The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, April 13, 1916, Image 4

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    The Ontario Argus
M. E. BAIN. Publisher.
Subscription $1.00 a year
Always in advance
Published Kvery Thursday.
Entered In the Toil Office at Ontario,
Oregon, for transmission throuKli
the mall as second claim mail matter
The Argus linn made arrangements
to conduct a chicken column where
all the Reed and bail points of
chickens and their irouhloK will be
discussed by u chicken mini. II tlMN
Is anything you do not know about
a chicken, Junt auk l lie chick'
lor and lie will try to answer It.
The Payette boosters are busy try
Iiir to get the Continental Oil com
pany to fell gnHollne us cheap in Pay
ette a the Standard Ik selling It In
Ontario and It la dollars to daughnut
that they will succeed When n
bunch of good live boosters get busy
iliey can get about anything the; go
This week we have the anounco
mont of Kmory Cole, of tlrogan, as
a candidate far sheriff. Mr. Cole
moved to this county in I mis and to
the ranch where he now lives In
1872, so he comes near being n na
tive. He knows the county better
Hum almost any other man In It and
Is known from one end of It to the oili
er, ao that he will have many men
working for him ai the primaries
Mr. Cole Is well (jualinad for the po
sition lo which lie aspires.
i farmer "on! here In the country " lie I
won- overalls mid drove Ills wagon In
to town, but nl home his automobile
rented snugly In tho garage He owns
one of the most valuable farms In
tills whole section of the stale Mil
home life In Ideal and Ills wife and
children have everything they de
Hlre Ills simple word Is as good tfl
his check, and his check would be
honored for a sum that might stagger
He Is a man, a real man, a man
whom other men acknowledge In he b
nmn mining men, eyen If he Is "Just
a farmer out here In the country "
Hut what of Hie stripling, whut ol
the diideli t
II' Is Just one of Unit numerous
class who always know everything
and never do :m thing, who amount
to ni'hliiR and are worth less He
Is lust a duilelel, and It Is doubtful
ii he ever attains to the "dlRnlly" of
heliiR n real dude.
Yes, he Is "Juat a farmer out here
In the country," but he Is our friend,
he is everybody's friend, ami time
may prove httn to be the "friend In
need" of the poor, vapid, brainless
We need a thousand more Just like
him thin man who Is "Just a farm
er out here In the country' and whom
we are proud to know as our friend
I'oor, deluded dudelet' May he
never ho worse!
There was a general cleaning of
the si reel k and alleys last week and
the city has not got all the rubbish
hauled awuy yet, but are still at It
The city looks much better and there
are fewer breeding places for file
mid other disease germlnators. The
citizens should cutllvale a spirit of
i ivic pride and cleanliness, take an
interest ill keeping all trash where It
belongs. How often one sees men
and women walking along the street
throwing paper and other refuse
down, without a thought for the oth
er fellow who must come along and
pick It up. If some of our people
could make a trip to Kurope and see
i lie care used to keep everything
clean and sanitary they would realize
w hat a dirty lot of people the Amer
icana are, when it eouiea to their
streets and cities
Hunger I.ucas recently returned
from ii trip to the head of Iteech
creek He reports Hie snow still so
deep that In some plaees he had to
lead Ills horse
That the Forest Service, through
Its local officers, Is Interested In the
good mads movement Is attested by
the fact Hint two of the members of
the committee on good roads from
tliiint county me Forest Service offi
cials. Thi' John Day district in rep
i. iiited by I. 0 Pratt, forest clerk,
and the Mt Vernon section by K 0
Mack, forest ranger llot.i men are
enthusiastic good roads boosters
The squirrels and gophers
come again. These annoying pests
do untold damage to farmers' and
ranchers' crops, to say nothing of the
damage to grazing ranges and for
age crops. II is high time that a
concentrated attack be made on
MARKETS STRONG Destroy Mosquitoes-
Breeding Places
(Monday's l,lr Ntock HeMirter)
After rather a light week end In
receipts today's arrivals numbered
better than for quite a while, nearly
1200 head being counted Into the cal-tlon.
