The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, April 13, 1916, Image 5

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Some people make a
record of talking into a
phonograph. Mine was
made by (riving: "the
best for the money and
a square deal to all."
Suits made to order,
and prices to suit all
Cleaning and pressing,
promptly and properly.
Edward Cope
Opposite the Postolflc
I'hnne 106 W
Down Town Office
A Suit on time is worth while
Strictly tailored Suits
To your measure is an
.4Dril 28 you should lie
repared to
fide with the best dressed.
invite you to call N W.
LATE orders mean rush.
23 more orders wanted.
Art Dunnuck
Cleaning and Pressing
I'hum 43
Perfectly Fitted
A Nu Bone
4 at the Corset Parlor in
the Annex Block, bark
of the M. M. Store
A garment guaranteed
against mating or breaking
Eggs, Poultry
and Cream
Cypher's Incubatore
Poultry Supplies
Esat of Moore Hotel
Aulu wanted 1915 modol, must
be in good condition and reaaona-1
bio. 1'liune -U u 2
Ureal men are always great until
they come down with a thud.
Then1 wk n our loud of hIovoh ban
IIiIm week
(ha. Coppl and J. t. Miller, INN
here from Vnle thlB week.
Mr. nnd Mm. Frank Jones, of
J ii n I ii ni, aft here this week.
J. II. Ilnrrell, the photngriiiln'i .
wan a llolae visitor this week.
M:-a. (ox, of Riverside, i" visiting
with the .lumen Walters family.
Cliff Hover Is In lliirnii IIiIh week
looking Rfler hmdnes Interest.
I'hrl Duncan, of Riverside, la 111
the hospital here wltli spotted fev
er. II F. Farmer wan here Monday
slinking hands with the local demo
Iloh Calvin, the Caldwell home man
wiih here TneHilny looking at dome
Minn Emma MeUlvern wns visiting
wllh her brother at IIIk llend over
Mr. and Mm. Chapelle are here
Ihl.i week combining business with
II I. I'oornian made a trip to
Cnunrll this week and landed a nice
Mr. A II iioiihc and Mr. Uigan,
or llrogan, were here Wednesday on
The Mickey hoy waa operated on
al the hOHpltnl Wednesday for up
A ilaughter arrived at the home ol
Mi and Mm It. W Jonen on Satur
day morning.
Fred Itlre la hack with l.oul llur
ilr He spent the winter in the Still
water country
The Troxell Implement Compuny
received a car load of farm Imple
ment tlllM week
MIhh Km ma Clark went lo I .a
Urande lost week to visit with friends
for a Khort time.
MIhh Alpha Arnold Iiiih gone In lliv
iriik iii vlnlt for a while wllh her
brother and frienda there.
County Judge McKnlght Ih hiiIi! to
he the hcrtl Judge ,.r IlKhtlUK chicken
of any man In l he county.
There are only a few more day un
til the reglatratlon hooka will be
cloaed The 1Mb Ih the date.
MIhh Atherton waa home from
Nnmpa over Sunday She haa a po
rtion there In a millinery More. ,
The quarterly bUHlneHH meeting of
the W. C T. I', will be held at the
M K. church on Tueaday the 18th.
Dr. Www waa over lo I'ayetle Fri
day evening and delivered hla lecture
to u large crowd of interested piople
Dr. and Mis Hedge came down
from lunturu Monday. Went to Nam
pa and liole and returned Wed nee
Mm. Fry and aon have been here
thla week from Kiverelde, vlaitlng
with her parenta, Mr. and Mr
Finer Judge aud Mm. O. I.. King were in
tiolse Monday to aee the greatest of
moving pniuies Knd enjoyed it very
Miaa llaaa, of Weiaer, waa the
gueat of Mlaa l.aviua Smith IuhI week
nnd attended the Friday evening
Mr. and Mm. Frank Itader and Mr
mil Mra. Charlea Kmlaon went in
Uoiae Tueaday to aee the Mirth of a
Jamea Smith ia back from the farm,
the plga, and chicken, sheep and
cowa. He la still alngiug. TIiih I
the Life.
