the will of the republican vot ers of the county ut Hie prlnary elec tion. F. II M l'Z FOR OOVJtTV TMKAHI KF.H. To the votera of Malheur Couuty, I hereby announce, myself as u can didate for the nomination of Couuty Treasurer aubject lo the will of the Kepuhhcaii votera at the primary election. II II. WILLIAMS FOII ltKI'ltFHK.NTATIYF. I hereby anuouuee that I will be a candidate for the office of joint rep resentative for Malheur and Harney Counties, aubject to the will of the republican electors at the column primaries 1 J 1'HIl.I.ll'S FOIt COUNTY TKF.1HI UF.K. I hereby announce myself a candi date for Hie nomination for the office of County Tr asurer of Malheur i Couuty, Oregon, subject to the will of the Republican electors at the coming primaries. C. C. Mueller I To the Cltlxens of Malheur ceunty: I desire to announce that I will be i a candidate for the Republican nom ination for District Attorney at the coming primary election and solicit your support. This office speuds thousands of dol Directory ATTORNKYS. W. II. Hrooke, Attorney at Law WIlBon liidK (mint in Or. ( . MrCONAGILL ATTORNEY AT LAW Will Practice in All Courts Notary Public. Office Over I'ostof fica I.KSI.IK J. AKER LAWYER Room 9, Flrat National Bank Bldf- Ontario, Oregon Mcculloch a wood LAWYERS Rooms 1-2-3 First Nat'l Bank Bldf. Ontario, Oregon. K. W. swuglcr Attorney at l.iei. Rooms 13-14-16 Wilson Hldg Ontario Oregon. P. J. GALLAUIII R LAWYER ltoom In Wllron Hldg Ontario, Oregon WWVWWVWWAIIVIIWWWIIWWWWM TUANHFKIl TRANSFER, BAGGAGE AND EX PRESS Meets all trains. JOHN LANDINGHAM lars of your money and I pledge my aelf to every economy conalatent with good government. If elected I will devote my entire time and energy to the affair of the office. Impartial enforcement of alt laws, economy and suppression of useless litigation. my platform. ROBERT M. DUNCAN. NOTICF.. I hereby anuounce myaelf as can didate for nomination to the office of Assessor on the Republican ticket, aubject to the choice of the votera at the primaries. Kiif A. A HOBKRT8 TO TIIF. VOTKHH OK m i in t i; COUNTY. I hereby announce my candidacy for the Republican nomination for the office of Dlatrlct Attorney of this county. If nominated and elected I will endeavor to fulfill the dutlea of my office In a fair, fearleaa and ef ficient manner and to the best of my ability, keeping In mind at all time my duty to the tax payers. P. J. ll.M.I.AtiHKII FOR COI STY Hlllh I hereby announce myaelf a can didate for the nomination for County Clerk of Malheur County. Oregon, subject to the will of the Republican electors at the coming primaries. V II Staples ANNOUNCEMENT I hereby announce myself aa a candidate for the Democratic nom ination for County School Superin tendent of Malheur County In the coiulug Primary Klectlon If nom inated I will, to the best of my abil ity, com nun- to work to. further the educational Interest of the county. Fay Clark. I oil KF.PRK.SKNTATIYF Subject lo the choice of the Rep ublican votera of Malheur and Har ney counties, Oregou, to be express ed at the coming primary election, I hereby unuounce myself a candi date for the Republtcou nomination a Joint Kepreaeutatlve to the legis lature from this representative ills tint Duled Jai. 21, 11 ('has M Craudall -N ANNOI'M'FMKNT. I hereby anuouuee myself a candi date for the iiomiuatiou for Couuty Clerk of Malheur County, subject to the will of the Democratic voters at the prlmarlea Arthur Moody. ANNOUNCKMK.VT. To the votera of Malheur Ceunty: I hereby announcement my candi dacy for reelection to the office of County Assessor subject to the will of the Republicun voters at the pri mary election on the lth. day of May, mi And if nominated and elected I shall continue to assess all corporations on uu equal and uni form basis with other property. I. K Hill, pi euent incumbent. FOR STATE HKNATOR. i hereby announce myself aa a candidate for the office of State Sen ator from this district, composed of Malheur, Harney and Grant counties, ubject to the will of the electors of the Republican party at the pri maries to be held in May, 1916. Julian A Hurley. i