'jWAT THK FLY!" has long
J been a rallying cry among the
workers for better sanitation,
purer hvulene and cleaner streets, but
There was a very ready outlet and iu ,,altlon a , 0lan is threatened
sales started off briskly and last hy a new cry of "Slam the mosquito!"
week's advances were fully sustained A bulletin Issued bj the Phlladel
on all sales. I'l'la board of health denls with the
Today's sales would Indicate a verv mosquito question and tells how to
J. A. Draper mid little grand son
line Defoe returned in .1 nut lira Mon
day after a Tew days' visit In the city.
Mr Draper has several building con
tracts near Jiintiira.
Mrs. Naomla Hlglow retuiniil
Monday from I lie Dick DeArinoinl
ranch where she has been visiting
her son drover for Hie past two
much better general market than last
Monday Light weight finished steers
are fully two bits above similar sales
a week ago.
them Information as to the best
methods for the destruction of these
an exception of a couple of loads.
Cattle receipts:
Friday 87
Saturday no
Monday . 1.071
Month to data 1,419
Last year 1,037
Increase ail
-.1 i.ii
The Jordan Valley people ar i
titled to a great deal of credit for es
tablishing the (irst tax payers' league
In the county and they started with
a large membership of representative
lax payers. There should be other
leagues organized in other sections
of the county and then a county
league organized with director in
every precinct and road district In
the county ami there would be a no
ticeable reduction In the amount ol
taxes. Our taxes at present are $35
per capita, Hi Minnesota (hey ure
less I bun live and (he people (here
think they are being (axed (oo much
(Extravagance lias run wild in this
county mid It is time to (urn abou(
and ge( headed III the other direc
tion for awhile. While all the citi
zens have been compelled to econo
mize in every way the county offi
cials have been spending more and
nunc money each year
There was a man In the city lasl
week taking orders for men's suits
and strange as it may appear he ac
tually did a nice business and many
of his customers are ineu who are lu
business hero. Just how any citi
zen can patronize a traveling peddlei
when almost every merchant lu the
illy could take his measure Just as
well and supply him with just us
good dollies at the same price is
something ihui Is hard to figure out,
but they do It and keep on doing il
ucli year and most ol (hose men
think it Is an uwful Hung tor other
people to send awuy for uny thing
they want. The same Hung might be
aid regarding the employment of
home men and women, boys and
girls. There must be a revival of
8o "for revenue only" the party In
power has decided to Indefinitely
continue the tariff on sugar Kxact
ly. Hut what are tariffs generally
for? Had the country been able lo
run Itself there would never have
been any tariff
It was adopted because the masses
of the people will pay u tariff lux In
preference to any oilier, ami Hie He
publican purty, inheriting the Idea
from Hie old Whigs, lime believed
(hat there should be a distinction
made In levying a tarill between III
dustrles t but need no help ami nth
r Industries that have not yet
reached that stage
Thus when the I'lulorwuod bill was
under discussion, it was explained
that Willi sugar on the free list, It
would pluce American beet and cane
tuRiir making In direct competition
with the more than half-naked semi
lerfs of Cuba, and with the double
result of ruining (he industry on this
Ide, causing a vast loss of Invested
upiinl. lake the wages from very
nany Americans, and make it ueces
.11! y to send abroad many millions of annually hut thai availed
milling (hen except lo Induce Hie ma
lorlty lo postpone for u few mont lo
be time on which Hie luriif on sugar
I ion ll cease lo act.
Hut now that (line is indciiuitclv
nisi poned and the greul war is given
is Hie reuHon That and the large
mills needed for preparedness The
ruth is there has been a steadily In
Teasing deficit, which began long he
ore the war did mid which I he rev
line from the new Income tux could
iol begin to make up II in almost
ute to think of the nx Hi, I
tfrify would have been in now ex-
pi for that most (errible war.
We huve no doubt Ihil Hie Demo
rats grieve exceedingly over (lie suf
erlngs caused by dial war, but neitli
r do we suspect that they fall lo
note what a (lod send il bus been to
heir I'uti II euubles (heir pur(y lo
over up in mil thai they have done
which they now earnestly desire (o
e.p concealed until after November,
aid ha-, opened for Iheiu. It they man
tge well, an ulmosl appalling cam
paign fund for this year, to be used
i here ii will do most good They
may through il cause (lie people lo
forget that the seventeen year locust
is not generally expecied oflener
than once in seventeen years.
It Is wilh political parties some
Hmea, as it Is with men "It Is bet
ter to be born lucky than rich."