William It. Murray and Mabel L
Clark of Vale, Oregon, were granted
a marriage lieenae Friday laat at
K H. Bailey, of 8t. Paul, waa the
gueat of his aon aeveral daya laat
week. He returned home with Mr.
There waa a car load of corn
shipped in for Mr. Sage from Ne-
Absolutely Pure
Made from Cream of Tartar
I P&P9 J
hrHskn It waa not up to the Oregon I April at her home, which wan ii
standard very pleasant social event. The pro
Mr. and Mm. llrogan were here reeda nmounted to ten dollar The
from Vnle aeveral daya thla week Laaitaa will hold n cooked food nlr
visiting with Mm llrogan's relatlven Saturday, April lath nt Mc.Nulty nnd
and frienda. BtaCralfhl Hardware Store
MIhh May (llllam, of Baker, waa Mr llowlatid. of the Caah drain
vlaitlng Ontario frienda laat week, eompnny. wkh In llomedale last week
MIhh (llllnm Ih a former renlilenl of l wrm much Impressed with the
till county.
Fred lest, Itryan Nebb,
Moore, Kphrlam llerrlott.
Ilrown and Maddox made a trip
lo llolse this week.
Ilerschel Atwell Moody arrived at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Moody, Ocean Park, on the 7th and
received an ovation
The Water I'sers have elected a'
new hoard of directory coiiHlHtlng of
linger, Van Valkenherg. McNulty.
Wisdom and William
There lyis n Hhlpnient of seven car
of cattle here Tueaday belonging to
i naries i-eiemon I hey went to
Frye llruhin Co.. of Seattle
A. A. Itoherts, of Juntura, who Is
a candidate for county assessor at
the hands of the republicans of the
county, was seen here this week.
A. I.. Sproul came In from the
range for a few days und went hack
Tuesday to see after his cattle He
says the range I In line shape.
Verg Staple came down from Vale
to look after bis Interests here, but
found matters not quite ready and
will make another trip next week
Fred Sage ahlpped a car load of
hogs to PorTland last Week. The man
who has hogs to sell now is not go
ing to lose much money on them
The local K. IV will have a smoker
on the l 'Jtli. when the brothers from
Vale and Weiaer are expected to Join
with them There will be work In the
Ir I'rlnilng came down from Bol
ae on 2 gallons of gas Wednesday
in IU hours. The roads are line
over the new highway, through New
Miss Ituhy Fenwlck made a trip
to Caldwell to meet her parents, last
Sunday. Her father, J II. Fenwlck,
of Jordan Valley, waa on bis way to
llulllmore for treatment.
The Idaho-Oregon district medi
cal association met al Payette Tuea
day evening with members present
from Welser, New Plymouth. Fruit -hind.
Vale, Ontario and Payette.
The railroad engineers were here
thla week and confirmed our report
of the improvement to he made at
thla time. They had nothing to aay
regarding the new car shop und
found house.
There was u chuuge at the yard
of the Old Kmpire Lumber com
pany thla week when Ueo. Mcl-eau
took charge and an Oarren left to
take charge of a yard he recently
purcbaaed at Nampa.
Iloh Maddux came In a few day
ago on hla motorcycle from the in
terior and visited here for a few
daya. Mr Maddox haa been here
for u month Hob hM tho routin
in v'liiurui Hinr in nic iny iu iiir-ii
were getting smoothed down aaaaa ,iir 8ul(Uy callnf on , ,,., ,
Kurl Lundlugham I home for hi friends They enjoy these vialta to
holiday from the Naval aervtoe. Karl Weler. but not any more than their
likea the service very much and Ih friend enjoy seeing them,
developing into a real aallor. The Mra Ueo. Kellogg of Ontario is
training received iu the Navy (Its a the gueat of Mra. E. A. Vau Slcklln
young man to battle with life's pro.. ,,,. , 0nU0
The laat of a series of dance glv
There have been many theatre par- en by the Oregon club waa held at
Ilea to Boise this week, among them Ontario Friday night. A number of
waa noticed the car with Mr. and our people were over and report the
Mr Lelson, Mr. and Mr. Newton and finest kind of a time Thoe attend
Mr and Mm Seguine They report- ins from here were Mr. and Mr.
ed a line trip and the performance a
The Tlemnant made a trip to Bol-
ae, took iu the aitow aud then spent j
the evening with the cards. The par-
ly was made up of Or. and Mrs.