Still, when Hie ex Confederate con
-lllutton was solemnly resurrected,
'ulvunied and restored, it was not
.mill uiitly sterilized to do awuy with
its odor and it still smells tlood
wins Weekly-
There is an unusual lurge amount
of parcel post stuff being shipped to
liilerlor points The shipments coy
er about everything and it Is sur
ovic pride here if w. ,,, ,.. g,, (hM( 8ton)8 of . .
anywhere. We must realize that
Hie slogan to trade al home is meant I
for all, not u few The idea must he
carried cleur through, not Just on I
(he rim. There Is practically noth
ing wauled by anyone in Ontario'
thai mill lie bought from an On
turlo llriu, still (here is a large per
cen( of our purchases made from out- j
side people who do not contribute to
our local expenses
or do not go after more of this busi-
I vKMI Its (Mi III OKI. K ps
'Oh, he's Jusl a farmer out here in
(he country."
We stood on a siree( comer iiu
other day and heard that remark
passed by one of Hie "brilliant"
young masculine striplings of our
town as he "bummed Hie making
from a friend
The fanner, to he sure, was jus( a
Some wise old duck dellues a new
paper man us Hie chap who makes so
much reputation and money for oth
ers (hut (here Is nothing lef( for liiui
M Willi a good crop of wheal in the
Northwest while the rest of Hi.
i.y i. purls a shortage there should
lie good prices for local yields this
Don't smoke your pipe near a gas
oline tank You may mil he worth
much, but gasoline is.
Don't pull a long face, old (op The
other fellow's smile will put you in
the shade
and similar pests can be had on ap
plication to the Forest office at John
Day. Supervisor Hingham recom
mends the following as the best meth
od of poisoning One gallon of wheat,
barley, or oats Is placed In a 6-gal-
ion can With this la mixed (wo cups
full of sugar, nnd about one ounce
of cyanide of potassium. This last
should be the dry cake form, and not
that which 1 prepared In bottles.
Over this mixture enough boiling
water Is poured to dissolve the sug
ar and poison ami thoroughly soak
the grain
In tin- process f preparation the
mixture should be stirred at all
limes, and care must be taken not to
Inhale (he steam which contains the
fumes of Hie poison. This prepara
tion should stand over night, and
in Hie morning lie again stirred lu
order thai (lie poison may reach and
be absorbed by each kernel
A few spoonfuls of (his poisoned
grain put under old logs will destroy
all chipmunks, and (wo or three
dozen kernels pluced '.it the entrance
or on the mounds of ground squir
rel holes will suffice (o rid the land
of these pests This mixture la a
"sure shot" for mice, packrala, etc.
The United Stales acclamation
"run' recommends a special pre
paration called "Uophergo," miiiiu
fm lured n Hie (lopher Manufactur
ing Co III South Chester Avenue,
I'asadenn. California The prep.n
iiion consists of machine-poisoned
raisins mid grain mixed, and Hie
method or use Is to Insert about a
nil! nful of Hie mixture In each
hole If at tin- end of an eight -day
perlod fresh mounds appear (he pro
cess Is repeated until all the pesta are
killed Kxpcrlments by the Cnited
States biological survey show dial
green alfalfa la an attractive bull
for meadow mice and ground squir
rels. The following formula is re re
eommended: Oreen alfalfa cut In lengths of 2
to 4 Inches, 25 lbs.; strychnia sul
phate, 1 oz ; water, 2 quarts.
It bus been estimated (hat (he tot
al cost for die destruction of pocket
gopher, ground squirrels, etc , var
ies from Die to 20c per ucre. de
pending on (he situation and abund
ance of the pests.
The use of motor-driveu vehicles
in the scheme of fire protection Is be
ing rapidly developed by the Forest
Survive These machine enable for
est officers to get to Ares In (he i-hort-es(
possible time, (bus arriving at the
critical period in the fires develop
ment, before it has reached the stage
where it burns with greatly In
creased rapidity, and wheu lis sup
pression is relatively an easy matter
make the clean up campaign mini
ml'e, if not eliminate, the dangers In
separable from the presence of mosqui
toes In numbers It lays stress M the
Importance of killing- as manv as do-
Cows are steady with nothing slblc of the mosnultoea In ibe earlv
have startling In the way of quality with spring, because "every mosquito killed
now will mean thousand less In the
"By far the beat way to deal with
mosquitoes." ssys the bulletin. "Is to
destroy their breeding places. As soon
an the warm westher comes the female
mosquitoes, which are the only ones
i ' ' ,,v" wtilcli survive the winter, will emerge
i "l0roae 382 from tbelr winter quartern In oar cel
lars, vault i mid other damp, ds-k
places to seek food and to hunt a place
to lay their eggs. The breeding mo
qulto must Ond standing water In
which lo deposit her eggs If she
fslls In this she nrnti dlen. without off
npring. Therefore no ntsgnsnt water,
no breeding places for monqiilfoe. no
breed Iiir places, uo mosquitoes.