Printing. Mr and Mra. Frank Itader
and daughter
and daughter.
Mr. and Mra. Enilson
I(u hard Larson and Edna Jones
were married at Hie home of Mrs.
Mary Jones Tueaday evening at 8 o'-
clock, by Kev I). E. Baker. Mr. Lar-
son works for the ch n. .i
the happy couple will make their
home in Ontario.
The Portland papers are aunouue
iug C. B. Moores as a caudidate for
aecretary of state. That would cer
tainly make a big improvement to
haw- a man of Mr. Moorea' calibre in
that position. Mr Moorea is one of
the big men of the state.
The Ontario boy. at the Stale Un-
varsity aeem to be making good. In '
the two militia companies organised
Sprugue Ajlgju is corporal In one aud
William and Urue jiIhiUhI.v corpor
als iu Hie other. Sprague Adaui I
alao designated to boost for the Uni
veislty in this section.
The Vale picture show ia reported
.Hid there will be some more
people out of employment there.
All uunouueementa for the county
offices must be iu before the lkth
of this month and if there are any
III VmIm UIll, ItUVA Lwt. bLkIA.J ....
" "" ""'""" WI"C"
office they will accept they will have'
... .... i
Mrs. Walter Olen, assisted by com
mittees from the Congregational
Ladies Aid Society, gave a Silver Tea
evident prosperity of that section.
There are ninny new farm being de-
' '"'UP'1 i in imhm tintw nir iiioh
laftSB it..-. TI...I I.. .-- n...
'" '"" mnu"" " ,m"
sireii-n oi country and me ciimnie is
good. The fruit tree nre In bloom
there now
Mr Peterson says there Is little
she stuff changing hands and there la
little room on the range for more
cattle Many of the water holeH are
being fenced up nnd the cattle men
are cutting down their cattle. The
range Ih In good condition hut much
of It Ih now being farmed and the
! m,n ,.ttler Is gradually crowding
' the hla comoanie out of the husl
Loul Kroessln gave the boys a
big surprise last week. He slipped
over to Caldwell and returned with
Kthei V. Nevlns to whom he was
married there on Friday by Rer. E.
Wing of the M. E. church. Mm.
Kroessln Is from Wlnnemucca and
met Mr Kroessln while she waa vls
itlng with friends at Caldwell There
was the usual serenade by the hoys,
and congratulations hy friends.
Otto Ujarkniiv was here over Sun
day from llomedale, where he la
looking after the business of the for
warding company. He aay the
llomedale section In making good
headway ibis season, many thousand
acres of new lands are being cultivat
ed and the whole district Is looking
good. The state Is expending some
Hr.. oimi there and that Is alao help
Ing out as It means cash to the new
The total amount of taxes collected
for the first half of the 1916 taxea In
Malheur county I something over
$151,000 The sheriff's office was a
mighty busy place the Ural half of
lust week. The sheriff Is the offi
cial tax collector In the several coun
ties of Oregon. In thla state, the first
half of the 1H16 taxea boenme delin
quent on April I, hence the ruah of
tax payer to pay their taxea before
they became delinquent.
There ia some talk of petitioning
the county court to hold an election
only In the Vale precinct thla year
and avoid the heavy expense and
labor of sending ballot to all the
precincts Of the count' Practically
all the candidate for nomination are
in Vale and they could manage the
campaign at lea expense If not com
pelled to visit the other sections of
the county and meet the voter Sure
ly the office seeker liouhl be given
Koine consideration
Mr and Mra. W P. Lyon aud fam
ily of Caldwell and Mm. Fred Lyon
. .u- -i ... ikai.
o ii Lawaou. Mr. and Mra. E. H.
Orcutl, Miaaea Eaaie Orcutt. Uladys
Erltug, Alice Waters, Jessie Hick,
Qeorglana Waterhouae; Meaara. U
W. Watera, Dave (apian aud Oscar
Karr Welser Signal.
Piano Tuning A It Mct'arty, an
expert piano tuner Is permanently lo
cated at Nyaaa. All work guaran
teed Phone 14J. i - t r
To '"'roduce your choice of wall
paper at 16 per cent discount. Frank
lln's Second Hand Store.
For rent, 8 room brick house, mod
ern, central, on Main street W II
Ooolltlle lOtf
Lost Mink muff, between resi
dence aud Hill's Pharmacy, Wednes
day eveulng. Mra. J. II Farley, tf
B, cycle ,ut0 6nilne and rrulue,
ctulnj ttnd luoe at vour own l)rl,.
Deputy, Phone 8 N. 4.
Overstocked witli kalsumine in or
der to cut down will kalaomiue rooms
from 1175 up. Deputy 88 N 4
For Sale Oue Ford Touring cur
and one Kurd delivery car Ont.nlo
Laundry Mtf
For Sal
Horse, riding and driv-
Ing, harness and bugtrv
n i-
Piione 10
And some men uever realixe bow
mean they have been until they run
fur office
H K. Newman will he ready on
April II lo deliver any uuuhtltv of
pure Ice ereani lo Ms) Ml I of the city.
Ilia Ice cream la made with a "Disc
Sanitary Freezer" and Ih guaranteed
me nesi quality on hip market.
I'hotie 203-N 1. intf
l.ewellyn Setter well ticked, hlack
and white, right eye and ear white,
left, black. .1 Airedale pups 5 months
old, two male and one female. Tak
en between II nnd 12 midnight Wed
neaday Rewnrd. J. F. Seaman.
I'lione Mini
The Ontario Meat Company ha
decided in put on at special price,
Itose Leaf Hams for ten day com
mencing with this date Price I R
cents a pound, limit of one ham to
each cuatomer The Hose Leaf
brands are home cured and put up
hy the Ontario Meat Company. T)o
not fall to ecure one. It
Rich Designs in Millinery
for Easter
Every woman wants something NEW this
Easter. Something out of the ordinary,
something with originality and individual
ity. She, too, wants the price to be quite
within the reach of her purse.
We have them here now, both extremes
and everything between.
vfiajagajsF' BBjB&flr'7flaj 7 1 uIkEWsIt
Case 12-25 Gas Tractor
Built to pull four plows. Uses distillate oil,
a cheap fuel.
The farmer who realizes that the
prices of horses, hay and grain are
too high for him to use should in
vestigate this machine. Come in
and let us show you a machine do
ing work.
s "
- -1 . ayaVCT
I .'
We Can Furnish
Shovels, Rakes, Hoes and Brooms
Then We Can Fur ish
Lawn Mowers, Hose and Sprinklers
Also we have a New and Complete Stock of
Pains and Varnishes, including
Floor and Linoem Varnish, and 38
colors in Wall Finish or Calsomine
We invite the ladies to call and see our new
Ontario Hardware Co.
County's Largest Hardware Store
Pnper Hanging
Thla Ih the season for painting.
WB papPrng an,i kalsomlnlnf. I
am prepared to handle work In the
counlry or cly Everett Wisdom tf
For rpnt s room ,,rlpk hono. mod.
prn central, on Main street. A. L.
; Pprul lOtf
For Sale One good Jersey milch
cow. Phone 47J. Mtf
Piano for sale or trade , Her make.
used very lltte, ill good condition.
Phone n or box II, Ontario. 2t
Why do so many mothers buy
Boys' clothes and make the girls'?
( Head Lampkln's ad elsewhere in
this paper I
Auction Sale -April 20 at the
Orange Hall MO head Jersey cows
nnd heifeiH. tuberculin tested. Hors
es, wagons, farm machinery and
fnrm tools till p in Liberal terms
E. II Crnklln
The fellow who aeeka to kill two
birds with one stone often finds that
both victims are buxxards.
nt uil f