"People do not realize that any pod
die of water, no metier how small nor
how foul, I sn acceptable breeding
plnee for monqultoen. Where It Is ner
ensary to hsve water stsndlng In tanks.
barrels or other such receptacles, keep
(hem tlghlly covered with fine wire
screens Keep cesspool covers perfect
lv tic' t nn. I the vent tlghlly rreened
"Where dralnsge of pools Is not pon
slide or covering of receptacle I not
practlcsble sll stsndlng wster should
be covered with s film of kerosene oil
which prevents mosquitoes from breed
Ing In It. One ounce of oil I sufficient
to cover fifteen square feet of water.
The oil should lie renewed once a
week during the mosqulln breeding
season "
The bulletin admonishes all house
holders and residents to take full ad
vantage of clean up time so Hint
neighborhood and Individual premise
may be msde "moqulto proof, fl.v
proof and dleae proof."
Sag in root gutters may act
mosquito breeding places?
America's most valuable crop
ha blear
public cigar cutter Is a health
The I'niied Slates Public Health
Service maintain u loan library of
Uereoplicoii slides?
The typhoid rule measures accur
ately community Intelligence?
Whooping cough annually kills ov
er ten thousand Americans''
Hud housing produces bad health?
liocky Mountain spotted fever Is
spread by a wood-tick?
For Sale or (rude for team and
wagon, some cash, good live acre
tract widi buildings and fruit Ad
dress box 45, Ontario, Ore II
Dr P A Simmon, the Boise Eye
Specialist will be at the Moore Hotel
for one day only, Saturday, April IS.
All old patients and all others whose
eyes are lu need of attention are In
vited to call al (his time
Wanted Ithode Island Red
chickens and Silver Spangled Ham
burg's, ulso turkey eggs Plioue 20
n I
Year to date 17.162
Last year 20,828
Tease 3,476
Today' steers were In very good
shape as (d quality. Light weights
broke Into a little faster company
and got under the wire at f 9 00,
about 20 cent stronger than l.i ,t
Monday Nine-cent stuff was plenti
ful and the bulk went from $. 60 up
Most any kind of steer that showi-d
sny finish at all went at 18 00 or bet
The bulk sold Saturday at 17.00 Ii
7 26 a week ago it $1.0,0 9. 26.
mount ago al I7a0j8 00, a year
ago at $7 ."itisj $7.75. two year ago
at $8.00 $8.26, three year ago at
$8 oej $8 06, and four years ago at
$ 60 $8 76.
Cows anil Heifers
There was not much of a change
In the "she" division a lo prices
Quality stuff went at the usiinl Pg
ure. A bunch of "pulpers" brought
Hulk of the good stun
rauged from $ , Oo to $7.60.
The bulk of cows went Halurdsi
at $6.00. a week ago at $7.00$7.6n.
a month Ugo al $6.00$6 25. a yeur
ago at $626 0 $6 60, (wo years ago
at $8 86 ii 7 00, three years ago st
" I-", sna rcmr year ago st
No receipts Saturday The hulk
sold a week ago at $0.00 CH0.50. a
,...Htl. ...... . .m mm. m mm.
.... olio nun hi uuti v ho, a yeur ago
at $8.00f 8.75, two yeara ago at
$8.76 (j 7.00, three years ago at $7.00,
and four year ago at $6 20 $8.50
Lightest receipts In the hog divi
sion today for some time Past
wswk'e receipts were, however, very
good. Quality as a rule today was
not much to speak of and conse
quently the -cent top really showed
good strength.
The bulk sold Saturday at t 00, a
week ago at $00fj 10. . month
io at $8.26 08.30. a year ago at
$7.60 7 65, two years ago at $8.60.
8 70, three years ago at $250
$30, and four years ago at $8.16
Hog receipts:
Mouth to date
l-ast year
Increase XtgOS
Year to date $6,710
Las( year 7j,m
Increase 32.6l
Mesdmnes Hen and Admin Itiilh
erford and Mrs I'oRiie entertained
tlietiood will Club at Mrs. Men Hulh
erford's home Silunlay, April Mh,
from I lo p. m Tho afternoon
was (nken up lu the itudv of Domes
tic Science, IVf'sdntiieH Draper, PoRite,
(llenn. llutherford, 1:111 and I'litcii
lending The Invited guests were
Mrs Win Lees a: il Vrs Andy Lack
ey Itefi-.-shnieut i acre served and
club adjourned to meet with Mrs.
I'ogue, April 22. This meeting Is cs
peciall) for the children of the club
and ..'II he nn Faster meeting with
an Faster programme. Mrs. Olenn,
Mrs Dell Stoner nnd Mrs Adrgln
Kulherforil ore the committee on ar
rangements ,
For Kent House now occupied by
W II Laxsnn V. B. Staples. l:tf
For rent 5 room cottsge,
Iswn, trees ami garden spot
Hillilin. I. M4J.
WW a V
i. sjp ml
"' '1
vjsaaaas. a afl W'
The ubove Is a photo of James J.
Donegan. of Hums, who has a card ill
another column, announcing him
self as a candidate for )olnl represen
tative. Mr Donegal! has been a resident of
Harney count for I lie pust 27 yeai.i
ami s well acquainted with the needs
of the district and If elected promises
to work for the best interests of
Result Obtains In Chloage Would
Pleas Any On.
A few of the things sccoinpllshed for
Chicago by the clean up cflinpslgn
Hclied kis p (he street clean, protec
tion of the trees, buck nml front yards
kept In gno.1 order. pi-Ires hnvlnr lieen Drnlngae, Irrigation, llural
offered for the greatest Improvement Kd.icstlon
ml best results, ki pi dirt out of
'.ch'Hils nml iiiinlc the lion klllne their
shoe, wbi h has beet, au lm entlve I"
keep I he u-s "f -t clothe I 'iMiicr
l:e t the l.iilhllii-s from being defaced
sud fence nuii Led wilh cLalk, e(.
dower boxes were used In the Innl
lies districts ami shrubs ami Isjwsjfj
planted eiervwheie prole, tlou to .it. In ..Is a, id "III' I hltu cMwlile
"i bohsg Injured Dsaaj glkm puved
In..!. en fciim mended, old shacks torn ,e the war
down or hi aiteil innl piilntcil enrol, ed
(he and oplllli.u law ami playground
weic cresli il
He l.i-.s been' assessor . r
the past eight years and fsvors I he
and tax limitation Isws, m.
Iclleves his experience will en .i
hiiu lo have law passed that will
improve the tax law of the state.
Il lake all kinds of mutts to make
a world, including the ones who in
hale a few drink and set out lo set-
.( III
Of course, mother, you don't wuiit
, our own dear boy to be a soldier
Send your neighbor's brat. Instead
The wise man listens wheu other
talk, but the fool gabble on whether
i hey listeu or not
Some war, you bel. But the old
world still shuffle aloug al Us (line
honored Jog
And yet another weak of those
golden dreams has passed Into nothingness.
If you would like lo kuow your
neighbor's true opinion of yourself
ask his kid.
Ii we keep right on ratiug this
as a good town others will soon be
ditnking us we do. Ulve 'er auotlier
Hut, then, three good meals a day
are belter thuu hardtack and hill
Those who expect harmony lu the
ilcuincrallc pur(y seem to doubt that
W. J. Hi van will be as strong for
peace at St lxuls, as he Is for peace
iu Kurope.
v.e cougrutulate
Week of life.
you on another
Oram! Duke Niok's record in Hie
Asia Minors certainly ought to be
good for a recall to Hie big league
That presidential plum is looking
mighty big and Juicy to the horde of
hungry patriots squatting beneath
the tree
Yepr We are a couliirmed advo
cate of preparedness - for the Sunday
Sympathy may be all right in Its
place, but It's a poor substitute for
beefsteak if a man is hungry
After Villa, who next?
A new creation in tan calf skin,
white buckskin, patent kid, plain
calf skin; white leather soles and
rubber heels. A shoe of solid com
fort. We have a pair for you.
Dependable Footwear and Hoisery